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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: Do you still follow Halo?
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:56:45 PM »
I'll probably check to see if 5 ends up being any good, but I doubt I'll buy a X1 for it.
Use to be a rabid fan, and buy all the books, but I guess series fatigue set in a couple years ago.

Gaming / Re: PS4 youtube app sign in solution.
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:43:16 PM »
i havent even tried the YouTube app. what does this workaround fix?
For some reason a lot of people were unable to sign in. Just kept giving an error code.

The Flood / Re: mods please edit that thread
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:29:44 PM »
I like it.

Gaming / PS4 youtube app sign in solution.
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:16:42 PM »
Just thought I'd post it here if anyone was having the same issues signing in to the youtube app:

Go to:
Check if PSN is one of the registered devices.
Revoke access to PSN.
Attempt to sign in again via PS4

Gaming / Re: Bungie is commiting suicide
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:04:16 PM »
Why the present tense?

The Flood / Re: Post things that your're tired of.
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:41:41 PM »
These mother fucking snakes.

The Flood / Re: Write a Poem about another user
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:21:35 PM »
Consumed by my voracious mind,
Suffocating in these silent screams,
Numb emotions have bled dry
And nightmares are my only dreams.
Searing skin and tearing eyes,
This spectral spirit's crimson furrows.
Malicious waves, they hypnotize-
Drowning in a sea of sorrows.
Yet chilling air howls its song.
Somber notes crawl up my spine.
They weep their words of why I'm wrong.
Scarlet lattice now crystalline,
Shattering the bitter heart-breaking air.
Shards sever everything I held close;
Lacerate my soul of despair
Till I am no more than a ghost.
Dat angst tho.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:37:44 PM »
This poor thread.

Man, my threads on here usually get like 0 responses

Didn't expect this to explode
Some people here really care about Gamergate, its to be expected.
Well offtopic discussion helped me thinks  ;D
Just a question, where does that avatar come from? Is it from something in particular, or an original drawing?
Depends which one are you talking about? Hat tipper or sword cloak guy?

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:35:34 PM »
This poor thread.

Man, my threads on here usually get like 0 responses

Didn't expect this to explode
Some people here really care about Gamergate, its to be expected.
Well offtopic discussion helped me thinks  ;D

Gaming / Re: BBC - Gamergate article. Oh boy door, you'll love this.
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:04:15 PM »
here's hoping that TB rips them a new one.
Dude's been killing it lately. Made cancer look like a bitch.

The Flood / Re: Gasai Yuno Should Not Be Banned
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:02:58 PM »
Can someone post a big anime booty?
TW: big ol' booty

The Flood / Re: Describe members of the forum
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:49:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: Gasai Yuno Should Not Be Banned
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:44:20 PM »
I was sitting on the train this morning opposite a really sexy Thai bird.

I thought to myself, "Please don't get an erection. Please don't get an erection."

But she did. /joke

Serious / Re: So #gamergate
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:31:34 PM »
So #gamergate has been pretty much drowning the gaming industry in bullshit recently and I was interested in what the Sep7agon community thought about it. If you are for or against it?. And If the admins deem this as not serious then by all means move it but I honestly think a group of people who send rape threats to random female persons in the gaming industry completely disgusting.

And remember guys.
It's about ethics.
You seem pretty misinformed on the subject. Language sounds like you're coming from neogaf. 

Psys thread on it in Gaming.

I made some posts there explaining my thoughts on it all.

The Flood / Re: Describe members of the forum
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:12:28 PM »
"Waaaahhhh I got banned because I broke the rules guys."

Who got banned?

Someone actually got banned?
Several have.
Ellen Page
Yeah I saw he got blacklisted. What'd he do accidentally post CP thinking it was Ellen Page?

I'll just say that a certain post he made was pretty disgusting, but unrelated to hi- I mean her.

Pls tell Mr p
One of my favorite avatars on the site btw.

The Flood / Re: Describe members of the forum
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:04:48 PM »

Your avatar....LOL

I can't tell if you're calling kenji a whore or not.

No no, I'm saying your avatar is really funny lol

Wait, are you a feminist, or are you making fun of them
I'm constantly going on about how I hate women, man.
>Quick, Damage control
>What's the best way to prove him wrong?
>Call him a retard. Genius!
Ha, this is golden.
>Continuing to reply in an attempt to get the last word because at the very core you're petty
You really don't like me do you?
I don't see why I should. You've only ever acted like a cunt.
And so begins the path to locked thread.

The Flood / Re: Describe members of the forum
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:59:12 PM »
It would interesting if we where all in a room together, or some kind of floodian building and see how things pan out.
Fire everywhere.

Gaming / Re: BBC - Gamergate article. Oh boy door, you'll love this.
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:10:08 PM »
Can someone, as concisely as possible, explain to me the issue that GG is attempting to correct, what methods they're using, and whether it has yielded any results? I've seen tons of journalist articles brushing GG aside as 4chan trying to cyber-ra­pe Zoe Quinn, and I've seen tons of forum posts about journalists brushing GG aside as 4chan trying to cyber-ra­pe Zoe Quinn, but I haven't seen a single thing about forward progress or even a defined goal.
Kotaku, Polygon and a number of other sites have updated their ethics policies/guidelines and retroactively disclosed relationships in articles/reviews as a result of information found by gamergate. It's not about 4chan and cyber raping Zoe Quinn....what ever that means.

Its about better ethical standards in the gaming press and less nepotism between the press and the industry they cover. If you could be bothered sit through some of it I'd look up some of Total Biscuit's work to get a better picture on the situation. Or have a long read here. The problem is most of the information requires a lot of time and effort to get sorted through at this point, and its far easier just to label everyone sexist than find out the facts.

Gaming / Re: BBC - Gamergate article. Oh boy door, you'll love this.
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:54:40 PM »
Whoever is harassing someone like that, sending threats and so forth, no matter how just they may be– they mustn't get away with it. It's a criminal offense, it's illegal and more so immoral. #GamerGate is composed by hate, and that's not acceptable.
While I agree with the first part, I disagree with the second. There has been no evidence presented that gamergate is responsible for these threats. In fact gamergate has been more organized in reporting them. So much so it was pointed out by even Kotaku. Even in Newsweek data they found 95% of the gamergate tweets directed at Anita and co. were neutral in nature (not hate filled).

In the case of Briana Wu's harasser. They also sent the exact same death threats to a GG feminist.

Death threats and doxxing are horrible and need to stop on both sides, but blaming the first group that comes to mind does not solve anything The biggest problem in this whole mess is the spread of misinformation and lack of dialogue on both sides.

The Flood / Re: So, I turned off Adblock on Sep7agon
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:39:06 PM »
Were you triggered OP?

Serious / Re: Who do you think are the four best presidents?
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:04:52 AM »
FDR, Lincoln, Jefferson, then probably Washington or Kennedy.

Though a lot of the credit/blame presidents get belongs to the congress at the time.

The Flood / Re: Alcohol is Inferior to Cannabis
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:20:53 AM »
They'd just be pics of spiders anyways.
And no one likes spider booty.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:49:39 AM »
that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject

Holy has EMOTIONS?
Im shocked some of these people can actually get offended :/
He's still mad over and earlier thread with lemin. :P


Who brought it up again?
not me
good night
don't derail this thread more
Who brought it into the thread in the first place? And every other thread. You're fucking annoying.
Let it go and I'd be perfectly fine with you, but you keep bringing it up.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:47:31 AM »
that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject

Holy has EMOTIONS?
Im shocked some of these people can actually get offended :/
He's still mad over and earlier thread with lemin. :P

It took me this long to realize you were talking about me :/
I need to go to bed.
You did refer to me as 'it'...unless I miss-read that?

Ah yes, It was where Nuka said something along the lines of "your being touchy over this".
I find it ironic that you were offended..........give how much offense is handed out around here.
Annoyed =/= offended
I'm not demanding Nuka stop posting am I? You were whiny and annoying earlier, and your refusal to let it go makes you more whiny and annoying. Normally I'm very light hearted on here so the fact that your even getting on my nerves now should tell you something about yourself.

Whiny and annoying? That is not my personality, that is your perception of my actions.
I was simply one of the only 2 people who disagreed with the whole charade that happened earlier.
If all of Sep7agon runs to BNet to flame in a makes you all look buttmad regardless of whether you are or not.

I'm just telling you that it makes you look bad. And Lemon?
Well the fact that he was spouting profanity while I wasn't shows he had a bit of irritation getting to him.

My issue is, I'm riding the fence. I'm a member here but also friends with Ktan.
So I see my fellow forumgoers attacking a friend.

But whatever. Let's not derail this thread.
Holy fucking shit. Let it go. Jesus. Lets not derail the thread, but I'm gonna bring it up in every fucking thread. Move on already.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:35:38 AM »
I just watched it, I saw nothing wrong.
She made fair points.

Grow up and move on from this already.
lolno. Again she claimed that games are sexist (yet couldn't name 3), again she claimed gamergate was behind the death threats (despite having no evidence and ignoring the threats recieved by gamergate), again she claimed it was all basement dwelling misogynerd males in gamergate (ignoring all the women, feminists, minorities etc.)

It was a completely one-sided biased circle jerk. I get Colbert is a comedian and has no journalistic responsibility but if you think that was fair objective coverage then you've not been following this properly.
It's pretty easy to list of examples though and she avoided doing so to prevent straying off topic. That much was noticeable. And she mentioned GTA towards the end anyway which is a prime example.

They took a few stabs at male gamers with the basement dwelling stuff, but that was mostly just light joking around. They do the same on that show when they target other subjects and demographics so that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject.
Meh this isn't in serious so I'm not going to bother going into a debate with you about it. Late enough as is. But you're coming of laughingly misinformed. Arrogance and ignorance are bad combinations my friend.
....Well sorry, but I'm not going to side with the masses of 4chan on this issue. I don't care about the drama, 
Facts be damned eh?
but I agree that there are problems in the industry that need to he addressed.
See now you're a filthy misogynist  ;D I'm fine with neutral view points. That's where I was when all this started, but I've seen enough flat out lies and ad hominem from the news media that it gets my hackles up at times.
What you're saying makes zero sense. I said I agree that there problems in the industry. That means I believe that women could and should be portrayed better. I don't give a damn about any of the journalism drama.
Yea nvm. I'm done here. Not worth it.
Try to understand, I avoid getting into this debate because there are way too many people that do actually hate women on this forum. So I don't care to have that kind of argument/debate here. Not even gonna touch it.
Fair enough. I can respect a difference of opinion. I'd just recommend avoid dropping 'grow up' around as if there is no discussion to be had on the topic.

I really don't like posting this seriously in flood. I'm starting to annoy myself now :P

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:33:38 AM »
that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject

Holy has EMOTIONS?
Im shocked some of these people can actually get offended :/
He's still mad over and earlier thread with lemin. :P

It took me this long to realize you were talking about me :/
I need to go to bed.
You did refer to me as 'it'...unless I miss-read that?

Ah yes, It was where Nuka said something along the lines of "your being touchy over this".
I find it ironic that you were offended..........give how much offense is handed out around here.
Annoyed =/= offended
I'm not demanding Nuka stop posting am I? You were whiny and annoying earlier, and your refusal to let it go makes you more whiny and annoying. Normally I'm very light hearted on here so the fact that your even getting on my nerves now should tell you something about yourself.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:29:05 AM »
I just watched it, I saw nothing wrong.
She made fair points.

Grow up and move on from this already.
lolno. Again she claimed that games are sexist (yet couldn't name 3), again she claimed gamergate was behind the death threats (despite having no evidence and ignoring the threats recieved by gamergate), again she claimed it was all basement dwelling misogynerd males in gamergate (ignoring all the women, feminists, minorities etc.)

It was a completely one-sided biased circle jerk. I get Colbert is a comedian and has no journalistic responsibility but if you think that was fair objective coverage then you've not been following this properly.
It's pretty easy to list of examples though and she avoided doing so to prevent straying off topic. That much was noticeable. And she mentioned GTA towards the end anyway which is a prime example.

They took a few stabs at male gamers with the basement dwelling stuff, but that was mostly just light joking around. They do the same on that show when they target other subjects and demographics so that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject.
Meh this isn't in serious so I'm not going to bother going into a debate with you about it. Late enough as is. But you're coming of laughingly misinformed. Arrogance and ignorance are bad combinations my friend.
....Well sorry, but I'm not going to side with the masses of 4chan on this issue. I don't care about the drama, 
Facts be damned eh?
but I agree that there are problems in the industry that need to he addressed.
See now you're a filthy misogynist  ;D I'm fine with neutral view points. That's where I was when all this started, but I've seen enough flat out lies and ad hominem from the news media that it gets my hackles up at times.
What you're saying makes zero sense. I said I agree that there problems in the industry. That means I believe that women could and should be portrayed better. I don't give a damn about any of the journalism drama.
Yea nvm. I'm done here. Not worth it.

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:25:40 AM »
that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject

Holy has EMOTIONS?
Im shocked some of these people can actually get offended :/
He's still mad over and earlier thread with lemin. :P

It took me this long to realize you were talking about me :/
I need to go to bed.
You did refer to me as 'it'...unless I misread that?

The Flood / Re: Stephen Colbert defects
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:22:54 AM »
I just watched it, I saw nothing wrong.
She made fair points.

Grow up and move on from this already.
lolno. Again she claimed that games are sexist (yet couldn't name 3), again she claimed gamergate was behind the death threats (despite having no evidence and ignoring the threats recieved by gamergate), again she claimed it was all basement dwelling misogynerd males in gamergate (ignoring all the women, feminists, minorities etc.)

It was a completely one-sided biased circle jerk. I get Colbert is a comedian and has no journalistic responsibility but if you think that was fair objective coverage then you've not been following this properly.
It's pretty easy to list of examples though and she avoided doing so to prevent straying off topic. That much was noticeable. And she mentioned GTA towards the end anyway which is a prime example.

They took a few stabs at male gamers with the basement dwelling stuff, but that was mostly just light joking around. They do the same on that show when they target other subjects and demographics so that's just you guys getting touchy over it. Lighten up and stop being so hostile to the subject.
Meh this isn't in serious so I'm not going to bother going into a debate with you about it. Late enough as is. But you're coming of laughingly misinformed. Arrogance and ignorance are bad combinations my friend.
....Well sorry, but I'm not going to side with the masses of 4chan on this issue. I don't care about the drama, 
Facts be damned eh? (and its not 4chan vs womyn btw)
but I agree that there are problems in the industry that need to he addressed.
See now you're a filthy misogynist  ;D I'm fine with neutral view points. That's where I was when all this started, but I've seen enough flat out lies and ad hominem from the news media that it gets my hackles up at times. 

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