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Messages - Naoto

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The Flood / Re: LC is Lord Commissar?
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:30:18 PM »
LC... He's a mod, right?

Also you consistently have good avatars.

And by consistently I mean 2/2 have been good.

The Flood / Re: LC is Lord Commissar?
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:27:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: Psy for site owner 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:23:09 PM »
I totes didn't like this just cuz Verb said no.

Let's just try this new system out. I don't think the complainers will stop, but this may work best for now.

I do have one question as to Serious. A while back Nuka made a DA:I thread in Serious since it was about a trans character. Would such a thread be moved to Gaming under the new system? I think it fits better in Gaming, but it may not give Nuka the conversation he was looking for.

I think I can get behind the new rules as long as the next step isn't axing shitposts. Though I think topics like math and science should fall under Serious. I realize I'm pretty much doing a 180 in this thread.  :P You guys can't drop stuff on me like this.

If you guys really hate shitposts this much just make private groups a thing.
I doubt there's enough people for that yet. It'd just drive conversation away from boards and encourage cliques.
Its too early yet.
Well they'll kill the site with banning shitposting so it has the same effect.
Agreed. I don't think banning shit posting is up for discussion as most of the mods seem to recognize it wouldn't help.

If you guys really hate shitposts this much just make private groups a thing.
I doubt there's enough people for that yet. It'd just drive conversation away from boards and encourage cliques.
Its too early yet.

Why do people feel the need to have serious topics and censored discussions in the flood?
I honestly don't get it. Someone explain it to me.
It's a problem because deeming something serious is subjective. There were numerous bait threads and borderline-troll threads in Serious that made me scratch my head.

And if you haven't noticed, funneling all the quality topics into Serious makes The Flood a complete cesspool, since it promotes the "stupid stuff goes here" way of thinking.
Yeah, you're probably right. Still the natural progression of this conversation is going to be people complaining about shitposts burying / derailng their threads. And we already voted against strict moderation.

I'm curious - would anyone be upset if Gaming were to evolve into an Entertainment board? (TV, Movies, Sports, Games, etc.)
It would take more content away from flood (which already lost politics, gaming and religion), and I like having a board solely for gaming (which would probably drown out everything else). Its big enough that it deserves its own place.
Considering that entertainment threads make up so little of the threads made on Flood, I'd say it makes little difference.
Ugh. What's the problem with having them in Flood? Its not like the rules are vastly different from gaming. I don't see them getting buried. If there isn't that many why the push to move them over?

I just like having a dedicated gaming forum. I don't want to sift through anime and guardians of the galaxy to find bloodborne.

I'm curious - would anyone be upset if Gaming were to evolve into an Entertainment board? (TV, Movies, Sports, Games, etc.)
It would take more content away from flood (which already lost politics, gaming and religion), and I like having a board solely for gaming (which would probably drown out everything else). Its big enough that it deserves its own place.

How about this guys.

Leave flood alone, allow shot posting to an extent and don't allow all the mean stuff as per usual

Make serious serious discussion about anything. An example above is getting serious answers about building a PC and not getting "try"

Change gaming to entertainment. This is a board of anime, games, movies, sports and stuff.
Eh. The more I think about this the less I like the lines between boards being blurred.
I wouldn't like the idea of not having a dedicated gaming board and taking movies etc out of flood would leave it barren.

Hmm need to think more. The one thing I'm certain on is leaving shitposting in flood alone.

Why do people feel the need to have serious topics and censored discussions in the flood?
I honestly don't get it. Someone explain it to me.
So, if I want to seriously talk about Anime, it goes in Serious?
If you're going to bitch and moan about shitposting yes. If not then you're not complaining.
I don't see why it can't go in serious if its a genuinely serious discussion. (not that I know how you would have a serious discussion about style and voice acting maybe?) We can post about politics in a nonserious manner here after all.

Of course ignoring the fact that I'd vote for an anime board  :P

Nuka had a DA:I thread in Serious since it was about a trans character. Seemed to work just fine. I probably would have preferred it in Gaming, but I'm sure the discussion was helped by the Serious rules.

Why do people feel the need to have serious topics and censored discussions in the flood?
I honestly don't get it. Someone explain it to me.

Due to the way you've gone about serious criteria, I feel that a lot of people who post something and want a genuine discussion will probably get their stuff buried under shitposts or just get 'K.' for answers or something, if I user my own examples, it's like when I post my writing stuff and it just goes onto the second page in about ten minutes becase of spam. I guess having a semi-serious board would be cool, where proper discussion can go but the flood stays as it's shit[pos]ty self.

Or if anarchy were permanent, then have the flood as that genuine discussion board and have anarchy as the spam shit board like it is now.
Or we could just allow all serious discussion in serious regardless of the content. Which would seem like an easier and more logical solution.

All this new system will result in is more people complaining about shitposts burrying and derailing their threads in flood. Then the complainers will move on to saying we need to be more strict on shitposting (as they are in this thread). 

We already have a board for that. Its called Serious.

 ::) ::) ::) ::)

The flood is suppose to be garbage despised by the rest of the site. People forget that because for the longest time its been the only sane place on bnet.

I'm not for cutting serious apart just to make crappy derailed flood threads.

We need to stop trying to social engineer this shit and let it develop naturally.  Getting annoying how we seem to be catering to a small group of complainers.

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:21:02 PM »
You've been shadowscaled

I think that cringe made my neck snap
"Mission statement:

To be awesome at everything and destroy eso when is hits"

Damn this seems like a quality clan.
it's not as good as grey warden
Oh lawd, I remember that. What was the exact text?
Haha, I'd forgotten about that lone wolf thread. Fucking classic.

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Story Trailer
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:39:37 PM »
This is the only opinion preventing you from being a perfect fit for neogaf.
The only issue I have when it comes to frame rate is when it isn't consistent. Duh. I mean, no one likes lag. But to me, that's the only reasonable outlook to have on the matter.
Sadly that would get you banned over there.  :( and I wanted to play match maker.

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Story Trailer
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:34:40 PM »
Not being a better experience,  not a negligible difference. It's not witty if you don't make properly answer it.  ;D
Well, when you say "not better", that makes me think "worse", meaning it's not negligible. And clearly, it's not negligible to them, if they can even make the distinction. So my point still stands--I can't possibly imagine 24fps being worse than 60fps, let alone 30. I'd settle for 20, for crying out loud. I'm sure the game played just fine.
This is the only opinion preventing you from being a perfect fit for neogaf.

The Flood / Re: Microsoft HoloLens
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:24:38 PM »
bamp ;_;

I guess a mod could move it to gaming if it won't survive in floof.
Taking this as a sign VR is going to be a saturated market out the gate, and flop like 3d.

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Story Trailer
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:22:55 PM »
For those of you who are thinking of getting this at day one I'd recommend you hold off on it. I have a buddy that played it at PAX and he was saying that the game was no where near ready to be shipped. There were bugs galore and the game ended up crashing on him.

Basically there was a reason Sony wasn't showing off actual gameplay from PAX when it was there. Wait for reputable reviews to come out and for the average consumer to get it in their hands before dropping money on it. This might end up being another Assassins Creed Unity at launch.
Or don't preorder any games, and always wait for reviews.
This also works.

The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:21:08 PM »
I'd like to think of subtly/blatantly derailing threads as an art form. At which I've gotten quite good.

The Flood / Re: Who's going to watch the SuperBowl?
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:14:10 PM »
Only watch college ball.

Edit: But fuck the seahawks and Pete Carroll.

The Flood / Microsoft HoloLens
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:52:54 PM »

More of a tech thread than gaming though I'm sure it'll factor in with Kinect.
tl;dr - MS is developing their own VR head set. Slightly different from teh rest. Almost google glass-esque.

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Story Trailer
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:38:02 PM »
Looks like your generic run of the mill 3rd person shooter gameplay wise. Have it at below 30 FPS on top of that, it better have a good story.
Below? It's 30fps.
Didnt they say it would be like 25 or 15?
They wanted to make it 24fps, but it played awfully. Imagine that, a lower framerate not being a better experience.
I hate that 'but its more cinematic' logic when it comes to framerate. Its a plague in movies, and just an excuse in gaming to be cheap. Choosing to make the game look and play objectively worse is never a good thing.

The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:20:58 PM »
Long live teh 8chan.

>thinking 8chan is superior to 4chan

>being able to even say 4chin without vomiting


Nigga 8chan is full autism. It's made and populated by sperglords from /v/, /pol/, and reddit. The only reason anyone would have to go there is for /gg/ and once that wraps up it's going to be a dead and decaying husk.
We shall see comrade. So far it keeps growing in size while stealing moots traffic out from under him. Considering the audience that each site is trying to appeal to I'm going to put my money on the one that values freedom of speech over banning topics.

I don't see gg going any where anytime soon. Even though its been declared dead 40 times by know nothings.

Septagon / Re: So why can't we have porn threads in The Flood?
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:15:19 PM »
People should stop using tapatalk. The site update makes it unnecessary.

The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:12:17 PM »
Long live teh 8chan.

>thinking 8chan is superior to 4chan

>being able to even say 4chin without vomiting


The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:46:37 PM »
Long live teh 8chan.

The Flood / Re: The plague of Manspreading
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:10:09 PM »
Third wave feminism ladies and gents.

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:05:32 PM »
First response in first thread:

"Join shadowscale its a destiny guild that is going to be playing eso as well when it comes out we do strikes and raid every week"

It was a necro bump too. Double points.

The Flood / Re: Users with animal avatars
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:56:39 PM »
I knew I had a penguin avatar for some reason. Damn furry uprisings.

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