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Messages - big sponge

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Nut jobs shouldnt be let in high positions like that

Brah, lawyer isn't exactly a high position. Anyone with a degree can be one.

OT: This would be a violation of the US constitution so even in the near impossible event that it would pass it would end up being over turned.

Almost as stupid as that "split California into seven states" gerrymandering scheme.

So is Rome 2 definitely sorted now then? >_>

I won't be getting it until I get a new PC but it's better now right?



The Flood / Re: Official Trailer 3 - Frieza's New Form
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:33:14 AM »
I was expecting him to have a transformation like Zarbon and Cooler. When they go stronger they transform into some type of form. Zarbon looked more bulky and Cooler has a new form. A transformation would go perfectly with Frieza since he was based around it. This SSJ wannabe thing of his is just lazy.

Also does anybody else find those Japanese voices extremely annoying? I can tolerate most languages but Japanese is one of the most annoying ones. Everyone in that video sounds like a whiny bitch.

I dare you to say Jouji Nakata has a whiny voice.

The Flood / Re: Official Trailer 3 - Frieza's New Form
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:02:28 AM »
>idolshit song

God damnit

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:35:28 AM »
They should have done this. Looks WAY more intimidating and less faggy too

Or this one even
I'm sorry but those both look super faggy to me.

Here's your fan fiction LC

Pretty much on the same level. The second might be passable though.
He's supposed to shed layers though, that was the point of Frieza's transformations. They were forms that repressed his powers. I like the idea of his natural form being so unadorned and ergonomic.

Cooler had one more form than Frieza and it was essentially an armored version of the final form so it looks like it fits.

I'd rather have something else though or just no new transformation altogether.
Cooler ran in the face of canon. Whoever wrote it didn't understand/didn't find it profitable to understand the transformation process of Frieza's people.

Toriyama designed Cooler.
Then he didn't find it profitable. Toriyama got told what to do a lot over the course of the original DBZ tenure. Piccolo was originally going to be Majiin, ect ect.

Brah, it's more like Toriyama doesn't give a shit. He stopped giving a shit about canon after the saiyan saga. That's why the plot is riddled with holes and inconsistencies.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:24:17 AM »
They should have done this. Looks WAY more intimidating and less faggy too

Or this one even
I'm sorry but those both look super faggy to me.

Here's your fan fiction LC

Pretty much on the same level. The second might be passable though.
He's supposed to shed layers though, that was the point of Frieza's transformations. They were forms that repressed his powers. I like the idea of his natural form being so unadorned and ergonomic.

Cooler had one more form than Frieza and it was essentially an armored version of the final form so it looks like it fits.

I'd rather have something else though or just no new transformation altogether.
Cooler ran in the face of canon. Whoever wrote it didn't understand/didn't find it profitable to understand the transformation process of Frieza's people.

Toriyama designed Cooler.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:20:00 AM »
They should have done this. Looks WAY more intimidating and less faggy too

Or this one even
I'm sorry but those both look super faggy to me.

Here's your fan fiction LC

Pretty much on the same level. The second might be passable though.
He's supposed to shed layers though, that was the point of Frieza's transformations. They were forms that repressed his powers. I like the idea of his natural form being so unadorned and ergonomic.

Cooler had one more form than Frieza and it was essentially an armored version of the final form so it looks like it fits.

I'd rather have something else though or just no new transformation altogether.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:09:55 AM »
They should have done this. Looks WAY more intimidating and less faggy too

Or this one even
I'm sorry but those both look super faggy to me.

Here's your fan fiction LC

Pretty much on the same level. The second might be passable though.

The Flood / Re: My fucking sides
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:01:38 AM »

Gaming / Re: Oh my god, Dom is dead!
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:51:59 AM »
Meh, he barely had more of a character than Marcus.

The Flood / Re: >spring boob squire pants
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:48:08 AM »
F is for friends who do stuff together

Are you feeling it now Mr Krabs



We know you don't get anything.

The Flood / Re: hey floodies
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:27:07 AM »

We got some cool new members.


Off the top of my head


Go home naggerman.
Now next to their name put a little reason why they're cool. Cause I haven't seen anything from them.

Luci - Nasufag = instacool

Incan- Seems to be a knowledgeable and chill dude

Vazakam - He's probably the one I've seen the least of, but from what I've seen he's just another chill guy

Cindy - rekt shit in a serious

Azure - Generally makes good posts and helps tease Tru

CK - Played with him in the game night, just a cool dude to hang and play shit with

The Flood / Re: hey floodies
« on: March 03, 2015, 12:47:09 AM »

We got some cool new members.


Off the top of my head


Go home naggerman.

The Flood / Re: hey floodies
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:05:51 PM »
Kinder was perma'd for doxxing people.

We got some cool new members.

We lost a couple old ones.


This guy can and will fuck your day.

But that boss is super easy.

...if you have the precision of a machine.

Not even man. My 10 year old self was able to beat him no problem.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:40:26 PM »
You honestly expected something else?

I expected either a buffer current form or a cooler rip off.

Not let's just make him gold instead of white.
But LC

People get stronger when they become blonde.

That mother fucker is bald.
Right. Or is he just covered in tiny microscopic white hair?

I'm pretty sure he's some sort of freaky lizard man.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:38:16 PM »
Didn't he die, like, thirteen years ago?

What's-his-face cut him in half after they all got back to Earth from Piccolo's planet, right?

A couple of his mooks find the dragon balls and wish him back to life. He then trains for the first time in his life so he can become strong enough to beat Goku.

I'm hoping there's some sort of Eye of the Tiger training montage.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:31:33 PM »
You honestly expected something else?

I expected either a buffer current form or a cooler rip off.

Not let's just make him gold instead of white.
But LC

People get stronger when they become blonde.

That mother fucker is bald.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:25:30 PM »
You honestly expected something else?

I expected either a buffer current form or a cooler rip off.

Not let's just make him gold instead of white.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:13:49 PM »
But really. Super excited. Frieza is my favourite.
yeah this form looks cool as hell. cant wait to see how much stronger he is.

It's a fan fiction tier pallet swap....
I'm the most critical person I know. I need things that I like. I like DBZ. I just don't question it. And I don't read fan fiction, so I wouldn't know about comparisons like that.

You don't have to read fan fiction to know that most of it is asspie tier.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:01:50 PM »
But really. Super excited. Frieza is my favourite.
yeah this form looks cool as hell. cant wait to see how much stronger he is.

It's a fan fiction tier pallet swap....

The Flood / So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:43:28 PM »

They just dipped him in gold paint.

Talk about disappointing.

Luke would be considered gray by the old Jedi Order if you still consider the EU canon.

Gaming / Re: On the subject of MOBAS
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:17:16 PM »
I dropped League when it went full casual.

Kind of burnt out on MOBAs too. The genre hasn't really evolved at all over the last 15 years.

This feels oddly similar to a youtube comment chain I'm currently trolling in. Apparently atheists get upset when you tell them God made them wrong just to send them to Hell lol
you're telling them god made them retarded lol

You should see this comment chain, it's too good. I don't know how they haven't picked up on my trolling yet, this is too easy.


It's youtube.

LC pls

Don't downplay my youtube fun :(

These are the people who gave Pewdiepie 240k likes on facebook because he said he had just drank some milk.

This feels oddly similar to a youtube comment chain I'm currently trolling in. Apparently atheists get upset when you tell them God made them wrong just to send them to Hell lol
you're telling them god made them retarded lol

You should see this comment chain, it's too good. I don't know how they haven't picked up on my trolling yet, this is too easy.


It's youtube.

Serious / Re: Missouri officials sue their own residents.
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:32:18 PM »
The case may be redonk, but your source is a pile of shit.


This guy can and will fuck your day.

But that boss is super easy.

Gaming / Re: Official: Gears of War Thread
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:35:29 PM »
But they lowered the skill gap immensely by adding in starting weapons that take no skill to use while still out preforming the ones that do which basically thew the competitive aspect of the game into the garbage bin.
The Retro Lancer and Sawed-Off? I can completely agree on that, as can most Gears fans. I am pretty sure those will not be returning, and if they do, not as starting weapons.

Oh sweet jesus finally someone from that agrees. I remember when Gears 3 first came out people were denying that the DBS was OP even after I was showing off that video where the DBS out ranged the gnasher and still instagibbed with its 180 degree death cone.

I always use the Hammerburst and the Gnasher.

As you should. o7

Gaming / Re: Official: Gears of War Thread
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:01:29 PM »
The one thing Gears 3 did right though was horde.
And the gameplay. The gameplay from Gears 1 was clunky as fuck. The gameplay in Gears 2 was slower. The gameplay in Gears 3 was smooth and the cover and vaulting mechanics were refined. All three games had exceptional multiplayer maps. The maps are one of the greatest thing about the series.

But they lowered the skill gap immensely by adding in starting weapons that take no skill to use while still out preforming the ones that do which basically thew the competitive aspect of the game into the garbage bin.

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