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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 358359360 361362 ... 394
Serious / Re: Should the District of Columbia become a State?
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:36:37 PM »

Kinder, Challenger

Can the two of you just not devolve into shit flinging fests? If one of you starts throwing out the personal insults just report and don't fling any back.

I don't really want to hurt either of you, but I'll give you both a time out if the two of you keep it up.

Serious / Re: "White people did not exist before 1681"
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:22:37 PM »

what about this one?
'I didnt earn my position, because Im white.'
yes let this moron write testing standards.

..... I'm going to refrain from starting up a political argument over this. All I'll say is that title of the youtube video is severely misleading and what the man is saying does have some truth to it, but it isn't because of "muh white patriarchy oppression".
he has a valid point. all kids should be taught to read equally. he stepped in shit when he brought up "privilege that he didnt earn" because he was white.

There are real issues with the way schools are funded that typically end up giving an advantage to communities that are predominately white. Why? Because areas that are predominately white also happen to be wealthier than areas that are predominately black and due to the fact that schools are typically funded through local taxes wealthier kids that go to a public school in a wealthier community are going to get a much better education than those who go to a public school in poorer areas that for the most part tend to be lived in by people of color.

So to reiterate, white people do tend to have an advantage when it comes to schooling in America. However it isn't solely because of the color of their skin like many SJWs want to believe.

News / Re: Review - Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:41:16 PM »
eeew shitty 3dcg

Also why the fuck is a Jedi openly running around like that? He'd be assassinated in no time.

Christ at least the Jedi masters from the the TFU game were all hiding in secluded locations and were, you know, fucking Jedi masters.

The Flood / Re: I see many have joined our ranks
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:38:27 PM »
The newfomans are not really the problem, Door and Zesty are.

Zesty is currently on moderated status meaning all of his posts need to be approved by a moderator before going up. It's kind of why he doesn't post nearly as often as he used to right now.

I'm not sure when his moderated status is up though.
Correlation does not mean causation. I was studying yesterday, (or was it two days ago?) so I didn't post as much. Today, I've made five threads and also read some, and studied some.

I feel offended that this is your view on me, and that you consider me someone who doesn't have much else to do but to post on this site. I also felt as if though that was an insult towards me, but that could be fueled by the hateful comments toward me that were ignited by your reply.

The two "hateful" replies you received were from people who already weren't very fond of you anyway. One of which was posted prior to my reply to Noelle.

You're getting offended over nothing really. If you are actually getting offended that is and aren't just trying to start something.

Serious / Re: "White people did not exist before 1681"
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:36:49 PM »

what about this one?
'I didnt earn my position, because Im white.'
yes let this moron write testing standards.

..... I'm going to refrain from starting up a political argument over this. All I'll say is that title of the youtube video is severely misleading and what the man is saying does have some truth to it, but it isn't because of "muh white patriarchy oppression".

Serious / Re: How many genders do you recognize?
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:59:58 PM »
I don't really give a shit about gender/sex/whatever (for the most part) so I just call people what they want to be called.

The Flood / Re: I see many have joined our ranks
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:52:42 PM »
The newfomans are not really the problem, Door and Zesty are.

Zesty is currently on moderated status meaning all of his posts need to be approved by a moderator before going up. It's kind of why he doesn't post nearly as often as he used to right now.

I'm not sure when his moderated status is up though.

The Flood / Re: I see many have joined our ranks
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:48:55 PM »
I'll get the punji sticks.

The Flood / Re: Hey, Kiyo
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:40:05 PM »
I really want to move this to gaming...

I'd just move it back since it's more about fassbender than new vegas.

Gaming / Re: A question for those with Fibre optics/Google Fibre.
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:36:53 PM »
Is google fiber even a thing in more than one city yet?

Yeah, and I want it in mine. Unfortunately the only city in California that currently has plans for it is San Jose.

The Flood / Re: 3 Days
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:01:11 PM »
implying ill be on this site when i could be watching the Korra premier

What are tabs? Besides this thread should be about the SSB4 release on the 3DS.

Anarchy a shit.
are you getting SSB4 for the 3DS? im currently flip-flopping on if i should. its either that or Omega Ruby. main reason i dont want to get it though, the analogue stick kills me. i try and up-B to recover and it decides that im actaully going left-B instead.

Yep, I've already got a pokemon game and the new ones are just a rehash of the worst gen. Paying $40 for some new pokerdudes when I barely play Y at the moment seems like a waste to me. Personally I've never had an issue with the analogue stick though.

Gaming / Re: Bungie has officially sold their soul to Activision
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:08:33 AM »
Because it's not like Microsoft did anything similar like this with Halo.
Even while Bungie was still with them?

Because if so I've dun goofed.

I still have a can of that sitting in my closet.

The Flood / Re: Hey Tru!
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:56:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: What's with all the weeaboos?
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:47:25 AM »
You mean all three of them?

The Flood / Re: 3 Days
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:45:07 AM »
implying ill be on this site when i could be watching the Korra premier

What are tabs? Besides this thread should be about the SSB4 release on the 3DS.

Anarchy a shit.

The Flood / Re: I realize something now, in the twilight
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:45:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:27:35 AM »
Wondering what the fuck happened on this board while I was making dinner.
How so?

Looks like something went down in the verbatim thread and Noelle made a thread that she later edited out that seems to be related to it.

The Flood / Re: So Flood
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:19:25 AM »
Wondering what the fuck happened on this board while I was making dinner.

The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:09:42 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.
That's not Attack On Titan or the new Dragonball series so its irrelevant and goes straight down the drain.

Attack on Titan should be renamed Attack on Average, and I'm looking forward to the new DB shit, but I can recognize it really isn't anything special. It's nostalgia that fuels my anticipation and enjoyment of the series.

Nasu's stuff easily surpasses DB, DBZ, and Attack on Titan.
Hahahaha...oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. Hahahahahaha!

That line should actually be used on you. You'd be hard pressed to find vets in the anime community that would share your sentiments and I'm being much nicer than they would be about this.

Here's some food for though for you. Liking something doesn't mean it's automatically good. I actually enjoy SnK (attack on titan), I've watched the anime twice and I casually keep up with the manga. A couple years ago I did a complete run through of the original Dragon Ball and watched through DBZ Kai. I'm looking forward to the localization of the new DB movie and anything that may come after it.

However with my 15 years spent engrossing myself in the medium watching both modern and classic anime I've been able to separate my personal enjoyment from an anime from the qualitative judgement I'd give one.

Hell I've already got things I don't like about UBW from the previews I've seen and I plan on knocking it for them in my first impression. I'm also currently reading Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and if I do a review on it there's some parts I'll tear into it for that I feel bring the whole thing down (namely the parts that were written by guest writers) even though I've very much enjoyed the read so far.

The fanboying you exhibit for the things you like is reminiscent of a desticle honestly. I'm not trying to be mean here and I'm willing to chalk it up to what seems to be a lack of experience in the medium.

I have no idea what you mean by this.

The Flood / Re: #unban Verbatim 2014
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:57:14 PM »
He was permad for sending death threats to slash. He was about to be unbanned for his original violation  too.
lol rekt
Kill yourself
I am immortal.

What, I'm not getting banned for that? I threatened him with death!

Well one because you obviously don't want santy real harm to come to him and two because you told him to kill himself.

Saying "hey go kill yourself" is not a threat. You aren't saying you're going to do something to him.
I'll fucking cut you if you don't unban him, bitch.

That good enough?

Come on man, you and I both know you're just taking the piss.
My point is what makes you think Verby isn't? He always acts like he's full of piss, what would make you think he isn't just blowing steam now?

I'm not the one that banned him (not that I could anyway). You'd have to take it up with Slash as I believe he's the one who banned him.

The Flood / Re: #unban Verbatim 2014
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:53:33 PM »
He was permad for sending death threats to slash. He was about to be unbanned for his original violation  too.
lol rekt
Kill yourself
I am immortal.

What, I'm not getting banned for that? I threatened him with death!

Well one because you obviously don't want santy real harm to come to him and two because you told him to kill himself.

Saying "hey go kill yourself" is not a threat. You aren't saying you're going to do something to him.
I'll fucking cut you if you don't unban him, bitch.

That good enough?

Come on man, you and I both know you're just taking the piss.

The Flood / Re: Fuck it. I'm getting drunk
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:16:13 PM »
Charlie don wrry it's gun be k bby

The Flood / Re: #unban Verbatim 2014
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:12:03 PM »
He was permad for sending death threats to slash. He was about to be unbanned for his original violation  too.
lol rekt
Kill yourself
I am immortal.

What, I'm not getting banned for that? I threatened him with death!

Well one because you obviously don't want santy real harm to come to him and two because you told him to kill himself.

Saying "hey go kill yourself" is not a threat. You aren't saying you're going to do something to him.

The Flood / Re: #unban Verbatim 2014
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:30:02 PM »
He was permad for sending death threats to slash. He was about to be unbanned for his original violation  too.

« on: September 29, 2014, 09:06:38 PM »
Friendly neighborhood reminder that leakage will not be tolerated.

The Flood / Re: So, my sister just got into a car crash
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:28:31 PM »
I was witness to theft and had to go through an hour of interviewing last night. I'll likely have to go over tapes for the police today and help them identify the dude.

I hate doing this shit so it's bad luck for me I guess.

The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:26:02 PM »
I don't think he's actually perma'd here <.<
Are you allowed to look at the list?

Nope but slash gives me updates <.<

Speaking of which, Verby is perma'd for death threats towards slash. So GG verbatim, his ban was going to expire today or tomorrow as well IIRC.

;_; Senpai never gives me anything.

Verby is pretty stupid for sending death threats to someone though. How in the hell did he think that was going to go over well?

You have to get him to notice you, try a new haircut or some glasses!

I really hate that picture.

The Flood / Re: >disney
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:21:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: Does anyone poke their head into anymore?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:09:36 PM »
They might be just alts. Kinda like that one loser from #Destiny who made over 700 alts for the sole purpose of following his main.'ve got to be kidding...

He's not. Prior to the update Charlemagne was curious about him since he barely knew who the guy was and he had hundreds of followers. He took a look through his followers and saw that nearly all of them were accounts created within the same few days and had zero activity.

Cotu/Wolva Wonka/Crimson Howl/whateverthefuckhecallshimselfnow got extremely butthurt when this was pointed out and started crying about how he was lying and was trying to slander him. What's even more hilarious though is that when he reached 500 "followers" he went onto offtopic to congratulate himself. Of course nobody knew who the fuck he was so when people were asking "Who?" he got upset and claimed that people like CammCamm, Capiton Rendar, and other well known vets were just jealous of him.

Oh and then there was that time right after Marty was fired that he tried to capitalize on it to garner e-fame by making a "eulogy" for Marty. It ended up being a copy&paste from a wikipedia article, a bunch of people called him out on it, and he even told fucking Goji of all people that "nobody cares about plagiarism".

The Flood / Re: Two more weeks
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:52:33 PM »

That's not Unlimited Blade Works.
That's not Attack On Titan or the new Dragonball series so its irrelevant and goes straight down the drain.

Attack on Titan should be renamed Attack on Average, and I'm looking forward to the new DB shit, but I can recognize it really isn't anything special. It's nostalgia that fuels my anticipation and enjoyment of the series.

Nasu's stuff easily surpasses DB, DBZ, and Attack on Titan.
Hahahaha...oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. Hahahahahaha!

That line should actually be used on you. You'd be hard pressed to find vets in the anime community that would share your sentiments and I'm being much nicer than they would be about this.

Here's some food for though for you. Liking something doesn't mean it's automatically good. I actually enjoy SnK (attack on titan), I've watched the anime twice and I casually keep up with the manga. A couple years ago I did a complete run through of the original Dragon Ball and watched through DBZ Kai. I'm looking forward to the localization of the new DB movie and anything that may come after it.

However with my 15 years spent engrossing myself in the medium watching both modern and classic anime I've been able to separate my personal enjoyment from an anime from the qualitative judgement I'd give one.

Hell I've already got things I don't like about UBW from the previews I've seen and I plan on knocking it for them in my first impression. I'm also currently reading Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and if I do a review on it there's some parts I'll tear into it for that I feel bring the whole thing down (namely the parts that were written by guest writers) even though I've very much enjoyed the read so far.

The fanboying you exhibit for the things you like is reminiscent of a desticle honestly. I'm not trying to be mean here and I'm willing to chalk it up to what seems to be a lack of experience in the medium.

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