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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: Shin Godzilla will release in the USA!
« on: September 09, 2016, 06:41:52 PM »
I'm not driving to SF to watch a shitty Godzilla movie.

Gaming / Re: Should I buy Assassin's Creed® 3
« on: September 09, 2016, 01:04:28 PM »
its not bad, but 4 was better

i enjoyed the setting though cause revolutionary war america is rarely explored in vidya

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:28:45 AM »
Cityfighting will be my life

CQB with flamers, melee, gas, molotovs


i better be allowed to firebomb the city from the air

Gaming / Re: Behold the joke that is modern media and gaming
« on: September 09, 2016, 10:38:39 AM »
PS4 Pro doesn't have bluray????
4k Bluray. Which is odd since the new xbox one (the s?) has one and sony owns bluray.

The Blu-ray Disc association owns it and MS is part of it.
Huh? I always thought that sony owned the bluray name.

iirc the only thing they own that's blu-ray related is logo they marketed with

Gaming / Re: Behold the joke that is modern media and gaming
« on: September 09, 2016, 01:40:33 AM »
PS4 Pro doesn't have bluray????
4k Bluray. Which is odd since the new xbox one (the s?) has one and sony owns bluray.

The Blu-ray Disc association owns it and MS is part of it.

The Flood / Re: Best brand + flavor of chips
« on: September 08, 2016, 10:27:49 AM »

>tfw americans will never know the taste of proper homecooked chips


those are fries


you're still wrong

they're called fries

The Flood / Re: Best brand + flavor of chips
« on: September 08, 2016, 02:30:22 AM »

>tfw americans will never know the taste of proper homecooked chips


those are fries

Serious / Re: US paid Iran 1.3B for failed arms deal
« on: September 07, 2016, 12:25:31 PM »
It might want to be noted that this arms deal happened back in the 70s.

People always bang on about how we should pay our debts so I'm not sure why some of those same people are giving him flak for actually doing so.

The Flood / Re: What are you drinking tonight - special treat
« on: September 07, 2016, 01:52:19 AM »
why would i drink on a Tuesday?
Why not?

cause its a weekday and there's nothing special going on

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: September 06, 2016, 09:13:20 PM »
So after a year of being adamantly against Halo 5, I got the LE for free and will be coming in the mail next week.

I already refuse to play the campaign, how disappointed will I be in the multiplayer? Is it really worth 343 abandoning the MCC over?

there's nothing wrong with the campaign bro

MP is better than 4 and reach

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: September 06, 2016, 09:11:21 PM »
I've noticed that there has to be a vehicle available before you deploy in order to customize it. I really hope they fix that in the final game.

i'd guess that that's in the soldier menu that's grayed out in the beta

The Flood / Re: What are you drinking tonight - special treat
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:31:28 PM »
why would i drink on a Tuesday?

Gaming / Re: Stellaris Discussion
« on: September 06, 2016, 07:04:32 PM »
in case anyone wants to know what the new governments are from the ethics and government rebuild mod


1) "Eudaimonic Society" (Libertarian)

Food +10%
Energy +5%
Mineral +5%
Peace Happiness +10%
War Happiness -10%
Army Morale -15%

2) "Explorer's Guild" (Oligarchy, Materialist, based on "Exploration" tradition)

+33% ship sensor range
-25% Science Ship build cost
+25% Science Ship build speed
+25% survey speed   
+25% anomaly research speed   
*+15% anomaly find chance
*-15% anomaly fail risk
-25% research station build cost
+20% physics research
+20% wormhole speed
+20% wormhole range
+20% warp speed
+20% warp range   

* - these modifiers do NOT seem to work as a country modifiers for the moment present, but I'm keeping them in a hope that in time it'll be fixed by Paradox.

Special techs:
Building "Deep Space Scanner" (physics +5, bonus to adj: +1 physics, +100% planet sensor range, +25% planet border)
"High-Efficient FTL Technologies" (+20% jumpdrive range, jump charge time -20%, jump cooldown -20%, emergency FTL damage -20%, emergency FTL jump cooldown -20%)

3) "Keepers of Harmony" (Ecologist, Libertarian)

-5% ethic divergence
+5% happiness
-25% terraforming cost
-25% terraforming station cost
+25% biology research speed
+25% new worlds research_speed
+1 trait points

Special techs: terraformation of unhabitable Worlds (Frozen, Barren and etc.), terraforming into Gaia.

4) "Mining League" (Oligarchy, based on "Mining" tradition)

+15% minerals
+2500 minerals storage
-20% mining network build cost
-20% mining station   cost
+25% industry research speed
+25% materials research speed

Special techs: Buildings "Metallurgical Plant" (bonus to adj: +3 minerals/-1 food, +5% construction speed, -5% construction cost, -2% habitability)

5) "Xeno-Nationalism" (Xenophobe, Authoritarian, Isolationist)

-15% military station build cost
+15% military station damage
+15% military station health
-15% military station upkeep
+15% planet fortification strength
+25% planet sensor range
+15% Rivalry influence gain

Each Ruler can build a special building: "Global Planetary Defence System".

6) "Anarcho-Capitalism" (Fanatic Capitalist, Fanatic Libertarian)

+15% energy
+15% minerals
+2000 energy storage
+5% construction speed
+5% ship build speed
+5% happiness
+25% migration speed
+1 sector cap
-8% Habitability
-25% Influence gain
-3 leader capacity

7) "Planetary Dominion" (Oligarchy)

+15% navy capacity
+1 army rank
+1 governor skill level
+20% colony development speed
+15% planet border intrusion
+1 sector cap
-10% Influence gain
+5% ethic divergence

8) "Thought Police State" (Authoritarian)

-15% ethic divergence
+10% happiness
+10% war happiness
+15% army morale
+25% slavery
+25% psionics research speed
-8% energy

9) Anarcho-Communism (Fanatic Socialist, Fanatic Libertarian)

Growth time -20%
Society research +25%
Alien Migration +15%
Xenophobia -15%
Leader pool size +1
Leader influence cost -10%
Happiness +10%
Peace happiness +5%
Migration speed +25%
Core Sector +1
-25% Influence gain
-3 leader capacity
-5% energy

10) Agriculture Consortium (Oligarchy, based on "Agriculture" tradition)

Food +20%
Farm Building Cost -25%
Habitability +5%
Biology research +25%
Clear Blocker cost -20%
Clear Blocker speed +20%

Special techs: Building "Food Grand Bazaar" (+10% food, +5% happiness, planetary unique), Building "Soil Enrichment Facility" (bonus to adj: +3 food)

11) Pioneer's League (Libertarian, Expansionist, based on "Pioneering" tradition)

-20% colonizer build cost
+20% colonizer construction speed
+20% colony development speed
-20% terraforming cost
-20% terraform station build cost
+25% New Worlds research

Special techs: allowed terraformation of unhabitable Worlds (Frozen, Barren and etc.)

12) Divine Imperium (Authoritarian, Spiritualist, Militarist)

Ethic Divergence -15%
Food Consumtion -15%
Army Morale +25%
Army Morale Damage +25%
Army Health +25%
General Skill levels +1
Psionic Research +25%
Physics research -15%

Ruler can build 5 Elite Inquisitor Forces.
Special techs: edict "Divine Crusade"

13) Military-Industrial Cartel (Oligarchy, Industrial, based on "Military Industry" tradition)

+5% ship build speed
-10% ship cost
-10% military station cost
-15% ship reparation cost   
+15% ship reparation speed   
+5% ship armor
+5% ship weapon damage
+15% Rocketry research
+15% Materials research
+15% Voidcraft research
-7% habitability

14) Peacekeepers League (Libertarian, Pacifist, Spiritualist, Xenophile)

Ethic Divergence -10%
Xenophobia -15%
Diplomacy influence cost -20%
Trust +20%
Trade Attractiveness +20%
Embassies +1
Rivalries -1
Rivalry influence gain -20%
Navy size -10%

15) Communist Dictatorship (Authoritarian, Socialist)

Food Consumtion -15%
Habitability +5%
Construction speed +15%
Ship build speed +15%
Industry research +25%
Statecraft research +25%
Slavery -50%
Energy -5%

16) "Biotech's Conglomerate" (Oligarchy, Materialist, based on "Biotechnology" tradition)

+25 leader lifespan
+15% leader experience gain
+10% growth rate
+15% army health
+1 trait points
Biology research +25%
Computing research +25%
-5% happiness

17) State Capitalism (Authoritarian, Capitalism)

+5% energy
+15% influence gain
+25% slave production output
+25% slave food output
+25% industry research
-5% happiness

18) Technocratic Republic (Fanatic Materialist, Libertarian, based on "Cybernetic" tradition)

+1 core system
+5% research speed
+10% survey speed
+8% construction speed
+8% ship build speed
+25% robot output
+4%   ship auto repair
-15% growth rate

19) Police State (Authoritarian, Socialism) - for those who like more "China-style" kind of communism

-10% ethic divergence
-15% food consumtion
-25% resettlement cost
-15% army cost
-15% army build speed
-15% army upkeep
+15% army damage
+20% military theory research
+20% statecraft research
-8% energy
-20% migration speed

Special tech: Edict "Doctrine: Loaylty" (-10% ethic divergence, +15% army morale, -25% edict cost, +25% edict length, +25% slavery tolerance)

20) Parliamentary Monarchy (Libertarian, Elitarian) - this government might seem questionable, but I thought that someone might like it. So, basically it's a democracy with the King. You are obligated to choose "Elitarian" and "Libertarian" (though not Fanatic) ethoses in order to be able to pick it.

+5% happiness
+10% navy size
+10% influence gain
+1 leader capacity
+1 sector capacity
+1 embassy

Each Ruler can build a "Royal Library" (+0.15 influence, -5% ethic divergence, planetary unique)

21) Environmentalist Bureau (Oligarchy, Ecologist, based on "Waste Recycling" tradition)

+5% habitability
-10% construction cost
-10% ship cost
+5% energy   
+20% new worlds research
+20% industry research
-7% influence gain
-10% construction speed
-10% ship build speed

And 3 different types of "Collective Consciousness":

22) "Hive Mind" (Fanatic Authoritarian, Xenophobic and Socialist, needs special trait "Drone Mindset") - classic "insectoid" Collective

Ethic Divergence -50%
Growth time -33%
Core System +3
Research speed +33%
Army Morale +25%
Research Alternatives -1
Leader Pool Size -1
Leader Exp gain -25%
Core Sector -2
Migration speed -25%
Resettlement cost +25%

23) The Hierarchy (Fanatic Authoritarian, Fanatic Elitarian, needs special Trait "Slave Gene") - another representation of "Collective Consciousness" kind of society, genetically-enforced oligarchy, in which a few rules on the many through a caste system.

-50% ethic divergence
+25 leader lifespan   
+2 leader capacity   
+50% slave production output
+33% influence gain
-25% resettlement cost
-25% edict cost
+25% edict length
+1 trait points   
-1 leader pool size
-15% research speed   
-33% growth rate
-33% migration speed

24) The Coalescence (needs special Trait "Brainchip") - another kind of "Collective Consciousness". True and, at some point, "democratic" kind of Collective - there is no actual hierarchy, everybody is unified and equally engaged in achieving common goal, which is pure Scientific Cognition (in fact, you can have neither Authoritarian nor Libertarian ethos in order to pick it - their form of society is absolutely unique and alien to everybody). Strong Research, but significantly limited Bureaucratic and Military options.

-50% ethic divergence
+1 tech alternatives
+20% research speed
+25% survey speed
+25% anomaly research speed   
+5% happiness
+5% habitability
+1 leader pool size
+33% leader experience gain
-25% influence gain
-1 rivalries
-50% rivalry influence gain
-15% navy size   
-15% war happiness
-25% army morale


Especially I'd like to point out that I fully re-worked "Military Republic" and "Military Junta". I don't like vanilla representations of them, because their bonuses does not seem quite relevant. I mean, what is so special about military democracy, that provides bonuses for army and military stations? Or, for ships and admirals - to an oligarchy? So, i tried to re-think them and here is what I came up with:

1) "Military Republic" - I imagine that feature of the State which is military and democratic, might be that army is based on the principles of militia with lesser involvement of the State - citizens are self-organized and take care of their own personal armaments, which makes it easier for the Government to support.

-10% army upkeep
-10% ship upkeep
-10% military station upkeep
-15% ship upgrade cost
-15% shipreparation cost
+10% army morale

2) "Military Junta" - I imagine military oligarchy as the council of experienced war-chiefs and their high-qualified and highly-paid armies

+1 admiral skill levels
+1 general skill levels
+5% ship weapon damage
+10% army damage mult
+10% ship upkeep
+10% army upkeep

3) "Military dictatorship"

+15% navy capacity
-20% ship build time
+20% army build speed
+10% war happiness
+1 rivalry
+25% rivalry influence gain
+25% Military Theory research

4) "Theocratic republic"

-10% ethic divergence
+10% happiness
+2 core system

5) "Theocratic oligarchy" - old and wise council

-10% ethic divergence
+25 leader lifespan
+1 leader skill level
+15% leader experience gain

6) "Divine mandate"

-10% ethic divergence
-10% food consumption
+50% slavery tolerance
-25% resettlement cost
+25% influence gain

7) "Direct democracy"

+4 core system

8) "Science directorate"

+1 research alternatives
+1 core system
+1 empire leader capacity

9) "Despotic hegemony" - name was changed for "Cyber Dictatorship"

+10% research speed
+10% energy
-25% research station build cost
-25% science lab build cost

Ruler can build 10 Elite Cyborg Armies.

10) "Moral democracy"

+10% happiness
+10% peace happiness
+2 core system

11) "Peaceful bureaucracy"

+1 leader pool size
+1 leader capacity
-20% leader influence cost
-20% diplomatic influence cost
+25% statecraft research speed
+15% influence gain

12) "Enlightened monarchy"

-25% edict influence cost
-25% edict length
+1 core system
+20% influence gain
+1 embassy

13) "Indirect democracy"

+1 leader skill level
+1 Leader pool size
-20% leader influence cost

14) "Plutocratic oligarchy" - name was changed for "Corporatocracy", with it's icon accordingly, you've got to have "Capitalist" ethos in order to choose it.

+5% energy
+10% minerals
+10% influence gain
+1000 energy storage
+1500 minerals storage
-5% Power plant cost
-5% Mining network cost

15) "Despotic empire"

-10% edict influence cost
-10% edict length
+15% slave production output
+15% slave food output
+1 leader capacity
+1 sector cap

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: September 06, 2016, 11:22:32 AM »
He's at his grans being old, he'll be back when it finishes


also everyone has moved over to discord

Serious / Re: Should the British have stayed out of World War One?
« on: September 06, 2016, 12:34:47 AM »
Know who should've stayed out of world war one? EA Dice.

Last thing we needed was another triple A future FPS

Last thing we need is an SJW game developed by a Swedish marxist who wants to push his political agenda on history.


The Flood / Re: Has the stance on loli changed?
« on: September 05, 2016, 09:30:48 PM »
The servers are still located in Utah so no.

The Flood / Re: I've yet to see Shrek 4
« on: September 05, 2016, 08:55:14 PM »
the only one i watched was 1

it didn't need an sequels

The Flood / Re: your opinion of me
« on: September 04, 2016, 12:25:22 AM »
I don't really have an opinion on you.

The Flood / Re: We won, Verb
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:04:16 PM »
You can also get around anti-ad blockers using other scripts.

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:49:43 PM »
That storm is really something when youre in the back of someones plane and youre scared he's going to crash

its not my fault its so thick that i can't see 3 feet in front of me

Gaming / Re: EVE getting free to play option
« on: September 02, 2016, 12:33:39 PM »
Ugh, bet this pissed a lot of people off. It seems like an extended trial, where they give you parts of the game. But you still can't fully play it unless you pay. I might try it again when it goes free. See how my account is. But I already pay for 2 MMOs. Not making it 3.

reaction has been mixed, but from what i've seen the majority seems to be in the optimistic camp

that being said unless you get into some of the bigger corps that run big expensive doctrines most pvp takes place in frig dessies and cruisers and outside of wanting to solo an l4 mission you don't really need a battleship

Gaming / Re: Any areas/levels that you absolutely dread doing?
« on: September 02, 2016, 11:41:41 AM »
Fuck this mission


once you break xenoverse it gets really easy

just go super saiyan and spam aoe ults until you win

Gaming / Re: BF1 Beta feedback thread
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:37:46 AM »
People saying SMGS are weak or need a bit more range baffles me, they devastate at close range for a reason, and you can hip fire the damn trench gun and hit people still.

Maybe picking a different variant?

I am also getting kills much further than whats being complained about with said SMGS, they feel fine and theyre not weak, the fact everyone's running with them on rush is saying as much.
As mentioned in another thread

I felt severely gimped by it's bullet velocity and range. Not only that, the first semi has better hip fire and range than the SMG's making them bottom feeder like in BF4.

25 Damage at 5 meters drops off to 12 damage at 8 meters.That's "range" in Battlefield. And if the range wasn't so shit, I wouldn't mind the velocity.

did you not watch the video? maybe you should just learn to aim

Code Geass's art director.

Jesus Christ, what an ugly artsyle.

its better than...

i honestly prefer funky pain to code geass when it comes to art style

Gaming / Re: Anyone playing Legion?
« on: September 02, 2016, 12:02:48 AM »
nope, im more excited for the f2p option for EVE right now

Gaming / Re: I have $46.41 on Steam
« on: September 01, 2016, 03:41:13 PM »
Yall are making me want Stellaris. Is it fun?

yeah, but like other paradox games by buying it early you'll have to wait for content updates and expansions to get some of the more interesting things that can be done with the game, although mods really help stellaris fill the gaps between official updates

so you can buy it now get your fill and return every couple of months when a content update comes out or wait a couple years and buy it for a reduced price with a lot of content updates already installed
Joke's on you, HoI needs no expansions to stay fun.

i probably put about 150 hours into stellaris before playing the waiting game

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Reviews: Generation 1 (RBY)
« on: September 01, 2016, 12:51:37 PM »
Well I just found out that Gen 1 has no move deleter. That inspired me to add another con.
>tfw you've been stuck with Flash on your pikachu for the past 80 levels because of FUCKING ROCK TUNNEL GOD FUCKING DAMN

Also, no preview on learning moves.
>tfw it's your first time playing and you delete thundershock for thunderwave because you don't know what the move is but figure it'll just be a better thundershock
Fuck me, right?

was yellow your first?

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: September 01, 2016, 12:32:19 PM »
(now that all DLC is out)

it's not

this was just season 1 of the DLC

I'm just waiting for the inevitable cease and desist.

MS works a bit differently than sony and nintendo when it comes to fan created games

as long as you stay within the guidelines they've set out for fan projects you can do whatever you want

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