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The Flood / WannaCry
« on: May 13, 2017, 08:05:40 PM »
Give me 3OO dollar or this site is toast!

The Flood / faovrite microscopic eukaryote ?.
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:25:43 PM »
I like ciliophora but my friend Ed select a dinoflagellate. So or you think?

The ciliates a group of protozoans characterized by hair organelles such as Sicilian, which are in the same building flagella eukaryotic, but are typically shorter and present, many different pattern undulating flagella. Sicilian happen to all the members of the group (although strange Suctoria only have them as part of life-cycle) and a variety used in swimming, crawling, attachment, food, and excitement. All the patterns of behavior are coordinated signaling processes.

Ciliates there is an important group protists, common almost everywhere there is water - lakes, ponds, seas, rivers, and soil. About 3,500 species have been described, and the potential number of species which is estimated at 30,000. Included in this number are many types of ectosymbiotic and endosymbiotic, and some forced and opportunistic and insects. Ciliate species range in size from as little as 10 μm to as much as 4 mm in length, and include some of the most protozoans morphologically complex.

In most of the Taxonomy, "Ciliophora" is ranked as the phylum, or kingdom of Protista or meat. Other categories, ciliated flesh placed inside the classroom "Ciliata," (a term which can also refer to an unrelated species of fish). In the taxonomic scheme proposed by the International Society of Protistologists, making no official position referred to as "phylum" and "class", "Ciliophora" is a taxon unranked Alveolata.

The Flood / Thrawn (novel) sucks ass
« on: May 13, 2017, 01:00:18 PM »
Halfway through this book, which I'm reading because EU novel fans (which I'm not) froth at the mouth over Timothy Zahn and finally seeing Thrawn brought back into canon. But damn, this book fucking sucks. It's passable as far as licensed sci-fi novels work. It's about as good as the Halo books, which also suck. These books are generally given a lot of leeway because they expand the universe of beloved media, but stop giving this tripe a pass.

The story is almost nonexistent. It's a collection of """highlights""" of Thrawn's rise to power, and I need to emphasize how sarcastic this is because those highlights are just dumb snippets of sci-fi drivel. Each chapter is prefaced with incredibly cringe-worthy blurbs presumably written by Thrawn, ranging from ""tactics"" to personal growth. It's like Chicken Soup for the Military Sci-Fi Writer's Soul. The novel constantly masturbates to Thrawn's genius intellect and tactical ability, but the author has neither of those. There's effectively no character development so far, and the narrator character feels really out of place, and is clearly just a stand-in for the audience.

Anyways, it's pretty bad. Not sure what SW fans are drooling over. If this is reflective of Timothy Zahn's other work, I didn't miss out on much by skipping them.

Gaming / Prey
« on: May 11, 2017, 01:56:42 PM »
ACG rated this a 'buy', but I'm curious about what you degenerates think. It looks like almost like a Bioshock sequel, not at all related to the original game.

The Flood / Getting fucked by my landlord
« on: May 08, 2017, 08:32:57 PM »
Planning to move at the end of July or August, and my lease is up in June. I asked to for a month-to-month lease for that period, and they decided to just terminate the lease at that time, so I'm pretty much fucked for those 1-2 months. Going to have to find somewhere with monthly leases that accept pets (read: fucking nowhere).

No questions asked. Just ranting. Don't ever tell your landlord that you're moving ahead of time.

The Flood / Anyone use a >1TB HDD?
« on: May 07, 2017, 07:05:42 PM »
I'm looking to get a large external HDD for use with a laptop or tablet, preferably on the slim side but not strictly mobile, though one powered by the connecting device is preferred. I've heard Seagates are inexpensive but break often, and Western Digital is the route to go. Any recommendations or specific models to avoid?

This is the correct forum for this cultural, linguistic analysis.


According to all known laws

There is no punishment.
You should be able to fly.

The wings are too small to get.
Its fat little body is off the ground.

Anyway, the bees fly away.

Because honeybees do not matter
It is impossible for humans to think.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Oh, black and yellow!
Let's shake a little.

Barry! Breakfast ready!


wait a minute.

Good morning?

- Barry?
- Adam?

Ow, do you think this is happening?
- I can not. I'm going to pick up.

Looking sharp.

Please use the stairs. father
I paid for them.

Sorry. I am god.

I have a graduate here.
We are very proud of you.

Perfect transcripts, all B.

I am very proud of it.

Mom! There is work here.

- You have lint on your fur.
- Ouch! That's me!

- Wave on us! We'll reach 118,000.
- Hello!

Barry, I said.
Do not fly in the house!

- Hey, Adam.
- Hi, Barry.

- Is that hairy gel?
- a little. Special day, graduation.

I knew I would make it.

3 days Elementary school,
Three days of high school.

They were awkward.

Three-day college. Im happy.
It was a hitch hiking around the hive.

You have come back in a different way.

Hi, Barry.
- Artie, you want a mustache? look good.

- Did you hear about Frankie?
- Yeah.

- Are you going to the funeral?
- No, I'm not going.

Everyone knows,
You stabbed someone, you die.

Do not waste it on squirrels.
Such a hot head.

I think he could have.
I just do not get disturbed.

I like to integrate this.
Amusement Park.

So we do not need a vacation.

Girl, pretty cool ...
Depending on the situation.

- Well, Adam, today we are men.
- We are!

- Non-man.
- Amen!


Students, faculty, prominent bees,

Welcome to Dean Buzzwell.

Welcome, New Hive Oity

... 9:15.

That concludes our consciousness.

And start your career.
From Honex Industries!

Will we choose our job today?

I was told it was just the direction.

Heads up! Here we go.

Protect your hands and antennas.
In the streetcar.

- You wonder what will happen?
- A little scared.

Welcome to Honex.
A section of Honesco

Part of the hexagon group.

This is it!



We can not let you bee,
I have worked for your whole life.

I can work for a lifetime.

Honey begins when our brave pollen begins.
Socks bring honey to the hive.

Our top secret formula

It is automatically color corrected,
Scent control and foam contour

In this calm sweet syrup

The golden glow you know ...


The girl was sexy.
- She's my cousin!

- She is?
- Yeah, we're all cousins.

- Right. You're right.
- Honex is constantly striving.

To improve on every aspect
Bee presence.

These bees are doing a stress test.
New helmet technology.

What does he think?
- lacking.

Here we have the latest advances,

- What is it?
- tiny strands of honey tugging

It hangs after you pour it.
Save millions.

Does anyone work at Crabtree?

Of course. Most bee jobs
Little things. But bees know.

Every little thing,
If it works well, it means a lot.

But please choose carefully.

Because you stay in a job
You choose the rest of your life.

The same thing as the rest of your life?
I did not know that.

What's the difference?

You'll be happy to know those bees.
As a servant, one day I did not rest.

In 27 million years.

So you're going to work to kill us?

We will certainly try.

Wow! It blew my heart!

"What's the difference?"
How can you say that?

A job forever?
It is a crazy choice to do.

I was relieved. Now we are
Make a decision in your life.

But Adam, what could you do?
Did not you tell us that?

Why do you ask?
We are bees.

We are the most perfect.
A society that functions on earth.

You probably think about things.
Do you work here as well?

Like what? Take one example.

I do not know. But you know.
I'm talking.

Empty the door.
Royal nectar force approach.

Wait a minute. Try it out.

- Hey, they're pollen!
- Wow.

I have never seen this before.

They know what it is.
Outside the hive.

Yes, but some do not come back.

- Hey, Jock!
- Hey, Joke!

You guys are good!

You are a monster!
You are a heavenly monster! I like it! I like it!

- I wonder where they were.
- I do not know.

Their day was not planned.

Outside the hive, I know who is flying.
I know where and who is doing what.

You can not decide to become pollen.
Joke. You have to grow up for it.


example. There are more pollen.
Than you and I will see forever.

It's just a status sign.
Bees make too much.

Perhaps. If you do not wear it
Ladies see.

According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.

Barry! Breakfast is ready!


Hang on a second.


- Barry?
- Adam?

- Oan you believe this is happening?
- I can't. I'll pick you up.

Looking sharp.

Use the stairs. Your father
paid good money for those.

Sorry. I'm excited.

Here's the graduate.
We're very proud of you, son.

A perfect report card, all B's.

Very proud.

Ma! I got a thing going here.

- You got lint on your fuzz.
- Ow! That's me!

- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
- Bye!

Barry, I told you,
stop flying in the house!

- Hey, Adam.
- Hey, Barry.

- Is that fuzz gel?
- A little. Special day, graduation.

Never thought I'd make it.

Three days grade school,
three days high school.

Those were awkward.

Three days college. I'm glad I took
a day and hitchhiked around the hive.

You did come back different.

- Hi, Barry.
- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.

- Hear about Frankie?
- Yeah.

- You going to the funeral?
- No, I'm not going.

Everybody knows,
sting someone, you die.

Don't waste it on a squirrel.
Such a hothead.

I guess he could have
just gotten out of the way.

I love this incorporating
an amusement park into our day.

That's why we don't need vacations.

Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
under the circumstances.

- Well, Adam, today we are men.
- We are!

- Bee-men.
- Amen!


Students, faculty, distinguished bees,

please welcome Dean Buzzwell.

Welcome, New Hive Oity
graduating class of...


That concludes our ceremonies.

And begins your career
at Honex Industries!

Will we pick ourjob today?

I heard it's just orientation.

Heads up! Here we go.

Keep your hands and antennas
inside the tram at all times.

- Wonder what it'll be like?
- A little scary.

Welcome to Honex,
a division of Honesco

and a part of the Hexagon Group.

This is it!



We know that you, as a bee,
have worked your whole life

to get to the point where you
can work for your whole life.

Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.

Our top-secret formula

is automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured

into this soothing sweet syrup

with its distinctive
golden glow you know as...


- That girl was hot.
- She's my cousin!

- She is?
- Yes, we're all cousins.

- Right. You're right.
- At Honex, we constantly strive

to improve every aspect
of bee existence.

These bees are stress-testing
a new helmet technology.

- What do you think he makes?
- Not enough.

Here we have our latest advancement,
the Krelman.

- What does that do?
- Oatches that little strand of honey

that hangs after you pour it.
Saves us millions.

Oan anyone work on the Krelman?

Of course. Most bee jobs are
small ones. But bees know

that every small job,
if it's done well, means a lot.

But choose carefully

because you'll stay in the job
you pick for the rest of your life.

The same job the rest of your life?
I didn't know that.

What's the difference?

You'll be happy to know that bees,
as a species, haven't had one day off

in 27 million years.

So you'll just work us to death?

We'll sure try.

Wow! That blew my mind!

"What's the difference?"
How can you say that?

One job forever?
That's an insane choice to have to make.

I'm relieved. Now we only have
to make one decision in life.

But, Adam, how could they
never have told us that?

Why would you question anything?
We're bees.

We're the most perfectly
functioning society on Earth.

You ever think maybe things
work a little too well here?

Like what? Give me one example.

I don't know. But you know
what I'm talking about.

Please clear the gate.
Royal Nectar Force on approach.

Wait a second. Oheck it out.

- Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
- Wow.

I've never seen them this close.

They know what it's like
outside the hive.

Yeah, but some don't come back.

- Hey, Jocks!
- Hi, Jocks!

You guys did great!

You're monsters!
You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!

- I wonder where they were.
- I don't know.

Their day's not planned.

Outside the hive, flying who knows
where, doing who knows what.

You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
Jock. You have to be bred for that.


Look. That's more pollen
than you and I will see in a lifetime.

It's just a status symbol.
Bees make too much of it.

Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
and the ladies see yo

The Flood / Favorite horror and/or thriller films
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:58:31 PM »
Been working my way through the Alien series, Event Horizon, Don't Breathe, It Follows, Hush, and a few others I can't recall now.

Any recommendations for solid horror films to watch?

The Flood / Fitness test tomorrow
« on: April 30, 2017, 05:56:00 PM »
Fuck me. Does vodka count as a preworkout?

The Flood / I like Alien vs. Predator
« on: April 17, 2017, 05:26:57 PM »
I'm a big Alien fan, and I don't get the hate behind AVP. Sure it fucks up some perceived continuity, but damn it's a fun movie and isn't nearly as problematic as Resurrection.

AVP2 is hot garbage though, but because it's a technically bad film, not because of the concept.

Gaming / Transfer saves from X1 to PC?
« on: April 16, 2017, 07:24:21 PM »
Played a bit of ME:A from redbox and figured I'd rather buy it on PC because of the awful console performance. I know it used to be pretty easy to transfer save data over but I can't figure it out presently. Anyone know how?

The Flood / "adulting"
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:14:00 PM »
You probably want to seriously consider offing yourself if you use this term.

The Flood / The only joke here is yourself
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:06:40 PM »
So three bros were hanging out one day, and one of them said, "I think I've got the smallest hands in the world," and he went to the Guinness Book of World Records and came back smiling, with the record for world's smallest hands.

The second guy says, "I think I've got the smallest feet in the world," and he also goes to the Guinness Book of World Records and earns the record for smallest feet.

The third guy says, "I think I've got the smallest penis in the world," and he heads off to the Guinness Book of World Records to claim his title. After his visit, he comes back to the other two and with disappointment on his face asks, "who the hell is this guy?"

The Flood / Your Name
« on: April 09, 2017, 07:10:39 PM »

8/10, go see it if you can tolerate anime. It's beautifully animated. The dub is standard Funimation crew.

Gaming / Crafting systems pls go
« on: April 09, 2017, 08:06:29 AM »
Because who doesn't love stopping gameplay to sort through menus and meaningless resources to unlock equipment that could have been more organically received in a well-paced story structure?

The fact that I'm playing ME:A may or may not have anything to do with this.

A common argument from pirates is that it's not stealing, because that person never intended to buy the game in the first place, therefore no sale was lost. Regardless of how dubious and absurd that premise is, let's take it a step further: when you rent a game, you also get to play the game without actually purchasing it. However, the publisher only receives payment for one copy of the game. I couldn't find any statistics about how often a single disc is rented one average. The exact same claim can be made about purchasing used games, except now the number of people playing the game from one disc is limited to two or three -- maybe highly successful games change hands more than that.

Minecraft is a good example because of the developer's tolerant stance on pirating: in 2014 the game passed 100M users, with roughly 14M copies sold. Today that number stands at 21M. It's one of the highest selling -- and most pirated -- games of all time. Assuming the # of users stayed at 100M (which is generous in the extreme, but it helps for the example), the ratio of purchases to pirated copies is 1:5. The game obviously can't be sold used on PC, but for console versions we'll use the completely fabricated estimate of 1:2, meaning the game store sold the game twice (once new, once used) resulting in two users from one disc. For rental versions, I don't think it's unfair to assume that the game could be rented more than five times. Summary:

Piracy: 1:5
Used: 1:2
Rental: 1: >5

So if piracy is arguably comparable to rentals (and almost certainly results in less copies distributed than both rentals and used sales combined), why is piracy seen as bad, and the others acceptable (and legal)? You do pay for rentals and used games, but publishers see none of that; is there even a difference between those two options and piracy, when all three result in a loss of sales to the publisher? What if piracy involved a nominal fee, such as $0.50 to download the game? Is the true issue that piracy allows everyone to play the game simultaneously, whereas rentals and used sales allow on one user per disc at a time?

Gaming / Dishonored 2 is unplayable
« on: April 06, 2017, 02:03:29 PM »
Rented the game via Gamefly, and it's fucking unplayable due to input lag. The camera pans nearly a full second after I press on the analog stick, and keeps going slightly after I release. And the motion blur and shitty textures are just nauseating. I looked this up and apparently it was supposed to be patched out, but I used the latest patch and messed with all the recommended settings and it's still bad.

Anyone else experience this? I'm sending it back after playing for 5 minutes because of how terrible it was. This is an example:


Gaming / Destiny 2 teaser
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:48:27 PM »

Leaning as hard as ever on the only character that exists in the game.

Who are we kidding though; we're all probably gonna cough up for Destiny 2 when it comes out. Just bend over and take it.

The Flood / Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:48:50 PM »

Directed by Martin McDonagh, the director behind In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths, AKA two of the funniest dramatic films ever made, and starring Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell, AKA my favorite actor, and one of the funniest actors alive.

Everything this man touches is gold. Keep an eye out for this one.

Serious / Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 21, 2017, 02:34:24 PM »

Look at this fucking thread. Now, I know a lot of you here joke about transpeople and some are probably still opposed to transitioning and other such forms of treatment, but compared to that thread you're all hyper-liberal SJWs.

The Flood / Remind me why X Men 1-3 are considered bad movies
« on: March 16, 2017, 10:05:55 AM »
Haven't seen them in a while but I used to watch them with my family a lot when I was a kid so I remember them favorably due to nostalgia, but these movies are almost universally considered bad films. Why? The cast is really good, with interesting protagonists and Ian McKellen as a villain, so it can't be the characters (maybe with the exception of some cheesy ones, but it's a X-Men film...come on. I remember the action being pretty good and diverse. And who really cares about the plot of a comic book movie? So what's the issue? Is it just the bits of cheesy writing and characterization?

The Flood / Oh shit TWD is on tonight
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:51:41 PM »
Let's hope something happens before they all die of old age.

The Flood / What's your favorite vegetable?
« on: March 08, 2017, 06:28:17 PM »
I'm roasting a pan of asparagus right now. Brussels sprouts are good too. Cut in half, cover in oil, salt, and pepper, roast with the cut side down in a 450 degree oven with 2 tablespoons of water, covered tightly for 10 minutes and uncovered for another 10.

Serious / International Women's Day
« on: March 08, 2017, 07:44:08 AM »
Also sort of co-opted by the fizzling Day Without Women movement.

So what are you doing to celebrate the women in your life today?

The Flood / Capeshit = modern Westerns
« on: February 28, 2017, 02:53:17 PM »

Thought I'd share this little channel because he makes good shit.

The Flood / My dog is in the hospital and probably won't recover
« on: February 25, 2017, 11:33:58 AM »
He's been sick for three weeks, has barely eaten or had water, been in and out of the vet office with tests and fluids administered. He went to the hospital today and they're testing protein levels in his blood; if they're too low, the doctor doesn't expect him to recover. I'll find out in about an hour.

Pic in spoiler because it's big:

The Flood / Question about Stars War 3
« on: February 21, 2017, 06:55:46 PM »
So they got those flashlight thingies and jedi powers of mind control, and they can move things, so they're telekinetic and they hover on their jet saucers over molten lava, and they can jump and fly like they're in Cirque du Soleil™. But what gives one jedi knight the edge over the other, huh? The ultimate advantage? They stand on a mound of dirt and declare, "you can't win. I've got the high ground." He's four feet up a little slope! And that wipes out the others guys' powers to fly, jump around, move things round with his brain, use his flashlight thingy?

This has been buggin' me.

All the other guy has to do is scurry up the hill and run up a bit, and then HE has the high ground. They can fly jet pods but they can't scurry?

Septagon / Mobile feature suggestion
« on: February 20, 2017, 04:49:00 PM »

On the left is the desktop front page, with blue icons showing when there unread posts in each board. On the right is the mobile dropdown menu . It would be really cool to have those icons or something else showing unread posts on the mobile menu. Any chance of that? 

The Flood / question for big fat sweaty computer NERDS
« on: February 19, 2017, 10:54:16 AM »
Okay so almost every time I turn my computer on, I have to reset my router/unplug, re-plug the ethernet cable in in order to connect. I have several other devices plugged into my router that do not have this issue, so I'm certain it's not the router. I thought maybe it had something to do with my VPN and changing IP addresses, but when I disable my VPN the issue is still there. The only help I've seen online is to change my IP to static, which I've never had to do and would prefer not to do.

Any advice?

Septagon / Jesus fucking christ, autoplaying video ads
« on: February 18, 2017, 04:41:13 PM »

Here I am, innocently sitting on the main page of the site doing stuff in other tabs, when this goddamn ad comes up and scares the shit out of me. Imagine hearing this with your volume turned up high, out of nowhere.

Can we not?

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