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Messages - maverick

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 143
The Flood / Re: post users who are literally insane
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:24:10 PM »
I was surprised that Rosso and Elegiac would stoop to such scummy acts.
what happened with rosso?

The over the top sentimentality for an inanimate object is almost as cringe worthy as the racism.

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 09:20:35 PM »
Is it just my university or is physics fucking impossible
We have 45% averages in the department with 15 point curves lol
I think more prestigious universities will make hard science courses "weed out" courses.

no thats any uni. physics isnt easy. shits hard to do because the applications change as you advance. E=mc^2 isnt what youre told since the first semester of physics, its much more complicated than that and more notation in it.
I’m not really talking about the material, more so the mentality of professors actually aiming for half the students to fail their course.

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:49:09 PM »
Is it just my university or is physics fucking impossible
We have 45% averages in the department with 15 point curves lol
I think more prestigious universities will make hard science courses "weed out" courses.

The Flood / Re: Daredevil season 3
« on: October 24, 2018, 05:46:26 PM »
I thought it was the best season of any Marvel show so far.

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 22, 2018, 06:36:38 PM »
It was a waste of time and money (for me and for the field I went into).
what was your degree?

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 22, 2018, 11:03:35 AM »
cant you just get a job writing horoscopes?

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 11:20:15 AM »
STEM is not a guarantee of employment. Teach English verb.
Lol people believe it is?

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 19, 2018, 12:33:51 PM »
how do i undo dropping out

Serious / Re: Open source legal operating system (paging flee)
« on: October 18, 2018, 07:40:48 PM »
I don't really see the added value in framing this as a software or OS approach when they're just compiling restatements.

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 13, 2018, 12:54:43 PM »
So as much as I want to believe that Trump just managed to get the support of the "moderates" that could just as well be swayed the other way, I find it increasingly difficult to do so.
But he did though. It's been estimated that a significant number of people that voted for Obama also voted for Trump. Is the implication that these people were really radical right-wingers?

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 11, 2018, 04:07:23 PM »
I’d hardly consider every Trump voter a radical. If you remember back to 2016, basically all the Trump supporters on this website were just a bunch of floodposters that wouldn’t ever respond when challenged on it. That’s basically how I view a large chunk of his voters: they may not necessarily agree with him or know why they voted for him, they just did it anyways.
idiots, in other words

radicals, idiots, or radical idiots: trump's voterbase
Or people not taking the process seriously enough, which I suppose fits under the “idiot” category.

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 11, 2018, 03:46:36 PM »
I’d hardly consider every Trump voter a radical. If you remember back to 2016, basically all the Trump supporters on this website were just a bunch of floodposters that wouldn’t ever respond when challenged on it. That’s basically how I view a large chunk of his voters: they may not necessarily agree with him or know why they voted for him, they just did it anyways.

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 09, 2018, 06:27:03 PM »
Equal punishment for false accusations is also a pretty sticky situation. If the police don't find any evidence of rape but nothing to directly refute it who gets punished? I'm sure less women will come forward with allegations if the threat of jail time is a possibility. For a crime that goes mostly unreported, having less women (or men) come forward is not an ideal outcome.
Well we wouldn’t want to convict anybody that can’t be proven to have committed perjury either.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: October 08, 2018, 09:59:12 PM »
Another alt, Shitows?

The Flood / Re: Go see Venom
« on: October 08, 2018, 01:54:02 PM »
Watch it so they don't cancel the Kraven or Screwball movies.
I'd rather them save Kraven for Tom Holland 3.

Fingers crossed they resume production on the Aunt May solo movie though.

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 08, 2018, 10:59:21 AM »
Kavanaugh was only chosen because he said the President could pardon himself in the event he gets impeached
I could see this being true, but generally I won't blindly follow every narrative pushed by the masses without there being convincing evidence.

The Flood / Re: How long is decimal banned for?
« on: October 08, 2018, 08:47:49 AM »
Doesn’t look like he’s banned.

The cycle must continue.

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 08, 2018, 01:20:08 AM »
Nice one, Deci.

Clearly, I’m just so apathetic and don’t care about anything, which is why I made this thread you fucking retard.
You made the thread with almost zero information.
You assumed that. I was looking things up before I made this thread, and figured this board would have more compelling insight than I’d been hearing. Clearly I was wrong.


posts in this thread are conspiratorial garbage.
Why else do you think trump wants him and only him on the Supreme Court? This is all about him doing everything he can to stay in power and not have to face justice for his crimes.
Even if this theory is true, one Supreme Court Justice isn’t going to appoint Trump to dictator.

Honestly from looking things up after making this thread, I can confidently say I’m more informed than you are.
No evidence to the contrary.

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 08, 2018, 12:47:55 AM »
Lol are some of these posts supposed to be a parody of second class?
>This isn’t something I’ve followed really at all, and now trying to catch up

I’m sorry that you’re an uninformed retard, but that really isn’t my fault.
Sorry I don’t have much desire to follow modern politics when overly emotional retards like yourself is all I ever see anymore.

Remind me which of us is mad, again?
So you have no idea what’s going on with politics, yet you’re mocking me because I know exactly how bad things are and I find apathetic people like you as detestable as those who support trump.

Sit back and think of how fundamentally stupid you are, then go fuck yourself in the ass with the biggest knife in your kitchen.
Nice one, Deci.

Clearly, I’m just so apathetic and don’t care about anything, which is why I made this thread you fucking retard. You don’t know shit about anything. You’re posts in this thread are conspiratorial garbage. Honestly from looking things up after making this thread, I can confidently say I’m more informed than you are.

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 08, 2018, 12:16:43 AM »
Lol are some of these posts supposed to be a parody of second class?
>This isn’t something I’ve followed really at all, and now trying to catch up

I’m sorry that you’re an uninformed retard, but that really isn’t my fault.
Sorry I don’t have much desire to follow modern politics when overly emotional retards like yourself is all I ever see anymore.

Remind me which of us is mad, again?

The Flood / Re: Convince me anyone making more than 250k
« on: October 07, 2018, 11:53:42 PM »
Are you sure that number isn't including part-time workers and the unemployed? 35 is roughly the current work week, including them.

Not sure to be honest with you. Just what I've heard from older generations.
From what I’ve read, there is an upward trend since the ‘70s, but it pretty much only affects higher earners (salaried workers). In the states, it’s still disadvantageous for businesses to go above 35-40 for hourly work.

Accounting for this discrepancy, America is still doing better than these countries.

That fails to take into account the cultural differences that drastically affect the cost of living there. Most people live in homes with large families, it's not really a "thing" to move out on your own. Everyone kind of pitches in where they need to.
Doesn’t this just support my point if they’re spending less on living and America still
has better purchasing power?

Serious / Re: Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 07, 2018, 11:34:33 PM »
Lol are some of these posts supposed to be a parody of second class?

Serious / Brett Kavanaugh
« on: October 07, 2018, 02:11:21 PM »
As many of you are probably aware, Brett Kavanaugh is now sworn in.

This isn’t something I’ve followed really at all, and now trying to catch up, it just simply seems that Republicans think he’s innocent while Democrats think he’s guilty. This even goes for people I’d typically consider more nuanced on these types of things.

Apparently 55% if Republicans polled thought that he should be voted in even if he’s guilty. It’s getting to the point where I feel I’m doing myself a disservice listening to any and every political pundit.

Do you think that Kavanaugh should have been voted in?

Do you think there’s enough evidence to be suspicious or even condemn him?

The Flood / Re: Daredevil Season 3 trailer
« on: October 06, 2018, 03:50:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: Best Jolly Rancher?
« on: October 04, 2018, 07:59:27 PM »
you're not supposed to use your teeth
I don't bite into them, I just have sensitive teeth.

and here we can see the retard in his natural habitat
and here we can see the height of Challenger's wit.

The Flood / Re: Best Jolly Rancher?
« on: October 04, 2018, 07:01:14 PM »
They all destroy my teeth.

The Flood / Re: Daredevil Season 3 trailer
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:56:48 PM »
I can barely find the will to ever stick with these shows all the way through anymore, but this looks pretty dope.

The Flood / Re: Convince me anyone making more than 250k
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:53:20 PM »
But what if the high-earners just pile that money and keep it out of circulation, making everyone else poorer? Shouldn't the money be put back into circulation somehow - say, through the wages paid to workers in the public sector?
In this scenario, yes. But this trend isn’t happening in the United States or any similar countries that I’m aware of.
isn't like 50% of all wealth owned by the top 1%
38%, not that it matters.

Wealth isn't a zero-sum.

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