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Topics - Turkey

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The Flood / Go see Interstellar.
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:04:11 AM »
Just do it. It's a brilliant and beautiful take on a largely unexplored niche of end-of-the-world sci-fi with plenty of scientifically grounded technology and themes. I wasn't surprised that I enjoyed Hans Zimmer's scoring, but I was surprised that his music was my favorite part of the film. He uses an organ as his primary instrument and builds such incredible crescendos that fit perfectly with the action taking place on-screen (though this technique is overused somewhat). Despite the three-hour runtime I thought the pacing was spot-on (which is typical for Nolan) and at no point did I feel like the plot was dragging. The acting is believable and moving, though I personally think McConaughy was pretty boring until he left Earth.

The biggest flaw in the movie is that it's so densely packed with science that the script feels the need to explain every single plot point and theory down to a grade-school level, and the cinematography often focuses too much on close-up shots of characters explaining what they see rather than just showing us. Even the iconic space imagery is limited to shots taken from the cameras fixed around their spacecraft. It keeps you in the perspective of the crew, but limits the scope of the scenery.

Possible spoilers ahead but I don't mention anything specific.

For the first 3/4 of the movie the science seems to be very thoroughly researched and beautifully imagined in CGI. It seems like most reviewers agree that the final act is the greatest failing of the movie, and it's largely because after exploring deep space and all the amazing phenomena the team discovers out there, it's reduced to human squabbles, 'love' as a physical, world-saving resource, and the typical quantum mechanics deus ex machina that so many hard-sci fi rely on these days. I hesitate to say there's any sort of twist at the end, but rather a mystery that is hastily unraveled in the most convenient and unbelievable way possible, ending on a bafflingly stupid paradox and wrap-up that takes away from the magnitude of every little moment of suspense felt previously. The film pulled no punches at making characters real and believable, and subsequently killing them off or subjecting them to emotional suffering, but then the ending just wraps everything up with a nice little "quantum mechanics instantly solved everything" bow on top.

Septagon / Septagon drunk night
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:09:31 AM »
Alrighty Sept, as I sip whiskey and drift into buzzdom (it's veterans day = no class, screw you) I get the brilliant idea to have a drunk night on Septagon, in Anarchy. Yeah I said Anarchy is dumb and while I still stand by that I also stand by the power of alcohol to bring strangers together.

So let's do this. Maybe in a couple weeks. Maybe next Friday. I've got shit going on this week so don't fucking do it then. Start taking notes, Cheat.

P.S. Goji you'd better be there.

gif unrelated

Serious / Opinions on buying old/restored cars
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:25:32 PM »
Buying a car soon, and I was wondering what you guys think about buying old or restored cars. I'm talking under $10k. I've got a friend who flips cars so I was thinking it would be fun/save money to pick up a car for around $6k off Craigslist and finish the restoration with him, or just buy one that's already done. I've always liked the look of older cars, especially mid-70's, but I've been told (by someone who may or may not know what they're talking about) that it's a bad investment and that they don't hold value well.

Hook me up, Sept.


So the Reps just won a sizable victory in the election. We know they're all righteous, God-fearing men, and we also know that Barack 'Beelzebub' Obama is ushering in the End of Days. I don't think it's too much of a stretch of the imagination to predict that the rapture will happen sometime in the next year, and with the majority of the government gone, how will it function?

Do you think America will be able to retain its democracy when its thrown into the lake of fire?

The Flood / Been watching a lot of Samurai Jack lately
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:15:52 PM »

It's pretty good so far. I like the style.

The Flood / Do you think Iron Man will live through Civil War?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:03:43 AM »

So Captain America: Civil War is coming up. It's Cap vs. Iron Man in a conflict over government regulation of supers. RDJ has been pretty vocal about his desire to end his role as Iron Man because he's having trouble keeping up with the demand, and we know that barring some new contract, we're done with standalone Iron Man movies.

We also know that both Captain America and Iron Man franchises have set up characters to take over their roles (Bucky and Rhodes, respectively). To me it seems pretty inevitable that one of them is going to die during this movie. Who's it gonna be?

Septagon / Anarchy is a terrible idea
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:48:05 AM »

Just a heads up, allowing an outlet for unmoderated shitposting doesn't prevent it in the mains, it just gradually undermines your authority as a moderator or admin until we get to the point where shitposting is tolerated and embraced by the foremost members of your site (as it is now).

This site layout is great, I just wonder whether you had any experience leading or moderating anything before, because the constant turbulence with rules and the huge interruption every weekend is a pretty poor way to run a forum. Admins complaining about their lives, moderators taking part in controversial discussions as well as the trolling efforts seen throughout the forums -- it's just bizarre. This site is experiencing the same trends that led to a mass exodus from B.Net.

Maybe I'm just not in on the joke, but I don't understand why you think it's okay to let people call each other niggers and faggots on the weekend. Frankly I'm embarrassed to be part of this community sometimes.

The Flood / Favorite type of alcoholic drink?
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:24:57 PM »
Just kidding, nobody cares what you prefer, because whiskey is objectively the best alcohol.

In fact, it's probably the best drink. I can't scientifically verify that because we haven't discovered all beverage recipes in existence, but I can say with high probability (p < .01) that whiskey is better than them.

Don't reply, just go sip a whiskey.

The Flood / Abortion is a form of female oppression and patriarchy
« on: October 29, 2014, 10:02:48 AM »
FACT: All humans are female for the first few weeks after conception.

FACT: The vast majority of abortions occur within the first two months.

FACT: The majority of doctors are cismale.

FACT: Patriarchy.

In case I have to explain this for anyone here who is literally a toddler, abortion is societal pressure (a patriarchal society, mind you) on womyn to make them feel like they can't support a child for whatever reason. It's forcing womyn to kill other womyn, because men say so.

Wake up, sheeple. Stop getting your wool sheared by the influence of Big Transportation (don't think DoT is running this entire country? Think again.). It's time to wait until the fetus becomes a male; we won't stop until 50% of all abortions are late-term males.


Serious / Protests in my city ended in arrests & allegations of brutality
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:22:09 PM »

The march started peacefully around 8:30 p.m. at Civic Space Park between Central and First Avenue on Van Buren Street.

Phoenix Police Spokesperson Sgt. Jonathan Howard said police attempted to block the demonstrators at Washington and First streets. However, when protesters began crossing illegally, standing in the intersection and throwing flags at officers, police tackled and arrested several protesters.

A police officer dressed in tactical gear fired pepper balls from a paintball gun while the mob fled into CityScape.

Howard said protesters have their rights to speak, as long as they obey the laws.

I'm not sure how sympathetic I am. Protests like these tend to exist solely to evoke a reaction from the police and get arrests caught on film to be skewed as brutality. They repeatedly blocked traffic lanes and didn't listen to instruction to stop. Not sure I agree with the use of pepperballs just because they threw some signs at the officers, though.

Serious / Brits used to speak with an American accent
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:33:31 AM »

(Skip to 2:50)

Well, not really, since America didn't exist then, but the ye-olde British accent sounded a lot closer to the current American accent than it does to the modern accent.

I made this thread because Gatsby pointed out how funny a southern American accent sounds, even though that accent originates from Southern English speakers several hundred years ago. And the old British accent was much closer to a current American accent (which makes sense, because the country was originally a colony of Britain), and that the current British accent was a result of de-emphasizing r's, sort of the way southern accents slur letters.

The example the article use is this: "Park your car in the Harvard Yard".

In the past, the Brits had a 'rhotic' accent which pronounced the r's: “paRk youR caR in HaRvaRd YaRd”.

In the last few hundred years, the Brits moved away from r's after vowels: "pahk youh cah in Hahvahd Yahd". Or, removing the h's for accent, you get the more phonetic "pak you ca in havad yad".

Incidentally, the Great British De-Rhoticization (a term I just made up) also explains why Australian, New Zealand, and South African English are all non-rhotic, because these areas were settled after the British switched off their Rs, while Canada and the USA were first settled while everyone was still R-full.

tl;dr Brits used to speak with an accent closer to American or Scottish than their current accent.

The Flood / "I don't like rap or country"
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:21:24 AM »
youth in society pls

Rap: Blue Scholars

Rap: Brother Ali

Rap: Common Market

Rap/Hip Hop: Hopsin

Country: Johnny Fu­cking Cash

Country: Willie Nelson

Serious / Groomsman gift ideas
« on: October 26, 2014, 03:20:38 AM »
*This is in serious because I'm a super srs guy*

I need groomsman gift ideas. Right now I'm thinking a big fat Churchill cigar (working on cubans) and an engraved lighter, with a nice box. My budget is approximately $50, though I don't have any hard and fast line.

My  groomsmen, barring the bride's brother, are all hip young liberals (think Mad Max minus a decade or so). Anything beer related, or obscure bands, or manly in general. Stuff along those lines.

No dildos or booty, unfortunately. Also no dildos in booty.

Septagon / Camnator must've designed the ads
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:00:59 AM »

Serious / Car folks: first car purchase advise
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:18:02 PM »
Gonna be a no-shit, bill-paying adult in a couple months working a real job with a wife and my own health insurance and car payments. This is in serious because I don't want the typical flood nonsense, but I understand if it has to be moved.

I'm looking to buy a car towards the end of the year to take advantage of sales on 2014 models. I don't really have any particular desires other than the typical ones: decent fuel economy, reliability in terms of maintenance frequency, and affordability. My salary will be roughly $55k for the first year, though I'm not sure what budget that entails. When I posted this thread a while ago on B.Net, I specified that I do want a hatchback but I'm open to any suggestions.

1. What budget should I shoot for?

2. Any manufacturers that I should avoid?

3. Lease vs. buying?

Other than that, just post recommendations. Thanks, Sept.

Right now I'm thinking about a Ford Focus SE.

Serious / Your grandkids may consider gas-powered cars antiques
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:53:27 PM »
Tesla is currently two years away from releasing an economy model of the Tesla, and even the ones available now are competitively priced for the long-term benefits they provide.

Charging stations are due to become very common, and Tesla claims that they'll have chargers that are capable of charging the battery in two minutes. We used to think that battery life was the roadblock, but if electricity is readily available throughout the country, it no longer becomes such an issue. The cost of electricity is about a tenth of the price for gasoline, joule for joule, and there are increasingly more ways to harness electricity without burning fossil fuels. Electric cars have also proven to be significantly safer than gasoline-powered cars because there's no longer a huge engine directly in front of the driver seat to be slammed backwards during a collision.

So it might be an exaggeration, but I really do think that in 30-40 years we'll see gas-powered cars on the same level of novelty as rotary phones and blatant sexism in the workplace (the good ol' days).

Gaming / Shadow of Revan: TOR's conclusion to Revan's story
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:56:02 AM »

I haven't played this game in over a year, and didn't particularly like their take on Revan. But I kinda like where they're going with it now...The Empire and Republic team up to take down Revan who's preparing an Army to destroy them both. It definitely seems in line with his character at the end of the KOTOR series.

Oddly enough, I saw this through one of the ads here. I would've never known about it.

Septagon / Title Bar post count idea
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:00:11 PM »
I'm usually pretty reserved on forums. If I get into long discussions, it's usually a rant or argument. In addition, there have already been threads asking about encouraging thread creation.

So how about this: keep the 3000 post count for a title bar (though I still think that's high), but also count posts that are in response to your created threads. Yes, that means posts will be double-counted for different users, but I'd much rather take the time to make interesting threads than try to knock out 3000 posts relatively quickly.

The Flood / So Arrow isn't as bad as I originally thought
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:25:01 AM »
Watched one episode of Arrow a while ago and shrugged it off as another CW show where super rich and hot people be dramatic. Everything was cheesy and green-tinted and it seemed like a really shallow cash-grab.

But holy crap, this show is actually really good. Usually first seasons suck, so if that means the next ones are better I'm looking forward to it.

Serious / China's one-party system is superior to democracy
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:17:38 AM »

Or so says this guy on TED talks. I know TED is not always the enlightened, scientific platform it tends to advertise itself as, but this just screams propaganda. I'm not super familiar with China's current affairs or recent history, but this really struck me the wrong way.

I read a few responses, so I'm confident that the guy is basically full of shit, but I was just wondering what your thoughts are (preferably without looking up rebuttals and paraphrasing those points here).

Serious / So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:14:41 AM »
Mr. and Ms. Turkey, circa 2009:

Mr and Ms. Turkey, Fall 2013:

The ring: Heart-shaped .41 kt diamond in white gold (moderate visibility, low inclusion):

Sorry for potato quality on the ring picture, but you get the jist. It's going down in a gazebo we used to go to all the time, friends will be there and they'll have candles and decoration. Shit's getting real, Sep7.

We're planning on December, a few days after I commission into the Navy and graduate college. Any advice would be great, but I really just wanted to share this with people.

Serious / Obama slanders military by saluting with latte
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:02:07 PM »
Because there apparently aren't any more important stories or events worth discussing, so fuck it, let's talk about President Obama giving a half-ass salute that's better than 50% of what you'd see day-to-day on an actual military base.

How are news stories like these any different from the drivel on TMZ? Why is this a nationwide talking point?

If you think this is interesting, your priorities are screwed up.

Serious / How do you feel about abortion?
« on: September 25, 2014, 11:44:22 AM »
As we all know, SpaceX recently had to abort their launch of cargo to the ISS because of poor weather. Do you consider this abortion morally repugnant, or necessary to the safe mission accomplishment for NASA?

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