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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 394
Gaming / Re: Recommend me PS1 games.
« on: December 05, 2017, 08:35:05 PM »
front mission 3

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 116)
« on: December 03, 2017, 06:34:01 PM »
-Catoblepas is FUCKED

nah, pepsiman is going to ring out vegeta and be the winner of the tournament. just watch.

Gaming / Re: Pet Peeves in video games
« on: December 03, 2017, 04:24:44 PM »
I doubt the Germans had black soldiers in The Great War

they did

The Flood / Re: Who is your Sep7agon best friend?
« on: December 01, 2017, 10:48:14 PM »
flee is my best friend

Gaming / Re: Nobu's Bizarre Adventure (Fate Thread)
« on: November 28, 2017, 09:02:12 PM »

why would you put the tokiomi ce on lancelot

you put that thing on people who have a lot of hits per attack so they can generate crit out the ass. throw it on someone like gil so he can be a one man crit team.

The Flood / Re: Do mods even log in anymore and do their job?
« on: November 27, 2017, 09:51:44 PM »
The only thing that I'm still curious to see is the trash board known as Destiny.

i hope you can speak russian

Gaming / Re: Worst Game of 2017?
« on: November 26, 2017, 03:32:03 PM »
none of those games are actually bad. A bad game is something like life of black tiger.

Gaming / Re: ESRB now fucks over Indies
« on: November 16, 2017, 08:30:31 PM »
You'd also think it'd be much easier to implement some sort of government regulation type thing

this is all well and good until you get someone with an agenda in there that'll start using the agencies powers to enforce their own desires. see our current net neutrality crisis in the US where it might get stripped away due to trump appointing a shill for the ISPs as it's head.

Gaming / Re: ESRB now fucks over Indies
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:51:14 PM »
Why do we need the ESRB rating system anyway

Can't developers just use their own discretion based on the standard set by the ESRB?
what do you mean

you think developers should rate their own games, or


i mean games have been around long enough that we know what constitutes "M" and "T"

the ESRB kinda exists because devs and publishers were exploiting the fact that there wasn't any kind of rating body and the industry didn't want the government to step in and regulate it for them

How could they exploit it? I dunno I'm not really the kind of person to even acknowledge the ESRB rating so I've never seen its merit.

marketing their products to audiences they clearly weren't intended for. kind of like when cigarette companies would make candy flavored cigs. they didn't make them for adults, they were made to try and get kids early so they'd be addicted for years to come.

granted there's a big difference between nicotine and a videogame, but the intent is still the same.

for people on places like this the ESRB likely doesn't mean much, but we're also the minority. for the vast majority of people the ERSB is a way for them to tell what kind of content is going to be in the game. kind of like how box art is intended to entice the average clueless consumer into picking it up.

Gaming / Re: ESRB now fucks over Indies
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:35:58 PM »
Why do we need the ESRB rating system anyway

Can't developers just use their own discretion based on the standard set by the ESRB?
what do you mean

you think developers should rate their own games, or


i mean games have been around long enough that we know what constitutes "M" and "T"

the ESRB kinda exists because devs and publishers were exploiting the fact that there wasn't any kind of rating body and the industry didn't want the government to step in and regulate it for them

Gaming / Re: ESRB now fucks over Indies
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:42:31 PM »
This is an even better reason to move to digital distribution though. You don't need to go through big retailers or organizations and you can just sell your product to the customer directly.

Gaming / Re: ESRB now fucks over Indies
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:40:58 PM »
This is the future that Statists chose for you.

Iirc the ersb is a private entity that's run by the group for the video game industry which is made up of members that hail from all of the largest publishers.

The government has nothing to do with the ERSB as it was an organization that was created to "self regulate" the industry so the government wouldn't get involved.

Gaming / Re: The Game Awards
« on: November 14, 2017, 10:57:29 PM »
Fate GO deserves best mobile

shit like the nasuverse are too obscure for western media moguls in the vidya industry to take notice of, even if it's mobile game entry is one of the most popular in japan and is growing in the west. I'm honestly surprised Nier made it in there at all, but i guess automata made enough of a splash to force them to recognize it.

Fate is relatively popular though, especially after UBW

yeah, in certain anime watching circles. normies won't know what fate is.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 14, 2017, 08:41:17 PM »
So...why are people spazzing out about this comment exactly? Seems like a pretty run-of-the-mill saving face PR statement.

reddit is based around enforcing and encouraging group think so downvoting something that goes against the common opinion and getting your ebbin for the win comment in there is a good way to farm karma and raise your own standing.

Gaming / Re: The Game Awards
« on: November 14, 2017, 08:39:12 PM »
Fate GO deserves best mobile

shit like the nasuverse are too obscure for western media moguls in the vidya industry to take notice of, even if it's mobile game entry is one of the most popular in japan and is growing in the west. I'm honestly surprised Nier made it in there at all, but i guess automata made enough of a splash to force them to recognize it.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 10:36:57 PM »
why they were crowned "worst company" doesn't matter.

yeah it kind of does. to any rational individual they wouldn't even be considered. making a bad video game in in no way worse than fucking over people financially for life.

there's plenty to dislike EA for don't get me wrong, but dislike them for legitimate reasons. stupid bullshit like that just muddies the waters and distracts from real issues.

i'm not saying they deserve the label, nor am i saying we should dislike them simply because they are disliked and were voted the worst company in america (i don't even understand how you could miscontrue my argument that badly but whatever). what i am stating is the fact that people were upset enough to go out of their way to vote to that extent for multiple years in a row speaks volumes for their quality as a company no matter how you slice it.

you can keep saying its embarassing for gamers all you want, but EA is still shit and they still held that title for several years in a row. that's a fact and i used it to spruce up my argument.

it actually says a lot about the immaturity of the people who hijacked that thing to vote for them and it only detracts from your argument when you use it since it just makes you look like one of the mindless bandwagoners who are looking for an excuse to hate something.

like i said i only used it to add a little something to my statement. that being said i think EA has more than earned their shitty reputation and they are among the worst companies in the industry without a shred of doubt, and at the height of their unpopularity were easily the worst. so no, there's nothing mindless about it, people are more than justified at their distaste for this shitstain of a company.

if you want to dislike them that's fine, i said as much. i'm just saying people should just hate them for legitimate reasons.

my original comment was just remarking on how stupid and embarrassing that vote was though

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 10:28:50 PM »
why they were crowned "worst company" doesn't matter.

yeah it kind of does. to any rational individual they wouldn't even be considered. making a bad video game in in no way worse than fucking over people financially for life.

there's plenty to dislike EA for don't get me wrong, but dislike them for legitimate reasons. stupid bullshit like that just muddies the waters and distracts from real issues.

i'm not saying they deserve the label, nor am i saying we should dislike them simply because they are disliked and were voted the worst company in america (i don't even understand how you could miscontrue my argument that badly but whatever). what i am stating is the fact that people were upset enough to go out of their way to vote to that extent for multiple years in a row speaks volumes for their quality as a company no matter how you slice it.

you can keep saying its embarassing for gamers all you want, but EA is still shit and they still held that title for several years in a row. that's a fact and i used it to spruce up my argument.

it actually says a lot about the immaturity of the people who hijacked that thing to vote for them and it only detracts from your argument when you use it since it just makes you look like one of the mindless bandwagoners who are looking for an excuse to hate something.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 10:03:07 PM »
why they were crowned "worst company" doesn't matter.

yeah it kind of does. to any rational individual they wouldn't even be considered. making a bad video game in in no way worse than fucking over people financially for life.

there's plenty to dislike EA for don't get me wrong, but dislike them for legitimate reasons. stupid bullshit like that just muddies the waters and distracts from real issues.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:51:56 PM »
crowned worst company in america

because i should take the opinions of a bunch of manchildren crying over a video game ending seriously

there were companies that actually ruined the lives of millions of people in that vote and a bunch of stupid children decided that a bad video game ending was more important than actual, real, living, breathing people getting fucked over for life.

i'll never not be salty over that embarrassment of a moment for the gaming community

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 04:17:59 PM »
Can someone explain the appeal of heroes to me? I've always maintained that the were the worst thing the original battlefront 2 introduced as they not only completely fucked over any attempt at balancing, but they take away from the boots on the ground feel the original battlefront had going for it.

Because sometimes it's fun to just play as a Jedi and zip around fucking people up with a lightsaber.

Which isn't fun for everyone else in the game

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 04:08:17 PM »
Can someone explain the appeal of heroes to me? I've always maintained that the were the worst thing the original battlefront 2 introduced as they not only completely fucked over any attempt at balancing, but they take away from the boots on the ground feel the original battlefront had going for it.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 01:08:24 PM »
TBH it probably won't do much (if anything ) to the final sales. I remember when advanced warfare became the most downvoted YouTube video in history and it still went on to sell millions.

People love to bandwagon.

Gaming / Re: EA BF2 response becomes the most downvoted Reddit comment ever
« on: November 13, 2017, 10:33:48 AM »
how retarded do you have to be to buy a game from a company that's been fairly consistently shit for a decade

The games themselves are usually quite good. The problem comes from EA putting it's fingers into the pie and mucking around in it.

Which is pretty annoying in this case because all anyone is going to talk about is loot boxes when dice and criterion have made the game part of the game pretty dang good.

Gaming / Re: Who's playing EAFront 2?
« on: November 12, 2017, 08:50:57 PM »
played every map except for hoth at this point

wondering what possessed them to think that theed would be a good map not just for the beta but also for the full game when every other map is many times better than it

also kamino is hands down the best looking map in the game

Gaming / Re: Who's playing EAFront 2?
« on: November 12, 2017, 04:36:45 PM »
Wasn't overly impressed with the beta, nice to have some variety in terms of planets now but the gameplay itself felt rather tedious. I liked the Takodana gamemode though. Might ask for it for Christmas if I can't think of anything else.
I've done that, at the very least I'm interested by the campaign since DICE aren't the ones working on it
It's an episodic campaign you have to buy story DLC to keep up with

the story dlc is free dude

Gaming / Re: KOTOR Playthrough Thread
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:54:13 PM »
is the dlc available on the xbox one?

Gaming / Re: Who's playing EAFront 2?
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:56:02 AM »
also i don't know why they continue to bother with game modes like blast and strike. nobody plays them.

strike is fun when it's being played the way it's supposed to be played, but more often than not it turns into a meat grinder over some bald patch of dirt because whoever grabbed the flag decided to run somewhere fucking stupid with it.

Gaming / Re: Who's playing EAFront 2?
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:54:17 AM »
core gameplay is really fun, just sucks that it came out during the year of the lootbox
Has it improved since beta? I felt that both infantry and starfighter stuff felt pretty bad.

i felt that the infantry gameplay was fine in the beta, it just had the worst map in the game to showcase it on. there's been some balance tweaks to it though so classes like the first order flame trooper are no longer useless.

flight controls for the k&m are still mcfucking ass though so if you're going to fly you should use an xbox controller since most pc games don't have native ds4 support. other than that once i got the hang of flying it's probably the most fun i've had with it since launch battlefield 3.

it should probably be obvious at this point that i'm playing the pc version, so i'm not sure what differences there are on the downgraded console version that might impede gameplay. that being said i'm actually really impressed at how well optimized the PC version of battlefront 2 is.

Gaming / Re: Who's playing EAFront 2?
« on: November 12, 2017, 10:44:06 AM »
core gameplay is really fun, just sucks that it came out during the year of the lootbox

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 115)
« on: November 12, 2017, 01:59:02 AM »
the sooner U6 is deleted the better

it's just unfortunate that we know that they'll be coming back the arc is over

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