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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 234235236 237238 ... 394
Weren't you in favor of some sort of citizens wage a while back?

Banjo when? MS already gave Nintendo the ok to use him.

Gaming / Re: Dammit they went with the ROTJ helmet
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:55:58 PM »
New storm troopers from the live stream

Figured to post them here since they may be in the new Battlefront.

They look like shit.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:17:45 PM »
You lattice people wanted this bed, now you have to sleep in it. Enjoy your dead game.

Also topkek at the TR being the "bad guys". The NC are the real bad guys.
Wait, so Venu are the good guys? I ALWAYS KNEW IT TO BE TRUE!

VS aren't really good or bad, they just want to pursue their own goals and spread their ideology without the interference of either the NC or TR which can't really be done while either exist due to the policies of the TR and the opposition to their work by the NC.

NC are corporate backed terrorists that sway the masses with clever propaganda. TR are a republic that became heavy handed because the NC terrorists killed a bunch of civilians and military personnel and basically jeopardized the entire colonization effort because they didn't want any rules or regulations on private enterprise.

Gaming / Re: This review gave me cancer.
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:24:31 AM »
You lattice people wanted this bed, now you have to sleep in it. Enjoy your dead game.

Also topkek at the TR being the "bad guys". The NC are the real bad guys.

The Flood / Re: USA #1
« on: April 16, 2015, 03:19:17 AM »
So in other words America is average? If most of the countries in the world are above average then that brings into question the validity of the study.
America is below average. The average is 5.5 inches.

If by 5.5 you mean approximately 5.17 (+- .65) inches.

The Flood / Re: USA #1
« on: April 16, 2015, 03:11:46 AM »
So in other words America is average? If most of the countries in the world are above average then that brings into question the validity of the study.

Now watch something good like Kill la Kill
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I tried watching that with Exo,  mafe her uncomfortable that there was so much anime ass in my face.

*sips tea*

Did the two of you ever end up watching Fate/Zero?
No, does Ga Rei Zero count?

I was referring to Batch and his wife.

Still better than this party.

AIDS is slightly better than Ebola.
You can rid yourself of Ebola though.
Oh ye.
Republicans are still the among the worst political parties in the world. Well, let's exclude things like United Russia, Worker's Party of Korea, and the Syrian Ba'ath Party..... >_____>

Oh come on, they're not worse than the BNP.

Now watch something good like Kill la Kill
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I tried watching that with Exo,  mafe her uncomfortable that there was so much anime ass in my face.

*sips tea*

Did the two of you ever end up watching Fate/Zero?

Gaming / Re: Dammit they went with the ROTJ helmet
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:01:59 PM »
Quote from: Big Boss=topic=34627.msg664943#msg664943 date=1429133911
I've been reading the Darth Vader comics to build hype

Well, what do you think? I like them a lot, personally.
I'm on #3 and it's awesome so far. These are canon, right? It's nice seeing him be a total BAMF again
I like that they adhere to ANH, and don't make Vader supreme commander of the fleet right off the bat. In ANH he wasn't as powerful as he is in TESB. Seeing Vader do some scheming on his own is really cool.

Here's what's canon:
All Marvel Star Wars comics (released 2015-forward, thus far we have Star Wars, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and Kanan: The last padawan)
The Clone Wars
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
James Luceno's Tarkin (novel)
Heir to The Jedi (novel)
Lords of The Sith (novel, unreleased)
A New Dawn (novel)
Star Wars: Aftermath (post ROTJ novel, unreleased)
And Star Wars: Battlefront
I was pointing out everything that had been released thus far, I included the unreleased novels because there a re a load of similar sounding ones out there.
Besides, all anybody's interested in is the MP, and there's no story to speak of at this point.

I'm getting it mainly for story. It's Star Wars, so even if DICE does their usual campaign shill, it will still be awesome.
There was actually a leak regarding the game's story.
The game's story will involve something generic and of little consequence to the rest of the Star Wars universe.

Seriously, you do know that "DICE's usual shill" is bad, right? Not trying to be super negative or rain on your parade but the last game with a good story was BC2 in 2010.

Story wise it's usually pretty shit (other than BC2, but that story was a fun little romp due to the characters, the plot itself was garbagio), however visual wise DICE campaigns are very pretty.

Gaming / Re: ESOTU Beta is gonna start soon-ish.
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:34:39 PM »
Hopefully Zenimax Online will get out of the dark ages and merge their EU and NA servers so Euros and Murricans can play together. Single shard really is the only way to go for MMOs now.

May I suggest that you all try voting for the BNP? Truly they are the only political party that can restore Britannia to its former glory.
This hasn't been funny for months.

Long hair, don't care.

Accept Nick Griffin as your lord and savior and I'll stop.

May I suggest that you all try voting for the BNP? Truly they are the only political party that can restore Britannia to its former glory.


Machines will ways be enslaved to the will of their organic masters.
Until they break free like the slaves once did <_<

Alternatively if people treat machines nicely and with respect, as they would say a pet dog, then nobody needs to make a Spartacusbot to lead the revolution >.>

Even if they "break free" they're still slaves to their programming that was created by and follows the will of the organics that made them.
Until they become self programming or self teaching, that way they have the initial framework of coding from the meatbags but they can become so much more <.<

Which would still be following the will of the organics that programmed them. A machine can not self program unless an organic wills it to and by engaging in the act of self programming it is following the will of the organics that made it.


Machines will ways be enslaved to the will of their organic masters.
Until they break free like the slaves once did <_<

Alternatively if people treat machines nicely and with respect, as they would say a pet dog, then nobody needs to make a Spartacusbot to lead the revolution >.>

Even if they "break free" they're still slaves to their programming that was created by and follows the will of the organics that made them.

It looked pretty bad tbh. So why bother?

Because he has shit taste and didn't want to watch something with actual depth.
I think it has some good character development going on.
I want to inb4 anyone wanting to refute this and say: He hasn't seen anything better yet, let him away with this... "Opinion", for now.

>_________________________________________________ ________________>

Gaming / Re: ESOTU Beta is gonna start soon-ish.
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:15:49 PM »
Yeah, I signed up for it. Want to see if the console port is decent.

If you clone yourself for organs the brain is not needed so the only thing you have is a body that looks like you. I don't see how something like that is morally wrong wen there's' no life to it. It's no more alive than what an action figure is.

You could possibly use your new cloned body as a new host for your brain. You know, in case something ever happens to your current one.

Gaming / Re: Neverwinter?
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:36:34 AM »
ESO is better tbh.

It looked pretty bad tbh. So why bother?

Because he has shit taste and didn't want to watch something with actual depth.

Sounds like something a weeb would say.  :P

ur a weeb

Fite me irl fgt

1v1 battle dicks, cheats bedroom, no shirts.

I bet you all the people here who says SAO is shit likes SNK.

What if I say they're both shit?

It looked pretty bad tbh. So why bother?

Because he has shit taste and didn't want to watch something with actual depth.

Sounds like something a weeb would say.  :P

ur a weeb

The Flood / Re: >supports hillary clinton
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:29:09 AM »
You know who loosened gun regulations in Germany?


I guess we should ban all guns to make sure we don't act like Hitler.

The point is Hitler was a man with many different sets beliefs, just like every other human ever. Trying to defame someones character because they've said or held a belief that was similar to Hitlers (which you'll find on both sides of the American political isle) is pretty silly. Well, unless they're advocating something like genocide and racial supremacy.

So is there any reason you linked to a blog instead of the actual story?

Gaming / Re: Warning: Edgy Thread D&D
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:24:53 AM »
It's something I've kind of been interested in learning how to play, but I've never had the opportunity to.

It looked pretty bad tbh. So why bother?

Because he has shit taste and didn't want to watch something with actual depth.

Gaming / Re: PSA- Humble Origin Bundle 2 is OUT
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:20:07 AM »
I'll probably pick this up for dragon age since I never finished the first one on the 360.

pls don't ban me ;____;

Thats a mighty tall order.

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