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Messages - maverick

Pages: 1 ... 484950 5152 ... 144
The Flood / Re: long or short?
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:11:15 PM »
The first one is a terrible hair style and the second one is like you're going a terrible hairstyle but the barber cut it too short.

It hasn't even been a week. I think people are allowed a bit of time to come to grips with it. It happens every election.
I don't recall anything nearly this childish happening after Bush 2 or Obama.
Bush and Obama also didn't agree with a proposal to make Muslim Americans wear special identification.
That sounds familiar
Oh, so I'm being baited. Okay.
No it's actually a thing that happened.

Many things that Trump has said over the course of his campaign have been read into in a way that have a lot of people very concerned. I'm not saying that their concerns are valid or that the reaction isn't ridiculous but acting like they're just being childish for not getting their way is being pretty disingenuous.

It hasn't even been a week. I think people are allowed a bit of time to come to grips with it. It happens every election.
I don't recall anything nearly this childish happening after Bush 2 or Obama.
Bush and Obama also didn't agree with a proposal to make Muslim Americans wear special identification.

Oh, you mean like how states such as Texas tried to secede after Obama's reelection?

You mean like the threats from the alt right about an armed revolution if Clinton won?

You mean like the white supremacists and racists assaulting Muslims and LGBT people?

You mean like people on the right shouting at left-leaning folk for being THE REEEEAL racists and saying how it's their fault for being such big meanies and that's why Trump won?

No, I guess it's just those crazy lefties.
If they made a sport out of missing the point, you'd get the medal every time.

"A person told me not to say nigger anymore. FUCKING REGRESSION. THEY HATE WHITES. AAAAA."
Yep, totally has nothing to do with the fact that we have states trying to secede, people rioting, Trump supporters attacked, and people like yourself just calling everyone that disagrees with them a racist even louder now. I just want to be able to say nigger.

Do you actively try to be this oblivious?

Welp if the reaction of members on this forum is any indication, then the direction they'll be going seems to be just to double down on their regressive behavior.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fucking lenny comeback when
Welcome to Trump's America day 4

But how do you know it's 26,000 if it's unreported

He probably committed them.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?

The Flood / Re: Trump's REAL 100 day plan
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:21:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:05:38 PM »
Starting to believe PSU's theory that it's mostly leftists doing this. How many Trump supporters actually associate themselves with nazis?

I think it be fair to say that any pro Trump nazis were nazis before and will be nazis after
Ok but how many Nazis are there running around in America?

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 05:25:46 PM »
Starting to believe PSU's theory that it's mostly leftists doing this. How many Trump supporters actually associate themselves with nazis?

The Flood / Re: Guys, I need you to read this.
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:51:06 PM »
My pms are always open if you need to talk.

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:35:59 PM »
Might as well make Gary Johnson Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton was reportedly sobbing and blamed Obama after her defeat.

Reminder that women are not fit to lead and there's a good reason we've never had a female president.

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 11, 2016, 12:29:16 PM »
You're lucky us Trump supporters aren't violent.

Y'all wouldn't want a war with us. You can't even handle an election without crying. You wouldn't survive a second in a civil war.
Yeah you guys did so well last time.

Well yeah. My side won.
I think he's (possibly?) referring to the South since you talked about another civil war.
Kind of a weird connection considering PSU lives in NJ and the state trying to secede is on the southern border.

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:58:13 PM »
I am very sad that society and the political climate have regressed to this point.

Extreme political polarization is the norm and bitter hatred/resentment is ever building.

I am sad.

Those little idiots aren't driven by the political climate. They were looking to act like thugs. That's it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night

Damn I guess liberals really have the system rigged against them :(

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:49:02 PM »
This is why he won

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:10:46 PM »
How bad can he actually be as the president? This isn't a sarcastic question, I'm legitimately wondering what level of jurisdiction he's going to have over all of the good things that happened under Obama's administration. Maybe I really just underestimate the power of the president, but I feel like he can't possibly be as socially regressive as he probably wants to just because some of the crazy shit he tries to establish is going to be shot down.

It can't be as bad as people are making it out to be... Right?
With Republican controlled congress, we can likely say goodbye to Obamacare, TPP, and possibly even the Iran Deal to name a few things off the top of my head.

If he gets to elect several judges, gay marriage might be overturned but I personally doubt it.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:36:09 AM »

Damn, I hope this isn't true.

Serious / Re: This is pretty tempting
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:36:16 PM »
this topic is about fringe groups and how people rationalize following them i'm not being influenced by anything and not starting a "flame war"?
You're posting a black supremacist video on a forum that you consider to be full of racists. Can't say I believe you if you're going to tell me you expected it would spark an intelligent discussion.
yea, who would think that users inclined to sympathize with fringe groups would have a conservation about fringe groups they understand the appeal of associating with.
2 sides of the same coin. I'm coming into this assuming people are into neo fascist/white supremacist shit  so people can actually share opinion. This thread wouldn't be up if i didn't suspect anyone here of holding radical viewpoints.
Alright. I apologize.

Serious / Re: This is pretty tempting
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:22:03 PM »
this topic is about fringe groups and how people rationalize following them i'm not being influenced by anything and not starting a "flame war"?
You're posting a black supremacist video on a forum that you consider to be full of racists. Can't say I believe you if you're going to tell me you expected it would spark an intelligent discussion.

Serious / Re: This is pretty tempting
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:34:50 PM »
Pretty sad that simpletons like yourself can be influenced by this garbage.

And yes I know you're just trying to start a flame war.

Serious / Re: So I was wrong
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:39:43 PM »
You seem to have taken it better than I did tbh

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:59:05 PM »
trump shouldnt have even been allowed to run

the fact that we elected satan to be president shows we need stricter requirements by far
"We need to restrict peoples' rights if they disagree with me politically in order to fight oppression"

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:26:06 PM »
misogyny/sexism in America is a bigger threat than ISIS
Our society really is fucked

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:46:21 PM »
You know, it's this kind of incessant demonization of a particular demographic that precisely allowed Trump to win the Presidency.

Turns out if you antagonize the people you disagree with, paint them as racists and oppressors and tell them that any and all of their successes are a result of some unearned "privilege," they will create a counter-revolution.

Trump is a direct result of the insipid identity politics you injected into American politics. The left have made the bed, now lie in it.
So what, we should just lie and not call racists and oppressors what they are?
Categorizing a whole voting bloc as "wacist oppressors" is exactly what's galvanizing them. It happened with the shy Tory surge and Brexit in the UK.

Maybe if you neo lefties had engaged in proper arguments, respected the democratic process and didn't portray the opposite end of the political spectrum as literal monsters America wouldn't be in the position it's in.

Time to swallow that pill friendo, the regressive left is becoming a huge problem in contemporary politics, and you're part of it.
trump IS a literal monster

there will be no more fucking elections

the world will be one big crater by 2020, we fucked up big time

at least youll be able to XDDDD when youre suffocating on nuclear ash, lol memes hehe you voted for a rapist, great job asshole
Congrats on reinforcing his points

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:31:39 PM »
Shit like this just makes Trumpets feel validated.

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