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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 201202203 204205 ... 394
The Flood / Re: NSFW Pepes thread
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:48:04 AM »
2. Graphic Content (Strict Moderation)
Sexual/Shock/Gore images and videos must remain in Anarchy only.
War Clips and Images, and similar graphic content with Political/Religious discussion value, must be posted in Serious with a clear NSFW tag in the title.
NSFW responses in safe-for-work (SFW) threads are not allowed, due to spoiler problems on Taptatalk
NSFW threads (including sex role-plays, sex stories, Cheerio threads, etc.) that do not include photos or videos are allowed in The Flood, so long as the thread is distinguished as being NSFW. Responses in these threads do not need to be in spoiler tags.

So I'm sitting here wondering why this wasn't locked. It hasn't been on topic for pages and has just been shit flinging for a while now

The Flood / Re: No mods online.
« on: June 22, 2015, 07:32:24 PM »
Locking this thread.

The Flood / Re: What happened to angry brute
« on: June 22, 2015, 05:45:56 PM »
Got a new job and doesn't have internet access at it. Also doesn't have internet access at his home or something. He use to do everything from his old place of work.

The Flood / Re: 2016 the year of video game movies?
« on: June 22, 2015, 04:52:48 PM »
They're all going to suck.
The fuck up with your negative bullshit

Video game movies bruh. I'm just being realistic here.

The Flood / Re: What is the best anime out there? Answer:
« on: June 22, 2015, 04:49:10 PM »
If we're going by sales it's One Piece.

If you're going by quality you're going to start some fights.

The Flood / Re: Oss, Cas, Tru and Byrne is the same person, right?
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:46:21 PM »
No, see the theory is I'm actually an alt of an admin.

Gaming / Re: No Man's Sky PC or PS4?
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:12:41 PM »
its also going to be on Xboner if you've already got one.
Really? I thought it wasn't gonna.

Two sites have said no Xbox One as far as they know, which is kind of strange considering two platforms have been confirmed.

No word yet on whether it will be available later on XBox One or other platforms.
as far as they know
strange considering two platforms have been confirmed

No Xbox is not the same as "no confirmation on other platforms".

Gaming / Re: No Man's Sky PC or PS4?
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:09:37 PM »
Elite: Dangerous is already out and you can play with friends unlike NMS.
Whoa, that looks cool.

Why are people hyping No man's sky and not that game?

A lack of buzzwords and Sony marketing machine. The only thing NMS has over Elite: Dangerous at the moment is landing on planets, but that's planned to come at a later date since they wanted to get an actual solid game out for people to play while they worked on trickier stuff like seamless transitions from space to land, getting out of your ship, FPS combat, walking around in your ship and space stations, et cetera.

Gaming / Re: No Man's Sky PC or PS4?
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:05:21 PM »
its also going to be on Xboner if you've already got one.
Really? I thought it wasn't gonna.

Two sites have said no Xbox One as far as they know, which is kind of strange considering two platforms have been confirmed.

No word yet on whether it will be available later on XBox One or other platforms.

Gaming / Re: No Man's Sky PC or PS4?
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:04:19 PM »
Elite: Dangerous is already out and you can play with friends unlike NMS.


The Flood / Re: 2016 the year of video game movies?
« on: June 22, 2015, 12:47:40 PM »
They're all going to suck.

The Flood / Re: I know why LC is an admin.
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:44:08 AM »
I use an iPhone too.

Cheat explain this bullshit.
Is it custom gold?

If I make it custom gold I can haz admin?
It couldn't hurt your chances.

Oh. So that's how it is. What else do I have to do? Suck your dick?

Is that what LC did? >_>
Everyone knows that sucking Cheat's wang is a basic requirement for any staff position.

I guess I better get to it then.
Please don't. I have a PayPal. You can make a donation there instead.
I didn't know this place took donations...

Never saw the button to donate.
I don't have one up yet. Most likely there will be one in the next update, since it is going to cost me cash money to do it.

Hope the next update doesn't break any userstyle scripts...
It will absolutely break them. >:(
I use an iPhone too.

Cheat explain this bullshit.
Is it custom gold?

If I make it custom gold I can haz admin?
It couldn't hurt your chances.

Oh. So that's how it is. What else do I have to do? Suck your dick?

Is that what LC did? >_>
Everyone knows that sucking Cheat's wang is a basic requirement for any staff position.

I guess I better get to it then.
Please don't. I have a PayPal. You can make a donation there instead.
I didn't know this place took donations...

Never saw the button to donate.
I don't have one up yet. Most likely there will be one in the next update, since it is going to cost me cash money to do it.
You should probably test the waters and ask who would be willing to donate how much.
Unless you have and I didn't notice >.>
No no, I won't be counting on donations to see me through the update. But it will be an option and will certainly help me out if people choose to do so.

I haven't made any official statements yet in regard to donations, no. The only thing up about the update is that it will likely force you to reset your password via email.
Oh gosh I hope I put in one of the email address I actually use

Cheat, Isara, and I will likely be making a thread where people can request that their emails changed in case they used a fake one or one they can't access anymore.

The Flood / Re: I know why LC is an admin.
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:05:53 AM »
LC deleted all my posts once when I spammed the music thread

he could've kept at least one song

some of those songs were good shit

You made like 50 god damn posts dude. Splitting the thread and deleting the new one was much easier than trying to merge them all together by copy and pasting each post into your first one.

You can go repost those good as shit ones if you want, just keep it all in a single post instead of filling up 2 pages with them.

iPhones bruh

They like to "help" with autocorrect. For example I just had to fight my phone to keep autocorrect as autocorrect instead of "aitocorrect".

If I don't notice the change it gets through.

I know you're eager to try and one up me and all, but really this isn't anything to get excited about.
lol mad cuz rekt
verb just memed you

 ended your whole career

I really really doubt your iPhones autocorrect made you change lying to lieing

Just talk to meta or anyone I have on skype. This thing is stupid and will autocorrect correct words into things that don't make sense or words that don't even exist fairly frequently.

Whatever Verbs cool and is being cheeky, you're still assblasted over stupid gaming discussions, and this entire chain is off topic.

iPhones bruh

They like to "help" with autocorrect. For example I just had to fight my phone to keep autocorrect as autocorrect instead of "aitocorrect".

If I don't notice the change it gets through.

I know you're eager to try and one up me and all, but really this isn't anything to get excited about.
lol mad cuz rekt

what's even better is he changed it to that from luring

iPhones bruh

They like to "help" with autocorrect. For example I just had to fight my phone to keep autocorrect as autocorrect instead of "aitocorrect".

If I don't notice the change it gets through.

I know you're eager to try and one up me and all, but really this isn't anything to get excited about.

Since when were people claiming that racism was dead?

Anyone that claims that racism is dead in their country is lying through their teeth.

The Flood / Re: Jeff Goldblum was not in Jurassic World
« on: June 21, 2015, 06:53:29 PM »
everything is telling me not to watch it

But I want to.

Then watch it.

Gaming / Re: Owners of Halo MCC
« on: June 21, 2015, 03:31:44 PM »
All maps are in the game

Okay, good.

Now I know they will be there for me if I get an Xbone with the game.

It also includes the PC only maps that were in CE and 2.

A nice suitcase.

He's going on a trip soon.

Gaming / Re: i am roleplaying as a black man in Fallout New Vegas
« on: June 21, 2015, 02:23:44 PM »
But "niggas" aren't sneaky, nor are they good shots.

Gaming / Re: Anyone want to play ESO on the Xbox One?
« on: June 21, 2015, 02:16:03 PM »
What faction are you in? My character is in the Daggerfall Covenant faction.

Sorry dude! I would have joined but me and my gf were fucking around in the game. If your still on I'll be on a in a few minutes, and I'm in the Ebonheart Pact :/
You son of a Jigglypuff now I'm going to have to make a character that's part of your faction.

I'll craft you stuff as a token of my gratitude :)

I can make up to Dwarven so far

I'll throw in some veteran gear cause I've got over 800 calcinium ingots that i need to get rid of. I can craft every style of heavy armor or melee weapon except for Dwemer, Alyied, and Daedric.

Man Dwemen is so hard to find lol.

I think I have Aylied, don't have Daedric.

I'm only 32 though, and I can craft my own gear until around lv 40

You have to find all the dwemer pages to make the dwemer motif the highest drop rates for which are in Craglorn iirc. I'd be surprised if you had Alyied (called ancient elf in this game) considering that after 1.6 it and Daedric only drop in the Cadwell Gold zone (with primal and barbaric only dropping in the silver zone).

The Flood / Re: Controversial as fuck
« on: June 21, 2015, 02:12:54 PM »
Can we not start this again?

Oh man

This joke has never been done before

So funny
oh man, ha ha ha

are you the first person to be sarcastic with the OP for making an innocently dumb joke?

you should write a novel


I know right

I'm so talented

I should consider a writing career

Gaming / Re: Anyone want to play ESO on the Xbox One?
« on: June 21, 2015, 01:53:26 PM »
What faction are you in? My character is in the Daggerfall Covenant faction.

Sorry dude! I would have joined but me and my gf were fucking around in the game. If your still on I'll be on a in a few minutes, and I'm in the Ebonheart Pact :/
You son of a Jigglypuff now I'm going to have to make a character that's part of your faction.

I'll craft you stuff as a token of my gratitude :)

I can make up to Dwarven so far

I'll throw in some veteran gear cause I've got over 800 calcinium ingots that i need to get rid of. I can craft every style of heavy armor or melee weapon except for Dwemer, Alyied, and Daedric.

Oh man

This joke has never been done before

So funny

Gaming / Re: The Talos Principle is fucking masterful
« on: June 21, 2015, 01:28:50 PM »

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 21, 2015, 12:28:42 PM »
Shogun 2, and Empires is really great.

Rome: Total War is a great one to get into.

>Shogun 2
>anything but great

As cool as a lot of stuff is, the 1v1 only combat thing really kills it for me, along with the AI being arguably as retarded as its Rome 2 counterpart.

What do you mean by 1v1 only? Multiple players and factions can engage in the same battle.

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