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Messages - Naoto

Pages: 1 ... 131415 1617 ... 125
Gaming / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition?
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:12:05 AM »
For the life of me can't get into it.

Was gonna say Dragon Age 2 but I don't play it.

Gaming / Re: Borderlands 2 Co-Op play PC
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:59:58 PM »
Buy a ps4 and then buy me the handsome collection so we can play pleb.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather... (part 2)
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:47:30 PM »
How many gorillas we talking here.

(not that it matters. I ain't getting castrated. I'd just like to know how extensive the anal replacement surgery is going to be)
and the whole world is watching via broadcast and it will be recorded for posterity

6 gorillas
Damn that's a lot of gorillas. Well at least I'll have a good conversation starter going forward.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather... (part 2)
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:43:13 PM »
How many gorillas we talking here.

(not that it matters. I ain't getting castrated. I'd just like to know how extensive the anal replacement surgery is going to be)

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:14:26 PM »
More otakus buy it the more money they get for FE.
this is a good thing how
How is more funding a good thing?

I believe he's talking more along the lines of "How will this affect the future of the FE franchise and do we really want it to continue down this route?".
Oh, well could have phrased that better. Again we know its going to get censored to hell (though supposedly Ninty is doing localization in house this round). Its optional, and I wouldn't really have an issue either way so that's probably a question more for you in that case.

Ninty would have to weigh the the number of players lost to the number of players gained if they were to expand upon the ecchi stuff, but I'm highly doubtful they'd ever make it anything other than optional and censored.

Edit: Makes you wonder how well that fanservice dlc sold tho. They have to be going this route based on some kinda input.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:47:57 PM »
More otakus buy it the more money they get for FE.
this is a good thing how
How is more funding a good thing?

The Flood / Re: Things this website has ruined for you
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:32:51 PM »
I'd definitely kick a fox now.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:18:08 PM »
Keyu pls

It's a well known fact that you have the worst standards out of all weebs.
Only good standards of the weebs more like.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:03:40 PM »
It has nothing to do with "delicate sensibilities" m8. Pokemon ami makes sense, they're magical pets so it would make sense for you to be able to play with them like one.

FE is a tactical RPG often set during raging conflicts that carry a lot of weight on the world they reside in. Inserting a touch your little sister simulator seems a bit out of place.

I honestly don't care for its inclusion, but I'm not getting up in arms and demanding it to be removed either.
More otakus buy it the more money they get for FE. Keep it optional and I have no issues. Then again I enjoyed Hyperdimension Neptunia so I probably have different (better) standards  ;)

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 01:51:14 PM »
>Completely optional
>Requires S rank to even get the choice.

As a long time fan not bothered at all tbh. But looking at some of teh reactions maybe they're right about the west's delicate sensibilities.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 04:16:01 AM »
I'm not even surprised
Cuz your a bong and therefor used to incest.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather...
« on: June 27, 2015, 04:02:45 AM »
Secret sex. Obviously.

Next question.

She gonna win anyway
most liberals don't even want her, everyone knows she's one of the most corrupt politicians out there
And she's still gonna win on name recognition alone. I want Sanders, and I think he'll surprise people with how much he challenges her, but she'd have to do something horrific to lose the lead she has. Republicans don't stand a chance with the current demographics no matter who they run.
Hey Repubs could do it. The only problem they have is that they have ro go so far right in the primaries that it is hard for them to get back to course in the general. Honestly they have the latino vote just waiting for them. And they are a growing demographic.
Barring a Dem fucking up, they can't. They'll get trounced again. They need to shed the old guard and modernize, but that's not exactly in their nature. They're on the verge of losing Texas the rate things are currently going.

She gonna win anyway
most liberals don't even want her, everyone knows she's one of the most corrupt politicians out there
And she's still gonna win on name recognition alone. I want Sanders, and I think he'll surprise people with how much he challenges her, but she'd have to do something horrific to lose the lead she has. Republicans don't stand a chance with the current demographics no matter who they run.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 27, 2015, 01:57:37 AM »
I hope they do a saudi edit for it.
psy no. muh naughty sibling time. :(

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:53:40 PM »
So I can have a doge/cat/bird?
I'm not sure they're that accepting..
Oh, I was reading that article and I read Pokemon & petting, so I though I could have an animal to pet, I don't want a bitch ass human to pet
lol I was worried about you for a sec there.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:41:46 PM »
So I can have a doge/cat/bird?
I'm not sure they're that accepting..

Gaming / Fire Emblem Fates getting all kinds of lewd.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:32:49 PM »

That last paragraph will make you do a double take.
Bayonetta really brought out Ninty's pervy side eh?

Wonder how much they'll censor for the west's delicate sensibilities.
Considering they couldn't even show Tharja booty last round.

The Flood / Re: Political compass thread.
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:33:40 PM »
I've gone further into the green since the last one.
Economic Left/Right: -2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.95

Serious / Re: US Supreme Court rules gay marriage is legal nationwide
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:59:43 PM »
The next 8 years will likely see 3 supreme court justices retiring. Scalia (conservative), Ginsburg (liberal), and Kennedy (swing vote). The next two presidential elections are going to be massively important.

Serious / Re: US Supreme Court rules gay marriage is legal nationwide
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:01:02 PM »
About time. Finally got one right.

Gaming / Re: Apple removes Civil War games from app store.
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:54:33 PM »
With their logic any game that shows the American flag should be removed as well since we used to have slavery, segregation and we were pretty racist and women hating back then.
They still allow games with Nazi flags so I don't think logic is playing a roll in the decision making process.

Gaming / Re: Luke Smith (Bungie) apologized for the interview.
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:11:58 AM »
Why do people even want these items anyways? If the actual expansion is good, and has plenty of content, then that COULD be worth a buy. But I wouldn't pay $20 for emotes. I wouldn't pay $5
Nobody here wants that shit. We just enjoy complaining about Bungie.

Gaming / Apple removes Civil War games from app store. *Updated*
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:43:39 PM »
Because they contain images of the confederate flag.
It's looking like Apple has pulled everything from the App Store that features a Confederate flag, regardless of context. The reasoning Apple is sending developers is "...because it includes images of the confederate flag used in offensive and mean-spirited ways."

Some other articles:

Sounds like they are starting to reinstate the games they removed. New rule seems to be they don't want it displayed in screenshots or icons. Still stupid, but better than complete censorship I suppose.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem: Fates Has Online MP
« on: June 25, 2015, 01:50:05 PM »
>not using vastly superior niche gamer link
k den.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Jurassic World.
« on: June 25, 2015, 05:27:38 AM »
Keep getting mixed signals on this.

Some people tell me its good. Others say its bad.  (・_・ヾ

The Flood / Re: I think I might be in love with keksandra.
« on: June 25, 2015, 05:14:59 AM »
That is hideous.

The Flood / Re: fug off
« on: June 25, 2015, 05:12:36 AM »
Bro do you even discussion value?

The Flood / Re: Totally Worth It.
« on: June 25, 2015, 04:55:36 AM »
Never gotten one...on any site. Including the north korean emulator that is neogaf.
So I figure if I end up getting one here it says more about this place than whatever I get warned for.
"If I get banned its this places fault"
It is you twerp. Keyu can do no wrong.

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