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Messages - Naoto

Pages: 1 ... 121314 1516 ... 125
The Flood / Re: Coffee or Tea?
« on: July 01, 2015, 05:30:49 AM »
Coffee cuz I'm not a horrible person who makes bad decisions in life.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:38:32 PM »
You guys need to learn to spoiler tag posts if you're gonna quite every single word.
ye stop quiteing all teh words.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: June 30, 2015, 08:00:48 PM »
Fuck ye free piggybacks.

The Flood / Re: (☠) how many referrals do you have
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:58:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: (☠) how many referrals do you have
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:18:46 PM »
None. Giving out that link is dumb.
I've brought over a shit ton of people tho.

>He thinks he's important
superior being.

The Flood / Re: (☠) how many referrals do you have
« on: June 30, 2015, 06:53:28 PM »
None. Giving out that link is dumb.
I've brought over a shit ton of people tho.

Gaming / Re: I had a dream I was in Splatoon
« on: June 30, 2015, 06:48:37 PM »
were you a kid or a squid

I haven't played it, so I don't get the joke ;___;

Gaming / Re: I had a dream I was in Splatoon
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:59:54 PM »
were you a kid or a squid
God damnit came in here to post this.

The Flood / Re: I dreamt that I got Heroic
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:35:12 AM »
Karma for the Uzu avatar.

The Flood / Re: The Last Will & Testament of Prime Whatever
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:00:28 AM »
Bitch didn't even leave me her vidya collection. Good grief.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:30:02 PM »
] :-\ ye but its gonna be. She would've beat obama in '08 had flordia and michigan not jacked things up with their primaries. I want Sanders, but numbers are on the wall.
Sanders is too liberal to fly with everyone else and the swing voters.
I think he'll surprise people. He's drawing the largest crowds atm. Some 5k came to see him in Colorado.
But will he be able to beat the giant that is Hilary?
Probably not.  :(

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:14:27 PM »
] :-\ ye but its gonna be. She would've beat obama in '08 had flordia and michigan not jacked things up with their primaries. I want Sanders, but numbers are on the wall.
Sanders is too liberal to fly with everyone else and the swing voters.
I think he'll surprise people. He's drawing the largest crowds atm. Some 5k came to see him in Colorado.

Gaming / Re: Nolan North
« on: June 29, 2015, 10:51:49 PM »
I'm kinda mad about TLOU. It's story ended so perfectly that a sequel to those characters would ruin it, IMO.

The only way it would work is if they
had new characters, and at that point, the chances of them having the same level of chemistry as Joel and Ellie is
extremely low. The game's selling point is the character interaction, but if that isn't done right, all you have is a mediocre TPS with survival aspects tacked on. It can't work in any way.
I could see them doing an older ellie and more grey joel. It was a good ending, but there's plenty to explore there if they wanted. It'd be hard to start over and get attached to
completely different characters.
We need a prequel covering the 20 year gap. That has a chance to be full of amazing dark stories.
Eh. The thing I liked about tlou was that it wasn't another omg zombie out break story. You don't see a lot of plots set 20 years after the fact. Where everyone is just use to that life now. I'd actually like them to go forward in time when they do the sequel.

Not saying there isn't plenty dark stuff in Joel's past they couldn't cover.

Gaming / Re: Nolan North
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:53:27 PM »
I'm kinda mad about TLOU. It's story ended so perfectly that a sequel to those characters would ruin it, IMO.

The only way it would work is if they had new characters, and at that point, the chances of them having the same level of chemistry as Joel and Ellie is extremely low. The game's selling point is the character interaction, but if that isn't done right, all you have is a mediocre TPS with survival aspects tacked on. It can't work in any way.
I could see them doing an older ellie and more grey joel. It was a good ending, but there's plenty to explore there if they wanted. It'd be hard to start over and get attached to completely different characters.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:39:13 PM »


I do think its hilarious, and she's essentially a moderate conservative (much like obama)

But to be fair Obama was also anti-gay marriage until recently. Things accelerated pretty fast on that issue.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:35:49 PM »

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:33:24 PM »
hurr durr post a useless video.

I didn't say shouting "liar" was racist. In fact, I never said any of this was racist. But the only major difference is Obama's race. If it's not because he's black, I'm curious as to the cause of the lack of respect for the office of the President. I'm also curious if it will continue in 2016.
I never said any of this was racist guys! I only said that's the only possible difference / explanation.
Money definitely couldn't be playing a role here. Or the fact that Bush single-handedly lowered reverence for the office. Or the fact we are now in the information age and the govt isn't some mysterious far away idea. Can't be that repulicans have recently been taken over by the far right and have shoved out all the moderates. Encouraging behavior so clownish that Donald Trump is running for office.

No clearly Obama is experiencing previously unheard of disrespect, and the only possible explanation is his skin color. Its not money or stupid political pandering. Just can't be. Has to be skin color. Its the only thing that's changed afterall. But I'm not saying its racist or anything.

Yes it'll continue in 2016. Except then it'll be Hilary and you'll say its cuz she's a woman. Because muh identity politics.
God, I fuckin' hope it's not Hillary
:-\ ye but its gonna be. She would've beat obama in '08 had flordia and michigan not jacked things up with their primaries. I want Sanders, but numbers are on the wall.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:32:07 PM »
Truth. In other counties you could be killed for disrespecting the leader the way people disrespect Obama. I understand people don't have to agree with him, but they really treat the man like he isn't the commander in chief. I couldn't even disrespect my governor like that better yet the president.
This. Any other modern civilized country kills people for disrespecting the glorious leader.
Germany executed a guy last week.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:35:55 PM »
hurr durr post a useless video.

I didn't say shouting "liar" was racist. In fact, I never said any of this was racist. But the only major difference is Obama's race. If it's not because he's black, I'm curious as to the cause of the lack of respect for the office of the President. I'm also curious if it will continue in 2016.
I never said any of this was racist guys! I only said that's the only possible difference / explanation.
Money definitely couldn't be playing a role here. Or the fact that Bush single-handedly lowered reverence for the office. Or the fact we are now in the information age and the govt isn't some mysterious far away idea. Can't be that repulicans have recently been taken over by the far right and have shoved out all the moderates. Encouraging behavior so clownish that Donald Trump is running for office.

No clearly Obama is experiencing previously unheard of disrespect, and the only possible explanation is his skin color. Its not money or stupid political pandering. Just can't be. Has to be skin color. Its the only thing that's changed afterall. But I'm not saying its racist or anything.

Yes it'll continue in 2016. Except then it'll be Hilary and you'll say its cuz she's a woman. Because muh identity politics.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:30:13 PM »
>conveniently ignoring the new arsehole Bush got torn by the media for the entirety of his 2 terms

Which is fine by me, I thought he was a shitty president too, but it had nothing to do with skin colour, and everything to do with competency. The only reason you're pulling the race card is because you WANT it to be an issue about race. It's all the left seems to want to talk about, despite allegedly, being opposed to racist lines of thought.

Protip, presidents get shat on regardless of skin colour/political allegiance/dress sense/what side of the street they grew up in because it comes with the turf. To suggest that Obama gets extra flak for his race is just intellectually dishonest at this point.
If it's not because he's black, what about Obama gives these people the grounds to be so disrespectful to him? What happened to respecting the office?
Because he's the Commander-in-chief of a nation that embraces freedom of expression. There will always be people that are going to subject him to a deluge of vitriol regardless of what he does. It's a facet of the job that he knew full and well what it entailed, otherwise he wouldn't have ran for it.
Part of me wishes a republican wins the next election so democrats can be just as disrespectful to him as republicans were to obama, then they can go cry about conservative persecution
Personally I like to dissociate myself from identity politics.
Good for you. Doesn't change the fact that this is the kind of shit that happens in our country.
What shit? The right to speak your mind regardless of how contemptible and childish it may be?

My god, it's almost as if America is a western democracy that embraces freedom of speech.
Stop being racist Mordo.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:28:24 PM »
Part of me wishes a republican wins the next election so democrats can be just as disrespectful to him as republicans were to obama, then they can go cry about conservative persecution
You don't want a republican winning office, trust me. I wouldn't mind the candidates if 97% of them weren't ass backwards in so many ways. I can only think of like 2, maybe 3 of the.. what, 16 candidates running, that are actually decent.
Regardless the next president will essentially decide whether the supreme court is conservative or liberal for the next couple decades. Not sure if I'd give that up just for the sake of some pettiness.
They just ruled against lethal injections which seemed to make people gasp in pain for 15 mins before dying.

I don't consider myself a liberal, but I think a more liberal Supreme Court might do some good. Still, that place needs term limits. It's arguably the strongest branch of the government because what they say, goes.
Ye. Kennedy is definitely more powerful than the president at this point. Not sure on how I'd feel about term limits there tho. You need some sort of steady hand in govt. Musical chairs when it comes to the highest court in the land doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:21:34 PM »
Part of me wishes a republican wins the next election so democrats can be just as disrespectful to him as republicans were to obama, then they can go cry about conservative persecution
You don't want a republican winning office, trust me. I wouldn't mind the candidates if 97% of them weren't ass backwards in so many ways. I can only think of like 2, maybe 3 of the.. what, 16 candidates running, that are actually decent.
Regardless the next president will essentially decide whether the supreme court is conservative or liberal for the next couple decades. Not sure if I'd give that up just for the sake of some pettiness.

Gaming / Re: Nolan North
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:19:35 PM »
I mean everyone should know a TLOU 2 is coming.
I'd be amazed if he never ever worked with ND again. But UC4 does seem like the last UC for a while.

The Flood / Re: What's the best fast food chain in your opinion?
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:10:37 PM »
Taco Johns

Popeye's is legit tho.

Gaming / Re: It's here baby!
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:09:05 PM »
So is he the demo d of video games or is demo d the dunkey of anime?

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:07:48 PM »
I'm really tired of people on the left crying racism and sexism at everything.

2015 is a different era than the 00's. People don't hold the presidency in as much awe regardless of who is in it. The idea that republicans are being shitheads because of his skin color, rather than the fact that they are financially incentivized to be shit heads, is beyond stupid.

Obama has not received as much hate as Bush 2 towards the end of his presidency either. There was not a comedy show on television, or stand up act around the world, that wasn't tearing him apart. Using your logic that must be cuz Bush was white. Not because people just disagreed with him.
I think you've ignored every post I've made in this thread. I'm talking about Cogressmen and the like. Yeah, the media tore Bush apart, but I'm not talking about that.
I think you ignored the part where I talked about republicans.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 05:43:55 PM »
Yank politics is very... boorish though <.<
Screaming like chimps and howling like jackals at each other when they talk ._.
Hey now. We have nothing like the prime minister's question time.
Someone yelled out 'you lie' during a state of a union address and we about beheaded him.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 05:41:19 PM »
I'm really tired of people on the left crying racism and sexism at everything.

2015 is a different era than the 00's. People don't hold the presidency in as much awe regardless of who is in it. The idea that republicans are being shitheads because of his skin color, rather than the fact that they are financially incentivized to be shit heads, is beyond stupid.

Obama has not received as much hate as Bush 2 towards the end of his presidency either. There was not a comedy show on television, or stand up act around the world, that wasn't tearing him apart. Using your logic that must be cuz Bush was white. Not because people just disagreed with him.

The Flood / Re: Who's your favorite comedian?
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:17:32 AM »
Bill Burr

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