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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:08:00 PM »
the desired hex value for the grey is 252526, if i'm not mistaken
I know that, I can actually see the website's pattern through Tru's tb though

i fucked up his hexcode when he asked me to modify his profile for him
your fuckup is my improved tb

mistakes into miracles

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:05:46 PM »
the desired hex value for the grey is 252526, if i'm not mistaken
I know that, I can actually see the website's pattern through Tru's tb though

i fucked up his hexcode when he asked me to modify his profile for him

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto
« on: June 18, 2017, 03:20:20 PM »

So I'm good to start Shippuden now? Just finished episode 135. Is there anything worthwhile in the filler?

i guess the last episode of filler because they include the mangas ending in that instead of doing the whole delay by a year thing with jiraiya i think

other than that i can't think of anything noteworthy

Episode 220?

if that's the last episode of the original anime i think that's it

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto
« on: June 18, 2017, 03:14:19 PM »

So I'm good to start Shippuden now? Just finished episode 135. Is there anything worthwhile in the filler?

i guess the last episode of filler because they include the mangas ending in that instead of doing the whole delay by a year thing with jiraiya i think

other than that i can't think of anything noteworthy

Gaming / Re: Forza 7 requires 100GB of free space at launch
« on: June 18, 2017, 02:50:31 PM »
this is just going to start getting more common tbh

Ark is also about 100gb at this point

The Flood / Re: Argentina: 128-Year-Old Man Claims He Is Adolf Hitler
« on: June 17, 2017, 01:26:33 AM »
The fact that any of you thought this was real proves how moronic this forum is

i think the general opinion was more along the lines of "i don't think this is real, but it would be cool and/or interesting if it was"

The Flood / Re: Argentina: 128-Year-Old Man Claims He Is Adolf Hitler
« on: June 17, 2017, 01:23:53 AM »
probably just a crazy old man, but i'd like it if it were true
do you guys even check reports anymore


but this is also off topic
Maybe if you responded to my three posts + admin quote + report in the thread this pertains to, I wouldn't have had to go off topic

sorry i have a life outside of this forum? you can bring this to pm or discord if you want to talk about this further.
lol? Are you the only person on the mod staff?

not to mention the thread is still unlocked, I will continue to talk about this here until you do your job

i might have been tonight. i don't know the schedules of everyone else on staff unless they inform me of some kind of event that's going on in their lives. i didn't see anything in the thread that matched your report so i didn't see a need to lock it. some mods are lenient on the whole lock requested thing, others aren't. i share das's philosophy on threads so if i'm on threads need to have a legitimate reason to be locked.

this is your last warning to keep on topic and discuss this man who claims to be hitler. we can discuss this via pm or on discord.

The Flood / Re: Argentina: 128-Year-Old Man Claims He Is Adolf Hitler
« on: June 17, 2017, 01:09:46 AM »
probably just a crazy old man, but i'd like it if it were true
do you guys even check reports anymore


but this is also off topic
Maybe if you responded to my three posts + admin quote + report in the thread this pertains to, I wouldn't have had to go off topic

sorry i have a life outside of this forum? you can bring this to pm or discord if you want to talk about this further.

The Flood / Re: Argentina: 128-Year-Old Man Claims He Is Adolf Hitler
« on: June 17, 2017, 01:06:13 AM »
probably just a crazy old man, but i'd like it if it were true
do you guys even check reports anymore


but this is also off topic

The Flood / Re: Argentina: 128-Year-Old Man Claims He Is Adolf Hitler
« on: June 17, 2017, 12:34:22 AM »
probably just a crazy old man, but i'd like it if it were true

What I'm getting at is that modding is part of fair use.

there is no legal precedent for this. modding is actually a legal grey area because neither consumers or corporations really want to have a court battle over it

The Flood / Re: watchin naruto
« on: June 16, 2017, 11:52:14 PM »
so i guess when i get to 135 i can just jump straight into shippuden huh

after the sasuke retrieval arc there's like 100+ episodes of filler so yeah. if you've liked the OPs and EDs so far you can check out the ones you'll miss on youtube or something.

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 16, 2017, 10:22:59 PM »
yes i'm well aware that there was an actual process behind it, but the term itself was coined for a snazzy marketing campaign. flops and resolution are actual things that weren't named by marketers looking to sell a product. they're actual descriptors.
that still function as marketing buzzwords

i don't think how the term was coined makes much of a difference with what i'm intending to compare

considering these are actual descriptors of things that have been around for a number of years it's less meme language meant to wow the customer and more telling the consumer about what's inside their machine and what it's capable of doing.if you're buying a console for power you're doing it wrong. you should be buying a console because you enjoy the games it offers. the internals aren't too terribly important unless they're A) vastly overcharging you for what it is they're selling or B) there's a widespread issue of defective internals or terrible construction.

other than that the only time i really care about the internals is if it's for a gaming PC because your internals are much more relevant in that sphere of the industry i feel.

so i guess the only thing out of those two that matters to me is that it does 4k and considering i don't even have a 4k tv there really isn't much incentive for me to buy the big boner or the pro.

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 16, 2017, 05:52:50 PM »
blast processing was a marketing buzzword

flops and 4k are actual things

The term "Blast Processing" referred to the faster performance of the Genesis. Many assumed that it was referring to the CPU clock rate. While the main Ricoh 5A22 processor of the SNES was clocked at 3.58 MHz, the main 68000 CPU processor of the Genesis was clocked at 7.67 MHz, twice the clock speed of its rival. In addition, the 68000 had a 32-bit internal data bus and 16-bit external data bus, whereas the 5A22 had a 16-bit internal data bus and 8-bit external data bus.

However, the term "Blast Processing" was originally coined in reference to the high-speed DMA controller in Sega's Yamaha VDP graphics processor, which allowed much faster DMA transfer speeds than the SNES, along with Sega's faster RAM bandwidth. The faster bandwidth and higher fillrate of the Genesis gave it a number of advantages, such as higher resolutions during gameplay, faster and more complex parallax scrolling, fast data blitting, high frame-rate with many moving objects on screen, more tiles and large sprites per frame, and programmable 3D polygon capabilities with the base hardware (without needing any enhancement chips on cartridges). On the other hand, the SNES had its own advantages, such as its CPU having more instructions per clock cycle and higher amount of slower RAM, and its PPU graphics chip having more colors and being capable of a higher static menu resolution, more small sprites on screen, and Mode 7 tilemap scaling and rotation. Similar scaling and rotation effects were possible on the Genesis through DMA programming.

At the height of the 16-bit console war of the '90s, Sega continually attempted to posit its Genesis console (a.k.a. Mega Drive) as the "cooler" one (over the SNES). Sega's advertising campaigns were edgy and confrontational, and "Blast Processing" was one of the many buzzwords coined to aid product differentiation. Sega focused on its biggest advantage, emphasizing the much faster performance of the Genesis in its "Blast Processing" commercials.

yes i'm well aware that there was an actual process behind it, but the term itself was coined for a snazzy marketing campaign. flops and resolution are actual things that weren't named by marketers looking to sell a product. they're actual descriptors.

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 16, 2017, 05:47:10 PM »
is "teraflop" the new "blast processing"

i suppose 4K is too
i'm gonna say yeah definitely, actually

blast processing was a marketing buzzword

flops and 4k are actual things

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 16, 2017, 05:43:32 PM »
is "teraflop" the new "blast processing"

i suppose 4K is too


So when's the next Armored Core game

in development

i'm going to cry if it's their VR game

The Flood / Re: Chemtrails are Militant Atheists poisoning angels
« on: June 15, 2017, 01:12:46 AM »

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Nintendo Direct on June 13th @ 9 AM PT
« on: June 13, 2017, 03:17:54 PM »
Didn't Germany ban depictions of swastikas?
They might just be trying not to get the game banned in Germany
Didn't stop them from doing it in the past. Germany's always been like that and CoD's had Swastika's in the past. World at War doing it last, which I think is arguably one of the better WW2 games in capturing the brutality of the war (and the Soviets)

apparently the uk censored the wolfenstein trailer so they might be trying to cover all their bases and avoid being banned in certain places

It's alright
Still got better games
They're losing exclusives like crazy though

What do you mean

a lot of their titles are getting ported to the PC i think

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 02:23:23 PM »
isnt it a lot like castlevania?
Other way around.

the two pretty much released at the same time. i'd say they were more a product of their era than either of them taking after the other.

What happened? Originally they were open and "happy" about the idea. 

probably because they thought nobody would actually take them up on it

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Nintendo Direct on June 13th @ 9 AM PT
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:38:23 AM »
i have a feeling nintendo will fuck up metroid like they did with starfox so i can't get interested in it until i see some actual gameplay

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Nintendo Direct on June 13th @ 9 AM PT
« on: June 12, 2017, 09:41:49 PM »
worse than ms but better than bethesda

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 94)
« on: June 12, 2017, 08:41:05 AM »
LC le beechin about irrelevant details that were placed in tongue-in-cheek


more like it was people getting their panties in a twist over me pointing out that this joke makes a filler saga canon to the anime lmao fam

i didn't even think it was a big deal

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Bethesda conference in less than 2 hours
« on: June 12, 2017, 01:55:01 AM »
Hopefully at the VGAs they'll announce TES VI. We're overdue for it.

they'll probably try to milk skyrim some more with this paid mod shit before they announce that
TBH I'm not entirely against paying for strictly curated and high quality mods that are guaranteed to have no bugs and no compatibility issues. Planetside 2 has a similar system with Player Studio, since player made cosmetics are basically paid mods. But I don't think that this could ever work in a single player game that is driven by free mods.

also considering bethesdas idea of quality DLC was settlement crap that nobody wanted or asked for you know that this isn't exactly going to be top quality shit here

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Bethesda conference in less than 2 hours
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:43:48 AM »
Hopefully at the VGAs they'll announce TES VI. We're overdue for it.

they'll probably try to milk skyrim some more with this paid mod shit before they announce that

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 94)
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:37:29 AM »
I loved the Piccolo/17 handshake too, 18 being so cold towards 17 was really weird too
i mean the dickface did mess up his own neice's name so he kinda deserved it

it's kinda sad they're not a close family though

garlic junior saga is canon because of that

which also means the dead zone movie is canon
17 saying the name wrong does not canonize that character, don't be silly.

its a joke about krillins ex from the garlic jr saga

Breaking the fourth wall is a thing, doesn't make it canon.

that wasn't 4th wall breaking

A call back to a non canon entry in the same series isn't breaking the fourth wall?

if you consider characters staying in character and referencing past events as breaking the fourth wall i'm not sure what to tell you

i guess cortana was breaking the fourth wall every time she referred to something that happened in a past game then.

Past games that were canon? Cause if it actually happened in their timeline it makes sense for them to have knowledge of it. When Deadpool refers to a non canon story arc that he remembers is that not a fourth wall break?

dude, memepools entire character is that he's a zany fourth wall breaker

that was a terrible comparison

Literally any other time this happens, and it wasn't a comparison it was an example of the exact same thing.

They referenced a non canon character as a nod, that's a fourth wall break.

bruv, memepool directly addressing the fact that he's a fictional character in a comic to the audience is not the same as a character staying completely in character and completely unaware that they're a fictional being in a fictional universe getting upset over her brother accidentally calling her daughter the name of her husbands ex girlfriend. at most it's the author making a nod to the audience, but that's not breaking the 4th wall and the implication of even doing so means that garlic junior and dead zone have to be considered canon to the super anime.

this is probably shit that toei thought would be cool so they added it into the episode and i doubt it'll be in the manga version that closely follows toriyamas script.

The Flood / Re: Every Day Until You Like It
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:20:37 AM »
ill tell you the same thing i told assassin

if you want to have a thread dedicated to mr grylls biting chunks out of bloody animals make an nsfw tagged thread for it

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