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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 365366367 368369 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Your top ten anime?
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:25:31 PM »
The amount of people looking forward to F/SN makes me wonder how many of you are secondaries.

Raise your hands faggots. I want to know how many people will be Frodos if Ufotable fucks this up DEEN style.

Gaming / Re: Angry Joe's Review on Destiny.
« on: September 21, 2014, 04:25:27 PM »
According to Sonyggers and Desticles cutting parts of the game out in order to later sell as DLC for another (or all) platforms this practice only enriches the gaming industry though.

Who am I supposed to believe?
Never heard a single person who pimps Sony say that stupid shit.

They were claiming that cutting out content to be timed exclusive for Sony platforms and later selling it to MS ones was good for the industry.

These were also Desticles mind you.

Gaming / Re: Angry Joe's Review on Destiny.
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:35:47 PM »
I'll admit to being one of those people that say, "Just wait for the expansions, this is only the vanilla part of the game"
That is a bullshit response though. Selling an incomplete game so they can fuck more money out of you later on should never be tolerated, it ruins the gaming industry.

According to Sonyggers and Desticles cutting parts of the game out in order to later sell as DLC for another (or all) platforms this practice only enriches the gaming industry though.

Who am I supposed to believe?

Gaming / Re: Destiny E3 Vs. Final Build
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:33:01 PM »
Wasn't it found out that all E3 Demo's are actually run on High-End PC's?

What do you mean found out? It's the console kiddies who are slow in the head who are just finding out about this. It's been known by everyone else for about a couple decades now.

The Flood / Re: Feminism made the mistake of waking the sleeping giant.
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:20:05 PM »
Gamers are the sleeping giant?

GAMERS are the sleeping giant?

Ha ha

Ha ha ha ha


Oh, you were serious?


Ryle isn't being serious.

The Flood / Re: Feminism made the mistake of waking the sleeping giant.
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:56:09 PM »
I hate that people are trying to create a name for it, "Gamergate", and trying to make it a huge deal. Gaming media has always been biased and paid off, this is nothing new, so why make a big deal about it now?

That was actually created by Adam Baldwin so people could unify behind a single tag on twitter.


The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:23:26 PM »
The downward spiral came from the unverified crap that #GG jumped on and the courting of right wing loony websites like Breightbart and The Blaze that were trying to politicize it which is exactly what the original #GG didn't want. However the conservitards that joined in wanted to fight the evil liberal boogyman and started to try and push out the original people who understood that #GG needed to be a movement that incorporated the entire political spectrum. Whenever they pointed out that going to places like The Blaze and Breightbart is no better than going to a place like Huffpo they were told that "liberals control the media so we have to go the the only people who won't stifle free speech." "Conservatives will be the saviors of gaming" et cetera, et cetera. Which not only proves that these new people didn't understand the point of #GG, but they also had a very poor understanding of the history surrounding the far right when it comes to media in this country. Personally this new influx of people who were trying to turn it from a full political spectrum thing to a purely conservative one is what ended up making me lose interest.

Examples of unverified claims being the whole Anita not donating money to charity, the whole Anita never contacted authorities thing (she contacted the FBI, everyone assumed that because she didn't contact her local police she was lying), John Blow being connected to racketeering, Phil Fish being under FBI investigation, and a few other things that escape me at the moment.
unfortunately the only places that would cover #GG were Republitard's soundboards. cant really stop them from publishing articles. Conservatives wont be the saviors of gaming, lol.
you said Anita, but i think you meant Zoe. that whole kerfuffle is bullshit, 'the proceeds were donated in another name' why? that should make her look bad, not the people trying to make sure the money went where it was supposed to.
where is even Phil Fish?

Fairly certain it was Anita held some charity shit that ended up being donated under a different name. I remember the initial report being posted on here. Regardless though, people started spreading around claims under #GG that she pocketed the money instead of donating it. Which ended up not being true. This kind of shit needed to actually be researched before being thrown around as fact. It really shouldn't matter what name it's under as long as it's donated in the first place. Should she have put it under her name? Yeah, probably. It was a bit short sighted of her to do it under a different name with all the crap that's going on, but #GG really should have thoroughly investigated it prior getting people to publish it.

Fish has been pretty quiet since this thing began. Not sure what he's up to at the moment.

For all this talk of censorship by the "new SJW mods" on /v/ I'm not seeing it though. There's currently a SJWs get BTFO thread on the front page.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 21, 2014, 11:45:46 AM »

bumping this because its not that old and i dont want to make a new thread.

But the OP is overreacting and the only places that are really being affected are /b/ /v/ and /stormfro- I mean /pol/.

The cancer is leaving en mass so the rest of the boards are actually celebrating some what. Besides #GG was starting to slip into a downward spiral. They were courting right wing media to spread a lot of stuff that hadn't been completely verified and a bunch of it ended up blowing up in their face. I blame the influx of redditfags for this though since the original #GG people knew not to do that shit before actually making sure the allegations were true. That and the few right wing media outlets that did comment on it were trying to politicize it and make it look like an anti-feminist movement in order to drive their own agendas. Which of course ends up putting people off instead of bringing them in.

In short #GG started off good and then started fucking up. Is the alleged ejecting of old mods a terrible thing? Yes (if true), but for boards other than /b/ /v/ and /pol/ nothing has really changed.
i dont go on 4chan, but this censorship is sad. thats all.

the inclusions of politics in #GG has made me leery, mostly because of the 'us' and 'them' mentality that comes with the subject matter. i dont like the Left or the Right taking sides to push their agendas.

downward spiral how?
what unverified shit blew up, i must have missed that.

The downward spiral came from the unverified crap that #GG jumped on and the courting of right wing loony websites like Breightbart and The Blaze that were trying to politicize it which is exactly what the original #GG didn't want. However the conservitards that joined in wanted to fight the evil liberal boogyman and started to try and push out the original people who understood that #GG needed to be a movement that incorporated the entire political spectrum. Whenever they pointed out that going to places like The Blaze and Breightbart is no better than going to a place like Huffpo they were told that "liberals control the media so we have to go the the only people who won't stifle free speech." "Conservatives will be the saviors of gaming" et cetera, et cetera. Which not only proves that these new people didn't understand the point of #GG, but they also had a very poor understanding of the history surrounding the far right when it comes to media in this country. Personally this new influx of people who were trying to turn it from a full political spectrum thing to a purely conservative one is what ended up making me lose interest.

Examples of unverified claims being the whole Anita not donating money to charity, the whole Anita never contacted authorities thing (she contacted the FBI, everyone assumed that because she didn't contact her local police she was lying), John Blow being connected to racketeering, Phil Fish being under FBI investigation, and a few other things that escape me at the moment.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 21, 2014, 11:01:24 AM »
Redact my previous point.
ITT: Everyone but Commissar thinks that 4chan is ending

I don't know if you mean that as a good thing or not.

Well at least I don't have any delusions about 4chan ever being actually good.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:57:39 AM »

bumping this because its not that old and i dont want to make a new thread.

But the OP is overreacting and the only places that are really being affected are /b/ /v/ and /stormfro- I mean /pol/.

The cancer is leaving en mass so the rest of the boards are actually celebrating some what. Besides #GG was starting to slip into a downward spiral. They were courting right wing media to spread a lot of stuff that hadn't been completely verified and a bunch of it ended up blowing up in their face. I blame the influx of redditfags for this though since the original #GG people knew not to do that shit before actually making sure the allegations were true. That and the few right wing media outlets that did comment on it were trying to politicize it and make it look like an anti-feminist movement in order to drive their own agendas. Which of course ends up putting people off instead of bringing them in.

In short #GG started off good and then started fucking up. Is the alleged ejecting of old mods a terrible thing? Yes (if true), but for boards other than /b/ /v/ and /pol/ nothing has really changed.

Gaming / Re: Angry Joe's Review on Destiny.
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:26:24 AM »
I'm interested to see this reddit post he was talking about that revealed that Activision forced Bungie to take the story out of the game to later sell as DLC.

If this is true I fucking called it back when Bungie first announced their partnership with Activision. It would also explain Statens sudden departure.

The Flood / Re: Goddamn, driving is such a fucking chore
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:08:37 AM »
Dealing with douchebags who use the exit lanes to get past everyone else? just match their speed.

Oh my god I fucking hate this. Unfortunately I don't feel like playing a game of chicken anymore against these people as most of the time they're morons that just assume the world revolves around them. The resulting damages and cost associated from their stupidity wouldn't be worth the lesson they would learn.

That and my car isn't large enough to scare off most of those people as they're typically driving something larger than me.

The Flood / Re: General Anime Thread:
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:06:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: Recommend me some feels music
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:03:48 AM »

Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance had a great sound track.

The Flood / Re: How does one deter unwanted flirting?
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:41:17 AM »
Stick it in her poo-

also, she is 15


The Flood / Re: CUT
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:57:25 AM »

The Flood / Re: nini flud
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:59:46 PM »
when the light turned amber.

Everyone always calls it "yellow". How in the fuck is that even remotely close to yellow? Everyone gets all confused when I say amber, it is so annoying.

I don't know about where you live, but where I live they're clearly yellow.

Serious / Re: Alex Salmond - Sore loser.
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:49:53 PM »
The Queen a shit.

Scotland independence would have been best day of my life.

Gaming / Re: Gamecube>PS2>Xbox
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:13:03 PM »
In reality it was PS2 > Xbox > GameCube.

The Flood / Re: Shoe thread
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:20:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who here is looking forward to Star Wars Rebels?
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:18:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: How many pills would you eat?
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:49:03 PM »
None, I'm happy with my dick size.

The Flood / Re: Mexican girls are the hottest
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:20:11 PM »

The Flood / Re: The Kara no Kyoukai Marathon Continues!
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:28:53 PM »
Stream link now in the OP for those who want to watch some random shit for a preshow.

The Flood / Re: I'm sitting in an attractive girl's dorm room
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:42:14 PM »
Better eat dem tacos.

The Flood / Re: The Kara no Kyoukai Marathon Continues!
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:41:00 PM »
Fifth movie will be shown today at 11:00 GMT (so in like 2 hours roughly). I might do a preshow thing as well.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:37:29 PM »
during some violent parts containing excessive amounts of blood.


But that really does sound great <.<

*bumps it up to next in line for watching*

I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet. It's kind of old at this point.

English > Japnese  for this one. I don't think I've seen anyone try to contest this as well.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:34:56 PM »
I'd actually recommend the English dub for this one. It's really well done and fits the setting perfectly.

Serious / Re: The Iranian Mojahedin.
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:11:35 PM »

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