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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:14:05 PM »
Was your car completely worn out, or just tired?

The tires were worn out.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:12:42 PM »
When and how did you become a Lord?

I was born one.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:11:29 PM »
Give me your bratwurst.

That's not a question.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:09:57 PM »


That's not a question shitlord.
Neither was that.

You're supposed to be the one asking the questions here.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:09:07 PM »
Is trupai lewd

Depends on how he's feeling.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:08:28 PM »

No, but that doesn't stop Yutaka from trying to bed me.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:07:30 PM »
Did you break down in a foggy town?

No, it's routine maintenance.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:06:47 PM »
Why did verb defeat you in that one thread?

Defeat me in what? He defeated me in something, but it certainly wasn't knowledge of the English language.

The Flood / Re: Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:00:56 PM »


That's not a question shitlord.

The Flood / Waiting for my tires to be replaced. AMA
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:55:33 AM »
Yes I'm bored enough to make one of these stupid and overdone threads.

Superman is the most boring super hero of all time.
lol get a load of this nigger
He's correct. Superman is just so bland and boring.
Except that he isn't if you actually payed attention to his character.

Superman is the most boring super hero of all time.
lol get a load of this nigger

Plasticman is more interesting than Superman.

Superman is the most boring super hero of all time.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

I saw those on Brits when I was in London. At least California is in the same country.
It's so fucking stupid.... >______________<

Never noticed those people actually last time I was in London.

Maybe it was just a weird time of year. I also ran into what I can only describe as "Ameriboos" hanging out in front of a bar dressed up as their favorite American super heroes and trying their best to fake American accents.
Which parts of London were you in? I barely saw any of that when I was there.

But it should hardly be surprisingly since British people seem to have a boner for the US...

Central London.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

I saw those on Brits when I was in London. At least California is in the same country.
It's so fucking stupid.... >______________<

Never noticed those people actually last time I was in London.

Maybe it was just a weird time of year. I also ran into what I can only describe as "Ameriboos" hanging out in front of a bar dressed up as their favorite American super heroes and trying their best to fake American accents.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

I saw those on Brits when I was in London. At least California is in the same country.

The Flood / Re: we're arguing about irony now
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:31:49 PM »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ok Verby. If it makes you feel better.

If true it seems to be pretty interesting.

However 100s of planets to land on makes me think of ME1 style copy-paste for planets.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:25:57 PM »
I never used the word irony correctly.

Well at least you admit it.

You displayed your ignorance over what irony is
By explaining to you exactly what it is.

You think that it's ironic if a professional driver dies in a car crash.
Because it is if you're not over thinking it in an attempt to nit pick. Someone who is trained on defensive driving and has hundreds of hours of professional driving experience behind them is someone who is not expected to die in a car crash. It's like a lifeguard drowning in a pool.

That's breath-taking ignorance.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:01:38 PM »
over think a simple example
Kinda like you in the very beginning, huh?

You lose.

Well umm

You see you never gave a simple example for me to over think. You just told me I didn't know what irony was while using the word irony incorrectly. This is that last word thing that you always do again though so I'm not sure why I even bothered to type this up.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:48:19 PM »
A professional driver dying in a car crash is irony
No, it isn't. It's COMPLETELY expected. "Professional" means that you do something for a living. If you drive for a LIVING, you are FAR MORE LIKELY to die in a car crash than the average bear.

I mean come the fuck on.

It would only be ironic if he was driving in a car that was built like a tank, so that he'd never die in a crash--and then he dies in a crash.


i think i know irony better than the person trying to teach me!

The fact that your only retort is to over think a simple example in an attempt to nitpick speaks volumes. However at this point all you're really doing is looking to have the last word so I guess this conversation is over.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:49:09 PM »
You're convieniently ignoring the defining characteristic of intent. Whether or not you believe that a person who's very outspoken on what they don't like intentionally mocking something they don't like is unexpected or not is secondary.

Of course not everything that's unexpected is irony. For example coincidence (something that's often mistaken for irony) isn't.

To give a couple well known examples to illustrate the difference.

A professional driver dying in a car crash is irony, two baseball payers from the same home town playing against eachother and having the same jersey number is coincidence.

Being opposite of expectation is not the same as being unexpected.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:13:18 PM »
Here's the thing the defining characteristic between irony and sarcasm is one is deliberate while the other is unintentional. Which is why for your comment to be ironic you would have had to have been sarcastically mocking the notion of post count mattering while you honestly believed that post count mattered.

You intentionally mocking the notion of people giving a shit about post count is entirely expected since it's fairly well known that you don't care. Therefore you are not acting counter to expectations since the expectation is that you would mock the people who think it matters.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:44:30 PM »
Sarcasm can make use of irony, but it is not irony.

Intentionally ridiculing an expression or idea is sarcasm. You are not honestly saying that post count matters and therefore are not being ironic. You ridiculing the idea is par for the course and not counter to expectations so therefore it falls under sarcasm.

i don't think you actually know anything

Ok see, this right here is ironic.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:28:46 PM »
>people giving a shit about post count
hence "this matters"

LC has no sense of irony

There's nothing ironic about Elegiac having the most posts and there's nothing ironic about me making a jab towards people who care about post count.

I think you're trying to say you were being sarcastic with your "this matters", but sarcasm isn't instant irony. There would have to be something ironic about you sarcastically saying that "this matters" for it to be ironic.

The Flood / Re: elegiac breaks byrne's post count
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:06:24 PM »
>people giving a shit about post count

Reminder that the Tuskans are defending their homeworld from invading hostile xenos and are therefore justified in trying to remove them from their world.

The Flood / Re: If you got parents
« on: April 19, 2015, 05:16:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fate stay night is the worst anime ever
« on: April 19, 2015, 04:38:13 PM »
But seriously fuck Fate/ and it's Archer Bias

Why do they hate Berzerker so much?
Why did they make Karya's name sound exactly like mine?
Why did they kill off Flandre?
How did Kiritsugu just die? He looked fine to me?
Why is the Archer class reserved for douchebags and faggots?
Why does the entire soundtrack sound the same?
What the fuck is with this Tousakha's anus meme?
How the fuck has there been no public reaction to this tounament that 9/11s entire cities every few years?

You're a secondary aren't you?

the hell does that even mean?

It means you've watched the anime and not read the source material. Somethings aren't your fault for not understanding, like Kerry's death and the covering up that the church and the mages association do because the anime doesn't really spell it out for secondaries and just kind of implies it. The anime really did a shit job of explaining that to people.

Kerry dies in the final scene of Fate/Zero after his discussion with Shirou about wanting to become a hero. He takes his last breath, remembers his conversation with Shirley, and then passes away. Angra Mainyu's curse wasn't just him spouting bullshit, he actually did curse Kerry and it had been eating away at him since then.

The only 9/11 type thing that happens is the Fuyuki fire at the end of Zero. The church and the mage's association cover it up and everyone ends up believing that it was basically a fire on the scale of the San Francisco one back in 1906.

Everything else is basically your personal opinion. Although I agree on the SN sound track. It goes well with what's on screen, but doesn't really stand on its own very well other than a couple tracks like "Rins Melody".

The Flood / Re: Fate stay night is the worst anime ever
« on: April 19, 2015, 03:34:39 PM »
But seriously fuck Fate/ and it's Archer Bias

Why do they hate Berzerker so much?
Why did they make Karya's name sound exactly like mine?
Why did they kill off Flandre?
How did Kiritsugu just die? He looked fine to me?
Why is the Archer class reserved for douchebags and faggots?
Why does the entire soundtrack sound the same?
What the fuck is with this Tousakha's anus meme?
How the fuck has there been no public reaction to this tounament that 9/11s entire cities every few years?

You're a secondary aren't you?

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