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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 394
dont watch fate


if you aren't going to read the light novels or VN in it's original Japanese don't even bother

Isn't the VN literaly like the length of the Bible-per route?
Either way /Zero is love /Zero is life, and nothing is canon but Carnival Phantasm anyway.

it's longer than all 3 LOTR books combined and the fan translation was done by some nip high school kid with a poor grasp of the English language. also zero is pretty poop, interesting from a lore perspective, but bad from a story one.

also aniplex hires SEAmonkeys for their English translations so they're not much better
LOTR is one book homebolio

it was originally conceived as one book, but ended up being divided into 3.therefore it's 3 books.

dont watch fate


if you aren't going to read the light novels or VN in it's original Japanese don't even bother

Isn't the VN literaly like the length of the Bible-per route?
Either way /Zero is love /Zero is life, and nothing is canon but Carnival Phantasm anyway.

it's longer than all 3 LOTR books combined and the fan translation was done by some nip high school kid with a poor grasp of the English language. also zero is pretty poop, interesting from a lore perspective, but bad from a story one.

also aniplex hires SEAmonkeys for their English translations so they're not much better

dont watch fate


if you aren't going to read the light novels or VN in it's original Japanese don't even bother

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 11, 2018, 01:24:40 AM »
Don't forget, Captain Phasma's armor was literally forged from Sheev's yacht ship.

watched some gifs of the throne room fight. man that fight is terrible, it seems like half the time the actors have no idea what it is they're doing so you've got diver stabbing at the ground for no reason and one of the guards running around in circles.

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 10, 2018, 12:29:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: >his favorite animal isn't the jellyfish
« on: January 08, 2018, 09:30:30 PM »
The reptiles will re-inherit the earth and exist among the dominant mushroom based intelligent life in perfect harmony after we destroy ourselves and the mammalian favorable global climate that the last extinction event had created.
I for one welcome our new fungoid overlords

Posting best galactic race

>not playing as the fungoid space penis

it's like you want to lose or something

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 08, 2018, 09:24:45 PM »

the thing is i'm not just comparing their anime here, i'm also throwing their OVAs and movies into the mix. I could compare toei movies to ufotable movies and you'd still see a similar disparity.

i agree that dragonball would be much better if it were seasonal. toei should produce maybe 2 seasons a year and allow their teams to plan for the next one in between seasons. i feel like that would be better not only for the consumer, but also for their staff working on the project.

The Flood / Re: o
« on: January 07, 2018, 08:28:22 PM »
Hey I just got reminded of this thread on 4chan, not up my alley but they were talking about a game called '4 Elememts Trainer'

Apparently the game absolutely destroys your waifu.

the only people who would be talking about that are /weg/ in /aco/. tell me what other kind of dirty things you're into senpai.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:59:12 PM »
>Rat's Nest
>There are no rats anywhere

there are actually dead rats on rats nest

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:53:51 PM »

i fucked up and hit edit instead of reply and i couldn't salvage your old post. sorry about fucking that reply chain.

basically what i said in the post i accidentally edited was that scheaduling issues and him not having the time to do his work are bad management. none of the other studios i mentioned are plagued with the problems toei comes with and this includes when you compare their one shot ovas and movies. if they actually had good planning and project management their best people would have more than enough time do their work, but as i mentioned before toei just kind of shits stuff out because they know people will buy it anyway.

other studios have some pretty extensive planning stages before any project actually gets started. studios like ufotable will typically spend a few months planning things out before they actually get started on a new season and it really shows in the final product.

i just pulled a couple random images out of a folders here for an example

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:24:27 PM »
you honestly need to watch more chink cartoons if you think the super team is "incredibly talented". there are some talented people working there yes, but in comparison to the rest of the industry they're pretty low tier overall.

if the team is full of incredibly talented people, then the team is incredibly talented. i'm not saying they've been able to fully show off their skills (shida, my favourite animator, in particular has been lacklustre as a KA) or even, that supers animation is incredible. but its chocked full of talent no matter how you slice it.

call me back when toeis super team is able to produce anything on the same level as say Shaft, Kyoani, or Ufotable.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:09:46 PM »
you honestly need to watch more chink cartoons if you think the super team is "incredibly talented". there are some talented people working there yes, but in comparison to the rest of the industry they're pretty low tier overall.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 03:14:33 PM »
doesnt really have much to do with toei, that's dependent on how strict the animation supervisors are in regards to the character sheets.

that has everything to do with toei.

how do you figure

i mean unless you consider every person that works at toei "toei" as if they make those kinds of decisions

even then several of the staff dont work at toei and are freelanced

it's a problem toei has had across all their shows for over a decade now. they make tons of money, but refuse to spend any of it on creating a consistently good looking product because they know people will eat up whatever they put out. the management at that studio is complete crap. their planning is pretty much nonexistent and they keep on people that should have been let go ages ago and replaced with more talented individuals.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:50:10 PM »
doesnt really have much to do with toei, that's dependent on how strict the animation supervisors are in regards to the character sheets.

that has everything to do with toei.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS episode 122)
« on: January 07, 2018, 01:31:52 PM »
wish toei could stay consistent with their art style. not only were there scenes in this episode that looked completely out of place when compared to the rest of it, but the preview for the next episode looks downright awful.

Gaming / Re: 343 plz
« on: January 07, 2018, 02:37:21 AM »

The Flood / Re: >his favorite animal isn't the jellyfish
« on: January 07, 2018, 12:32:54 AM »
Ocean creatures are pretty rad TBH and jellies are definitely top tier. Mantis shrimp is probably my favorite, but they've kind of become meme tier here in recent years.

Maybe I like cephalapds the most now that I think about it. I don't know I don't think I've ever actually say down and thought about what is my favorite animal.
>he thinks the peacock mantis shrimp is a meme

Somebody hasn't taken the shrimp pill

reddit was all over them for a while there, but tbh i don't really reddit so maybe they're done with them now
Are you shitting me, Reddit meme'd them? Why is that site still up
pretty sure this comic is what propelled it to meme status for them

The Flood / Re: >his favorite animal isn't the jellyfish
« on: January 06, 2018, 10:23:23 PM »
Ocean creatures are pretty rad TBH and jellies are definitely top tier. Mantis shrimp is probably my favorite, but they've kind of become meme tier here in recent years.

Maybe I like cephalapds the most now that I think about it. I don't know I don't think I've ever actually say down and thought about what is my favorite animal.
>he thinks the peacock mantis shrimp is a meme

Somebody hasn't taken the shrimp pill

reddit was all over them for a while there, but tbh i don't really reddit so maybe they're done with them now

The Flood / Re: >his favorite animal isn't the jellyfish
« on: January 06, 2018, 09:01:06 PM »
Ocean creatures are pretty rad TBH and jellies are definitely top tier. Mantis shrimp is probably my favorite, but they've kind of become meme tier here in recent years.

Maybe I like cephalapds the most now that I think about it. I don't know I don't think I've ever actually say down and thought about what is my favorite animal.

The Flood / Re: Sessions starting in on legal pot
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:40:08 PM »
I don't think there's any stopping the cannabis train at this point. Far too much money is invested in the industry now, and a huge number of people are going to use it even if it is illegal. Sessions was and is a setback for legalization, but regardless, I think it's inevitable that prohibition will end.

kind of but not really related to the topic, but this sentiment is how i feel about prostitution. It's something that should have been legalized a long time ago to make it safer for everyone involved. pot in states like CA and CO has become so much safer to use and obtain now that it's been legalized.

Gaming / Re: Playstation 4
« on: December 26, 2017, 10:00:53 PM »
please buy Nier to fund Yoko Taro

automata was already a huge success and a second in currently in the works.

Gaming / Re: Playstation 4
« on: December 25, 2017, 04:43:09 PM »
sony has always made terrible controllers. you either just have to put up with it or buy a third party controller that emulates a 360 or xbox one controller.
the controller literally hasn’t changed ever you dumb faggot

It ain’t broke works fine

yeah, which is kind of a problem considering the design is sub standard.

their competition in the console market simply makes better controllers.

Gaming / Re: Playstation 4
« on: December 25, 2017, 03:40:01 PM »
A few top tier ones off the top of my head

Persona 5
Nier Automata
Resident Evil 7
The Witcher 3
Final Fantasy 14/15
Dark Souls 3
Anything else? The first two are weeby and look nothing like what I would enjoy, and all of the other ones I either already own on different platforms (overwatch, dark souls, final fantasy 15, Witcher) or would probably be better on PC or Xbox.
enjoy your bloodborne machine

Gaming / Re: Playstation 4
« on: December 25, 2017, 02:25:42 PM »
sony has always made terrible controllers. you either just have to put up with it or buy a third party controller that emulates a 360 or xbox one controller.

Gaming / Re: Defend this. (TW: anime, intense misogyny)
« on: December 22, 2017, 10:31:42 PM »

yall nerds would be much happier if you stopped giving a fuck and just accepted that the video game industry is trash

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:23:53 AM »
The only Star Wars thing that was never shit was the original Battlefront games

the old battlefront games weren't that great

1 was ok, but 2 was shit

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 17, 2017, 04:57:49 PM »
Episode 8 should really just be renamed "Women getting shit done"

If by "getting shit done" you mean "Fucking everything up by keeping people in the dark and causing mutiny" then sure. At least she went out in the coolest way of anybody in the series though.

Also Rose is worse than Jar Jar

i'm quoting some left wing tabloid that ran that headline

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 17, 2017, 04:20:59 PM »
Episode 8 should really just be renamed "Women getting shit done"

The Flood / Re: The absolute state of white people
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:31:50 PM »
i think the reason nobody would notice is because nobody watches that show anymore

Gaming / Re: Oath Under the Salt (Fate Thread)
« on: December 06, 2017, 08:50:15 PM »
shit meme

b^uckly is a fag

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