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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 345346347 348349 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Anyone else hyped for Hellsing abridged this Halloween?
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:10:17 PM »
I honestly couldn't care less.



Tell me I'm pretty.
u r ugly


I'll smack u in tha fanny I swer on me mum

U r so ded m8

lol suk my dek bich

Say that 2 mai face an c Wut hppns u turtle fracker

PM adres nd i cum 2 beet u up fgt

I say it here

6969 u R gay avenue

Lololil u like dicks fgt

lololol tell dat 2 ur mom last nigght xDDDD

Lul ur dumd mums cnt b gey

Get owned u sto0pd fgt

lel u r so dum u dnt evn reliz dat i fukkd ur mom lest nigght

Lol ur such a lier I kno u wernt fookin me mum las night cuz I wuz

Bech u didn see dat cummin did ja bich nigga

lololololol r u frum mississippi or sumthin?
u gun hav autiscic babbie

Misspissy bes state in tha puntry

U dun make babby if u use condumbs stuppid
littl did u kno

i did fuk ur mom lest nigght

bkuz i em u

The Flood / Re: Anyone else hyped for Hellsing abridged this Halloween?
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:59:06 PM »
I honestly couldn't care less.



Tell me I'm pretty.
u r ugly


I'll smack u in tha fanny I swer on me mum

U r so ded m8

lol suk my dek bich

Say that 2 mai face an c Wut hppns u turtle fracker

PM adres nd i cum 2 beet u up fgt

I say it here

6969 u R gay avenue

Lololil u like dicks fgt

lololol tell dat 2 ur mom last nigght xDDDD

Lul ur dumd mums cnt b gey

Get owned u sto0pd fgt

lel u r so dum u dnt evn reliz dat i fukkd ur mom lest nigght

Lol ur such a lier I kno u wernt fookin me mum las night cuz I wuz

Bech u didn see dat cummin did ja bich nigga

lololololol r u frum mississippi or sumthin?
u gun hav autiscic babbie

Misspissy bes state in tha cuntry

U dun make babby if u use condumbs stuppid

The Flood / Re: Anyone else hyped for Hellsing abridged this Halloween?
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:54:37 PM »
I honestly couldn't care less.



Tell me I'm pretty.
u r ugly


I'll smack u in tha fanny I swer on me mum

U r so ded m8

lol suk my dek bich

Say that 2 mai face an c Wut hppns u turtle fracker

PM adres nd i cum 2 beet u up fgt

I say it here

6969 u R gay avenue

Lololil u like dicks fgt

lololol tell dat 2 ur mom last nigght xDDDD

Lul ur dumd mums cnt b gey

Get owned u sto0pd fgt

lel u r so dum u dnt evn reliz dat i fukkd ur mom lest nigght

Lol ur such a lier I kno u wernt fookin me mum las night cuz I wuz

Bech u didn see dat cummin did ja bich nigga

The Flood / Re: What is the ultimate act of defiance?
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:36:46 PM »
Taking a dump on the porch as you scream to your step father that he isn't your real dad.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else hyped for Hellsing abridged this Halloween?
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:15:56 PM »
I honestly couldn't care less.

Serious / Re: Let's see how well you actually know UKIP
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:14:48 PM »
I would like you to spread the truth about BNP and Britain First next.

The Flood / Re: Isara Never Told Us....
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:39:42 PM »
Can't be Jay.
That was only a sentence, she'd write ten paragraphs at least on that bullshit.

She's jealous she has no booty.

Honestly I'm glad that Jaythenerdkid isn't here. Both Harlow and her were toolbags.

Not to mention fugly.

Jay might be a bit strange, but Harlow wasn't bad looking.
m'lord wat r u doin

m'lord stahp

Just telling the truth. It's not my fault Deci gets queasy because of it.

Harlow was also pretty cool before he hooked up with Jay.
They're both giant pieces of shit.

Now they are, but Harlow use to be cool.

The Flood / Re: Isara Never Told Us....
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:25:28 PM »
Can't be Jay.
That was only a sentence, she'd write ten paragraphs at least on that bullshit.

She's jealous she has no booty.

Honestly I'm glad that Jaythenerdkid isn't here. Both Harlow and her were toolbags.

Not to mention fugly.

Jay might be a bit strange, but Harlow wasn't bad looking.
m'lord wat r u doin

m'lord stahp

Just telling the truth. It's not my fault Deci gets queasy because of it.

Harlow was also pretty cool before he hooked up with Jay.

The Flood / Re: Isara Never Told Us....
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:09:01 PM »
Can't be Jay.
That was only a sentence, she'd write ten paragraphs at least on that bullshit.

She's jealous she has no booty.

Honestly I'm glad that Jaythenerdkid isn't here. Both Harlow and her were toolbags.

Not to mention fugly.

Jay might be a bit strange, but Harlow wasn't bad looking.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:06:41 PM »
"Let me show you why console exclusives are better!"


I thought he was supposed to prove console exclusives were good, not shit.

>Caring about a child's opinion

>implying I'm not just taking a piss on it

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:38:11 PM »
"Let me show you why console exclusives are better!"


I thought he was supposed to prove console exclusives were good, not shit.

News / Re: Duck Dynasty Video Game - Brute Review
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:24:21 PM »
Oh sweet Jesus you actually did it.

Serious / Re: Who should I vote for in 2015?
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:40:25 AM »
>scans thread
>only sees one other person supporting BNP

Enjoy handing you country over to filthy animals you bongs. BNP is the only way the UK will be able to progress as a civilized first world nation.

If you haven't already enlisted in Britain First you might as well be a traitor to your country.

At least the Nazis had Style, these eejits just look like Chav/Farmer hybrids.

It's not the appearance that matters it's the message. If you really wanted to save Britain you'd join them.

To oppose Britain First and the BNP is to literally support the hostile take over of the UK by Islamist pakis. You are literally supporting the transformation of the UK into Pakistan 2.0.

You may feel content to be ruled by those third world animals, but I'm not. I challenge every good British citizen to take up this menace and fight for your rights. To not sit by idly and allow sharia law to govern you and to keep the country pure.

By Allah, you are right ._.

I must defend Britun from the ravenous hordes of muslamics. I will start by calling them rude names on social media and sharing like dis if yu lynch everytim pictures.

Thank you for opening my eyes.

That's the spirit.

Now you're putting Britain First.

Serious / Re: Who should I vote for in 2015?
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:25:11 AM »
>scans thread
>only sees one other person supporting BNP

Enjoy handing you country over to filthy animals you bongs. BNP is the only way the UK will be able to progress as a civilized first world nation.

If you haven't already enlisted in Britain First you might as well be a traitor to your country.

At least the Nazis had Style, these eejits just look like Chav/Farmer hybrids.

It's not the appearance that matters it's the message. If you really wanted to save Britain you'd join them.

To oppose Britain First and the BNP is to literally support the hostile take over of the UK by Islamist pakis. You are literally supporting the transformation of the UK into Pakistan 2.0.

You may feel content to be ruled by those third world animals, but I'm not. I challenge every good British citizen to take up this menace and fight for your rights. To not sit by idly and allow sharia law to govern you and to keep the country pure.

The Flood / Re: Why are you not in
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:33:43 PM »
Cause I'm at work.

Serious / Re: Who should I vote for in 2015?
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:29:47 PM »
>scans thread
>only sees one other person supporting BNP

Enjoy handing you country over to filthy animals you bongs. BNP is the only way the UK will be able to progress as a civilized first world nation.

If you haven't already enlisted in Britain First you might as well be a traitor to your country.

The Flood / Re: If you're 18 and haven't even had sex yet
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:03:12 PM »
That's not fair. I know several people who are waiting for that special someone. Not that I agree. If she (or he) is special, then you wouldn't want the inevitable let down and awkwardness of losing virginity to spoil everything.

Seriously. We spend a lot of time building sex up to be a mind blowing experience. When you don't bring it like a tantric porn star... there is a let down. If she is really special, then you will want to practice.

I mean, how many professional sports teams do you know of that take some guys off the street and just tell them to play and expect them to win? A professional gets good by practicing.

And then there are people like me who have plenty of chances before 18, but choose to wait until after so they can't be buttfracked by a statutory rape charge.

Do you live in Nazi Germany?

If you and she are minors, no Stat. Its only when you or she is, and the other isn't


I was told during highschool that boys can still be charged with statutory rape even if it's consensual in the health class I was forced to take.

Either way I was threatened with death should I have taken virginities by various fathers and I was in that weird limbo at one point where I was 18 and she was 17.

The Flood / Re: If you're 18 and haven't even had sex yet
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:55:38 PM »
That's not fair. I know several people who are waiting for that special someone. Not that I agree. If she (or he) is special, then you wouldn't want the inevitable let down and awkwardness of losing virginity to spoil everything.

Seriously. We spend a lot of time building sex up to be a mind blowing experience. When you don't bring it like a tantric porn star... there is a let down. If she is really special, then you will want to practice.

I mean, how many professional sports teams do you know of that take some guys off the street and just tell them to play and expect them to win? A professional gets good by practicing.

And then there are people like me who have plenty of chances before 18, but choose to wait until after so they can't be buttfucked by a statutory rape charge.

The Flood / Re: We've come a long way.
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:25:10 PM »
If you look back at years ago, did you ever see yourself leaving?
Nope. As a joke I thought I would be able to tell some user in the future that my account is older than what he is. Now there's no reason for me to go back to that site and do that. A lot of the users either left or went over to this site. When we still had Halo stats from time to time I looked up people that looked new to me and I went through their old post history. Or I simply looked at threads on the old layout. What I noticed is that a decent amount of people were active on that layout and when the new one came they either posted a few times or they simply left. Now when it comes to users for Bnet they are nothing more than childish kids. The threads are similar. Just like the site loosing interesting people the threads that make it up now are just bad. There's hardly any threads that are interesting or have quality in them.

From time to time I go onto that Bungie wiki to read about random things. For a forum site it looked like Bnet had some pretty damn interesting times and users. The site back then seemed like it was a thriving community with a bunch of personality. To me it's like a bar with a group of people with different backgrounds having a whole group discussion with each other. Every now an thing there's a fight which gets broken up. Now the site doesn't have that feeling to it. With the current users there's no way in hell the site is going to get any type of history near the same quality it once did. It's sad that I see the Bnet community now as a group of autistic children in the special room at school.

It's weird. The most recent thing of note was when we almost got a planet named after Bungie. It seems like it was only yesterday but in reality it was like 5 years ago.

To bad the Russians has to fuck that one up.

The Flood / Re: Comet could hit Mars
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:50:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: Comet could hit Mars
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:35:25 PM »

Serious / Re: I believe; in order that; I may understand
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:35:03 PM »
You know if you left out the obvious bait behind the no answer you might have had a good discussion here.

The Flood / Re: >thursday
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:21:17 PM »
It's Friday.
meaning this happened yesterday


I live in the present. The past and future have no meaning.


The Flood / Re: >thursday
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:17:48 PM »
It's Friday.

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