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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 235236237 238239 ... 394
The Flood / Re: 4chan greentext stories are the worst
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:11:44 PM »
>be me
>be readin this thread
>he hates green text stories
>he doesn't think they're cool
>mfw I have no face

we need Dark Souls: Pajama Sam Edition.

Because teaching children that they can take a stick of butter from the kitchen and lube themselves up with it to fit under a door is good wholesome education.


Machines will ways be enslaved to the will of their organic masters.

Gaming / Re: PLay Battlefront first with EA Access
« on: April 14, 2015, 08:04:50 PM »
So do people not remember that the reason EA Access isn't on the PS4 is because Sony wouldn't allow it?  With only MS allowing it on their platform it was bound to be "exclusive" to Xbox for a short while. I'm not sure why people are upset with EA or MS when this is in Sony's lap.
It's still bullshit that shouldn't be going on. Unless a game is taking longer to build like with GTA 5 on the PC or the developer want to get the console version out first. A multiplat game should have the same release date for the platforms it's coming out on.

But it would be coming out on the PS4 early too if Sony allowed the EA Access program on their platform. This isn't some sort of exclusivity deal, this is all because Sony made decided to make a decision for their customers and say that they didn't want EA Access on their platform. Instead of getting angry at MS or EA you should be getting mad at Sony. They're the ones who are saying their customers shouldn't be getting early access to EA titles through an optional subscription program. Not EA or MS.
It's still bad because of greed. There's making money and there's making money. Look at the expansion packs for Morrowind and the one for Oblivion. They truly felt like added content to the game because of what they were. They weren't some bullshit like Dragonborn one for Skyrim that has content that should have been in the game from the start. Gears of War 3 is even worse. The first map pack is already on the game. They were charging you twice for something you already bought. My point is that early access is as bad as hold back DLC. A game's release date shouldn't be bought.

Ok, but none of that has anything to do with the fact that neither MS or EA have some sort of exclusivity deal and that early access to big titles is one of many perks to the EA Access program. A program that Sony denied their customers the option of opting into.

And why shouldn't a publisher have these sort of incentives for using their services? Do you also hate it when devs give early access to those who pre-order their games?

I'm not a EA Access member so I'll be playing the game on the same day as everyone else. You don't see me getting all up in arms over a multiplatform title being released a few days later on my platform of choice though.

This is basically the same as Bloodborne being released 5 days earlier in the US and Dark souls 2 being released 5 days earlier in the UK. It's a non issue.

Gaming / Re: PLay Battlefront first with EA Access
« on: April 14, 2015, 05:32:27 PM »
So do people not remember that the reason EA Access isn't on the PS4 is because Sony wouldn't allow it?  With only MS allowing it on their platform it was bound to be "exclusive" to Xbox for a short while. I'm not sure why people are upset with EA or MS when this is in Sony's lap.
It's still bullshit that shouldn't be going on. Unless a game is taking longer to build like with GTA 5 on the PC or the developer want to get the console version out first. A multiplat game should have the same release date for the platforms it's coming out on.

But it would be coming out on the PS4 early too if Sony allowed the EA Access program on their platform. This isn't some sort of exclusivity deal, this is all because Sony made decided to make a decision for their customers and say that they didn't want EA Access on their platform. Instead of getting angry at MS or EA you should be getting mad at Sony. They're the ones who are saying their customers shouldn't be getting early access to EA titles through an optional subscription program. Not EA or MS.

This is really old. Polygon is just reporting on this?

News / Re: New Ninja
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:47:30 PM »
Now THIS is favoritism on LC's part.

I think there are other people who could've been a mod as they've shown they're active in the community and capable.

I actually wasn't even part of the discussion when this took place since my computer was out of commission and when it was up and running a couple days later all I did was post various activity charts for people to compare to and make their own decisions. Cheat asked me for my opinions via pm and I sent them to him (in which only a single sentence related to her). I actually hadn't even seriously considered her as a mod until I went around getting a pulse on people and was a bit surprised to find out that there were several users who thought she's be good (in fact she appeared the most out of the people I asked).

Comet is just as active as some other mods and she has the right personality for the job in my opinion.

Here's my post in HQ informing the rest of the staff that I'm going to be gone for a while.

Here's part of the PM sent to me by Cheat because I never got Skype running on my phone.

As you can see I wasn't even around for the conversation.

The Flood / Re: Do people take photos of you?
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:12:22 PM »
Occasionally, can't say I'm a fan of it. Use to happen all the time when one of my co-workers was trying to get me to hook up with one of her friends.

News / Re: New Ninja
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:53:42 AM »
Now THIS is favoritism on LC's part.

I think there are other people who could've been a mod as they've shown they're active in the community and capable.

I actually wasn't even part of the discussion when this took place since my computer was out of commission and when it was up and running a couple days later all I did was post various activity charts for people to compare to and make their own decisions. Cheat asked me for my opinions via pm and I sent them to him (in which only a single sentence related to her). I actually hadn't even seriously considered her as a mod until I went around getting a pulse on people and was a bit surprised to find out that there were several users who thought she's be good (in fact she appeared the most out of the people I asked).

Comet is just as active as some other mods and she has the right personality for the job in my opinion.

Gaming / Re: PLay Battlefront first with EA Access
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:11:01 AM »
So do people not remember that the reason EA Access isn't on the PS4 is because Sony wouldn't allow it?  With only MS allowing it on their platform it was bound to be "exclusive" to Xbox for a short while. I'm not sure why people are upset with EA or MS when this is in Sony's lap.

The Flood / Re: Sensitive Babies of The Internet
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:47:37 PM »
The sand people did nothing wrong.

Tatooine is for the Tuskans. Filthy xenos go home.

The Flood / Re: Your son tells you hes a homosexual
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:32:55 PM »
Give zero shits.

Gaming / Re: So this guy decided to trash-talk me after a game of MCC
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:10:27 PM »
Trash talk is the reason that Halo is the best. I love getting hate mail after steam rolling a game.

Gaming / Re: lolBungie
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:02:20 PM »
Sorta like how Planetside 2 ended up, but that was more from the community and type of people playing it... The game was polished, but the community is literally cancer. (yes, I realize it's not literally cancer, all you fellow grammar nazis)

You are my favorite new user.

If there are any they haven't been repeated on here.

The Flood / Re: Some Mexican tried to fight me at work today
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:26:32 PM »
It's just a goddamn rain check, ya fuckin Kalifornja fucks.

But Nick doesn't live in California.

A transsexual Human to Rhodian trans-xeno who believes that deep down inside he's really an Ewok.

We do have a guy in the canon who has Rodian skin grafts now...


A transsexual Human to Rhodian trans-xeno who believes that deep down inside he's really an Ewok.


Ok so there's no actual evidence and it's "connect the dots, the numbers mason, what do they mean?".

There is. First, there was no justifiable reason for covering up the true cause of the attack. Second, the attack coincided with the height of the election, posing a serious threat to President Obama's chances of being reelected. The actual story was suppressed for several weeks, effectively removing it from the general spotlight.

You're more than welcome to deny that this is why the coverup happened. All I'm doing is rebutting the claims that the administration did nothing wrong and that there was no scandal, both of which are obviously, demonstrably incorrect. It doesn't matter anymore. If it was an attempt to shift blame from the administration, they succeeded, and there's no legal repercussions to be had. It is still a highly legitimate criticism of Clinton.

But you're not providing evidence and are just saying "connect the dots". Also you not accepting the given reason as "legitimate" doesn't mean it's not legitimate. However I see you're hellbent on this narrative so there's no reason in trying to continue this conversation.


Ok so there's no actual evidence and it's "connect the dots, the numbers mason, what do they mean?".

I'd also call Patraeus saying that the terrorist references were scrubbed in order to not tip off the terrorist organizations of just how much we knew of them to be a valid justification.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.
The scandal was the fact that for several weeks, at the height of an election, the administration refused to reveal that the attack was a legitimate terrorist attack, instead blaming it on a riot that went out of control as a result of some video. In reality, as Clinton says, they knew within hours that it was a coordinated terrorist attack. They feared that making it public would make the Obama administration appear incompetent and swing the election against him.

Shit, at least Nixon's guys just stole some tapes. They didn't lie about the circumstances of four dead Americans and the razing of an embassy.

You mean the "leaked" information that Johnathan Karl reported on without vetting his source that only the conservative news outlets still tout as fact? I'd also like a quote on Hillary saying she covered up Benghazi for political purposes due to the fact that Patraeus was testifying that the reason for scrubbing the terrorist references was to avoid tipping off various terrorist organizations of how much we knew about them and how well we were tracking them.

Her actually admitting to covering it up for political purposes would be incredibly massive and all over every major news station instead of being parroted on far right wing blogs and "news" websites with no actual quotes to back them up.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.

Uh, are you retarded? Benghazi happened.

That doesn't mean it was somehow Obama and Hillary's fault, which multiple government and independent inquires have confirmed it wasn't after pouring over the evidence.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.

The Flood / Re: Who are your sep7agon best friends?
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:22:55 PM »
You may now commence the jerking.

i swear we have one of these every other week

The Flood / Re: Official Aluminum Thread
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:05:56 PM »
Another classic case where the English decide to change the name of something and then get mad when Americans and Canadians tell them to sod off.

The Flood / Re: I have failed.
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:48:06 PM »
I'd probably be more enthusiastic if my CPU wasn't fucked and I had to use this phone until I get a new one.

I get that she's a terrible choice but every time I hear the word Benghazi I just switch off. Beating a dead horse doesn't even cut it at this point.

Benghazi was a big deal though and not be discounted. There's no dead horsing about it
Sure, but banging on about it relentlessly after god knows how many tribunals have found no wrongdoing is dead horsing it.

No Psy you don't understand. It doesn't matter if multiple government and independent reviews went through everything with a fine toothed comb.

Obama and Hillary are at fault and were the cause of everything that went wrong.

Gaming / Re: Nintendumb goes full retard yet again
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:26:04 PM »
i really detest the term "squeaker" by the way
kids are annoying as fuck, sure, but i've never really heard any of them "squeak"

Clearly you've never played Halo 3 customs before the days of party chat in a lobby with multiple prepubescent British schoolboys that insist on signing.

Gaming / Re: Which console is better?
« on: April 12, 2015, 10:48:02 AM »
So I'm going to be a nob gobbler and be the guy who gives a legit answer to a troll thread.

Go with whatever console you have the most friends on or has more games that suit your personal tastes.

Tech wise both are outdated so if power is the most important thing to you you should go with PC.

That would be a clusterfuck. I hope it stays 8v8.

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