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Messages - K'tan Dantaktee

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 19
The Flood / Re: You get teleported
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:57:57 AM »
Look for a way out, because I'd rather not walk a distance that is equivalent to walking around the Earth.

12,629 times.

I love all Halo games equally.

1, 2, and 3 all had their own features that made them freaking fantastic. Its a shame that 343i has pretty much just killed the series and is raping it's milked corpse.

The Flood / Re: Why do people act like 4chan is hard to troll?
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:48:40 AM »
They're actually as easy as Desticles. I just don't go there often because... well, its 4chan.

The Flood / Re: Downvote Gatsby everyday until he posts his ass
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:41:43 AM »
I'll do it just for shits and giggles.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:40:13 AM »
Well... This has definitely steered away from the original topic.

I like it.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.
>being this hurt butt

>Implying I'm butthurt

As stated before, I'm neutral. Its petty to argue about which site is better; both have their pros and cons.
How's that offsite working out?

You mean The Wayward's second forum? Only Who ever really used 'em. I'm going to wait for the next influx of newfomans to join The Wayward, then revive it.
That's adorable.
He's got his own little world inside his head, huh?

Multiple worlds, actually.

However, that doesn't change the fact that The Wayward is one of the last few bastions on that hasn't been overrun by Destiny users. The Wayward, TFL, Flood Gaming, and a few others are the only chats on the site that aren't lost.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.
>being this hurt butt

>Implying I'm butthurt

As stated before, I'm neutral. Its petty to argue about which site is better; both have their pros and cons.
How's that offsite working out?

You mean The Wayward's second forum? Only Who ever really used 'em. I'm going to wait for the next influx of newfomans to join The Wayward, then revive it.
That's adorable.

Well, Ender, Cowpie, Kay, and a few others have been doing well with recruiting so we're getting back to having a steady stream of users joining. Nice to have that after the dry spell we'd been having.

« on: January 13, 2015, 12:16:23 AM »
: )

Now ironically, I hate to point out that the warning you got earlier today is going to stop the nameplate from showing up until 6:30pm CST tomorrow.

All the keks.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.
>being this hurt butt

>Implying I'm butthurt

As stated before, I'm neutral. Its petty to argue about which site is better; both have their pros and cons.
How's that offsite working out?

You mean The Wayward's second forum? Only Who ever really used 'em. I'm going to wait for the next influx of newfomans to join The Wayward, then revive it.

« on: January 13, 2015, 12:12:18 AM »
If you aren't banned just for jinxing yourself like this, I will quit life.

The Flood / Re: Hulk Vs Superman
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:10:09 AM »
Question: is the sun still a thing in this scenario?

Well then, Superman. If he couldn't beat Goku, he has no chance against a larger, flightless, non-energy-projecting substitute.

You're underestimating the Hulk. We're talking about a guy who got pissed and decided to just BTFO of the entire Norse pantheon once. He also beat every Earth-bound superhero in Marvel; including but not limited to Sentry, Juggernaut, the Avengers, the X-men, and a demon-possessed Doctor Strange.

Also, that Death Battle was just freaking epic.

The Flood / Re: Just hit Mythic and TBlocks made me this nameplate AMA
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:07:33 AM »
Looks pretty cool. I'm thinking when I can finally get a custom title bar, it'll be like my old Coup; lightning and badassery.

The Flood / Re: Hulk Vs Superman
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:05:18 AM »
Question: is the sun still a thing in this scenario?


The Flood / Hulk Vs Superman
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:02:17 AM »
Title says it all.

Just because I haven't seen one of these since B.old.

Scenario: All of Earth is a ghost town; no biological life will be hurt or endangered in the battle. Hulk and Superman start within 100 feet of each other.

To the death.

The Flood / Re: Tattoo thread
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:58:46 PM »
I've been planning to get a septagon on one of my shoulders.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.
>being this hurt butt

>Implying I'm butthurt

As stated before, I'm neutral. Its petty to argue about which site is better; both have their pros and cons.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.
Is it wrong that I get happy shivers knowing some people want my website to go fuck itself?

You have the strangest fetishes, Cheat.

The Flood / Re: Cake, brownies, or pie?
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:49:55 PM »
Secret option D. I change my answer.

But what about fudgey brownies?

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:44:41 PM »

And this, children, is why we can't have nice things.

Quit yer damn fighting.

I almost don't want to make the vigilantism thread after all of this, but I feel that one has some real discussion potential.

The Flood / Re: The seen cannot be unseen
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:43:05 PM »
I don't know why...

But that seemed dirty to me.

The Flood / Cake, brownies, or pie?
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:41:27 PM »
Title says it all.

Decide amongst yourselves who is correct.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:40:38 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.
When no one was looking, Ktan
took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes.
That’s as many as four tens.
And that’s terrible.


I don't even like cake...

You're not even human.  Cake is delicious.

Brownies are far superior.

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
it's just a website. Honestly if you don't play destiny there's not reason to be there and don't say "but muh community"

If they actually liked you that much they would come here

I'm only here because I got banned for derailing an entire forum. Other than Rocket, everybody I know would love to watch this place burn to ashes.

I personally don't give a shit.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:36:18 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.
He's laughing at us? We're not the ones that couldn't keep up a civilized argument and resorted to unoriginal insults to try to make up for our inadequacies.

If anyone's laughing, we're laughing at him.
When no one was looking, Ktan
took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes.
That’s as many as four tens.
And that’s terrible.


I don't even like cake...

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.
#­gaming only changed once they made #recuitment. We didn't do shit to fix it.

There were dozens of people in #­gaming helping the mods. Well, technically the mods helped us. It was the community members redirecting everybody that helped turn the tide.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:10:43 PM »
>trying to have a serious discussion in the Flood


Well it WAS going well. And then the mudslinging started.

The Flood / Re: Navy Seal Copypasta, Rocketman Edition
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:59:23 PM »

Even Christians realize those guys are just money-whoring cultists.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:57:37 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.

Why do you make such a basis? You're not at all qualified to make such statements, either.
Didn't I tell you already that I wasn't talking to you, pothead?

Personal quarrels aside, there is no need for insults.
Oh I'm sorry, are you a mod?

Alright then.
No, but the guy above you is.
lol no he's not

Plus I'm just fucking around anyway.
It's not like calling Camnator a pothead is really a big deal.
It doesn't matter if you're joking, we don't need the thread derailed anymore by petty insults. You've essentially forfeited your argument at this point.
Maybe you you stop derailing the thread then.
It's all on you. We all pretty much said the same thing. Who are you to be the judge of who is qualified to carry firearms or not? You're questioning Ktan's rights, we're questioning yours.
Sorry, but you're out of luck if you feel like debating my rights. All I own is a 2 inch knife and a taser.
And I don't even have the taser on me usually.
No no no. What gives you the right to decide who should have guns or not? That is what I asked.
Do I look like some kind of lawmaker to you? I don't have any actual authority, kiddo.
I know you don't, I'm sure we could all guess that. What makes you feel that you can decide whether or not Ktan should be allowed to have one? You said before that he shouldn't. Why do you think you're in a position to judge him like that?
Because he's shown himself to be unsuitable to have not one, but multiple lethal weapon on him at all times.
He admitted to being paranoid, that he loves the idea of combat and dying in a blaze of glory, and would gladly play the role of judge, jury, and executioner even if his judgement is unsound.

If he's so jumpy to take the opportunity to shoot someone, don't you think that sounds unsafe for everyone else?

I'm anything but jumpy to kill somebody. But I am not like other people; if I know something must be done, I'm not going to sit around making up my mind.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:30:12 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.

Why do you make such a basis? You're not at all qualified to make such statements, either.
Didn't I tell you already that I wasn't talking to you, pothead?

Personal quarrels aside, there is no need for insults.
Oh I'm sorry, are you a mod?

Alright then.
No, but the guy above you is.
lol no he's not

Plus I'm just fucking around anyway.
It's not like calling Camnator a pothead is really a big deal.
It doesn't matter if you're joking, we don't need the thread derailed anymore by petty insults. You've essentially forfeited your argument at this point.

Argument validity is thrown out the window once shit starts being slung.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:22:44 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.

Why do you make such a basis? You're not at all qualified to make such statements, either.
Didn't I tell you already that I wasn't talking to you, pothead?

Personal quarrels aside, there is no need for insults.

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