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Messages - big sponge

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Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:20:27 AM »
I actually have a backlog of 3 more missions that I need to write up so they'll be popping up throughout tomorrow when I've got a moment to sit down and write them.

As a teaser we almost lost Neko cause True fucked up and missed his shot. He was sent into critical condition with a bleed out timer and everything.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:09:09 AM »
Mission 16: Defend The Castle

After the destruction of the Colombian Blacksite we decided to head back to our home base in the western US to recruit more engineers and scientists. However shortly after we took off an alien vessel came bearing down on our six and shot us out of the sky. The bridge crew barely managed to get our thrusters online in time to slow our descent and prevent us from pancaking on the ground far below. Our band of freedom fighters weren't out of the woods yet however for as soon as that safe touchdown was made they dropped an EMP spike to keep us grounded.

With a CODE: RED situation on our hands more agents were fielded than normal. Those team that rushed out to defend their home consisted  Das, Neko, Bacon, Prime, Incan, Ender, Azure, True, CMD, Ushan, Big Boss, and Sandtrap.  From there the teams were split into two. Das took himself, Ender, and Bacon around the left to try and sneak to the EMP spike while Azure marshaled the rest of the defenders around her to keep the Advent and their alien allies from storming the flying fortress. For this mission time was of the essence for reports were streaming in from other resistance outposts an alien battleship descending from orbit and of scores of drop ships converging on our position.


Neko takes a defensive position.


Team Das runs into light resistance from Chrysalids.


Bacon takes down an Advent soldier.


Das lays down some heavy fire.

Eventually Team Das got in range of the EMP spike and took it down with concentrated mag fire. Luckily for them the way back was clear as Azure and her defenders were able to kill every last one of their adversaries. As they made their way back to the loading ramp though the first of the dropships touched down and unloaded a squad of advent.


Sandtrap opens fire



Sandtrap gets the last one with his grenade launcher

With the first of the enemies reinforcements taken down everyone quickly made their way back on board the Avenger as we narrowly escaped the clutches of our alien overlords.

Gaming / Re: Dammit Phil Spencer
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:38:25 PM »
He's not wrong. The MP of Halo has always been better than the SP.

The Flood / Re: My bank account just exploded, AMA
« on: February 14, 2016, 01:46:15 AM »
What is the GOAT bank atm?

I need to set up a new checking account.

I use a local credit union and I've never had a problem with them.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here still playing Skyrim?
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:52:43 PM »
I'm only playing the PS3 version

I'm so sorry.

That's true, but some of them weren't in the story mode, right? My memory is really fuzzy, but I don't remember Jigglypuff in the story. I think there were others, too.
Wolf, Toon Link, and Jigglypuff weren't available until after you had already beaten it. In NG+, there were three secret doors that led to them--but without a guide, you weren't gonna find them.

The Jigglypuff and Toon Links doors could be found pretty easily. The Wolf one was the only one that was a little bit tricky as you had to go back through a door you had just come through to reach it.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 12, 2016, 04:48:18 PM »
Just downloaded it and started the tutorials. The controls are insane...having roll tied to your mouse is stupid as hell.

K&M controls are piss, plug in a xbox controller if you don't have a flight stick.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:07:54 PM »

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:00:12 PM »
ayylmao, I almost died on my first mission
I saved you. I expect a hug and your meal.

Azure saved him. You weren't even in that mission.
No, I saved him.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:20:06 AM »
ayylmao, I almost died on my first mission
I saved you. I expect a hug and your meal.

Azure saved him. You weren't even in that mission.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:49:03 AM »
So after we clear the second South American blacksite do we want to go to Europe or Australia?

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:46:39 AM »
Mission 15: Blacksite Demolition

With the success of the guerrilla op command decided it was time to take out the blacksite that resided in the jungles of what was formally known as Colombia. The team they assembled consisted of Das, Ender, Bacon, Neko, Azure, and Tru.

Not wanting to take on this heavily fortified installation Ender and Tru were sent in opposite directions to circle around the base and sneak their way in while the rest of the squad hid itself in the trees on the ridge above. While Tru was able to successfully sneak his way around the side and into the compounds perimeter Ender on the other hand found herself stuck under some brush as a patrol of Advent sat mere inches away from her hiding place. The rest of the team moved into over watch to protect Ender in the event she was found. However just as Tru was about to slip into the main building a patrol of vipers crossed into the vicinity of Ender and immediately picked up her scent. Ender instinctively moved to the side narrowly dodging the vipers tounge and scrambled for a better position as the rest of the squad opened fire to cover her.

The firefight on the other end of the compound put the opfor on high alert causing Tru to need to run back into a more advantagous position in order to take on the Advent lancer and officer that had just emerged from the building. He immediately gunned down the lancer as it poked its head around the cover and attempted to reposition further back for better cover but took a mag round to the side when crossing over the open terrain.

A loud boom sounded throughout the jungle. Having slaughtered their enemy and lost the element of stealth Bacon decided it would be best to take a more direct route to the objective and blow a hole in the wall. The Advent officers momentary pause from this gave Tru the time he needed to squeeze of a burst of fire into its chest and put it down for good. Tru wasn't out of the woods yet however for an Advent shielder took to the guard tower and a Muton emerged from the building to face him. By a stroke of luck the grenade Das used on the story below to kill the sole remaining soldier in the lab collapsed the ceiling and brought the shielder in the guard tower to the floor below. Tru turned his attention to the charging Muton and emptied his weapon into it. When all hope seemed lost for him two shots rang out and the beast slumped against the adjacent container.


As if sensing that Tru was in trouble she made her way to the roof to save him and after verifying that the Muton was indeed dead with another shot she took off with Tru through the jungle back to the evac point as Neko set up the bomb and other alien and advent patrols began to stream back to the compound.


With seconds on the clock and gunfire chasing them everyone was able to make it to the evac point and escape as the compound below them erupted into a brilliant orange flame.


Mission results

Nineteen enemies KIA
Two friendlies wounded
Zero friendlies KIA
Blacksite destroyed

MIssion Success

Gaming / Re: Homefront The Revolution CLOSED BETA. Oh Gawd Whyyyy!!
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:03:38 AM »
Maybe it's an actual beta and not a glorified demo.

It's weird when people who play betas now expect a fully functional product right out of the door instead of an unfinished part of the game which is being used to help find bugs to fix later om
Which is how it should be. People who're posting in this thread like it's a final representation need a reality check into what a beta SHOULD be. Not what EA has hijacked it to be.

The game comes out in three months. At this point they'll be wrapping shit up and sending it off to be printed.

Except a beta is never the most up-to-date version of the game. Becauee they have to spend time packaging it for download and shit

Just like the Battlefield 4 beta wasn't representative of the launch product right? The game has more issues than just running like ass. The AI are absolutely brain dead, the maps are linear as hell and only give a very basic illusion of "open world", and the gameplay is mediocre.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:55:35 AM »
What if I've already been drinking for the last few hours?

I only used it four times as well and it's not like this is some sort of professional writing circle.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:41:33 AM »
Before we begin I experimented with turning down the settings so screen shots may look markably worse than they were before. I think I'm going to turn the settings back up because I didn't see enough of a performance boost to justify it.

Also before the mission a bunch of you decided to throw a party.

Mission 14: Sabotage

High off the success of his victory in Mexico Das assembled a team to go sabotage an Advent facility in the slums of some backwater Venezuelan city. This time he brought Bacon, Ender, Luci, Fun timer, and Azure.

After landing the team swiftly made their way through the streets in an attempt to reach the advent facility before it finished transmitting its data. However Das not being one for stealth decided to jump off a building and land in the middle of a crowd of civilians sending them running every which way in terror. Noticing the commotion Advent soldiers rushed to the scene only to be gunned down by our brave freedom fighters.

After an effortless victory they pressed on towards the facility itself. This is when a new alien emerged, clad in ceremonial attire befitting that of a celestial being, The squad dove into cover and began to fight the thing.


Bacon takes the first shot.


Sitting on over watch Azure takes a shot at it as it dashes around the corner.


It finally attempts to take Ender down with its plasma bladed staff only get get a face full of shotgun instead.

With this unidentified creature down all that remainined to guard the compound were a couple of turrets. Ender and Fun Timer rushed in to hack the terminal as the rest of the team took them down.


After the successful hacking of the terminal a group of Advent soldiers arrived at the scene only to be ambushed by Ender and Fun Tmer who lay in wait by the windows.


With the terminal hacked and the enemies terminated they all returned home.

Mission Results
Terminal hacked
All enemies KIA
Zero friendlies KIA
Two friendlies wounded

Mission Success

The Flood / Re: America should have supported the IRA
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:29:50 AM »
I don't know if you're joking or if that was an actual possibility.

The Flood / Re: Watched Spirit away (Alot of questions)
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:21:33 PM »
Gotta love this new guy making all of these thought-provoking, interesting arguments just to get shot down with "lol it's not important" and "it's magic XD"

That's likely because it was magic. She made the spirit people happy so the place probably reverted to how it normally was instead of whatever illusion that was put in place before to entice people into coming in and turning into pigs.

Don't play F/GO.

If you think that the gacha in Halo 5 is bad you haven't entered the hell that is the F/GO one. The drop rates are abysmal, the game is grindy as fuck, and even with paying you aren't guaranteed to get anything you want. It was basically made to pray on weak minded nips and separate them from their money.

All hail Sony for shelving a AAA multiplayer fate title for the PC for this mobile shit.

Also TYPE-MOON doesn't have any control over it.

Gaming / Re: Homefront The Revolution CLOSED BETA. Oh Gawd Whyyyy!!
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:16:41 PM »
Maybe it's an actual beta and not a glorified demo.

It's weird when people who play betas now expect a fully functional product right out of the door instead of an unfinished part of the game which is being used to help find bugs to fix later om
Which is how it should be. People who're posting in this thread like it's a final representation need a reality check into what a beta SHOULD be. Not what EA has hijacked it to be.

The game comes out in three months. At this point they'll be wrapping shit up and sending it off to be printed.

The Flood / Re: Watched Spirit away (Alot of questions)
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:35:54 PM »
it's magic yo

The Flood / Re: Watched Spirit away (Alot of questions)
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:19:16 PM »
You ever think that it might have been just a couple days and that magic made the grass grow or something?

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:46:21 PM »
How about you nico nico smiles don't derail the topic?

Gaming / Re: Homefront The Revolution CLOSED BETA. Oh Gawd Whyyyy!!
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:45:37 PM »
MP is also region locked.

EU can only play with EU and US can only play with US.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: South of the Border
« on: February 11, 2016, 01:04:27 PM »
RIP X-COM Project.

Been busy, I'll probably crank out a few missions on Friday.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:14:44 PM »
Kill yourself.

Can you not do this in every thread he makes?
this is the only thread i've said it in tbh
You also did it a lot when TOTD was a regular.

We don't need to derail the thread though with this.

Gaming / Re: Elite Dangerous is pretty great
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:59:18 AM »
Kill yourself.

Can you not do this in every thread he makes?

OT: I heard that Horizons is horribly unoptimized. If that's true then it should be easier to run once it gets out of the "beta" stage.

The Flood / Re: Anita Sarkeesian is the savior of humankind
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:33:56 AM »
It's also irrelevant, as far as I'm concerned.
Plagiarism is irrelevant, so said Verb.
To her arguments, yes.

Attacking someone's character instead of their arguments is called ad hominem. It's bad. Don't do it.

It's irrelevant.

The issue wasn't whether or not she's correct, the issue was whether or not people have a good reason to dislike her. So yes, the deplorable things she's done are relevant. You can be right about everything in the world and still be a  dislikable person.

Septagon / Re: Daily reminder that Kupo's ban was bullshit
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:47:55 AM »
Spelling it out because grandma is bitching at me.

This is not special treatment for verb

Posting a PM that is then reported by the sender opens you up to a slap from the mods, continuing to post the same PMs after the initial warning is going to net you a harder slap. Continuing to do so as a game is just going to get you smacked for six by the banhammer.

It's not rocket science, if you want to share a PM then ask the person who sent it or don't share it at all.

I meant that we should amend the rules to include this because they don't seem to be clear enough.

Septagon / Re: Daily reminder that Kupo's ban was bullshit
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:49:45 AM »
There was a bigger rule update before that one and a smaller one after.

While PMs aren't explicitly stated in the rules, the only thing they could possibly fall under is the "etc." of the no sharing personal information. Which is why I want to talk to Psy about it.

I know I'm beating a dead horse with this but.... isn't that what the HQ forum should be for? Where mods should check in at least once a day about issues?

God I really miss RAHQ back on Bungie. Shit is just not the same anymore.

Well, whenever you see Psy next, just bring up about how I used to get the same crap with Chally, and if the PM contents were really worth a blacklist.

HQ is mainly used for drafts, tests, and things that need to be archived for a later purpose. Once in a blue moon there's a big "heads up" notice that gets put in there regarding something on the forum. Skype is used for quick chats to discuss things because its in real time and things flow easier.

So HQ really isn't an HQ. Its just another storage board like Destiny.

Things that need to be archived include stuff like weighing in with your thoughts on the next mod or weighing in with your thoughts on rule overhauls so people can look back and grab these things later when making a final decision or implementation.

So HQ in reality is "Archives" right?

Announcement and rule drafts also go in there and Cheat occasionally tests stuff as well. Back when Sep7 2.0 was being developed the staff tested it out and discussed it there. So I don't know if I'd really label it an archive.

Like you said in an earlier post though we're getting off topic.

Sorry, I'll stop derailing. I'll probably continue that discussion in a PM. So Kupo did this 3 times already? Like recently or overall?

I know it's been multiple times, I don't know the exact count though. I'd need to ask Psy for that.

Septagon / Re: Daily reminder that Kupo's ban was bullshit
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:46:32 AM »
There was a bigger rule update before that one and a smaller one after.

While PMs aren't explicitly stated in the rules, the only thing they could possibly fall under is the "etc." of the no sharing personal information. Which is why I want to talk to Psy about it.

I know I'm beating a dead horse with this but.... isn't that what the HQ forum should be for? Where mods should check in at least once a day about issues?

God I really miss RAHQ back on Bungie. Shit is just not the same anymore.

Well, whenever you see Psy next, just bring up about how I used to get the same crap with Chally, and if the PM contents were really worth a blacklist.

HQ is mainly used for drafts, tests, and things that need to be archived for a later purpose. Once in a blue moon there's a big "heads up" notice that gets put in there regarding something on the forum. Skype is used for quick chats to discuss things because its in real time and things flow easier.

So HQ really isn't an HQ. Its just another storage board like Destiny.

Things that need to be archived include stuff like weighing in with your thoughts on the next mod or weighing in with your thoughts on rule overhauls so people can look back and grab these things later when making a final decision or implementation.

So HQ in reality is "Archives" right?

Announcement and rule drafts also go in there and Cheat occasionally tests stuff as well. Back when Sep7 2.0 was being developed the staff tested it out and discussed it there. So I don't know if I'd really label it an archive.

Like you said in an earlier post though we're getting off topic.

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