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Messages - Naoto

Pages: 1 ... 798081 8283 ... 125
You're welcome.

All I ask is a quote. Any quote where I've used an ad hominem, strawman, or have said that they shouldn't be allowed to be dicks.

Quote me. Please.

But I'm not. Why would you accuse me of that? Unless, of course, you're on a witch hunt, which would be proving my point.
Where did I accuse you of anything?!?

Wait what.

Is this thread just a bunch of misunderstandings?
Almost like I've been trying to say that from the begining. I swear half of you didn't read the first page.
Same exact argument.

This really is incredible. We criticize these people for their barbarism - and immediately users who know we value free speech treat us like xenophobic bigots.

Nobody says they can't disrespect the dead. We're saying they SHOULD NOT disrespect the dead.
I'm concerned about the consequences that will come from this sort of rhetoric, this thread being evidence of that. 'If God forbid you take issue with our popular consensus, you're part of the problem' is essentially what's being said here.
Supporting terrorists and murderers absolutely makes you part of the problem. Not killing people for jokes is the popular consensus that is up for debate.

Because these people you're defending would not hesitate one second in giving you a gruesome death simply for being homosexual. I understand you think criticizing them means you're stooping to their level (you're wrong, because we're criticizing them not gunning them down) but in the interest of self preservation you'd think you wouldn't have this mentality.
You're agreeing with the terrorists with that sort of logic.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
I would point out for the millionth time that no one is arguing against their right to not be silent, but somehow it feels like a waste of time.
Tell that to Challenger.
Show me a quote where he has said they we're not allowed to be not be silent. I really think you're misreading the thread.

Because these people you're defending would not hesitate one second in giving you a gruesome death simply for being homosexual. I understand you think criticizing them means you're stooping to their level (you're wrong, because we're criticizing them not gunning them down) but in the interest of self preservation you'd think you wouldn't have this mentality.
You're agreeing with the terrorists with that sort of logic.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
I would point out for the millionth time that no one is arguing against their right to not be silent, but somehow it feels like a waste of time.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
The fuck does this have to do with anything?
I was proving Icy's point.
Icy has no point as the first page has already shown.  ::)
I don't know how people are still bringing up the pledge as if it has anything to do with this thread.
I don't see how it isn't relevant. "Here's something to prove you're loyal, and we're going on a witch hunt against everyone who doesn't comply."
Mildly criticizing people for supporting terrorists and murderers is now a witch hunt and trampling on their rights?
ffs really?

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.
Let's not forget the old Bellamy salute here in the states:

The pledge is idolatry in the name of "patriotism"
The fuck does this have to do with anything?
I was proving Icy's point.
Icy has no point as the first page has already shown.  ::)
I don't know how people are still bringing up the pledge as if it has anything to do with this thread.

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
No it fucking isn't. People have died.

I am so sick of you fucking PC liberals.

I actually have to agree with this one.  Standing up for your nation's "loyalty" isn't really the same as giving a respectful silence for people who were murdered over a cartoon.

Just a quick comment on the cartoon, I actually saw a comment on a website the other day that made sense.  "How about instead of making fun of the religion, make fun of the terrorists and the fundamentalist extremists."
I agree with the first part. My response to the second part would be:
 'how about people make fun of whatever they want to make fun of, and we don't kill them for it.'

Gaming / Re: Would you have bought this game?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:29:13 AM »
Yeah. Fable-esque. Play as the bad guy.
I'm all about that.

Serious / Re: Where do you get your news from?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:07:06 AM »
Twitter, BBC, CNN, AP News, Time, Google, Economist, Fox News.

Really only use Fox to see what the right is up to. Otherwise its garbage, and difficult to read. I'll get some random articles from Slate, Salon, Forbes etc. Follow Rachel Maddow on twitter and occasionally check TYT on youtube though I'm not subbed.

Really can't stand left wing sites for some reason. Even though I've tended to lean that way. Its getting harder and harder to even watch the Daily Show. I'm starting to think the only thing stopping me from becoming a moderate conservative is how insane the American right is.

Some how I feel if this was the WBC then people would not be jumping over themselves to add all these caveats that no one is arguing with.  ::)

Gaming / Re: Catzilla's Trusday Gaming
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:38:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Navy Seal Copypasta, Rocketman Edition
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:36:13 PM »
ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ

Septagon / Is the un-notify button broken?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:30:41 PM »
Or do I not know what its used for?

Have my alert settings set to alert me when a new reply is posted in a thread I've posted in. Except when I hit unnotify (to stop receiving notifications from that thread) they keep coming.
Likewise if I haven't posted in a thread, and I hit notify, I won't receive any notifications.

Or is it just over-ridden by my alert settings?

-cordially yours
Confused Naoto

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:10:31 PM »
Philosophical Question: What's sadder the broken record or the people who argue with it?

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:07:41 PM »
something something knife to a gun fight.

Nice to see the same argument in two threads which are very similar tho.

Gaming / Re: Catzilla's Trusday Gaming
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:59:16 PM »
Persona Q

Gaming / Re: Would you play a remake of Diamond/Pearl?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:56:32 PM »
Ive yet to play a single of the games.
>Likes DA2
>Never played Pokemon
nigga that's me
Fuck. Ossqu with that name change.  :(
I've been rekt'd
You still suck tho

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:50:43 PM »
>trying to have serious discussions
>in flood
wtf are you plebs doing.
What are we doing?

Clearly we're having a serious discussion in the flood.
Trying and failing more like it.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:47:03 PM »
>trying to have serious discussions
>in flood
wtf are you plebs doing.

Never felt the need to. Too many bullets and you ruin the meat. Would much rather have a few clean shots, and if I miss than it deserves to live.

The Flood / Re:
« on: January 12, 2015, 07:08:47 PM »
I totes joined.

Lived in Pensacola for a few months.
Liked the weather. Hated the spiders. People were insane for the most part.


Uh huh. I don't disagree.

What are you and Meta even fucking arguing about at this point?
lol. You and Icy brought it up as if we were saying the opposite.
Reading comprehension man.

They're not different at all.
The point is moral, not legal.
Not adhering to the pledge of allegiance is illegal?
I'm referring to your comment about them being within legal 'jurisdiction' to exercise a lack of respect. They have the same legal guarantees in both instances, but the difference between the two within this jurisdiction is a moral discrepancy.

I'm pretty sure I missed some morality point that was brought up. All I'm saying is refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance is as much of a right as refusing to pay respects to the recently deceased during formal hours. I don't know what morality has to do with the discussion, although if you want to talk about it I'd be more than happy to do so.
You keep saying they have the right to do this as if anyone is disagreeing with you on that point. We've already said they have that right multiple times now. Who are you arguing with?

Yes, it's pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth - but to many, it's also pledging allegiance and paying respects to all the soldiers who have tied for your freedoms and America's security (Blah blah blah, patriotism).

Point is - yes, they're dicks for choosing not honor the dead and pay their respects with the rest of the country. But they have the same right to not participate as everyone does, and they choose to exercise it. It doesn't mean I agree with them for not participating in the silence, as I would have done so.

They're not different at all. People have the right to not pledge allegiance to a panel of cloth, just as they have the right to not pay respects to people that died. Of course, that makes them cunts, especially the latter, but they're perfectly within their jurisdiction to exercise these rights.

They have a right not to be silent and people have a right to criticize them for it. I don't think anyone is trying to force them to be decent human beings.
What is so hard to understand about this?

As disrespectful as it may be, they have the right not to stand up.

Forcing them to pay respects really doesn't make us any better than the terrorists, as ironic as it may be.
I'm saying they're cunts for not respecting the people who died in the name of the very freedom they're exercising. They can refuse to stand, or speak during a minute's silence, all they like--but I won't sit idly by at such flagrant hypocrisy and moral insanity.

You know, this is the same type of argument Conservatives use to bitch out people who won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem over here.
One is about pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth, and the other is about the brutal murder of people for posting a cartoon. Do I have to point out how those two situations are not similar?

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