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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:19:16 AM »
I have boobs, horses and enough fish tanks in my bedroom to set up a paid aquarium.

and a few men here have boobs.

Are you gonna tell us who?

I can say I don't if that's what you're trying to imply.

The booby men will have to step forward themselves though if they want to make their man titts known.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:27:26 AM »
I have boobs, horses and enough fish tanks in my bedroom to set up a paid aquarium.

Isara, Comet, Azure, Kitsune, Luci, Cindy, and a few men here have boobs.

Slash has horses (he was raised by them).

The fish tanks thing I have no idea on.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:04:05 AM »
And a can of Halo 3 edition game fuel.
I dare you to drink it.

Dude, that thing is like 8 years old at this point.
Hence the dare.

I refuse. It's going to stay in my closet forever.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:51:35 AM »
And a can of Halo 3 edition game fuel.
I dare you to drink it.

Dude, that thing is like 8 years old at this point.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:44:31 AM »
A baseball signed by Vida Blue.

A physical copy of Neverwinter Nights.

And a can of Halo 3 edition game fuel.

Gaming / Re: Your reaction to me3's ending?
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:26:51 AM »
Honestly the ending isn't really bad at all with the Extended Cut. It really makes it a good ending and it doesn't deserve so much blind, ignorant hate. It could have been better, sure, but you can thank EA for rushing them and shoving the game out the door before it was totally complete.
It's just a different colour for each ending. Your choices don't matter in the slightest.
The only ending that isn't a copy of the others is the Deny option.

And that was basically Bioware giving it's fanbase the middle finger for not liking the ending.

Can't blame 'em, especially with EA breathing down their necks. They put in the work they can and then there's a huge uproar on something they've devoted so much time and effort towards? No doubt I'd probably do the same lol

If they honestly believed that an ending that broke just about every promise they made over the last 5 years and completely negated 3 games worth of decisions was going to go over well they deserved every ounce of shit they got for it.

Gaming / Re: Halfway through Halo 4 now.
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:07:07 AM »
Reach has the worst Halo campaign tbh.

The Flood / Re: What have you learned today?
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:27:14 PM »
That the OP is a pegboy.
if you want sex you only have to ask

Unfortunately for you I am neither a pirate or a peg.

The Flood / Re: What have you learned today?
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:23:56 PM »
That the OP is a pegboy.

Gaming / Re: Your reaction to me3's ending?
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:19:56 PM »
Honestly the ending isn't really bad at all with the Extended Cut. It really makes it a good ending and it doesn't deserve so much blind, ignorant hate. It could have been better, sure, but you can thank EA for rushing them and shoving the game out the door before it was totally complete.
It's just a different colour for each ending. Your choices don't matter in the slightest.
The only ending that isn't a copy of the others is the Deny option.

And that was basically Bioware giving it's fanbase the middle finger for not liking the ending.

The Flood / Re: What's a good show to watch
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:33:08 PM »
You missed the stream night, but we watched The Cat Returns. I had never seen it before and it ended up being one of my favorite Miyazaki movies.
Fuck you

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you I told you to tell me when you were going to stream again I hate you grandma


I forgot

The Flood / Re: What's a good show to watch
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:08:41 PM »
You missed the stream night, but we watched The Cat Returns. I had never seen it before and it ended up being one of my favorite Miyazaki movies.

Rose: July 30, 2014, 04:54:41 PM - July 30, 2014

haha what?

Rose was a guy who came here to harass people he didn't like. He and his 20-something alts were permad.


The Flood / Re: Retail Floodians, don't you love these customers?
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:41:51 PM »

Gaming / Re: Your reaction to me3's ending?
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:41:05 PM »
My favorite part was when the Rachni (a major plot point and decision of ME1) were relegated to bonus points and a short text blurb in ME3.

Oh, and how Kal Reegar  and Kelly were killed in an email.

What would you have wanted to happen? Show every single battle and death in the war?

And what about the whole rachni mission with Grunt?

No one is saying you have to show everything that happens, but if you're going to kill prominent characters off you should be doing it on screen.

You mean the thing that happens regardless of what you do in ME1 thus making that entire decision worthless? If you saved the queen in ME1 all you get are some bonus points and a text blurb by freeing her. If you killed her you have to kill the new queen too. Your decision litterally didn't matter beyond making you "feel good" as it plays almost no bearing on the war. Your decision in ME1 was pretty much meaningless.

If you didn't start the series from the beginning you don't really have a valid opinion on the whole debacle since you weren't along for a ride where 8 year old promises that had been talked about and hyped up by Boware were all broken and everything you did across all three games was ultimately meaningless via a shoehorned in deus ex machina.

Kal and kelly weren't all that prominent though.

And it kind of does. You kill the queen in Me1 the new queen betrays you in Me3 and you lose war assets. You save the queen and you have to decide in me3 if the krogan team or rachni would be better assets. A decision based on whether you trust the queen and morality and shit.

and i mean really. did you really think the galaxy had any chance against the reapers. of course it's going to come down to some sort of ultimate plot device to save the day

Kelly was a LI in ME2 and one of your main crew on the Normandy and Kal Reagar played a big role in the Quarian plot thread of ME2 and was a fan favorite. So yeah, they were kind of prominent.

The Rachni are nothing more than easily replaceable bonus points in a side mission that doesn't really impact ME3 at all.

And yeah, people did kind of expect there to be some sort of conventional victory considering that's what we spent the entire series preparing for. Not an all out win kind where everyone makes it out all hunky dory, but the kind where the amount of damage mitigated depended on your actions throughout the game. The crucible could have been fine too if it didn't rely on deus ex machina magic that upsets all of the themes and established conventions of the series and the game's universe. As it stands ME3's ending is basically nothing more than pick your favorite color since it's all the same and nothing you did throughout the series really matters in the end.

Gaming / Re: I feel like the only one who legitimately thinks...
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:22:28 PM »
I'm not really interested in the multiplayer since it's still not returning to the classic multiplayer, but I am interested in the campaign so I'll be getting it for that.

The Flood / Re: >people giving AoU 6/10 reviews
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:14:02 PM »
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that score was right on the mark. The first Avengers was pretty shitty too.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:12:16 AM »
Dustbin and Cam both get blacklisted. Today is a good day.
Cam got blacklisted yesterday technically. Cam is perma'd, and I have no idea how long Dustin's gone for.

Also perma'd unless cheat decides otherwise.

The Flood / Re: Only cowards use large weapons
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:41:05 AM »
Cu Chulainn could beat Guts in a fight and he doesn't have some silly oversized weapon.

Another thread gets destroyed by Verbatim's autism, what a surprise
That was days ago, just play with him now.

Still dunno how he isn't banned for derailment. But oh well

*sips tea*

Because discussing modding in a modding thread is still on topic.
Or his continual distaste for the topic.

*sips tea*

Him discussing his opinion on modding while in a thread about modding is still on topic no matter how wrong or uninformed you think it might be.

EDIT: upon rereading the OP it looks like this thread was supposed to be about an arma mod and not about modding in general. I'll be locking this due to derailment. If the op wants I can separate the offtopic stuff into a new thread and re open this one.

My bad I thought this was just a general mods are great thread.

Another thread gets destroyed by Verbatim's autism, what a surprise
That was days ago, just play with him now.

Still dunno how he isn't banned for derailment. But oh well

*sips tea*

Because discussing modding in a modding thread is still on topic.

The Flood / Re: tusken raiders are the moslems of star wars
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:15:54 PM »
More like their civilization was destroyed, their people enslaved, and their lush garden world turned to glass after an imperialistic alien empire came across them thousands of years ago.

Then a few thousand years later a bunch of xenos invaded their homeworld and claimed it for their own while killing their people on sight and taking whatever resources they could find.
Woah, is that their back story?


Well it was until Disney declared everything non-canon. KOTOR hints that the Tuskans might actually be related to humans in some way as well. Possibly they had a common ancestor or something before the Rakatan Empire enslaved them and the species diverged into the Jawa and the Tuskan.

The Flood / Re: tusken raiders are the moslems of star wars
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:55:13 PM »
More like their civilization was destroyed, their people enslaved, and their lush garden world turned to glass after an imperialistic alien empire came across them thousands of years ago.

Then a few thousand years later a bunch of xenos invaded their homeworld and claimed it for their own while killing their people on sight and taking whatever resources they could find.
Whoa there guy, you sound like a Tusken apologist.

Hey, you'd be telling xenos to fuck off too if every encounter you had with them lead to your people being killed, your natural resources taken, and your world being destroyed.

The Flood / Re: tusken raiders are the moslems of star wars
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:50:28 PM »
More like their civilization was destroyed, their people enslaved, and their lush garden world turned to glass after an imperialistic alien empire came across them thousands of years ago.

Then a few thousand years later a bunch of xenos invaded their homeworld and claimed it for their own while killing their people on sight and taking whatever resources they could find.

The Flood / Re: based mailman had delivered once again
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:41:49 PM »
Tax return.

The Flood / Re: Okay now I'm a little worried?
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:16:34 AM »
I'd like to point out that his point about mods being able to get away with anything was proven wrong the moment I gave Chronic his warning.

The Flood / Re: Okay now I'm a little worried?
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:11:29 AM »
For the sake of the people who legitimately have no idea I think an explanation from Cheat is fine.

The Flood / Re: Okay now I'm a little worried?
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:10:37 AM »
If you get banned for this I'm unbanning you. Cheat should be giving an answer shortly since it was his decision.

Fucking favoritism Nazi mods.

Is Batch a special teaflake now?

Yeah, because he sips tea.

Maybe if you sipped tea you'd get ban immunity too.

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