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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 929394 9596 ... 394
Serious / Re: Verb was right
« on: March 24, 2016, 06:43:03 PM »
Due to the nature of this thread we're going to let the couple of instances of "fuck off, fuck you, et cetera et cetera" slide, however the two of you should refrain from continuing to engage in that kind of behavior otherwise we're going to hit both you.

The Flood / Re: Roles an Asian actor can portray
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:29:58 PM »

You don't have to be a doctor to be a scientist, that and the title of Doctor is typically used when referring to someone who specializes in the medical field despite it also referring to anyone who has obtained a doctorate.

The Flood / Re: If you're still a virgin, you should...
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:21:29 PM »
It's not about having sex, its about proving there's actually someone who wants to have sex with you.

You'll notice people who aren't losers don't obsess over it in any capacity, because they don't have anything to prove.

Beta faggots can't get laid not as a matter of choice, they're literally just too gross to fuck, and the only way they can find validation in their grossness is by getting laid.

See the thing is there's always someone who will be DTF with just about anyone. It's just a matter of how low you want to lower your standards.

So really the "its about proving there's somebody out there willing to fuck you" line is horse cock.

The Flood / Re: Roles an Asian actor can portray
« on: March 24, 2016, 01:00:34 PM »
You forgot scientist.

The Flood / Re: Do you make a Soy/Wasabe slurry?
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:44:05 PM »
>using wasabi or soy for your sushi

The Flood / Re: found this beauty
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:33:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:43:14 PM »
TTGL is probably going to be you're best bet in terms of shōnen-y type anime, but it's by far the worst of the bunch, in my HUMBLE opinion.

Meme reactions aside, the only thing I hate with TTGL is how they mange to make Yoko badass, but still subject her to the same fanservice crap. The story, characters, and almost everything else are still far better than the other animes you listed. Far better.

The only things it might be better than are DBZ and Deathnote.

This level is 100% bullshit. They are literally killing themselves. I cant even get Lisa close enough to heal them because they just run away straight into the kill-zones

Dude, the extra items aren't even that good and you'll get more of them later.

Gaming / Re: Best gamertags you've ever seen?
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:23:59 PM »
Thesis Statement

You don't have to save the civilians in that. You just get extra items if you do.

Why Early Access?
“TY the Tasmanian Tiger is much beloved, and unfortunately rather inaccessible these days, due to the platforms the game was originally released on. Updating the game to work on PCs and releasing in Early Access will allow us to get feedback on the controls, the achievements and all the other modern ideas that we'll be adding, from the fans - and hopefully good ideas for further improvements to make!

We considered launching a KickStarter to assist with the port funding, but decided we'd prefer to put our time and energy into doing the work instead of running the campaign - so putting the game out into Early Access was an option to help us make the port happen at a faster pace!

Once we have worked on the first game, we will then investigate also bringing TY2 and TY3 to Steam, as separate products.”
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“The exact date for coming out of Early Access will depend on feedback but we estimate sometime in the third quarter of 2016.”
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“The full version will include:
Steam achievements
Steam leaderboards, for the time attack sections.
Steam Trading Cards
Steam cloud saves
Steam controller support
Vsync changes such that the games will run at 60fps (the game was originally designed to be locked to 30 or 60fps for the NTSC versions; so we are unlikely to change to being completely unlocked)
Improved keyboard and mouse controls
Improved textures, from our original source material, where we can (and some re-painting, where we can't)

And we will also be investigating:
Graphical updates to include features like anti-aliasing, improved shadows and screen space post-effects
Improved camera controls in TY1
Improved draw distances, grass density, etc
And hopefully even more upgraded features!

To be clear - at this stage we are not intending to be adding more detail to the actual 3D objects in the game - the HD-ising is from HD resolutions, increased texture detail, increased draw distances, new shadow and lighting systems and increased object density.”
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
There are currently animation issues (in that all the animated characters are invisible) on lower-spec graphics cards (IntelHD 4000, low-end laptop AMD/ATI cards). We're looking in to this but do not yet have a fix.

The game is in an initial playable state, with first pass implementation of:
keyboard and mouse control (with editable keybindings in the UI)
Support for XInput compatible controllers (main testing done on an X360 controller)
full screen or windowed option, maintaining a 16:9 aspect ratio, initially tested up to 2560x1440. Full screen runs at the desktop's resolution. Windowed mode can be resized by dragging the edge of the window.
improved shadows
improved reflections
improved draw distances
initial achievements
initial leaderboards

Please note that:
there is not currently any mouse control of the UI system, this will be forthcoming during Early Access
Some of the lighting and brightness/contrast values are still in progress, to match the look of the game to the original console release.
The newly added text for the UI and other areas are in English at the moment. We'll do a FIGS translation of those when we get closer to release.
For initial release, full screen resolution is set to the native desktop resolution
For initial release, windowed mode resolution is set to 1280x720 - with the ability to drag the window size and use the maximize button etc
There is no borderless windowed mode at this stage
There are some graphical glitches

The min-spec PC requirements will also be reviewed and updated before release - so we'd just like to make sure that people know that this may change to requiring a higher-spec machine. Our aim for the min-spec is to run the game at 720p, at 30fps, with all detail settings at "low".

And there are no doubt some crash bugs through the game, as we are restoring some of the code from 15 years ago!”
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“The game will increase in price, once it has completed Early Access.”
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
“Feedback from the community will be very important to development. We intend on utilizing the Steam forums, as well as our established social media pages, to maintain frequent communication. In particular, we will be looking to garner feedback on:
controls (especially keyboard and mouse controls) - but the controller is also important, as it's had to be rewritten, and we want to improve the original camera
ideas for achievements
issues with the texture improvements, including textures you think need up-res'ing
ideas for further graphical improvements to make (post-processing, etc)
general comments on problems with PC graphics, audio etc
gameplay issues and frustrations discussed with the community, that fit into the style of game (eg we won't add guns, but we would be open to discussing changes to swimming controls using the keyboard and mouse)
And, of course, any general bugs you hit while playing!”

Just so people know what they're getting into before they buy.

« on: March 22, 2016, 01:22:28 AM »
We did say that if people continued to intentionally break the website we'd start banning people.

Its not our fault the website code sucks.

Besides, I did a tut on how to like your own post. Does that count as breaking the site?

That doesn't completely break the site for everyone that's currently viewing the thread.

« on: March 22, 2016, 12:42:34 AM »
We did say that if people continued to intentionally break the website we'd start banning people.

The Flood / Re: >go to Sapphire
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:12:45 PM »
I still haven't even bothered. I've heard stories of that place for years and have no desire to go, along with being incredibly lazy to re-introduce myself. It was enough effort coming over here and stealing mod powers.
they are just that, stories

Ehh... I wouldn't say they're "just stories". There are people here that have documented themselves being warned or banned for no good reason.

I'm honestly surprised that people still watch and listen to banana boy.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:56:25 AM »
Different strokes for different folks.

90% of everything is shit so just like with live action the trick is finding the stuff that isn't. For every Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones there's a thousand TMZ and brain dead reality TV clones. For every Kara no Kyoukai or Ghost in the Shell there's a thousand kawaii uguu moe and T&A fan service fests.

But as I said earlier, not everyone is going to like the same thing so it's no big deal if you just aren't into something.

I liked Ghost in the Shell. Also Fist of the North Star. But those are old. I really tried recent anime. It was just weird. No knock against people who like it. Just not for me.

Out of curiosity what did you try?

Some one about a guy dressed as a miner in the desert, another about a young guy with a sword fighting demons or some other demonic looking baddies, and another one that was modern set with yakuza.

I like Afro Samurai. That was cool... But not really anime from what I've heard.

I'm not familiar with the first or the last, but the middle one sounds a bit like Beserk and while the anime might be new the source material for that came out in 89.

Afro Samurai is anime though. Not sure who told you otherwise.

Also ignore Luci's suggestion of Gurren Lagann. You probably won't like it since one of the protagonists is a big titted bikini top wearing red head that ends up being the source of the series fan service. The only thing it really has going for it is the machismo from the dude characters during the first season which can be entertaining at times.

I feel you though, a lot of modern anime (and entertainment in general) seems to be aimed at the lowest common denominator right now. I maybe watch one or two things a season these days and half the time it's something old that's been on my back list for a while.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:23:29 AM »
Different strokes for different folks.

90% of everything is shit so just like with live action the trick is finding the stuff that isn't. For every Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones there's a thousand TMZ and brain dead reality TV clones. For every Kara no Kyoukai or Ghost in the Shell there's a thousand kawaii uguu moe and T&A fan service fests.

But as I said earlier, not everyone is going to like the same thing so it's no big deal if you just aren't into something.

I liked Ghost in the Shell. Also Fist of the North Star. But those are old. I really tried recent anime. It was just weird. No knock against people who like it. Just not for me.

Out of curiosity what did you try?

The Flood / Re: I don't understand Anime.
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:13:34 AM »
Different strokes for different folks.

90% of everything is shit so just like with live action the trick is finding the stuff that isn't. For every Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones there's a thousand TMZ and brain dead reality TV clones. For every Kara no Kyoukai or Ghost in the Shell there's a thousand kawaii uguu moe and T&A fan service fests.

But as I said earlier, not everyone is going to like the same thing so it's no big deal if you just aren't into something.

Gaming / Re: Steady 60FPS or 30FPS with more features?
« on: March 19, 2016, 01:47:15 AM »
Depends on the genre.

The Flood / Re: Bigotry, a buzzword PSA
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:22:39 PM »
I really don't care about what you have to say on this Verb.

Your dictionaries don't define the real definitions of words thing really only holds water with you around here so please leave me out of this.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars coming to preview members later today
« on: March 18, 2016, 08:52:09 PM »
Framerate doesn't matter though. What if Bungie intended for you to play the game at 20fps?
1fps is objectively the best if that's what developers intended

I could actually see some indie developer making some kind of Freeze-frame game based on playing at 1 Frame per sacond.

Anyway lowered framerates do have noticeable effects on games that are meant to be played at a certan framrate. Reach for example is legitimately hard to play and even look at on Xbone because of how choppy the FPS is. It almost feels like there's lag even when you're playing offline sometimes.
Nintendo intentionally lowered the frame rate of that clay Kirby game to emulate stop motion, which was pretty cool. But having a lowered frame rate is usually a huge risk.

And this is why there is 10x more good Nintendo games then bad ones.

But that's not even remotely true. Nintendo release a hell of a lot of shovelware.

The Flood / Re: PSA
« on: March 18, 2016, 04:43:46 PM »
You missed the lesbian sex and gay porn earlier.

Gaming / Re: Why are 343i haters always such massive fucking morons?
« on: March 18, 2016, 12:40:09 PM »
what defines a "good story" to a halo fan

First Strike I guess.

That book wasn't even good.
Then what do you find enjoyable?

Surely you're not trying to imply that any of the Halo books or games for that matter are particularly well written.

Gaming / Re: Why are 343i haters always such massive fucking morons?
« on: March 18, 2016, 03:19:04 AM »
what defines a "good story" to a halo fan

First Strike I guess.

That book wasn't even good.

The Flood / Re: The femanist revolt has begun
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:20:19 PM »
I don't think she needs any more sandwiches.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim trailer+ New updates
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:12:47 PM »
I'll wait for the next pack or two to see whether or not getting the season pass is worth it.

Gaming / Re: Why are 343i haters always such massive fucking morons?
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:09:54 PM »
I cant make a single Halo related thread without you turning it into a dumping ground for 343 bashing and shitposting.

This is kind of funny coming from you considering you seem to do this to anything remotely anime related.

Just sayin

Maybe if you don't like it when people do this kind of thing you shouldn't be doing it to others.

To be more on topic though, Halo 4 is a pretty bad Halo game regardless of whether or not the person in that video sucks ass at it.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We discuss the merits of HERESY
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:01:18 PM »
The picture I linked was just supposed to be one of the Tau and Imperium working together. You'd think the playerbase  for IoM would be happy to have at least one faction that isn't out to gut them like a fish.
But they are though, they just aren't screaming and waving an axe at them.

You should stop being paranoid and just accept the Greater Good.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We discuss the merits of HERESY
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:00:49 PM »

The lore has never stated that they've done anything with their abilities over than move the ships that they live on. By your logic every psyker ever that hasn't explicitly been said to be doing otherwise is mind controlling everyone around them.

>GW introduces a new faction that's intended to be an optimistic, yet naive force in a grimdark future

>fat whales scream from the rooftops that this faction is ruining 40k with their lack of grimdark elements and stamp their feet at has as they can

>GW responds by introduces grimdark elements in the 6th edition

"this wasn't done due to fan outcry"


So what if they did that? What's the problem? It's a grimdark future remember. Not every acquisition of a world happens that way and it's still better than what the Imperium does when it decides it wants a world.

Oh boy, they have an ineffective governor that doesn't actually do anything except for horde all of the resources for themselves and leave the rest of the people in poverty and squalor. Such an effective and lovely representation of the Imperium of Man.

You see, that's false because then you'd have to be an exodite. For the average person becoming one of the Gue'vesa is the best to achieve a satisfactory standard of living.

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