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Topics - RomanGladiator

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011
The Flood / He Strikes Again
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:47:57 PM »

The Flood / My desires are unconventional
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:45:38 AM »

The Flood / Malkovich!
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:36:41 PM »
Malkovich? Malkovich Malkovich.


The Flood / Lets have a Robert DeNiro party
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:48:12 PM »
YouTube're good.

« on: February 18, 2015, 02:33:27 PM »


The Flood / Sir, we know why you're here...
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:40:46 PM »
God knows, I agree with you. But like you, I swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign, sir... and domestic. General, we've spilled the same blood in the same mud. And you know god damn well I can't give that order.

Gaming / The one game series that needs to make a comeback
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:47:40 PM »

You know it's true.

The Flood / Introudcing your new Pastor,
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:20:16 PM »
Castor Troy.


The Flood / Advice
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:43:31 PM »
So I had an interview last Thursday for a Business/Technical writer for an IT company. I thought it went well. She said I should hear back within a week, but if not, I could contact her. I emailed the lady who interviewed me the complimentary email thank you note the day after (everyone says to do that). Should I send another email tomorrow asking if I got the job? It sucks waiting, and I can't anymore. Some people have told me you should be very persistent, while others have told me that could ruin your chances.

I start Kmart on Friday, so I need to know, because that's the last thing I want to do on Earth, and it feels like my life is depending on this job. Or I will be doomed to work in a goddamned department store.

Would this be appropriate: "Hi, I was wondering if there would be a second round of interviews and if the hiring manager would like to read a sample of my work. Thank you".

The Flood / I watched The Rock (1996) for the first time
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:25:31 PM »
No, nothing to do with The Rock, but rather the rock where some of the most notorious criminals were left to rot, Alcatraz. Most notable in American history would be Al Capone. This is one of the best straight-up action movies I have ever seen, and it was Michael Bay's second film. It also has the highest rating out of any of his films with a 66% on Rotten Tomatoes. This was always one of those films that I have heard of, but never actually seen.

It features great performances by Ed Harris, the one and only Sean Connery, and Nicholas Cage. What? Yes, even him. Great action set pieces, one of which will immediately remind you of a portion of Modern Warfare 2. The designers obviously watched this movie. Additionally you also get a great score by Hans Zimmer to punctuate the action. I could tell by the first ten minutes that this would turn into one of my favorite films.

 It wasn't an award winner by any means, but who cares. If you are bored within the next few days, find a free steam online somewhere and give it a shot. There is some emotion in there for a Michael Bay film, trust me. The end nearly melts your heart, and you are left feeling good. This is a great film in my opinion for the ride it took me on (listening with HD headphones), and that's why I would give it a 5/5. Bay has been quoted in the past regarding his critics, "I make movies for teenage boys-- get over it," but this film is enjoyable for action fans of all ages. I'll post more amateur movie reviews periodically.

PS. Connery is a badass.


The Flood / Kevin Spacey to play man trapped in cat's body
« on: January 28, 2015, 05:06:25 PM »

Gaming / The Art of Halo 5 Guardians
« on: January 27, 2015, 01:06:16 PM »
Releasing in August? According to Barnes and Noble it is. Unless this is just a placeholder.

If it is correct, maybe that means a September Halo release for the first time in five years?

The Flood / I bet I have seen more movies than anyone else this month
« on: January 20, 2015, 08:36:39 PM »
I have turned into a movie addict and I keep a log of them too. Most of these are the decent films I've been able to find on Netflix. I'm on a mission to see anything worth seeing that I haven't seen before. This month:

The Truman Show
Regarding Henry
Robocop 2
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit
Red Heat
The Running Man
True Lies
Galaxy Quest
Cop Land

Total: 15

What I still want to watch that I've never seen before:

The Rock
Demolition Man
Die Hard
The Fugitive
Hellboy II
The Manchurian Candidate

Anyone else do this, or am I just OCD?

The Flood / Did everyone just forget what today is?
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:18:19 PM »
It's Festivus.

The Flood / Watching the Kelly Clarkson Christmas special
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:58:55 PM »
She's hot. That is all.

The Flood / Kylo Ren's mask
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:39:58 AM »
New concept art leaked yesterday. It seems obvious that the back of the helmet is inspired by Vader's, or it actually is a part of his (if it didn't completely burn on Endor) Don't know how I feel about it, looks like something out of Mortal Kombat to me. Seems legitimate though because of the prototype action figure sculpts that were also leaked yesterday. Also it looks like we can put the rumor that Chewbacca has a bionic arm to rest.

Gaming / Anyone need a 2 day XBL trial or Halo Nightfall code?
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:22:26 PM »
I have one of each. Consider it your Christmas gift.

Gaming / Share your game clips
« on: December 16, 2014, 10:19:07 AM »
Easiest way is to go to and just search your gamertag in the search bar, no uploading required. dat melee lunge...

Serious / The harsh reality
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:06:40 PM »
of graduating with a shitty liberal arts degree. What can I do? (Yes, I realized I made a big mistake)

Teaching- not for me, I'm not really an academic. It would take another 2 years of my life as well, plus $26,000 that I don't have. If I could do it with getting a stupid master's in education I would, but my state requires it

-Business/Finance related jobs- Yes, I would like these, but would be extremely difficult to get unless you know someone who will give you a chance (trust me, I've been trying to get one for eight months)

IT/Tech related jobs- I don't have the necessary software requirements, obviously. Could be learned if someone gives me a chance

Sales- Last thing on Earth I want to do is convince someone to buy something and work for commission. Not that kind of person

The Flood / Latest Force Awakens Rumors
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:56:53 PM »

Fun to read through. A guy called "Spoilerman" on 4chan is supposedly in on all of this.

Serious / I'm starting to lose it
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:13:26 PM »
Yes, after taking a drive to Dunkin Donuts and Nardelli's and talking to myself along the way about how meaningless life is. (This is how pathetic I am, I have to drive to places a few times a week to get food just to do something with my life. All I can think about while I'm driving is how much of a relief it would be to get destroyed by an 18 wheeler) Other people are working even those jobs and contributing to society while I have done nothing. I have three months of work experience and I am 22 years old. Video games consumed me since I was ten years old. Can't find a job? Just play to feel better. Rejected? Play. No social life or friends? Play. It's getting to the point where I want an accident or something horrible to happen to me because I don't have a purpose in life. Yes, I got my stupid degree but that doesn't mean shit.

I don't even know what to think anymore other than dying would be a relief so I don't have to worry about anything anymore. Unattractive, abandoned by "friends" because they know you're no fun to be around, never satisfied with your appearance, having to fake smiling and being polite and courteous to other people. No one or anyone matters. If you die, the world will continue. You only see the world through your own eyes. I went through college just because my parents wanted me to it. Video games ruled my life to the point where they were purpose of living: "If I kill myself then I won't be able to play this game." That's seriously how I used to think. And now it seems like everything's crumbling around me. I don't want to do anything, that's the point. Yes, I've been trying to get a job for six months, but it's meaningless when you don't know what you want to do. I am un-hire-able. They just need to take a look at my resume to see I haven't done jack shit in my life. I like to be realistic, and the truth is I don't matter when there is 7.5 billion people alive. I wish I was never born in the first place. Well that's it. Reality hit me and I can't deal with it.

The Flood / Latest Ep. VII rumors
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:30:05 PM »
Most likely speculation, but I always find it fun to read these and try to visualize the scene and dialogue as it plays out.

-Warwick Davis is playing a Cantina Musician.

-Benedict Cumberbacth shot a cameo scene a week ago.

-The guy who gets his arm ripped off in the Cantina scene (described in the previous report) is an alien played by Simon Pegg.

-"Y’all gonna love when you see the opening of this film. So many little Easter eggs and surprises. Here’s a hint:
Slave I"

-There must be some sort of action going on in space above Tatooine, Boyega is a Stormtrooper (this is 100%) his tie is shot down (again perhaps explains the Falcon and X-Wing outside the Cantina). Daisy wearing clothing similar to that of lukes in ANH and rescues Boyega, takes him back to her AT-AT home and he gets a change of clothes (Raggedy clothes as I described from the cantina scene, almost like he had been dragged off the street onto set).

-Daisy heads to the Cantina in search of Han with her droid (which is an actual prop pushed along on bars) and Boyega in tow. She arrives is confronted by SIMON PEGG complete in alien prothetics including an enlarged neck, she raises her blaster, he takes it from her and points it back at her “Don’t point a blaster unless you intend to use it”, Chewie comes over “Ha what good is a one armed Wookie”, Chewie rips Peggs arm off and hands Daisy back the gun.

-Han arrives (Wearing his iconic outfit minus the waistcoat which is replaced with a thin cut biker style leather jacket) looking flustered, I am guessing he still has the falcon and has possibly returned after whatever was happening in space to cause Boyega to crash, anyhow the owner of the Cantina (Lupita Nyong’o complete with CGI reference dots on her face) shouts “HAN SOLO” too which the entire Cantina stops and turns to Han (A Proper western moment) “You have 25 Bounties on your head” which implies Han is still playing rogue.

-Also during the scene Boyega says “Thats when I met you” and “I didn’t want to fight”.
Outside a massive object (could be a ship/planet/moon) is destroyed again pointing towards there being a conflict in the sky, everyone exits the Cantina to watch **** go down.”
I believe him saying “I didn’t want to fight” is about him being a Storm Trooper, maybe he was forced into it by the bad guys/empire, we don’t really know this yet. The feeling is that Daisy and Boyega will fall in love at some point.

Personally I think that's a really awesome moment for Han to walk into a cantina and have everyone turn their heads and the owner says he has 25 bounties on his head. If I were to re-introduce him in Ep. VII that's how I'd do it. And Chewie ripping off Pegg's arm in homage to the first cantia scene would be a nice throwback.

Serious / How stressed should I be?
« on: October 31, 2014, 03:14:19 PM »
Imagine you are an employer of mine reviewing my resume. After I graduated you saw that I did nothing for six months after and was not working. Refer to this article:

Getting stressed and affecting me physically about this- trouble sleeping, feeling of being overwhelmed, etc But, I have found two things to do in November next week: Reporting on the local election results for a news agency Nov. 4th (not really reporting per se, I enter the final results into a smartphone app for them while at the polling station and I get $150 for doing it; I have to vote anyways), and second a charity walk for hunger awareness. Putting one day events/jobs on my resume. Yay or nay? In addition I'm also going to a one day Excel seminar in December that's worth .6 credits so I guess I can add that as well.

Also I got an email for substitute teaching to get fingerprinted to do it, but I'm not sure. It's not a career, ya know? If I did it I'd still be looking for something better. Anyone have experience subbing? Is it hell or worth it? I don't think I want to be a teacher anymore (I went to an open house for graduates for a teaching program earlier this month) Any advice would be appreciated. I'm a very anxious and stressed person, but a hard worker. My first job was in manufacturing for a summer job (just three months) and I worked my butt off...I guess I would be in even a worse off position if I did not have that.

Gaming / H2A Forge demo
« on: October 28, 2014, 11:13:15 AM »
If anyone is interested.

-Blank forge canvas titled "Awash"

-Ability to place natural terrain

-Switches can spawn items in game, such as bridges

-Control consoles and switches/scripting/doors and gates 

-Heretic Banshee available in Forge

-343i Forged Beaver Creek (so much better being able to Forge terrain now instead of drab Forerunner pieces)

Beautiful map and I hope 343i takes full advantage of Forge and incorporates community creations into MM soon after launch.

The Flood / Do you know much COD loves you?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:34:02 PM »
Try to imagine it. If you pre-order the game you get early access and can play one day early.

pls pleh our game -Sledgehammer Games

The Flood / Found pictures of Camnator
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:07:43 PM »

Gaming / Advanced Warfare was leaked
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:34:56 AM »
And the developers are pissed. Understandable, but not like there was much to leak anyways. Apparently spoiling a killstreak is a big deal.

"The story campaign can be completed in five hours." Who didn't see that one coming?

"A 30 gun kill streak called DNA bomb kills all players on the opposing team, covering the map with green mist for approximately one minute."

Glen Schofield: "We took 3 years 2 make a game. Kept it quiet 4 the fans & it has to be stolen & leaked a week b4. That sucks. A real bummer. Thanks a lot."

lolCOD. Also animations from the AK-12 were copy and pasted from Ghosts:

People are actually going to buy this...

The Flood / We could be getting an Ep. VII teaser this Christmas
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:48:48 PM »
Keyword, could. But a few reports have led to this speculation. Wouldn't that be the ultimate gift this winter?  Granted there would be no action cuts or closeups of characters - probably just scenery and environments paired with the score of John Williams. I'd be willing to bet on it happening during this time. It isn't unusual for teaser trailers to release a full year or more before the film.

Posted today from

A reliable source just said JW (John Williams) received a trailer from JJ Abrams on Monday, Oct 20. JW has already written new Star Wars music to accompany this trailer. This new trailer music will feature new music and will be recorded on November 15 in LA with full orchestra. Still determining if the score will be recorded in London due to advanced age of composer/conductor. 14 hour flight to LA not too kind on 82 year old.

And recently updated:

UPDATE: According to an UNCONFIRMED RUMOR (posted by record producer Ford A. Thaxton on FSM), the reason Williams will start working on Star Wars: Episode VII this month might be because Disney wants to release the first teaser for the film on Christmas Day. The teaser would feature original music written by Williams and recorded in Los Angeles.

And a third piece of speculation: A little research suggests that Disney has a big movie set to open on December 25th, 2014 — Into the Woods. The movie musical based on the Brother Grimm fairy tales stars Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, and Anna Kendrick. It’s a big holiday release for Disney as they will surely want a good turnout for the big budget film on Christmas Day.

The Flood / Darth Plagueis is the perfect villain for Ep. VII
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:55:36 PM »
It would not be anticipated by most. And what if he became so powerful, Palpatine did not really kill him -only his physical form. Much like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, Plagueis has mastered the art of becoming one with the Force after death. And what if Plagueis wants to completely destroy the Rule of Two and completely reform the Sith? Seems rather likely as he was killed by his apprentice because of the Rule of Two.

I think that somehow this character that is rumored to be an aristocrat obsessed with Sith artifacts (Grave Robber that holds Vader's mask in concept art) eventually learns the legend of Darth Plagueis. His journey leads him to an ancient Sith planet and Plagueis manipulates this character into somehow bringing him back to life and the physical realm (maybe he will possess his body, eh, that's kind of far fetched). Once this is achieved Plagueis will want to destroy any remnant of the Sith that remains, and even the Empire because it is the institution of his apprentice. Basically he wants to destroy everything that Palpatine helped create.

At the same time however he wants to attempt to turn Luke and his children (if he has any) and Han and Leia's children to the Dark Side because they are related to Anakin who defeated Palpatine. Or maybe Plagueis has this crazy warped idea of merging both sides of the Force, and one character will side with him to prevent the death of someone they love...again.

Some evidence to speculate about:

Lucas in a 1980 interview about the possibility of a third trilogy: "It deals with the character that survives Star Wars III and his adventures." It's a long stretch though...

Palpatine says this to Anakin in EpIII "To cheat death is the power only ONE has achieved but, if we work together I know we can discover the secret."

And in Return of the Jedi in Yoda's hut, before the 800 year old master passes, Luke says, "But, Master Yoda you can't die." Yoda responds to this by saying, "" Strong am I in the force but, NOT that strong."

What do you guys think? Imagine this. It's almost a Cold War scenario between what's left of the Empire and the New Republic/Rebels. Neither want to fight each other, but they are more than prepared to do so. Then we hear reports of someone (or something) killing Imperial Officers/Stormtroopers on a remote planet. Empire is quick to point fingers and tensions rise. Soon we learn that it is Plagueis back form the dead, and he wants two things. 1. To destroy everything relating to the Sith and the Empire and 2. He wants to talk to Luke Skywalker. What do you think about my crazy theory?

The Flood / Life will find a way...
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:00:54 PM »

New burger from KFC. 'Merica.

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