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The Flood / Over the Garden Wall
« on: September 25, 2015, 11:11:37 AM »
Anyone watched this yet? It's from a guy who worked on Flapjack and Adventure Time. Similar art style, but a darker tone and fewer characters. Elijah Wood voices one of the main characters. First episode wasn't bad but nothing special. Does it pick up later on?

Serious / A riddle
« on: September 24, 2015, 02:47:31 PM »
2nk0i1qsa0nnuutdpfa2uo85crklhmji2gn9huqaeh87gudaz wdt99ctrag5n9uselbsmolo5lnd909414kqie8rzk30hp7sn2 15y3ow8ubcvnme1qyn0h1ht865vc846h42rjd7z5bs5acmot0 x10b0jou4c9zqqsug0h6y7wefs2m6obgs18waq2molxau0pla j0803cfvkoqllxmljk7a9d3rocszvfjomz7kwbqk7oz7x5v7e tjpxc2zsq360pqzdtkzeskixi6gjh3hv20qft5797tyvaukw5 kh3tej330o597yx8lxhltxllyt6t2503hgy4ypuxopixhv6pu 40q4sb8g9tnbqs0njpysed6l20qr8h9dcimzlehb9azqpk1yq 3ur5dgebmq5kyct9ntfwde5tncphhbpbm80w3wkg6c9matazk 6tc4b74fgzb4dp5j1dvckacou9d2viuvnvhakdrdqt2ac6lwh jvqgc9c45cge2jbya44jhgnuw3twlqog0tajft3hfcaxb82vo fmr30v4z8l5f3da955ai0r9on6ao67y0tbku0bnem3dzsxng1 oazhw7germex38nh1x29exw7cbku9i96ymyumq65bg3snk8cr umvde7nxdp3y5dl2jnq98nbew69vr8z3ylgnv8s5l9kxa8u7m lathi0hpeoaigqd156coejam0nmz61jcahlyw5q00qpnihuhl r11elabiuamobhz6o0rcprse4r0lk5vnewhm7hdfuv9cbfevy 7eq5abqttjg61rpahzx905n7lltkj3nmq6u4ipnydt5dfc53d 0v09r7lk2gfueb21qtigb66efv1fu625831cpha438e2gf4cb 5xhs8tp4ff7yweexhv7b1lj9h7tzmnsk8ov68mn7i56wiq2zo knm2h87k9g71wqer3noqv4vgb0ynd3ncitwldapukd8pidgjc 1qer5zc3iw4qiblq00lw6ssg4smh9yjocn5n3kzcoffvymhun 79fugm72fox0q8knqv1iubgs2lip0qtid68iqe9q3hrm5njzb pxq4ukgxnlmalp0ie8nh61w571xj98y41byshm6kudww0rh6f m5buxsesusdd6gq11y47kyg5diaalb5z9emm21gtrk703nvae xitb6qrq4pl7w3wpyqst66iqwr5zkdyb9ag5nu9hebey43sh1 ws2whtm8zk99h442rpwrjs5hupeycscar18anyhig898utek8 9fk60v77keejz73iugr1sx62h4yilaoxw41lr2mfjhns05mud ix9slkcbvkyrnjnnqextivuhu1w5s3pmtn3xqfeyyv2b2rw86 z51qpzl4idmi4f0umv73t1toj0ruvgqfqdhn53ggp0fr01knm bn552e17101t0bxj8fcrjji0bfjbp5mrbuzcqjxr58br4mu5p cyx8jri19rke1bsy2gamyt33gqzsnhmdl8am14kdwiib85q7e 7pmxh73z8n2n9szwlfsyr65lzm9w3ev1ntd0jj6m33p3buobh s78z589mxk7qdy86ol2fpf7nzdlp2tgahlf0r02tdaeslnjl7 y78njro711bqwg7phw7kkbcvg45ohimgwnkyj1udql8t5to1r xr2iinxrrjv3d7b45y7nwp0gfd2kjtawag6z6oe1qhvwxdwl2 g0lmmvgljk65s3g536jbrr13j1ovld6tcteucl6yc766dng72 jdzzbzd1kxt8wsye5263d9yukgimed8jf5arklgw6vhpc962q ntujvfb96xsksgxnk3vl7ko4jt029spnofe7lkbvtdlc1yeia mokkt7rua0iyng6cv0rm79ot5ifkkjbakxsru8no5m6097zc3 xcifztsskunmb7ju19j3y67yx9ohrinj0vuy5wnm6roi9jgtt s9ss3oqdvsvjpy5m67dmmm7wv0clnzfrzrp60agjmfdcgenny 6cwmn1sf333dojdnqywhxq9dv9lctdnu5pluxmauihew50sg4 dr8f9w5t1o48bf42guwigtm9a589nzu755y1r8z1x6s72o585 s38kfgr99t8wveldimq9hhhd87wuw99egapjis6yleppcg1jp t0jss5v8z7ys0g59pltodk5mukinq91udpyvxbjqez4hyd8ob tltk7155yaq9om1ds6k1yhtbar3u7cq5l645sd67vddzt79k2 gt1b9equlc8ed0ktdxcqe2xoxxprjxdn19qpuiwds4v2n74xq uunzb9svs76g9jic8v9n8gn308adigjg0rwa4f516fpt4elof 0cadi02dxgpfw15cllpiiss0ex5jypj3c022qc9jl02ps4j32 kdfctph0t2kpwmwhvb52r9gvuur7b92cl6xpzf5r5ct1a4fho imv08qylri22jp4ep85bnbb78u7ifq2u108nuxh6f97vt6liz asd988lgw2moo7wmhqg9wifl0edxfmx04l37vfcqzkf9kminn 13j1n1mxq8lued6gl3tbbde0r17w56d51ithq4lbgs75tbwmo rqs8tvxpe8pmel3wdn79tefx4w5hf1nwk8ppwhg3c8oe63sjy q6665b09egzak0rnllq810l7gtkzrcdc86j50h6v72643npf0 4c3hl41bafjsn0i4bmzpuns3kjdvlxcv93fddewsbjrdz7dwi tllfg0m2408fxslosh4gurq8nfritmyppw0saj7yj256fr72i jk9jbq3c9bw10dy3sp3c32q3txysm2gujgcdtfbjrdu16sfwf s3lu3iyy1y5fpgtjla7pyu2obk3vcq1e0u1lvlpkpkbni0s7m k8g1fubm4746cts8191v9l7e77e7y5jj1r1fkuf3e79ysssh5 xnyml53exyafztx8diedubw47mlawso3x6vdyqt7ti6rn3kc5 e07ulypvw18xpf27vo7lj4t07p6f01hqqhk19asnx80qqlf0v 4mixatxxh3amk6wrmtn2s5zeqgquctsid6ecp3cftstyeus8o r7k7i30c9pow022grenhkvhjc3a438ixqxubwgl43jx3gzque ref94ibty6s9xn469lfm4jup6x82cvol6ykbj8k3r8wlxaza6 m1pqqhg6hamsija9aetjt4xt31codwooiozkn1kuqotu86kn9 geiclnhrqs45z0etjqdu

Mobile users shouldn't bother.


Gonna be honest, she actually seems extremely annoying in-person.

I'm not at all an expert, but her body language just screams that she's lying through her teeth (literally) about Jon being dead. Basically, she's claiming that the interview in which Kit Harington claims GoT will be part of his life past his thirties and that Snow is very much alive was fabricated (somehow). No word on the claims that he was seen filming a fight scene, or hanging around with some of the actors.

I think it's still safe to say Snow is obviously coming back.

Serious / Rand Paul wants to dissolve the Fed.
« on: September 22, 2015, 08:44:03 AM »

In 2000 the stock market, bloated by earlier Fed rate cuts, started falling when the tech bubble burst. Markets bottomed out in 2002, as the Fed slashed rates. Although people hailed then-chairman Alan Greenspan as “the Maestro” for providing a so-called soft landing, in hindsight he simply replaced the dot-com bubble with a housing bubble.

When the housing bubble eventually burst, the crisis was much worse than in 2000. When Lehman Brothers failed in September 2008, it seemed as if the whole financial infrastructure was in jeopardy. And Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke followed the same playbook: cut interest rates.

When near-zero-percent interest rates did not jump-start the economy, the Fed launched a series of “quantitative easing” (QE) programs, buying unprecedented amounts of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities. The Fed has roughly quintupled its balance sheet, going from $905 billion in early September 2008 to almost $4.5 trillion today.


At its core, the market economy is a homeostatic mechanism that self-corrects by cleansing mistakes from the system. When policy makers—in the Fed or Congress—try to spare us from all pain, they cripple that mechanism and ironically make the system vulnerable to a major crash.

Can't say I agree.

The Flood / What will you tell your kids about Santa?
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:44:04 PM »
Will you give them the chance to experience childlike wonder and appreciation of creativity, fairy tales, and magic, or will you treat them like adults and refuse to spread a pernicious lie that will fundamentally erode their trust in you?

ITT I criticize your position, regardless of what it is.

Serious / "I hate what marijuana does to my students"
« on: September 21, 2015, 03:52:17 PM »

“I hate pot. I hate it even more than hard drugs. I’ve taught high school for 25 years and I hate what marijuana does to my students. It goes beyond missing homework assignments. My students become less curious when they start smoking pot. I’ve seen it time and time again. People say pot makes you more creative, but from what I’ve seen, it narrows my students' minds until they only reference the world in relation to the drug. They’ll say things like: “I went to the beach and got so high,” or “I went to a concert and got so high.” They start choosing their friends based on the drug. I hate when people say that it’s just experimenting. Because from what I’ve seen, it’s when my students stop experimenting.”


I've never tried pot so I really have no way to judge his opinion but it seems fairly consistent with other opponents to full legalization of pot. For the record, I am in favor of legalization.

Gaming / What's with Bethesda showing almost no new footage of Fallout 4?
« on: September 21, 2015, 09:32:57 AM »
I'm not questioning that the game is polished or whatever, I just think it's really odd that for what appears to be a huge, dynamic, and varied environment we've only seen about 5 minutes into the start of the game. Usually we'd get some sort of gameplay montage showing various builds and plot elements, but even the trailer is largely limited to one of the first encounters (using the power armor).

Maybe they're doing it to keep hype up (somehow), but it's kind of annoying to see them release new videos and press packages with literally the same videos over and over.

The Flood / What the fuck are you drinking tonight, losers?
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:01:20 PM »
I'm four glasses into my bottle of scotch. Glenlivet 12, good shit.

Post your poison, Sep7.

The Flood / The Martian is incredible.
« on: September 19, 2015, 07:36:01 PM »
The book, I mean.

I'll do a full review once I'm done if there's interest, but I started today and I'm on page 193 of 330 or so. It's consistently entertaining, and despite being a POV narrative it's suspensful, witty, and incredibly detailed. Anyone that enjoys hard sci-fi will be enthralled by about 80 pages of mathematical and scientific explanation of protagonist Mark Watney's struggle to survive after being marooned on Mars.

It's a quick read, and not overly complex (non-scientific folk need not be worried). Check it out before heading to see the movie.

Septagon / How much is each page view worth?
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:20:49 PM »
Just curious about ads on sites -- approximately how many clicks/views equates to $1?

Personally, I've never bought anything from a sidebar or banner ad, and I was wondering how ad companies justify spending tons of money on this sort of advertising if -- and I assume I'm in the majority -- most people completely ignore them. That means a small percentage of users are basically supporting the entire site (or numerous sites), and everyone else's use of it, through their purchases. Just seems kind of weird to me.

I probably posted this in the wrong spot but I figured Cheat would notice it this way.

The Flood / Anyone into building rifles? (AR-15, Ruger, etc.)
« on: September 13, 2015, 03:18:38 PM »
I'm looking into building a rifle in the near future for proficiency shooting (home defense isn't an issue). I know next to nothing about going about picking components, but I do know a thing or two about maintenance, cleaning, assembly, and such, so I'm not completely new to it.

If you know of any guides or can just share your experience, I'd appreciate it.

The Flood / if you don't drop acid then you're a fucking pussy
« on: September 12, 2015, 03:36:14 PM »
Take a look at yourself, are you really a fuckin man? If you don't even drop acid and you think it tastes bad, then you're a mere child. What do children do? They Bitch and complain about stuff that's too complicated for their underdeveloped bodies to handle. Acid is a fine drug and if you don't really drop acid then you're a fuckin pussy. I drop like a tab a day, LSD or the local blotter, Yellow Sunshine, because I'm a man.

The Flood / Brits can't pronounce 'oh'
« on: September 06, 2015, 05:09:36 PM »

Whenever I hear Brits on TV (with this particular accent; not sure which it is) try to say the syllable 'oh', it always comes out like some painfully complicated phrase, like 'oyaow'. What's the deal? Just make a circle with your mouth and make noise come out.

Serious / Friend of mine has stage IV Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:36:51 PM »
She's 23, married, just an average person, but out of nowhere found a lump on her throat and found out (after weeks of testing) that she has lymphoma. The cancer is in her bone marrow, meaning it's treatable but she can never be cured. Survival rate is about 60% for 10 years. In all likelihood she'll be dead before she's 35. If she ever has kids they'll grow up mostly without a mom, and that's assuming chemo doesn't sterilize her (which it almost always does).

Not sure what to talk about. I had a friend get killed by a drunk driver somewhat recently, and now a good friend is basically succumbing slowly to a deadly disease. Share your experiences like this, good or bad.

Gaming / The Last of Us is the sequel of Red Dead Redemption
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:09:51 PM »
FACT: John Marston bros it up with the devil, who clearly has the power to decide people's fate.
FACT: Bill is a lone-wolf badass that has lost his partner and has trouble making friends
FACT: John is a lone-wolf badass that lost his partners and has trouble making friends
FACT: John Marston's face:

FACT: Bill's face:

Bill is clearly the reincarnated John Marston, raised by the devil to fight the zombie infection (which he did in his previous life as a cowboy bounty hunter).

OTHER FACT: Joel looks and acts like John Marston too, meaning he must be John's great-great-great-great-great-great grandson. John was reincarnated as Bill to help his great-[...]-grandson kick zombie ass like he did himself.

Serious / Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit
« on: August 30, 2015, 01:32:14 PM »

Full dramatic story in the article. It's filled with sadness and oppression of youth, so I quoted only the actually relevant stuff.

The answers became a bit clearer on Thursday as the judge, Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., and a colleague, Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to wire fraud and income tax fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers run by PA Child Care and a sister company, Western PA Child Care.

While prosecutors say that Judge Conahan, 56, secured contracts for the two centers to house juvenile offenders, Judge Ciavarella, 58, was the one who carried out the sentencing to keep the centers filled.

“In my entire career, I’ve never heard of anything remotely approaching this,” said Senior Judge Arthur E. Grim, who was appointed by the State Supreme Court this week to determine what should be done with the estimated 5,000 juveniles who have been sentenced by Judge Ciavarella since the scheme started in 2003. Many of them were first-time offenders and some remain in detention.

tl;dr Private prisons get to have more inmates so they bought at least two judges to send them more youth inmates than were really necessary.

But privatization of prisons is still a good idea, right?

The Flood / I don't care what you're drinking, but post it anyway.
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:03:44 PM »
Got some rum and vermouth. I'm drinking Manhattans and my wife's drinking something called a planter's punch: Kraken rum, simple syrup, bitters, and lime juice. Pretty good.

Serious / How to Identify and Resist Cultural Appropriation
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:16:08 PM »

A series of steps you may follow if you wish to be more mindful about cultural appropriation:

Try to identify parts of your outfit or vocabulary that may be borrowed from other cultures and envision how a person of that culture may react to the way you are wearing or saying it.
Think about whether the piece of clothing or phrase in question is being used respectfully and is aligning with the traditions of its cultural origins.
Can what you are wearing or saying have the potential to perpetuate stereotypes that exist about a certain culture?
By following these steps, we are better fit to identify cultural appropriation and are being sensitive to and respectful of all cultures.

So just a reminder: all cultures should be separate, respect is shown by isolation and prohibiting wear of cultural symbols, and it's okay to project your feeling of insecurity onto minorities because you assume they probably feel sad about things like that.

Also, please cease wearing the following clothes immediately because they were influenced by other cultures:

Boots, ties, peacoats, bomber jackets, t-shirts, tuxedos, and 8-point caps. Those are all from foreign militaries and they deserve to be kept culturally pure. Other items from various cultures include Uggs, denim jeans, cowboy hats, ponchos, Hawaiian shirts, berets, moccasins, and eye liner. For a more complete respect of cultures, please just stop wearing clothing, listening to music, watching television, enjoying art, or partaking of drugs. Because it's your job as a white American to think carefully about what you think is offensive to others.

Gaming / FOS deathclaw attacks are ridiculous
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:21:32 PM »
I'm at 85 dwellers, an upgraded and staffed radio room, and several explorers coming and going. So I've been getting 5-6 deathclaw attacks per day, almost always when I get a new dweller from the radio. Many of these are nearly back to back, taking place within 10 minutes of each other because people are coming or going. They only get through my second floor and rarely kill anyone, but it just seems excessive at this point. They're really disruptive and the UI is garbage for handling real time incidents.

Anyone else getting annoyed by these? Is there any way to decrease their rate of occurrence besides shutting down my radio room?

The Flood / Is it that time again? What am I drinking, Sep7?
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:25:03 PM »
Some wine I guess. No scotch this week.

Post your poison. Verb, what flavor water are you drinking?

The Flood / Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:04:46 PM »
Do ya ever hang around the gymnasium, Joey?

The Flood / Rogue One - First official cast photo
« on: August 15, 2015, 06:29:15 PM »

Check the reddit link for cast names and pictures.

Reminds me of Battlestar Galactica.

The Flood / Captain Phasma | new pic
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:18:36 PM »

This chick better not have a come-to-Jesus moment and join the Republic. I hope she murders Chewie and dies in flames in Ep. IX.

The Flood / The Hateful Eight - trailer
« on: August 12, 2015, 05:10:29 PM »

Tarantino is the master of black-comedy character dramas.

Christmas day release date. Can't wait.

nvm, I'm late:

Septagon / Easy tweak for mobile users
« on: August 11, 2015, 08:51:04 PM »
When adding HTML tags to format a post, they appear adjacent to each other, like [­spoiler][­/spoiler]. On mobile, it can be difficult to position the cursor between the two sets of brackets to type, and it's even worse if you have to double tap to paste some text (like a link or a quote).

To fix this, all that would need to be done is to include an indent or return after the first one, so it appears like this:

That way we can tap to the right and easily start typing. Just thought I'd throw that out there; maybe I'm the only one that would feel convenienced by this, but if you've also been frustrated by the current format, show your support.

Serious / Should an undergraduate education be free?
« on: August 11, 2015, 08:39:13 PM »
Pretty simple question. The means doesn't really matter, as long as it exists (i.e., no magically free tuition; someone is paying for it). This could be through taxation of specific groups, flat taxes, consumption taxes, mandatory tuition caps, work-study programs, forced employee benefits for college, government-funded scholarships akin to a guaranteed basic income, or any other program.


Gaming / Fallout 4 leaked footage...on Pornhub
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:53:18 PM »

Link's NSFW, obviously. The video picks up around 1:45.

  • Ragdoll physics appear to be toned down; dying enemies collapse less ridiculously
  • Scaled enemies appear to be more prominent than in previous games (e.g., "Legendary Feral Ghoul Roamer" alongside "Feral Ghouls".
  • Enemies, at least ghouls, appear more dynamic. As the player was shooting them, sometimes they would seem to be stunned, potentially by targeting limbs. And instead of immediately dying, at least one enemy was shown crawling on the ground before being executed by the player.
  • FPS play looks much more solid than F3 or NV.
  • Hacking computers is extremely similar to the previous titles
  • Dogmeat's commands are pretty easy, and don't require the awkward zoom-in dialog options
  • VATS kill-cams look less jerky and awkward than previous titles
  • What seems to be a laser shotgun looks fucking awesome

The Flood / irl
« on: August 10, 2015, 07:07:10 PM »
>Get bored of
>Close tab
>Open new tab without thinking

Such is life.

The Flood / TSA fucked up my Rubik's cube
« on: August 10, 2015, 05:05:17 PM »
I was going through security in Phoenix and my backpack had to get hand-checked because there were heavy books that the x-ray couldn't see through. Well I had a Rubik's cube in there too because I'm learning how to solve them and I had it at a specific setup so I could practice, and when I looked at it at the gate it had been completely scrambled.

What an asshole.

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