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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: More of that annoying W10 pushing
« on: April 11, 2016, 04:29:37 AM »
I'll eventually upgrade to 10 for directx 12, but I'm going to stay on 7 for as long as possible.

MS is basically doing the same thing they did with vista right now though. Releasing exclusive features and programs that could easily be done on an earlier OS to try and get people to switch over.

You had to say the V word didn't you? Here's the difference between Windows Vista and Windows 10. Windows Vista is fucking garbage. Windows 10 isn't.

Vista wasn't even that bad. It mainly got a bad rap because people were using old outdated as fuck computers that couldn't handle a more modern system and didn't check to see if their hunks of junk could even run it before updating. Yeah there were the usual launch day bugs, but most of them were fixed fairly soon after. I'm kind of surprised people aren't thanking MS for it in retrospect because Vista was what ended up forcing companies to finally start making 64 bit drivers

Vista was pretty much Windows 7 in Alpha, there is a reason why Windows 7 got released 2 years after Vista. MS knew they fucked up. 64 bit drivers was probably the only good thing then.

Windows 7 was basically just a rebranded Vista service pack. MS didn't actually fuck up with Vista, the negative word of mouth spread by people who had no idea what they were talking about created the "vista sucks" meme when in reality vista was a major step up from XP in just about every way once the launch day issues were sorted out.

The Flood / Re: More of that annoying W10 pushing
« on: April 11, 2016, 04:20:09 AM »
I'll eventually upgrade to 10 for directx 12, but I'm going to stay on 7 for as long as possible.

MS is basically doing the same thing they did with vista right now though. Releasing exclusive features and programs that could easily be done on an earlier OS to try and get people to switch over.

You had to say the V word didn't you? Here's the difference between Windows Vista and Windows 10. Windows Vista is fucking garbage. Windows 10 isn't.

Vista wasn't even that bad. It mainly got a bad rap because people were using old outdated as fuck computers that couldn't handle a more modern system and didn't check to see if their hunks of junk could even run it before updating. Yeah there were the usual launch day bugs, but most of them were fixed fairly soon after. I'm kind of surprised people aren't thanking MS for it in retrospect because Vista was what ended up forcing companies to finally start making 64 bit drivers

The Flood / Re: More of that annoying W10 pushing
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:37:42 AM »
I'll eventually upgrade to 10 for directx 12, but I'm going to stay on 7 for as long as possible.

MS is basically doing the same thing they did with vista right now though. Releasing exclusive features and programs that could easily be done on an earlier OS to try and get people to switch over.

Serious / Re: When the snowflakes start turning on each other
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:11:20 AM »
This just reminds me that "demisexual" was made up by a 13 year old girl on some website like deviantart. Jesus Christ how could such a thing catch on?

The Flood / Re: What OS introduced you to PC
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:19:35 PM »
95 I think.

The Flood / Re: Dead Shark in a Jar
« on: April 08, 2016, 03:04:05 PM »
I've never seen one of those before.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:06:01 PM »
The day 343i leanrs to make decent spawns will be a grand one.

If you die in arena once you'll spend the next 3-5 lives spawning alone in front of the entire enemy team.

Gaming / Re: Should I get a PissPoor or Xboner soon?
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:50:47 PM »
Whatever platform you have more friends on.

The Flood / Re: Which is harder to survive in? Mad Max or Fall Out?
« on: April 05, 2016, 02:52:30 AM »

Between the insane robots left over from the prewar days and the mutant radioactive creatures humanity is sitting pretty low on the totem pole.

The Flood / Re: The real reason Q was shit
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:32:31 AM »
I hate 3.33!!


(Sorry for shit quality, used my iPhone)

I liked 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo.

I actually liked it the most.

The soundtrack was the best so far and I liked watching Shinji break.

The Flood / Re: The real reason Q was shit
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:28:13 AM »
I liked 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo.

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:54:38 AM »
You forgot the part where instead of getting the professor help after they hit him with a car they instead try to convert him while he's laying there dying in the street.
Honestly the best part of the movie

Can't wait for the sequel

It's already out.

They basically make the assertion that not allowing teachers to preach gospel to children in a public school will lead down a slippery slope that ends in the execution of Christians by the government.

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:10:49 AM »
You forgot the part where instead of getting the professor help after they hit him with a car they instead try to convert him while he's laying there dying in the street.

>movie literally kills off the mean atheist professor via hit and run

And then later they take the dead dude's cell phone and the black dude is all like "what happened here tonight was a good thing"

Also if you're Muslim your stereotypical Arabic dad will beat the shit out of you if you read scripture from anything other than the Quran.

And if you're liberal you'll die of cancer and have no friends.

The Flood / Re: Just Watched God's Not Dead AMA
« on: April 04, 2016, 11:43:39 PM »
You forgot the part where instead of getting the professor help after they hit him with a car they instead try to convert him while he's laying there dying in the street.

The Flood / Re: I'm making a topic
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:12:33 AM »
You know I never understood why CamCamm on Bungie had a problem with you. You're actually a pretty chill guy.
Cam had problems with a lot of people though


Cam was fine with me until I started trolling on the subject of Texas.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 Stats in Graphs
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:34:09 AM »
Been kicking around the idea of an off topic thread that doesn't contribute towards post count that everybody can just post anything in as long as it doesn't break any of the really serious rules. This allows people to just carry on random conversations, post things they might not feel deserves and entire thread, image dump, et cetera. I'd need to talk to cheat about setting it up though and see if people would actually be interested in it.
I think this would just further kill incentive to make threads, if anything.

That's a legitimate point.

As I said, it's something I've been kicking around and it's something that I'd need to bring up with Cheat and get a good response from the community on before I implement it.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 Stats in Graphs
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:32:47 AM »
Guess I'll use this thread as a blog of sorts for things we can improve on. Another thing that's been on my mind about Sep7 is that we've kind of been ass at the community building aspect. We need to encourage more things like gamenights and other group activities. It's harder to hate or dismiss a person you've had some real communication with outside of a forum setting and it helps to build longer lasting bonds. As an offsite we can really only thrive by forging a community. While there certainly have been smaller communities that have spawned because of this place, there needs to be a larger connection as a whole.

Maybe set up a guild in some F2P MMO we can all agree on or something. Get game nights for popular games going on various consoles. Host or rent servers for the community to play in for games that are popular with this place. I'm not necessarily saying you all have to do something like this though because it's something that I think the staff should probably be trying to lead in instead of taking the passive and more distanced role with the community that it has been.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 Stats in Graphs
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:25:13 AM »
Having April on there is a bit dumb since we're only three days into it.

Users online has basically remained the same, but part of the problem is topic creation is down. People seem to feel more comfortable commenting than they are creating new topics of discussion. This is something that could easily be remedied if more people made topics about whatever it is they want to talk about and certain people didn't try to shut down discussions they don't like.

Not making many topics is something I'm pretty guilty of so it's something I should probably work on for 2016.
Yeah I realized that while looking at it. Hopefully people are smart enough to realize that it's only the 4th.

The seems to be the big trend eh? Topics are certainly key to the whole forum thing. lol

Another thing is we're probably settling into our norm here for an offsite. If you take a look at the other offsites that have been around for a bit longer than us their activity drops a bit after the first year or two. Been kicking around the idea of an off topic thread that doesn't contribute towards post count that everybody can just post anything in as long as it doesn't break any of the really serious rules. This allows people to just carry on random conversations, post things they might not feel deserves and entire thread, image dump, et cetera. I'd need to talk to cheat about setting it up though and see if people would actually be interested in it.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 Stats in Graphs
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:14:44 AM »
Having April on there is a bit dumb since we're only three days into it.

Users online has basically remained the same, but part of the problem is topic creation is down. People seem to feel more comfortable commenting than they are creating new topics of discussion. This is something that could easily be remedied if more people made topics about whatever it is they want to talk about and certain people didn't try to shut down discussions they don't like.

Not making many topics is something I'm pretty guilty of so it's something I should probably work on for 2016.

Decline could also be attributed to the rise of discord and skype communities that were spawned from Sep7. Not sure how much private groups would help combat this.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 2014-2016
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:59:22 AM »
What happened cunts?

As always, some people over reacting over a slow night. You'd think after nearly two years people would learn that this place is never going to be as active as a place like Bungie.

This place overall was much more active in 2014.

But that's not actually true.

2015 had a little over twice the activity that 2014 had and it's still too early to see where 2016 will take us.

Looking at the stats for 2016 in comparison to 2014 and 15 and operating under the assumption that things continue as they have been for the rest of the year I'd guesstimate that we'll fall a bit under 2015 in terms of overall activity.

Serious / Re: And so begins the minority wars
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:56:08 AM »
First they're removed from being the first letter of the acronym that represents the movement they created, now they're being pushed from the community as a whole despite the fact that there's still discrimination against them.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 2014-2016
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:49:36 AM »
What happened cunts?

As always, some people over reacting over a slow night. You'd think after nearly two years people would learn that this place is never going to be as active as a place like Bungie.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 03, 2016, 07:31:16 PM »
Well it's in America
You wouldn't know that without reading the article, though. I didn't put the location in the title.
Where else would it happen?


Craig Gee says hello.

The Flood / Re: Amazon Dash buttons
« on: April 03, 2016, 02:30:00 AM »
That actually sounds really convenient.

The Flood / Re: Favorite medieval weapon?
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:19:47 PM »
The spear and naginata.

The Flood / Re: What is your favourite dinosaur?
« on: April 02, 2016, 07:20:19 PM »
The marine ones are pretty cool.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:07:58 PM »
it's not exactly unreasonable to expect this kind of behavior from Christians as well
I didn't say it was; I'm disputing the equivocation.

There was nothing wrong with that equivocation. When it comes to gay issues both Christians and Muslims can be equally stupid when dealing with it in a civilized western society.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:02:22 PM »
when Christians are just as annoying with it.
Are you insane?

iirc some catholic dude committed suicide on the alter of Notre-Dame in France when the government legalized gay marriage there

it's not exactly unreasonable to expect this kind of behavior from Christians as well

The Flood / Re: I found a kitten outside today
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:41:35 PM »
Stray cats are filthy vermin. My dogs are trained killers and they kill anything that wanders into my yard. They've killed a dozen or so cats.

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