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Messages - Naoto

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The Flood / Re: Did Sep7agon just turn into church?
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:11:07 PM »

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 - Brute Review *Worst Game of 2015?*
« on: February 23, 2015, 04:18:02 PM »
Lol at the hype train part.

Game definitely has its flaws, but so far I've been enjoying it. Amazing that RaD built this engine. Graphics are really where their Naughty Dog pedigree shows.  Hopefully it'll be mildly profitable and give them something to build off of going forward.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:58:13 PM »
The issue is that what most people recommend is what they like based on assumptions. However, that's dislike. If you are so bent on hating something material as anime then you are just wasting your life.
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. I LOVE to hate anime.

It makes me REALLY fucking happy when I say something like, "I hate all anime"--because I DO--and some smart-ass fuck comes in and says, "But you have seen all anime, durrrrrr"

So hating one more anime just means
I am one step closer to proving those cocksuckers WRONG.
I'm beginning to think you're actually unwell.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:44:53 PM »
you people have weird concepts of derailment

the thread is about girls in video games, and we're discussing a girl in a video game
It is about people's favorite female video game characters. Not verbs hatred of anime. Which you seem to think every thread is about.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:24:01 PM »
yes, things are either bullshit, or academically examined

there is no middleground, at all

I do so hate having to spell things out. Make another thread if you want to discuss it with me so badly.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:18:04 PM »
oh, that's right

you're the twelve-year-old who thinks the internet should be all about jokes and bullshit
hehe no I think the (derailing) topic of whether or not my avatar has boobs should be academically examined.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:15:34 PM »
so what you're basically saying is

i'm supposed to be able to tell an androgynous character's gender on sight

are you fucking retarded
I love how serious you're taking all this right now.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:06:43 PM »
Wait, so Naoto's not a guy, either?

holy FUCK

whenever i see a guy in this franchise now, i'll just assume it's actually a girl, and vice versa
i'm literally, like, 4 for 30 right now
This is literally the only person who though Naoto was a guy.
I thought it was a guy
I'm sorry tyger. We going to have to send you off to the pleb reeducation camps with verb.

My waifu is not my husbando.

Gaming / Re: #GamerGate
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:56:32 AM »
Most people here are ambivalent to vaguely pro.
I've been working them over every once in a while if there's something particularly funny or big going on, but the topic won't gain too much traction otherwise. Not the right crowd. 

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:28:44 AM »
there's a difference between thinking someone is a girl
and thinking someone is a girl based on their appearance

i judge people's gender by their appearance, until informed of otherwise

that's... standard human behavior, guy

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:23:22 AM »
Naoto is a male Japanese name.
I win.

That's all I care about. She looks exactly like a boy.
lol oh Verby.
Suppose you think Teddie is a girl too huh?

We got to keep you away from anime.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:10:35 AM »
not to mention, she's the flattest girl i've ever seen in my life, and she's not fanserviced to hell

extremely extremely rare
lol. She does have the largest tits in the game she just hides them well :P

And you, and Kanji, are probably the only one's to think she's a guy. Even though she tries to pass herself off as one when she first appears its very obvious she's a grill.

Naoto is a male Japanese name. So understandable I guess if you haven't played P4. I did say waifu in your avatar thread though  ;D

She's not really transgender even though her dungeon has that theme. More tomboy-ish at the start, but ends up becoming more comfortable with herself after the dungeon, and will become more girly if you pursue that side of the relationship. She basically feels she has to dress like a guy in order to be taken seriously as a detective.


Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:53:20 AM »

The Flood / Re: Let's separate this forum into two categories
« on: February 22, 2015, 07:28:05 PM »
lol tmw you don't read OPs and vote thinking its an age poll.

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 is NOT a piece of shit. SUPRISE!
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:49:08 PM »
Chugging along through the game. Opening sequence kinda worried me. Didn't like the way they introduced the QTE's, but they aren't as David Cage-y throughout the rest of the game.

Game is down right gorgeous. Best looking thing I've played on the ps4. Story and gunplay aren't anything ground breaking so far, but they're keeping me interested. Hasn't been the nightmare its been made out to be.

Septagon / Re: "LOL" in Serious
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:42:18 PM »
haha I too am in agreement.

'LOL' is holding back valuable discussion in Serious. We need to crack down on all this laughter. Its called Serious. No one should be having fun in there .

The Flood / Re: I miss TopWargamer
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:28:23 PM »
I have TopWargamer on psn. Could probably shoot him a message to make an account here if you want.

OT Hunter disappeareded after b.lind went into affect. Muh Persona buddy.

The Flood / Re: Favourite Avatar: The last airbender character?
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:19:29 PM »
I fixed that error for you, buddy.
I fixed that error for you, twelve-year-old.
mad cuz bad.
Its ok. Keep practicing. You'll get those sick burns one day.

The Flood / Re: Favourite Avatar: The last airbender character?
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:14:14 PM »
le jokes -_-
You couldn't have executed it any *more poorly.
ftfy buddy.

The Flood / Re: IM ON A PLANE
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:58:57 PM »
Are you going fast and wearing an aeronautical themed Pashmina Afghan?

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:50:19 PM »
Kat - Gravity Rush
Red - Transistor
Illua - FFTa2
Tharja - FE:A
Naoto - P4G
Chie - P4G


The Flood / Re: Meta on a date
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:44:03 PM »
>Blocked in my country

The fuck?
add Zenmate to your browser.

« on: February 22, 2015, 05:41:59 PM »
So Chally is a weeb naow eh?

Gaming / Re: So evidently GG is going to 'sarin gas PAX' | ffs
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:26:16 PM »
I'm surprised to see this is still going on.
Been going strong for 6 months. Tide has been turning recently. You have big names now like Totalbiscuit, Kevin Levin, Pewdiepie, etc all now speaking out against that journalist clique.  The anti's have been getting more and more deranged in their replys.

Won't stop anytime soon since there's plenty of money for the sjws to make via patreon, clicks, and game promotion.

Gaming / Re: So evidently GG is going to 'sarin gas PAX' | ffs
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:57:49 PM »
Video game drama is like a big pile of hot shit. It stinks and serves no purpose. Both sides should be gassed then maybe some peace and quiet.
>mentally unstable person blatantly lying about a terrorist attack for media attention
>both sides are equally bad


Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 is NOT a piece of shit. SUPRISE!
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:51:08 PM »
lol okay shill

Lemon why u bein a twat?
lol It still amazes me how many people don't get lemin.

Gaming / So evidently GG is going to 'sarin gas PAX' | ffs
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:24:39 PM »
Gamergate in a nutshell.
On the right you have an individual saying they wish they could gas all gamergators. (back in october)

On the left you have Brianna Wu using this to claim gg is threatening to gas in a literal terrorist attack..
And for that she receives a Kotaku article talking about how brave she is. Which I'm not going to link to.

Fucking vidya gaems man.

The Flood / Re: When you to the mall
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:26:37 PM »
So this is the female equivalent of the plaid button up shirt.

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:05:38 PM »
Okay, well let's just have a discussion here. You seem more level-headed than Lemon and Septy.
lemin and Spety are funposters. They only get flustered when people get flustered with them. :P

I understand what you're trying to say here, but you have to give your money to the developer before you play the game, so no matter how things turn out, you're always giving your money up first before seeing if the game is finished or not.
Not true. When you wait for reviews / post launch you find out whether a game is a hot mess or not. (which you recognize further down in your post)

You get to play the game ASAP, which is worthwhile for people that are megafans, like myself for MGS.
And its that mega-fandom / desire to get the game ASAP that the publisher is hoping on. Hence all the incentives to buy earlier by with holding content exclusive to those who do. That's objectively going against your own interests.

And Bungie will never get another dime from me. The only scenario I can see myself realistically playing their games is if I buy them used for less than half price. And absolutely no DLC, whatsoever. This is the same mindset I have with Ubisoft. For developers that consistently provide a complete game worth it's asking price, I'm willing to buy on release day (given that there isn't anything fishy going on, like review embargos or anything.) .
Except now we have potential 2 bad games (more if they feel they are getting mixed signals) instead of 1 with immediate correction. Its far better to avoid getting burned in the first place rather than trying to correct it after teh fact. Waiting a few hours (or at worst a couple days) is not going to ruin your experience.

And keep in mind, I only plan on buying 2 games day-1 in 2015, and potentially the rest of the generation
Personally don't have a issue with that. (Don't really care all that much if I'm honest.) Just taking issue with teh portrayal of preorders as anything close to consumer friendly.

But it's still okay to pre-order digitally. There are just certain conditions you should always be under (some of these are applicable to physical purchase as well, and will be marked with a "*"):
If anything preordering digitally is worse since those are often nonrefundable and you're unable to sell it (outside of steam). At least with Amazon you would not be putting any money down, can cancel free of charge, still get free shipping, and can sell immediately if poop.

1: The pre-ordering will only be done within 3 days of the game's release.*
2: The pre-ordering is used only to pre-load.
3: There are multiple reviews already published, that indicate a successful, unbroken launch. If there are no reviews, this should be a sign that the publishers are aware of things wrong with their game and should be considered a red flag. DO NOT PRE-ORDER if this is the case.* (You shouldn't even be considering pre-ordering physical, under and circumstance).
4: The pre-ordering is a rare occurrence. Things that you're a big fan of, like Halo, The Witcher, Pokemon, etc. You shouldn't be even considering pre-ordering unless you are a mega-fan.*

This isn't the worst way of doing it, but I still don't think you can argue its in your best interest. But I'm not going to try and convince you of that. Ultimately its the consumers choice.

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:26:03 PM »
I let one gaming discussion thread go by and this is how you guys handle it. Lighten up everyone. This isn't srs business.

To get slightly more on topic  ;) Long post inbound.

Preorders are an objectively bad consumer practice. That's not debatable. By giving out your money before receiving a finished product you are telling the publisher that you will pay for their game regardless, and are only opening yourself up to a broken and/or bad product. You gain nothing worthwhile from this. There is no need to secure a game in 2015, and pre-load is not a good enough excuse. The industry would be a much better place, and we would have better/more reliable releases, if this was not a thing. Anyone arguing against that is holding an indefensible position.

If we have learned anything from Bungie, and its not clear that we have, its that reputation and history mean nothing when it comes to the quality of the next game. Destiny was hyped to the ends of the earth and it fell very very flat. Activision doesn't give a crap because it sold like hotcakes largely due to preorders. Which only promotes Destiny 2 being garbage because the customer has said they'll buy it.

Look at all of 2014 and you'll see plenty of shit games that were either broken or under-delivered. Already with The Order 1886 we've started off with it in 2015.

On the flip side of all this you have to recognize people are going to take part in these anti-consumer practices due to the hype culture within the gaming community. Shouting down people and insulting them every time they preorder something probably isn't going to help them understand the logic behind it. If people understand its a bad practice, but are still sticking to their few favorite developers, then I see no reason to dogpile them. You won't change their minds. Only getting burned will.

Keyu's 2¢

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