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Gaming / Re: You know how the armor in Halo 4 was ugly.
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:27:15 AM »
Go ahead.

Do it.

Look me in the eye and tell me that all of the Halo 4 armor doesn't look like spray-painted versions of a baseball catcher's pads.

Serious / Re: The Philosopher’s Syllogism
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:21:51 AM »
I too enjoy a good Clickhole article.

On his deathbed, your ailing father calls you close, presses a silver key into your hand, and whispers the following in your ear: “First, drop it. If nothing happens, you can taste it, but then you must burn it all. Do not under any circumstances let Shannon read it.” Why?

On an unrelated note, this is basically the setup for Arrow.

Serious / Re: Discussion on Deism (not religion)
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:58:28 PM »
What do consider to be 'supernatural'?

« on: October 28, 2014, 07:49:49 PM »
tl;dr China circlejerked to the Communist Manifesto and the government used it as a tool of subjugation, tiptoed into socialism, realized it wasn't working and now is begrudgingly accepting capitalism under the control of a largely authoritarian "meritocracy".

I thought the video was funny, though I wouldn't recommend anyone takes it too seriously since the entire premise is that liberalism is a blonde college chick holding a dumb sign. I liked the explosion effects, though.

Gaming / Re: Sunset Overdrive
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:33:26 PM »
The gameplay demos I've seen so far look kinda dumb.

People forget that the guy that first proposed the big bang theory was a monk
I thought he was just a priest?

Oh, you're right.

In more depressing news, when Googling "Big Bang theory", the first two pages of results are almost entirely for that cesspool of a show.

People forget that the guy that first proposed the big bang theory was a monk, and the Catholics have supported evolutionary intelligent design for quite some time now.

Serious / Re: Plastic-eating fungus discovered
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:21:09 PM »
If we utilize it in landfills, how do we keep it contained?

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 2 has over a quarter million playing
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:18:00 AM »
Destiny couldn't possibly hold up to the fall game release schedule.

Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:27:43 AM »
Burden of proof lies on the claimant; to claim that god doesn't exist requires substantiation. However, that's not what typical atheists believe, which is that there simply isn't evidence to believe in the existence of a god.

Wouldn't they simply be Agnostic then?

Agnostics don't think there's sufficient evidence to take either side; they neither disbelieve nor believe. It's kind of wishy-washy. Atheists do not believe in god because there isn't evidence. They disbelieve, but don't make a positive claim that there is no god.
What would you call someone if they didn't believe in God and were 100% positive that he wasn't real?

A liar.
Wait what? Really? Please explain

If someone claimed to have substantial proof that god didn't exist, I would call them a liar.
In as much as someone who claimed to have proof of god?

Maybe. I think it'd be substantially easier to prove god exists if he does than to prove he doesn't exist if he doesn't. Does that make sense?

Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:25:14 AM »
Burden of proof lies on the claimant; to claim that god doesn't exist requires substantiation. However, that's not what typical atheists believe, which is that there simply isn't evidence to believe in the existence of a god.

Wouldn't they simply be Agnostic then?

Agnostics don't think there's sufficient evidence to take either side; they neither disbelieve nor believe. It's kind of wishy-washy. Atheists do not believe in god because there isn't evidence. They disbelieve, but don't make a positive claim that there is no god.
What would you call someone if they didn't believe in God and were 100% positive that he wasn't real?

A liar.
Wait what? Really? Please explain

If someone claimed to have substantial proof that god didn't exist, I would call them a liar.

Serious / Re: I'm not sure what it's called... anti-matter theory?
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:22:54 AM »
Pretty sure Krauss posits that only at the beginning of the expansion of the universe was there nearly equal amounts of antimatter to matter, and that there was marginally more matter, so when the two reacted and subsequently destroyed itself, we were left with the remainder of matter which is what constitutes the universe as we know it, and that any antimatter we observe today is a result of reactions after the fact.

I dunno though, I'm no physicist.

Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:17:50 AM »
Burden of proof lies on the claimant; to claim that god doesn't exist requires substantiation. However, that's not what typical atheists believe, which is that there simply isn't evidence to believe in the existence of a god.

Wouldn't they simply be Agnostic then?

Agnostics don't think there's sufficient evidence to take either side; they neither disbelieve nor believe. It's kind of wishy-washy. Atheists do not believe in god because there isn't evidence. They disbelieve, but don't make a positive claim that there is no god.
What would you call someone if they didn't believe in God and were 100% positive that he wasn't real?

A liar.

Serious / Re: Mathematicians of Sep7agon...
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:05:01 AM »
what are you some kind of fucking nerd loser


Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:00:15 AM »
Burden of proof lies on the claimant; to claim that god doesn't exist requires substantiation. However, that's not what typical atheists believe, which is that there simply isn't evidence to believe in the existence of a god.

Wouldn't they simply be Agnostic then?

Agnostics don't think there's sufficient evidence to take either side; they neither disbelieve nor believe. It's kind of wishy-washy. Atheists do not believe in god because there isn't evidence. They disbelieve, but don't make a positive claim that there is no god.

Serious / Re: Atheist logical fallacy: assuming the default reality
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:20:10 PM »
Burden of proof lies on the claimant; to claim that god doesn't exist requires substantiation. However, that's not what typical atheists believe, which is that there simply isn't evidence to believe in the existence of a god.

Serious / Re: Mathematicians of Sep7agon...
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:08:13 PM »
Spatial, any day. Abstract concepts like proofs are beyond me. Inductive logic just doesn't click for me.

Serious / Re: Charles Barkely speaks out
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:13:48 PM »
Doesn't every race do that?

Not necessarily. I've worked in a ghetto in Mexico where education was prized over labor experience, and trying to break free from poverty was seen as admirable. I don't think it's as much a race issue as it is a cultural one.

Serious / Re: Reasons for feminism
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:22:50 PM »
>Women are paid 20% less than men on average
[Citation needed]
Are you trying to debate about it or have you seriously never heard about that before?

The first step in understanding the composition of the gender wage gap is to see if the correct measure of wages is being used. Because the average woman works fewer hours per week than the average man, defining the gap in terms of weekly earnings, as the Department of Labor usually does, inflates the wage gap artificially.1 Shifting the focus to hourly wages alone eliminates almost one-third of the gap: In 1999, women's median hourly earnings were 83.8 percent of men's, leaving a 16.2 cent gap in hourly earnings.

Defining the gender wage gap in terms of hourly earnings not only makes more sense statistically, but also illuminates the labor market gains made by women. As the accompanying chart shows, during the last two decades the gender gap in hourly earnings has fallen faster than the gap in weekly earnings. This has occurred as more women entered the labor force, including much larger proportions of women with children.2 Because the average woman with children works fewer hours per week, this trend has tended to increase the difference between the two measures of the gender wage gap.

In 1999, women's median weekly earnings were 76.5 percent of men's, implying a gender wage gap of 23.5 cents for every dollar earned by the median man. The gap has fallen by 13 cents during the last two decades, but has actually risen since 1993. A better measure, the gap in hourly earnings, has fallen faster and more continually during the period, standing at 16.2 cents in 1999.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor

Still, the gender wage gap of 16.2 cents that remains after correcting for the number of hours worked per week is rather substantial. The next question to examine is how much of the gap is due to human capital variables—such as education and experience—and other variables—such as industry, occupation and union status—that make wages differ between any two groups of workers. A 1997 study by Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn is representative of the research done on this question. This study was relied upon in a recent analysis of the gender wage gap by the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), which was subsequently cited by Director Garza in her statement to Congress.3

The Blau and Kahn study attributes 62 percent of the gap in hourly wages to such differences—one-third to differences in human capital variables, and 29 percent to differences in industry, occupation and union status. After applying these numbers to the 16.2 cent gap in hourly earnings, 6.2 cents of the gender wage gap remains unexplained.

Serious / Re: It's happening: AI Edition.
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:48:01 PM »

Those who are seriously interested in artificial intelligence, and not just in the trendy pop-sci mindset afflicting society, should check out the work of Douglas Hofstadter, particular the book Gödel, Escher, Bach. A lot will go over your head, and that's okay, but he is an absolutely brilliant writer that manages to cleverly explain difficult concepts without taking away from the academic weight of his statements.
Thanks, I'm going to check it out.

Just a warning: it takes a couple hundred pages for him to actually get into artificial intelligence, but everything before it is necessary background info, and it's still really entertaining and informative.

Serious / Re: Reasons for feminism
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:37:49 PM »
>Women are paid 20% less than men on average
[Citation needed]

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:24:35 PM »
Snappin' necks and cashin' checks.
Which is code for 'endless powerpoints, paperwork, and workups'.

Gaming / Re: How many years of Live have you had?
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:23:37 PM »
Since Halo 2 came out, I suppose.

Serious / Protests in my city ended in arrests & allegations of brutality
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:22:09 PM »

The march started peacefully around 8:30 p.m. at Civic Space Park between Central and First Avenue on Van Buren Street.

Phoenix Police Spokesperson Sgt. Jonathan Howard said police attempted to block the demonstrators at Washington and First streets. However, when protesters began crossing illegally, standing in the intersection and throwing flags at officers, police tackled and arrested several protesters.

A police officer dressed in tactical gear fired pepper balls from a paintball gun while the mob fled into CityScape.

Howard said protesters have their rights to speak, as long as they obey the laws.

I'm not sure how sympathetic I am. Protests like these tend to exist solely to evoke a reaction from the police and get arrests caught on film to be skewed as brutality. They repeatedly blocked traffic lanes and didn't listen to instruction to stop. Not sure I agree with the use of pepperballs just because they threw some signs at the officers, though.

The Flood / Re: "I don't like rap or country"
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:03:40 AM »
i agree with you about rap, but hurt isn't a country song and the other one you posted sucks ass.

The version Cash did is definitely country. The NIN version obviously isn't.

And don't you talk shit about Willie. He could sing the Aristocrats joke while playing an acoustic guitar and it'd be beautiful.

The Flood / Re: "I don't like rap or country"
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:57:38 AM »
White guys and a black guy that hates rap yet has no problem making money off it and trivializing the shit that happens in ghettos.
His message isn't subtle; it should be pretty clear that he is passionate about rap but hates mainstream hip hop that sensationalizes shitty lifestyles. As for there being white guys, so what? Eminem is white, and that doesn't detract from his talent. I'm not sure why you even think race plays a factor in their skill. Besides, of the five guys included in the selection, only two are white.
That shit isn't rap. Rap is street music from people who struggle, people rhyme and express themselves through spoken word.
How exactly does this not qualify? They're all grassroots hip hop artists from lower class upbringing and ghettos, responding to discrimination and struggle in those environments. Not every song has to be bitching about how much life sucks.
Rap in America came from stuff like the war poets in Africa. If I'm going to listen something that isn't from the greats in the 80s and 90s, I'm gonna listen to gutter motherfuckers who aren't signed to a record label and actually have something to say or at least actually represent what it's really about.
I'm not sure why you think a record label disqualifies a rapper, since it's basically mandatory in order to get anywhere in the industry, but Blue Scholars, Common Market, and Hopsin all founded their own labels, whereas Brother Ali uses a small, independent label founded by other artists.

What I posted are selections; if you think you can judge the sincerity or validity of their message off of that, you're out of your mind. I linked four great artists, and you sit there in your ironic ivory tower of nostalgia, dismissing them for their skin color or ability to manage a fu­cking label. What a load of crap.

The Flood / Re: "I don't like rap or country"
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:44:30 AM »
How did I know Hurt was gonna be in the OP... like always...
I could've linked tons of other songs, but this cover is amazing.
Here's stuff that isn't from the 1960's.

Johnny Cash's America albums were released around 2000, and is some of the best country out there.

The stuff you linked is fine, but I'm not huge on country rock. I prefer wizened old dudes singing about loss. Folk country's where it's at

Serious / Re: In other news, people rise against drunken bigotry.
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:35:17 AM »
I couldn't help but laugh at his accent. Ffs american accents are so funny

brb new thread.

Serious / Brits used to speak with an American accent
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:33:31 AM »

(Skip to 2:50)

Well, not really, since America didn't exist then, but the ye-olde British accent sounded a lot closer to the current American accent than it does to the modern accent.

I made this thread because Gatsby pointed out how funny a southern American accent sounds, even though that accent originates from Southern English speakers several hundred years ago. And the old British accent was much closer to a current American accent (which makes sense, because the country was originally a colony of Britain), and that the current British accent was a result of de-emphasizing r's, sort of the way southern accents slur letters.

The example the article use is this: "Park your car in the Harvard Yard".

In the past, the Brits had a 'rhotic' accent which pronounced the r's: “paRk youR caR in HaRvaRd YaRd”.

In the last few hundred years, the Brits moved away from r's after vowels: "pahk youh cah in Hahvahd Yahd". Or, removing the h's for accent, you get the more phonetic "pak you ca in havad yad".

Incidentally, the Great British De-Rhoticization (a term I just made up) also explains why Australian, New Zealand, and South African English are all non-rhotic, because these areas were settled after the British switched off their Rs, while Canada and the USA were first settled while everyone was still R-full.

tl;dr Brits used to speak with an accent closer to American or Scottish than their current accent.

Serious / Re: Fun fact: the government isn't totally inefficient
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:15:10 AM »
A cure is far more profitable than inferior treatments. This is evidenced by the continued development of new and more efficient treatments, based on legitimate medical science and reviewed studies. The idea that a single plant can magically cure all cancer in its natural state is absurd; the articles you linked do nothing to establish a causal link between cannabis and remission, and where there's one example of cannabis being involved in a 'cure', there are hundreds more of cannabis not working that way.

Persistence that 'big pharma' is suppressing a cure and marketing ineffective treatments to cash a check is ultimately dangerous as it propagates a false reality and encourages self-treatment.

I consider myself a scientist; I like data. I like data that has a correlation statistic even more. I like data with a correlation statistic that has been reviewed by the community's peers and published in a respected medium most.

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