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Topics - Turkey

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The Flood / What're you drinking, you bunch of cockgarglers?
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:20:33 PM »
Live from Casa del Turkey:

Killed the Jim Beam last week. Moved on to Rebel Yell bourbon. Never tried it, and reviews say it sucks, so it's perfect for mixing.

Cheap bourbon and great bitters a good Old Fashioned makes. Post your poison, Sep7, because it's that time again.

Serious / My sister finally told me she's gay
« on: July 31, 2015, 09:27:35 PM »
So a while ago when my mom revealed to me that my sister is gay, I posted a thread on here asking if I should tell her I knew or just wait. Well the consensus was to let her come to the decision in her own time, and she finally gave me a call and told me. She seemed really relieved, and it really struck me how it's just fucking stupid that anyone would have to worry about that kind of thing. So if there's someone you know that's struggling with coming out, just be there for them and love them, because it really should be trivial.

Anyway, I'm not sure what sort of discussion to prompt. Just wanted to share this story.

The Flood / Brits pls
« on: July 30, 2015, 06:17:14 PM »


You can read the Cracked article about Game of War, but the tl;dr is that many people are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on pay-to-win, Skinner Box-esque games that are outwardly predatory, relying on addiction to the game to bring in revenue. This is very similar to gambling, except the player has no chance to win money or recoup losses. Obviously it's entirely the player's choice (or is it?), but there's a strong component of addiction that leads people to spend beyond their means on a completely trivial game whose purpose isn't to deliver enjoyment, but to wring its customers dry until they suffer extreme monetary loss to the point of no recovery. The article talks about fairly common examples of higher-level players losing thousands of dollars in assets in a single attack, forcing players to spend money to protect their forces (bought with real money) each day they choose not to play, at progressively high prices. The game essentially forces you to buy more and more, lest you lose all that you currently have in it (I avoid saying 'all that you've put into it' because troops, which cost actual dollars, can easily be lost and there is no way to regain them).

So I'm all for people taking account of their action, but this type of model seems highly predatory and unethical. What are your thoughts on the title premise, that games such as this ought to be regulated similarly to gambling to prevent, or at least reduce, the amount of abusive practices they can exhibit?

The Flood / If only Gojira was still here...
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:18:33 PM »

Gaming / Does Phantom Hourglass get better?
« on: July 25, 2015, 07:41:48 PM »
Wind Waker is in my top 5 video games, so I was excited to play its direct sequel, but the awkward controls and constant backtracking are pretty frustrating. Especially just coming off of A Link Between Worlds (which was great), this is just hard to play.

Any thoughts?

Gaming / Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:46:37 PM »
So the controls are shit and I don't really like it so far. Worth playing?

Comment below.

The Flood / Do not enter this thread if you have peasant internet
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:27:30 PM »



The Flood / In Independence Day, the aliens were the good guys
« on: July 24, 2015, 11:03:10 PM »

>Invade sapient but hostile world
>Know only way to unite the world is to provide a universal enemy
>blows up big monuments and shit
>only three live aliens shown; presumably, almost everything could have been unmanned (un-aliened?)
>pretends to get beaten by stupid, simplistic computer virus that wouldn't work at all
>"loses" the war, but results in mostly low casualties while uniting all of humanity

seems legit.

The Flood / It's that time again...what're you drinking, Sep7?
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:27:27 PM »
Old Fashioned
  • Jim Beam bourbon
  • bitters + simple syrup

About to kill the bottle. Might move on to scotch. It's been a rough week.

If you're imbibing, post your poison.

Turkey's bar:

Gaming / Details on Fallout 4's skill system
« on: July 24, 2015, 05:46:12 PM »
As always, you'll distribute a pool of points between those seven statistics at the start of the game, but they'll have a much larger impact on how your character develops this time around.

In Fallout 4, every time you level up you're able to unlock or upgrade a perk, giving your character new abilities and proficiencies. The perks you're able to unlock are directly tied to your SPECIAL stats — each stat has 10 perks corresponding to the 10 points you're able to allot to that stat. The more points you have in a given stat, the "deeper" you're able to go: If you have eight strength points, you'll be able to choose between eight of Strength's assigned perks when you level up.

That means there's 70 base perks in Fallout 4 to choose from, including some familiar faces — like a perk that increases the odds of "gibbing" your foes — and some newcomers. The series' Skills system is also tied into the tree, according to Howard. Most perks will also be upgradeable; with those additional ranks included, the progression system offers 275 things to unlock.

So it seems like it's a mix of what they did in Skyrim and traditional skill trees; in this case, there are 70 perks (10 for each attribute) which can be upgraded several times. So less spreadsheet-crunching-roleplaying and more tangible rewards for leveling up. Of course this is probably somewhat polarizing, because many of us are just used to adding a point to one of a dozen skills and not really seeing any significant change to gameplay, but I enjoyed Skyrim's model and think this is a decent improvement.

Additional news from Quakecon:
  • There will be about a dozen possible companions, including Dogmeat, Mr. Handy, Preston Garvey, and ‘Piper,’ a newly-revealed companion who you can meet in Diamond City.
  • Mr. Handy can actually say your name—be it John, or something more ridiculous like “Mr. Fuckface.” He will vocalize it all the same. I can’t wait to see all the offensive and silly names that people come up with! In any case, Mr. Handy is voiced by Stephen Russel, who PC Gamer notes also voiced Garret in Thief. Finally, the inside of Mr. Handy is actually modeled, because I guess Bethesda wants to make sure you can see the details if he’s ever blown up.
  • We’ve already gotten a look at Preston Garvey, as he was a character that was added earlier this year to Fallout Shelter. He is the leader of the Commonwealth Minutemen, a group which needs some serious help. Preston Garvey looks like this:
  • Dogmeat is based on a real dog, who is named River. Quakecon folks got to see footage of this dog, but we’ll have to settle for a Tweet:
  • Additionally, you can command your in-game dog to scout areas for items (fetching, looting, and so on.)
  • Piper, the new companion, wears a red leather coat and a newsboy hat.
  • You can romance your companions, regardless of whether you play as a male or female. Not clear on whether or not this includes robots like Mr. Handy, but here’s hoping.
  • Things that are back: bloody mess perk, Super Duper Mart, computer hacking, lockpicking, the Fat Man, and Behemoth mutants. The demo actually ends with the player shooting an atomic bomb at a Behemoth mutant.
  • Book/comic book covers will be more detailed this time around, and you can zoom in and look at them.
  • The leveling system works differently now. Perks are tied to SPECIAL stats, and not levels. Having specific high special stats means having good related perks.
  • It sounds like factions can war with one another. IGN described a scene where the player watched ghouls attacking raiders, and noted that the player had the option to let it happen without interfering. Awesome. Additionally, they also noted that at one point the Brotherhood of Steel appears and joins the player in a battle against raiders.

Septagon / This is no longer an outrage
« on: July 23, 2015, 09:24:28 PM »
-Imposter nameplate selected
-Title bar image = 780 x 25
-Legendary + 3000 posts

What am I doing wrong?

The Flood / Three posts away
« on: July 23, 2015, 08:35:46 PM »
Well now it's just two.

Say stuff.

The Flood / ITT I aware you about Father John Misty
« on: July 23, 2015, 08:34:32 PM »

Listen to this shit.

It's sort-of-satirical-folk/country-rock. The guy used to be a druggie, and was the drummer of Fleet Foxes before leaving to start his own band. Good stuff. Drops philosophy while sounding like he doesn't give a fuck about anything.

The Flood / What is your Sonic persona?
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:38:39 PM »

I'm Flamechaser the Hedgehog. I hate bullies and my brother. What about you, fellow hedgehogs (or echidnas, of course)?

The Flood / So is Jared Leto's Joker actually going to be Jason Todd?
« on: July 20, 2015, 06:35:11 PM »
tl;dr if you're not familiar with Batman:

There are several different 'Robins' under Batman's tutelage: Dick Grayson, who leaves and becomes Nightwing in some arcs. The next one is Jason Todd, who was famously beaten to death by the Joker in several iterations, namely the comic Death in the Family, Batman: Under the Red Hood, and though it was Tim Drake instead of Jason Todd, it happens again in Batman Beyond.

The point is that there's a running theme of the Joker brutally murdering Robin, who then later reappears as a psychologically broken villain in some form or another. We know that Suicide Squad will be in the DC cinematic universe, meaning that canonically Suicide Squad happens either before or concurrently with Batman vs. Superman. In the DoJ trailer we see Robin's suit covered in taunts from the Joker, and similar other messages. It would also help explain why this Joker looks less like other iterations of the Joker and more like some psycho trying to imitate the persona. And it's also a motivation for Bruce to retire as Batman...maybe he even killed the previous Joker (another recurring theme).

I have no idea how the relationship between Harley and the Joker would be explained, but it seems like the Joker is an antagonist in the film, potentially working against the Suicide Squad rather than with them. Anyway, it's probably not true, but it's fun to imagine the possibilities.

The Flood / >White people
« on: July 19, 2015, 08:19:55 PM »

The Flood / Ghost Rider vs. Captain Planet
« on: July 18, 2015, 10:41:36 PM »


Ghost Rider as played by Nic Cage, of course. Captain Planet has all the Planeteers.

Batman does not exist and has no prep time. Soviet Russia has been dissolved by the time these events occur.

Serious / RIP Based Trump
« on: July 18, 2015, 05:24:26 PM »

Donald Trump might finally have crossed the line.
Appearing on Saturday at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, the real estate mogul took his running feud with Arizona Sen. John McCain to a new level.

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

The remarks, which came after days of back-and-forth between McCain and Trump, were met with scattered boos.
McCain, a former Navy pilot, spent roughly five-and-half years in a notorious North Vietnamese prison known as the “Hanoi Hilton,” where he was repeatedly tortured. He spent two of those years in solitary confinement.
At a press availability following his remarks, Trump denied saying that McCain isn’t a war hero and said, “If somebody’s a prisoner, I consider them a war hero.”
He also continued his attacks on the Arizona senator, saying, “I think John McCain’s done very little for the veterans. I’m very disappointed in John McCain.”

That'll do, pig. That'll do.

Gaming / Fallout 4 gameplay trailer - the start of the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:05:04 PM »
Alrighty folks, here's a "new" trailer for Fallout 4. It's the uncut version of the early gameplay mashed together for the E3 trailer. Looks pretty good, and the weapons seem to behave much differently than 3 and NV. The power armor looks incredible, and Deathclaws look like they've been on steroids.


Serious / "Corporate personhood" and politics
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:40:19 PM »

So this is on Reddit's frontpage right now, and I just want to point out a few things. At first I thought this was a joke because of how simple-minded it is, with two people seemingly discussing the reason that corporations are given the rights of citizens -- and that reason is, obviously, that corporations are comprised of people who do not lose their rights simply because they've entered into business together. So a few big things "corporate personhood" (clearly I think this label is a huge misnomer) gives them: corporations can be sued and taxed, and they also can't be censored unfairly. Stuff it doesn't give them: the right to donate to campaigns. That's from a separate court ruling from the case Citizens United v. The FEC, which doesn't pertain to corporate personhood in the slightest. And even if corporations couldn't directly donate, then the shareholders could just give themselves the money and spend it themselves, which I presume would be private information; I think I'd prefer to make it transparent and have the corporations do it. There's also quite a bit of irony (hypocrisy?) in Ben and Jerry using their corporate name in a political setting to advocate against the right of corporations to speak and donate in the realm of politics.

The Flood / Old Man Logan confirmed for Wolverine 3 (+comic links)
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:18:27 AM »

He confirmed to the audience that the Untitled “Wolverine 3” would be his last offing as the character Logan (as he’s said umpteenth times), but director Bryan Singer let it slip that Jackman would likely have a cameo in ‘Apocalypse’ (as you pretty much expected. As for that third Wolverine. “Three words,” Jackman said, “Old Man Logan,” essentially teasing and confirming rumors that said “Wolverine 3” will feature a storyline that features an older Logan (while a mutant who has super healing powers, Logan does age, just very slowly).

For those unversed:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:

I kind of doubt they'll go with the post-apocalyptic, Mad Max-style story since it would contradict their future movies (specifically, X-Men: Apocalypse), but a more gritty, world-weary Wolverine would be a great cinematic character.

The Flood / Ash Vs. Evil Dead trailer
« on: July 11, 2015, 04:32:02 PM »

Holy shit. It's finally happening.


The damages are for emotional suffering caused by Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which two years ago refused to bake a wedding cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer.

A 2007 Oregon law protects the rights of LGBT people in employment, housing and public accommodations. It provides an exemption for religious organisations, but the agency ruled that exemption does not allow private businesses to discriminate against potential customers.

“This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage. It is about a business’s refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal,” Oregon labor commissioner Brad Avakian said in the final order.

And on top of this, the company car was vandalized twice, local businesses like photographers and florists refused to work with them, and they lost their business two years ago. And now they're getting fucked by an outrageous claim of emotional damages; yes, I'm sure being denied a cake service stressed them out for a day or two, but $135,000 in damages? That's not justice, that's punitive damage.

So I haven't posted a math thread in quite a while, mostly because I'm out of school and no longer have much inspiration from the things I learn, unless you want to learn about how to fly. But I recently reposted my old Gabriel's Horn thread on a B.shit thread and wanted to follow up and potentially post more regularly.

So refer to my previous thread, and check out the following graph:

The general idea was that we rotate the positive side of 1/x around the x axis to produce an object called Gabriel's Horn, which has infinite surface area and a finite volume exactly equal to pi:

So the point of this thread, then, is to discuss how two-dimensional objects can be stacked to produce a three-dimensional object. That might sound intuitive, but remember that 2D objects lack any thickness. Those circles are exactly 0 units thick, so when you stack them, the resultant object should be 0 units thick (in fact, you shouldn't even be able to stack them, and this is largely an abstract concept rather than a real-world example). Somehow, an infinite amount of nothing results in something.

That's all for now. I'll try to come up with something more comprehensive next time.

The Flood / Just melted a spider with lye
« on: June 29, 2015, 10:39:40 PM »
As I got into bed I saw a spider on the ceiling right above me. I swatted it down, and my cat chased it, then I smashed it with a boot, but it was still twitching so I dropped it in the sink and poured drain cleaner on top of it. It was mostly gone in a few minutes.

That's all. Goodnight.

Gaming / This War of Mine - finished update
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:53:28 AM »
I'm on my first playthrough after getting it 75% off on Steam, and so far I'm really liking it. It reminds me of State of Decay, which is one of my favorite zombie games out there. I was pretty confused because there wasn't any tutorial at all, or even a control scheme (so far I assume that everything is just done with the mouse). I'm on day 17, and I've been told that I can expect the war to end around day 40. I started with Katia and Bruno, which is supposedly a great roll, too.

I really like that killing and stealing have negative consequences, though I was annoyed at first because typical video games encourage you to take whatever you can get and kill anyone that might be in the way. My first experience with this was when I raided the house of an elderly couple. I stole all their stuff, and then I killed them just to see what would happen. My scavenger Pavle was sad and later depressed over it, and I had to learn to cheer him up again through books, radio, and booze before he became effective again.

I think 11 Bit Studious could've added more events in the game, as scavenging in the less hostile areas is pretty repetitive. I haven't ventured into rebel areas, but I'm sure that'll present some new challenges. Anyways, really liking this game so far. Feel free to share some stories of your playthroughs.


So I finished the game after 47 days. Each location was around 80% looted except for the military outpost, which I tried attacking once but decided wasn't worth the risk. Around day 39 I had stockpiled so many supplies that I stopped going out to scavenge except to donate medicine to the hospital to help with some depression one of my characters suffered from killing the traders in the hotel. It was definitely worth the risk, because the supplies in the hotel could've kept me going for 20 days probably. The radio said it was towards the end of the war so I started giving everyone double food to get well-fed statuses, and burned through some supplies to make moonshine to get everyone drunk on their last nights. In the end, all my characters ended with the status 'well-fed, content, & drunk', which is pretty awesome.

All in all I think I rolled a lucky game, because I had three really good characters (a cook, the trader, and the fast runner). I ended up taking in the lawyer girl but she didn't really do anything useful. My locations were also pretty lucky  because most of the ones with variants were non-hostile traders instead of bandits.

I really enjoyed the game and thought it was difficult without bringing along the typical frustration and countless redo's of roguelike games. There's also an option to set your own specific details for the roll, such as characters and locations, and that's a feature I've never seen in these games. On a relative scale I'd give it a 9/10 because it's really fun, addictive, and challenging, but it's also very repetitive in the first half.

Serious / If education was free, what would you study?
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:50:55 PM »
Assume we're in some sort of proto-utopia where the need to work is mostly eliminated, and people pursue careers for passion rather than to live, and education is free (it is also less stressful and grade-oriented). What kind of things would you study? Liberal arts? Philosophy? Sciences?

I think I'd start with film study, and learn ancient Hebrew. Throw some theoretical physics in there.

Okay, now that you've thought about that, do you think it's wrong that we choose not to pursue these things because we're so caught up in work?

Serious / Hillary Clinton got shit on for saying "all lives matter"
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:48:48 PM »
My dislike for Mrs. Clinton aside, this is pretty ridiculous. I completely understand that the phrase "Black lives matter" has legitimate significance in today's society and that it doesn't at all mean that only black lives matter, but it was a pretty innocent and (*gasp*) politically correct way of tiptoeing around a hot issue (remember: she's infamous for never answering questions or stating her platform).

A portion of her speech:
"Years later when I was old enough to understand I asked her, 'what kept you going?' Her answer was very simple: kindness along the way from someone she believed mattered. All lives matter". (Emphasis added but she was said this very pointedly)

This speech was given at a church near the location of the Ferguson riots, and it is a black church not unlike the church that was the site of the recent act of domestic terrorism rooted in racism.

So here we have the primary Democratic candidate, the party that makes an art out of pandering to minorities to win votes, saying that every life matters while addressing a black congregation in a speech largely targeted around the feelings stirred up by Dylann Roof's killing spree, and that's not even good enough. Sorry folks, there's no way to win. If the dems can't kiss ass to a vulnerable black, lower class demographic, then nobody can.

The Flood / Anyone own a Pebble smartwatch?
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:30:18 AM »
I'm looking for a watch to fly with. I like the different apps Pebbles can run, and I was wondering if, in your experience, it'd be possible to easily set multiple alarms and display multiple timezones (I'm talking about just being able to scroll around quickly to see these, not going through various menus). I currently have a Seiko dive watch which is pretty useful but I'd like something a bit cheaper in case of damage, with a digital display to make it easier to read.

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