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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 394041 4243 ... 394
Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2
« on: January 02, 2017, 03:31:23 PM »
Are you all really on PS4?
LC and myself
Bacon, CMD, Assasin are on Xbox

Who and I are on ps4 as well. Got a sep7agon network up.

i think he formatted that wrong

the two of us have PS4s, but we play titanfall 2 on the xbox

Serious / Re: Christianity Most Persecuted Religion in 2016
« on: January 02, 2017, 03:29:06 PM »
Really shows how ungrateful this lot is
Who's ungrateful to who?
Typical flood or people our age uncaring of those dying, seemingly more so because >christianity
I'm pretty sure we all care unless somebody here is a sociopath. The point is everybody's dying.

Apart from that, why should any of us be grateful to Christianity? What the hell has religion ever done but hold us back and keep us in the mud like wild animals?
Why do you associate Christianity with religion in general?  And how do you figure religion hasn't done anything for us?

we could grab das and have him rant at you at the evil of arabic religions and how they wiped out the european pagans who dindu nuffin

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:22:22 PM »
opinions can be wrong, and your opinion that PSN is faster than XBL is factually wrong

this is easy stuff dude
But why is PSN so fast though?

Even if XBL is faster, PSN is still fast. How much do you spend on XBL compared to PSN? That's a factor we haven't even touched on. If PSN is more expensive, then I'd have to concede that it's objectively worse based on that alone.

If XBL costs more, then there is no possible way you could argue that it's better.

they're the same price iirc

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:19:28 PM »
that you're calling an independent report with raw data about both services biased and claiming confirmation bias because the facts don't match up with your opinion
My opinion? I thought I was factually wrong?

opinions can be wrong, and your opinion that PSN is faster than XBL is factually wrong

this is easy stuff dude

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:17:32 PM »
this post is just way too funny
Why is PSN so fast?

that you're calling an independent report with raw data about both services biased and claiming confirmation bias because the facts don't match up with your opinion

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:15:40 PM »
Perhaps Verb really does in fact live on a separate plane of existence from the rest of us after all

it's the only way he can look at report done by an independent party and claim that it's biased

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:15:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: 2018 may be the year.
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:11:43 PM »
>the guy who gave the ok to paid mods and fought to keep things out of the public domain so he could make money off them is the savior of gaming


Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:06:13 PM »

>parents didnt buy anything for me

>but my dad bought me a ps4


i dont think you know the language as well as you think you do

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:02:50 PM »
I'm willing to bet that PSN is better than XBL, because Xbox has the worst track record ever when it comes to providing anything for their consumers. PSN is also fast as hell, so that helps.

but thats factually incorrect

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:01:18 PM »
verb even used his financial aid money to buy a ps4
Except I didn't. Do you know what "live off" means, little boy? It doesn't mean buying frivolous things like PS4s. My dad bought one for the both of us, because we both play games on it, you worthless fucking cunt.

I wish you knew how much fun it is to fantasize about strangling you to death.

so you lied earlier when you said your parents never bought you anything

why would you lie about that?

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:01:07 PM »
I have the greatest grasp of the English language on this website.
The greatest in the world, perhaps.


Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:58:02 PM »
I have the greatest grasp of the English language on this website.


Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:57:16 PM »
the wii u isn't the topic of discussion and is therefore irrelevant
"stop bringing up examples that undermine my faulty viewpoint"

you're bringing lord of the rings into a discussion that's comparing star wars and star trek

it's irrelevant and you're only trying to bring it in to try and shift the conversation away from comparing PSN and XBL so you don't have to concede that PSN is worse than XBL

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:51:15 PM »
TIL the wii u doesn't exist

now, the wii u is not the ideal system--it's actually nintendo's worst system since the virtual boy

but it does have free online play, which makes it a cut above its competition in that respect

Exept said online is even worse than Sony's in every way. Two second input lag on Smash Bros., no region filter, no dedicated servers, no ping monitoring, and getttig paint rollered by a dead jap from across the map in Splatoon is not acceptable.


a broken system is better than a fully functioning one because it's free

makes me wonder why verb even used his financial aid money to buy a ps4 when he could have just picked one up out of the trash for free

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:48:28 PM »

the wii u isn't the topic of discussion and is therefore irrelevant

this should have been evident from me explicitly stating that we're comparing XBL and PSN and the only option you have for either is to pay for it

but i forgot you have a childs understanding of the English language so i should have tried to make it even more obvious that the wii u has no place in this discussion

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:29:15 AM »
we're comparing two paid systems here
Maybe you are.

No response? I win again.

it's almost as if i have a life outside of internet forums or something

im not interested in discussing some idealistic fantasy system that doesn't actually exist, if you're looking at the the PS4 and XB1 you don't have the option of not paying and still getting the full set of features

i don't really feel participating in another mental gymnastics competition with you so you can continue believing whatever you want to believe even if it isn't grounded in reality

Gaming / Re: New Battlefront 3 gameplay footage.
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:17:14 AM »
sony killed factor 5 too so we'll never get another rogue squadron

Gaming / Re: Do Steam reviews influence your purchase?
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:06:26 PM »
but alt-tabbing doesn't work, so don't multitask".

oh sweet jesus that was a pain, i remember constantly losing progress due to me forgetting for a second that alt tabbing would crash the game

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 09:53:31 PM »
It cannot possibly be better if it's not free.

the current iteration of PSN isn't free either so we're comparing two paid systems here

all of the free features on the current iteration of PSN are free on the current iteration of XBL

all of the paid features of PSN are paid features on the current iteration of XBL as well

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 08:04:02 PM »
If you're going to say I didn't list any advantages XBL has over PSN because I didn't spell it out with neon flashing lights surrounded with chocolate cake and singing ponies you have a child's understanding of the English language. The obvious inference should have been that the competition does these things better. Especially since I've directly referenced the competition in my posts. The competition meaning Xbox and PC because a dead and forgotten platform with a barely serviceable online platform isn't competition.

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 06:48:17 PM »
OK its just gibs me dats from your parents then. Same thing just a different name.
My parents don't give me anything, but if it makes you feel a few inches taller than me, feel free to live in your fantasy world. Don't worry, I won't give you another booboo.
I don't consider being rewarded for doing your household chores an income, but whatever floats your boat.
My parents don't give me anything, but if it makes you feel a few inches taller than me, feel free to live in your fantasy world. Don't worry, I won't give you another booboo.
You don't have a job though.
I live off my overage checks.

What does this have to do with PSN being the fastest and most reliable service in gaming history again?

So you're like Deci then.

You're the on e who started down this rabbit hole, but blatantly false statements on your part aside we can tie this into how its hard for you to make value judgements and call other people's purchasing habits into question when you yourself use taxpayer funded gibs me dats meant to help you further your education for luxury entertainment.

For people who actually earn their money and want to participate in the current console generations online environment  XBL simply gives the consumer more bang for their buck. You're paying the same price for both services at this point yet PSN is inferior in every way.  For people who meet the minimum requirements to be classified as broadband (like yourself ) you aren't going to notice the difference as the cap on data being transferred is about the same as what your connection is maxed at. However for people who have 300 mb connections they won't even be downloading at 10% of what their connection  allows where as the competition offers them to either use the full extent of what their connection allows or at least somewhat close to it. This isn't even taking into account the myriad of other issues the service has with the big one being  security. Even if you don't use your credit card to purchase anything losing your account because of Sony's near non existent security standards is still a frustrating experience and will only be more so in the future as games are increasing storing player progress server side instead of locally.

Of course this comparison only works for people who have both consoles and are interested in an online environment. If you aren't interested in the heavily multi-player centric Xbox One and instead prefer the single player and Japanese heavy PS4 the inferior nature of PSN likely won't matter as you won't be making use of the features XBL has over PSN much anyway.

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 05:02:43 PM »
OK its just gibs me dats from your parents then. Same thing just a different name.
My parents don't give me anything, but if it makes you feel a few inches taller than me, feel free to live in your fantasy world. Don't worry, I won't give you another booboo.
I don't consider being rewarded for doing your household chores an income, but whatever floats your boat.
My parents don't give me anything, but if it makes you feel a few inches taller than me, feel free to live in your fantasy world. Don't worry, I won't give you another booboo.

You don't have a job though.

Serious / Re: mexican journalism and politics are fucking cancer
« on: January 01, 2017, 05:01:06 PM »
Probably never unless you have some outside intervention or another revolution
every revolution mexico has had ends up with oppression of poor people and then the cycle continues

Maybe your revolutionaries should stop supporting people who just want to get their turn at the top of the money making ladder.

A lot easier said than done though. Someone has to finance that revolufion.
Very rarely does armed revolution lead to a better future.

Nonviolent revolution really only works when your opposition cares about human life. Considering the government is largely in bed with the cartels I think it's safe to say that nonviolent revolution is only going to get innocent people killed.

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:57:32 PM »
OK its just gibs me dats from your parents then. Same thing just a different name.
My parents don't give me anything, but if it makes you feel a few inches taller than me, feel free to live in your fantasy world. Don't worry, I won't give you another booboo.

I don't consider being rewarded for doing your household chores an income, but whatever floats your boat.

Serious / Re: mexican journalism and politics are fucking cancer
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:50:38 PM »
Probably never unless you have some outside intervention or another revolution
every revolution mexico has had ends up with oppression of poor people and then the cycle continues

Maybe your revolutionaries should stop supporting people who just want to get their turn at the top of the money making ladder.

A lot easier said than done though. Someone has to finance that revolufion.

Gaming / Re: PS4's download speed
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:44:22 PM »
A monthly allowance isn't an income dude.
Never received an "allowance" in my life. This isn't fucking 1985.

Why do you fail at everything you do or try?

OK its just gibs me dats from your parents then. Same thing just a different name.

Whatever makes you happier dude.

Serious / Re: mexican journalism and politics are fucking cancer
« on: January 01, 2017, 04:42:39 PM »
Probably never unless you have some outside intervention or another revolution

My dream in life is to find a nice traditional european woman and get married and have three children and then lose her to a femboy with a bigger penis than me. He'll move in to our house and act as the man in charge, eventually becoming my children's father figure, and I will perform household duties during the day and at night I will prepare his luscious cock for entry in to my wife. If I've been good that month he might even permit her to give my prostate a good milking, though it will be unlikely that she takes off my cage first.

When did you become a feminist?

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