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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 192193194 195196 ... 394
Also going to add in that the AT-AT was only on two maps ever, both of which were corridor maps so you would realistically only be moving in one direction anyway.

Did you not watch the leaked alpha? This has been known for a while.

Gameplay looked solid and fun from what was leaked despite a couple wonky gameplay decisions.

The Flood / Re: Psychology Q&A
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:26:17 PM »
Why does Flee have sex with horses?

The Flood / Re: Psychology Q&A
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:55:04 PM »
What will you do when someone comes to you and asks you to help then through some sort of fetish?

Gaming / Re: Elder Scrolls/Dragon Age fun facts
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:25:22 PM »
In Skyrim if you go to Blackreach, there's a big light that hangs from the ceiling in the center of Blackreach.

When you Fus Ro Dah the light, a chest will spawn next to you that will have 50,000 gold in it for you to get. However you must be a low level and must have auto-save turned off in order for this to work.
...Are you serious?

It's a trick.

It actually spawns a named dragon that will probably kick your ass at a low level.

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:51:21 PM »
i wonder why publishers/devs do that.
not even put the shit through google to see what the value is in a different currency.

Because Brits will still buy it for 60 bongaroonies.

Let me guess you're bronze/silver

Welcome to ELO hell enjoy your stay
Actually I play Dota

Don't feel bad, just about every MOBA is exactly the same anyway and the genre really hasn't evolved at all in the last 15 years.

OT: You should know that the vast majority of the MOBA community is complete trash both in attitude and in skill. I hope you didn't suggest to your team that it would be a good idea to push after that because odds are you were muted by 2-3 of them for daring to suggest that their decision to farm instead of push wasn't the best one.

The Flood / Re: omg help me
« on: July 14, 2015, 02:38:18 PM »
You wouldn't have a signal due to the lack of satellites and cell towers.

The Flood / Re: You faggots should watch Steven Universe
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:48:48 AM »
Oh hey

That's the tumblerina show

The Flood / Re: What happened to Gojira and Lord of Admirals?
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:39:46 AM »
The only place I see goji is on Skype.

Loa went to a place that likes halo as much as he does.

The Flood / Re: list reasons why sociology is not a science
« on: July 13, 2015, 06:31:30 PM »
One thing though, for a more serious note, people really aren't rational beings and trying to assert that they are is just downright silly.
Seriously, read Friedman.

It's silly to think economists haven't thought of this.

Hogwash written by a cuck to fool people into thinking he's more important than he actually is.

The Flood / Re: list reasons why sociology is not a science
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:28:45 PM »
Economics isn't a science and morality is subjective.

mad cuz you know it's true

The Flood / Re: list reasons why sociology is not a science
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:24:37 PM »
Economics isn't a science and morality is subjective.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:19:40 PM »
People are also neglecting to mention the fact that when it comes to space combat the ME universe has no idea what it's doing.

See the final battle of ME3 where their giant ass fleet isn't even aiming and they're shooting randomly in the general direction of the Reapers despite the fact that Earth is right behind them.

Also they're flying so close to each other that they have zero room to maneuver and anyone trying to avoid incoming enemy fire is going to be ramming a friendly ship.

Gaming / Re: Should I buy the Walmart Xbox One bundle?
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:54:25 AM »
Oh lord Naru

That was a doujin

She isn't actually a dick girl

The Flood / Re: Ants, Bees, Wasps, and Hornets vs Humanity
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:25:50 PM »
Bee suits and bug spray.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 12, 2015, 06:34:47 PM »

ME numbers don't mean shit if they can't even scratch the paint job.

The Flood / Re: Dude what the fuck
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:10:42 PM »

Come on guys I didn't even bait that hook. The language used should have been a giant flashing neon sign.

The Flood / Re: Dude what the fuck
« on: July 11, 2015, 08:47:54 PM »
Breaking Bad would have been avoided if America had socialized medicine. The plot set up would not have worked in any civilized (see European) nation.

The Flood / Re: Is It Safe to Come Out of Hiding?
« on: July 11, 2015, 08:30:42 PM »
We never talked, but it's a name I recognize.

I could, possibly.

Boatwaifus mang.

Your waifu is dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

You will never hold your boat

I could, possibly.

Boatwaifus mang.

Your waifu is dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

The Flood / Re: found gatsby on /s4s/
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:38:01 PM »

Ok folks I think it's time we get away from the butt play and back to the Gatsby

The Flood / Re: find your memelogical sign here
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:28:44 PM »
I don't even know what a FEFe is


So it's a shitty forced meme from a containment board. That's why nobody relevant has ever heard of it.
/s4s/ is a quality board


The Flood / Re: find your memelogical sign here
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:17:58 PM »
I don't even know what a FEFe is


So it's a shitty forced meme from a containment board. That's why nobody relevant has ever heard of it.

The Flood / Re: find your memelogical sign here
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:11:52 PM »
I don't even know what a FEFe is

The Flood / Re: midgets
« on: July 11, 2015, 04:58:23 PM »
Because I've never seen this copy pasta before.

How long until children of the troth?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Vidoc
« on: July 11, 2015, 03:20:09 PM »
The IQ for this game is god awful
Footage of a game that still has 4~ months development time left isn't looking like a finished product? Total shocker.

That being said there are still things you don't put into a vidoc or trailer, like your elite continuously running into a box.
Obviously not in a trailer, but in a vidoc showing development of the game, who cares?

The intent was to show off a working segment of the game and they had an element that obviously wasn't working. The game also doesn't have 4 months of dev time left. It's more like 2 at best.
Games usually go gold roughly around 4 weeks before launch, so going by that it'd be a little less than 3 months, which is still quite a lot of time.

It's kinda dumb to judge IQ on a youtube video of all things, especially for footage of a game in an unfinished state.

I was talking specifically about the broken path finding. It's in there fore about 3 seconds and could have easily been cut without sacrificing anything important in the vidoc. At this point the studio should be entering bug squashing mode.

It's possible this could be simply be old and outdated footage, but if this is the case it makes it even more imperative to remove a clip that in no way resembles the final product. Then again, 343i doesn't always make the best decisions and it's possible that they just didn't care.
talk about getting bent out of shape over such a non-issue

Only I'm not and I'm just pointing out a flaw.

While showing a glitch isn't preferred, at least it's a small glitch that will get a laugh in instead of a game breaking one. All games have glitches.

It's terrible from a marketing perspective to show off something like blatantly broken path-finding in promotional material. Especially when it can easily be cut in editing without having any kind of impact on the video other than it being a couple seconds shorter.

This kind of thing seems to be happening more often lately though. The other day I was watching a trailer for something else and they used a take where the main character almost ran out of breathe when delivering his line. It's like companies are throwing whatever available footage and first takes they have into their trailers and other promotional material to get them out as fast as possible thinking that most people won't notice. They're probably right, but that's another subject entirely.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Vidoc
« on: July 11, 2015, 02:56:45 PM »
The IQ for this game is god awful
Footage of a game that still has 4~ months development time left isn't looking like a finished product? Total shocker.

That being said there are still things you don't put into a vidoc or trailer, like your elite continuously running into a box.
Obviously not in a trailer, but in a vidoc showing development of the game, who cares?

The intent was to show off a working segment of the game and they had an element that obviously wasn't working. The game also doesn't have 4 months of dev time left. It's more like 2 at best.
Games usually go gold roughly around 4 weeks before launch, so going by that it'd be a little less than 3 months, which is still quite a lot of time.

It's kinda dumb to judge IQ on a youtube video of all things, especially for footage of a game in an unfinished state.

I was talking specifically about the broken path finding. It's in there fore about 3 seconds and could have easily been cut without sacrificing anything important in the vidoc. At this point the studio should be entering bug squashing mode.

It's possible this could be simply be old and outdated footage, but if this is the case it makes it even more imperative to remove a clip that in no way resembles the final product. Then again, 343i doesn't always make the best decisions and it's possible that they just didn't care.
talk about getting bent out of shape over such a non-issue

Only I'm not and I'm just pointing out a flaw.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Vidoc
« on: July 11, 2015, 02:48:03 PM »
The IQ for this game is god awful
Footage of a game that still has 4~ months development time left isn't looking like a finished product? Total shocker.

That being said there are still things you don't put into a vidoc or trailer, like your elite continuously running into a box.
Obviously not in a trailer, but in a vidoc showing development of the game, who cares?

The intent was to show off a working segment of the game and they had an element that obviously wasn't working. The game also doesn't have 4 months of dev time left. It's more like 2 at best.
Games usually go gold roughly around 4 weeks before launch, so going by that it'd be a little less than 3 months, which is still quite a lot of time.

It's kinda dumb to judge IQ on a youtube video of all things, especially for footage of a game in an unfinished state.

I was talking specifically about the broken path finding. It's in there fore about 3 seconds and could have easily been cut without sacrificing anything important in the vidoc. At this point the studio should be entering bug squashing mode.

It's possible this could be simply be old and outdated footage, but if this is the case it makes it even more imperative to remove a clip that in no way resembles the final product. Then again, 343i doesn't always make the best decisions and it's possible that they just didn't care.

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