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Messages - big sponge

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The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 03:36:10 PM »
Well... now that I think about it, aside from bounty hunters, I can't remember any minorities in any of the other movies in the Empire.

there weren't really any minorities in the rebellion either in the OT and the only black man in the galaxy worked with both sides during the war

remember that the OT was made in the late 70s/early 80s

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 02:09:40 PM »
So basically it's what you'd get if you took writers who know nothing about star wars and told them to make what one would think would be a lore intensive film.

I guess the writting was on the wall when the writers were making incorrect statements about the empire and the rebellion on twitter.
Show me pls.

I'm having trouble finding it under all this safety pin nonsense. But basically they said that the empire is a white supremacist organization and the rebellion is lead by strong women. Both of which are false because the Empire is human supremacist (meaning that all humans regardless of skin color are inherently superior to xenos) and only one of the rebellions leaders is a woman.

Oh, the reason i can't find it is because it was apparently deleted.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 01:23:47 PM »
So basically it's what you'd get if you took writers who know nothing about star wars and told them to make what one would think would be a lore intensive film.

I guess the writting was on the wall when the writers were making incorrect statements about the empire and the rebellion on twitter.

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 14, 2016, 01:17:18 PM »

ben garrison has to be one of the worst political cartoonists of all time

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 14, 2016, 11:59:22 AM »
People don't buy physical copies what

i rarely buy physical copies on the PC or Boner because i have no need to due to their online marketplaces actually being pretty good

on the playstation physical copies are the only way to go because the online service is abysmal

I can't stand not having a game in my hands
It's like I don't even have it

It's a new thing for console users, but the PC platform has been (almost) digital only for so long now that I don't even think twice about not having a physical copy anymore. I actually prefer it to be digital now just because it's much more  convenient to not have vidya taking up room on the shelf and having to dig out the disk every time i want to play something different.
Even then, I just think of people saying this, and them probably not spending anything on music since it's a digital market now. Games are easily going to be like that within a decades time.

And yeah, not digging around is great, and I still feel like I own it. I never subscribed to the "I don't FEEL like I own it unless I hold it" feeling people seem to still hold. I only argue that point if it's a special edition, or a collectors thing or something with a cool case.

What're you going to do when you want to admire your gaming legacy

You going to dig out your harddrive and show off those sick digital receipts to your grandchildren or are you going to pull out that fat stack of cases you stood in line at midnight for

>standing in line at midnight

i'd rather just play it when the clock hits 9pm the night before

This is like eating pussy with a dental dam

Yeah you did it but it still doesn't count

whatever dude, the only thing that maters to me is that i'll be playing it for a good 2-3 hours before you even get home while still going to bed at a respectable hour

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:57:28 AM »
People don't buy physical copies what

i rarely buy physical copies on the PC or Boner because i have no need to due to their online marketplaces actually being pretty good

on the playstation physical copies are the only way to go because the online service is abysmal

I can't stand not having a game in my hands
It's like I don't even have it

It's a new thing for console users, but the PC platform has been (almost) digital only for so long now that I don't even think twice about not having a physical copy anymore. I actually prefer it to be digital now just because it's much more  convenient to not have vidya taking up room on the shelf and having to dig out the disk every time i want to play something different.
Even then, I just think of people saying this, and them probably not spending anything on music since it's a digital market now. Games are easily going to be like that within a decades time.

And yeah, not digging around is great, and I still feel like I own it. I never subscribed to the "I don't FEEL like I own it unless I hold it" feeling people seem to still hold. I only argue that point if it's a special edition, or a collectors thing or something with a cool case.

What're you going to do when you want to admire your gaming legacy

You going to dig out your harddrive and show off those sick digital receipts to your grandchildren or are you going to pull out that fat stack of cases you stood in line at midnight for

>standing in line at midnight

i'd rather just play it when the clock hits 9pm the night before

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 09:17:12 PM »
People don't buy physical copies what

i rarely buy physical copies on the PC or Boner because i have no need to due to their online marketplaces actually being pretty good

on the playstation physical copies are the only way to go because the online service is abysmal

I can't stand not having a game in my hands
It's like I don't even have it

It's a new thing for console users, but the PC platform has been (almost) digital only for so long now that I don't even think twice about not having a physical copy anymore. I actually prefer it to be digital now just because it's much more  convenient to not have vidya taking up room on the shelf and having to dig out the disk every time i want to play something different.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:59:29 PM »
People don't buy physical copies what

i rarely buy physical copies on the PC or Boner because i have no need to due to their online marketplaces actually being pretty good

on the playstation physical copies are the only way to go because the online service is abysmal

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 02:55:52 PM »
Because PSN is an archaic hastily stapled together "me too!" that sony created after seeing the success of XBL

nothing short of a complete rework from the ground up is going to fix it at this point

What I find confusing is that people are OK with an adversarial foreign power meddling in our election just because their guy won.
It's not confusing at all.

Some people clearly place a higher value on having their chosen president than they do on having a 'clean' election. Like when the Bolsheviks dissolved the National Assembly in 1917 after losing.

Dodgy? Sure. Confusing? Not at all. People just value things differently. And it's pretty evident that a lot of Trump voters believe a Clinton presidency, rightly or wrongly, would be worse for America than Russia leaking some emails.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Though, it's actually pretty surprising that the Congressional Republicans are pushing for a formal investigation - they have no need to allow it, they control both chambers and could prevent it if they want.

They might want to get rid of Trump and make pence the president. The man is apparently receiving more briefings than trump anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if they're setting him up to take over.

They would need the support of Democrats to reach that point. And as much as the left doesn't like Trump, many of them are just as fearful of a Pence administration.

So I still fail to see where McConnell and other Republican leaders are trying to go with these demands of an investigation. It pisses off their base, it pisses off their leader, and the likelihood of anything coming out of it is small. My best guess would be to feign bipartisanship ahead of 2020?

This whole event is just becoming a mess. We have electors demanding an intelligent report ahead of their vote, Congress is splitting down party lines, and within parties themselves, on whether the FBI or CIA is correct, and the President-Elect continues to forge ahead with his administration building while continuing to denounce daily briefings as necessary.

America, behold our government for the next four years.

not if they scare off enough of the electoral votes to make sure no one has 270, then it kicks back to the house of reps for appointing the president and from what i recall appointing a president only requires a simple majority which the republicans have more than enough seats for

What I find confusing is that people are OK with an adversarial foreign power meddling in our election just because their guy won.
It's not confusing at all.

Some people clearly place a higher value on having their chosen president than they do on having a 'clean' election. Like when the Bolsheviks dissolved the National Assembly in 1917 after losing.

Dodgy? Sure. Confusing? Not at all. People just value things differently. And it's pretty evident that a lot of Trump voters believe a Clinton presidency, rightly or wrongly, would be worse for America than Russia leaking some emails.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Though, it's actually pretty surprising that the Congressional Republicans are pushing for a formal investigation - they have no need to allow it, they control both chambers and could prevent it if they want.

They might want to get rid of Trump and make pence the president. The man is apparently receiving more briefings than trump anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if they're setting him up to take over.

Gaming / Re: Thinking about giving Battlefront another go
« on: December 11, 2016, 08:22:15 PM »
Tried playing it a few months back and the balance is completely fucked now on most of the maps in Walker assault. The rebels pretty much won every game because they took away all of the vehicles for the imperials on later phases while letting the rebels keep all of theirs.

As a universe E fag I think it's time for you to stop.

It was liberty in universe E too.

The Flood / Re: Debating on going vegetarian for a month
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:36:19 PM »
Going vegetarian or vegan isn't hard. You just have to want to do it.

The Flood / Re: C3PO apparently has a silver leg
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:30:47 PM »
He's always had that. Are you from the Berenstein dimension?

I'm from universe E and he had one there too.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS epispde 68)
« on: December 11, 2016, 02:07:57 AM »
if anyone doesn't know apparently Buu Kai and DBS will be on toonami together starting on January 7th

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 02:09:33 PM »
I'm not arguing his first accusation, although to say with 100% certainty that they did hack the DNC is a bold claim. The idea that the emails themselves are fake however is downright silly considering how the DNC reacted to them.

the word and is pretty important there

he didn't even say that in what you quoted

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 10, 2016, 01:44:00 PM »
The DNC members that stepped down over the wake of that controversy would not have done so if it was fake bullshit made up by Russians.

We're living in unprecedented times. Did Russia at least have an influence via hacks into the DNC and by propagating fake news? Undoubtedly.

the word and is pretty important there

Gaming / Re: Ubisoft's biggest open world ever
« on: December 10, 2016, 12:12:36 PM »
So it's going to be big and empty


Everything at the time of Halo 4 was saying the Domain is gone, which is another reason why Halo 5's story is such fucking garbage.

343 canon is actually just a hot mess of contradictions

the didacts ship can also reconfigure itself inside, so why didn't he just not let the mc get to the core if he was carrying a weapon that could destroy it? i get that he might have wanted to take care of it himself, but you don't have to do that in the most vulnerable part of your ship. i mean the MC could have just allahu ackbard as soon as he set foot in the room instead of stumbling around on those platforms

you'd think one of the greatest military minds the forerunner had wouldn't allow anyone to get anywhere close to upsetting any of his plans, instead of you know, just letting them waltz right into the place they need to be to do so

and since the prometheans are digital beings they don't actually have to physically be sent somewhere, they could just upload their "brains" to the domain and be downloaded into an open shell elsewhere

if the swirling mass of energy powering the composer was just a slip space portal it also shouldn't matter if you set off a nuke at it, it's not like you can destroy a slip space portal with conventional weapons

also if the didacts ship could create a hard light barrier strong enough to survive a nuke why didn't it just make one around the mc when he had the nuke and contain the explosion in it?

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.
There's no real reason to be believe the Didact died in Halo 4 though.

He fell into a slipspace portal, Chief only hours before went through a slipspace portal, Didact has far better armour that the Chief.

However the Didact being immediately composed despite the terminals saying he couldn't, or the fact he sicced prometheans on Blue Team despite the fact he killed Black Team (who were brought back to be killed), and Rookie being killed off were all retarded.

that was a retcon so they could bring him back for the comic, in the game he falls into a swirling mass of energy used to power that deconstruction beam
Is it really though? Considering Cortana says "Activity! Significant slipspace event, building under the Composer." as you float towards it

I'll respond in the morning/afternoon, whenever I'm up

Didacts ship entering slipspace, consistent with everything we've ever seen regarding slipspace in the halo franchise

the core that's powering the didacts deconstruction beam, the only thing in common is that its dark in the center, color and consistency have more in common with a kill ball than a slipspace portal


if it were meant to be a slipspace portal they wouldn't have had to break their own canon to make him decomposed (when he's supposed to be immune to it) to bring him back

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.
There's no real reason to be believe the Didact died in Halo 4 though.

He fell into a slipspace portal, Chief only hours before went through a slipspace portal, Didact has far better armour that the Chief.

However the Didact being immediately composed despite the terminals saying he couldn't, or the fact he sicced prometheans on Blue Team despite the fact he killed Black Team (who were brought back to be killed), and Rookie being killed off were all retarded.

that was a retcon so they could bring him back for the comic, in the game he falls into a swirling mass of energy used to power that deconstruction beam
Is it really though? Considering Cortana says "Activity! Significant slipspace event, building under the Composer." as you float towards it

I'll respond in the morning/afternoon, whenever I'm up

Didacts ship entering slipspace, consistent with everything we've ever seen regarding slipspace in the halo franchise

the core that's powering the didacts deconstruction beam, the only thing in common is that its dark in the center, color and consistency have more in common with a kill ball than a slipspace portal

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.
There's no real reason to be believe the Didact died in Halo 4 though.

He fell into a slipspace portal, Chief only hours before went through a slipspace portal, Didact has far better armour that the Chief.

However the Didact being immediately composed despite the terminals saying he couldn't, or the fact he sicced prometheans on Blue Team despite the fact he killed Black Team (who were brought back to be killed), and Rookie being killed off were all retarded.

that was a retcon so they could bring him back for the comic, in the game he falls into a swirling mass of energy used to power that deconstruction beam

It was a Slipspace bubble.
Even further, Spartan Ops showed that the Dicact had given control of the Promethean to Jul Mdama

yeah, after the retcon

Armor that could survive sipspace already existed before Halo 4 released.

i mean the energy core being turned into a slip space portal (which makes its own host of problems, namely why the fuck do all of these bungie era forerunner installations use power generators if they could be using slip space portals instead)

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.
There's no real reason to be believe the Didact died in Halo 4 though.

He fell into a slipspace portal, Chief only hours before went through a slipspace portal, Didact has far better armour that the Chief.

However the Didact being immediately composed despite the terminals saying he couldn't, or the fact he sicced prometheans on Blue Team despite the fact he killed Black Team (who were brought back to be killed), and Rookie being killed off were all retarded.

that was a retcon so they could bring him back for the comic, in the game he falls into a swirling mass of energy used to power that deconstruction beam

It was a Slipspace bubble.
Even further, Spartan Ops showed that the Dicact had given control of the Promethean to Jul Mdama

yeah, after the retcon

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.
There's no real reason to be believe the Didact died in Halo 4 though.

He fell into a slipspace portal, Chief only hours before went through a slipspace portal, Didact has far better armour that the Chief.

However the Didact being immediately composed despite the terminals saying he couldn't, or the fact he sicced prometheans on Blue Team despite the fact he killed Black Team (who were brought back to be killed), and Rookie being killed off were all retarded.

that was a retcon so they could bring him back for the comic, in the game he falls into a swirling mass of energy used to power that deconstruction beam

Can you blame him?

Yes, 343 isn't good enough to write anything other than some bullshit about her coming back to life. These are the same people that killed off the rookie in a book and magicked the didact back to life for a comic.

i think that's just you

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