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Serious / Lock please
« on: November 04, 2015, 10:50:53 PM »
A really good friend of mine committed suicide last night. He was outgoing, smart, hilarious, and in a relationship. I have no idea what the cause was.

If you're ever about to do something you know is wrong, something harmful to yourself because you don't feel any hope, please talk to someone. All of your friends and family will be wishing they'd had the chance to talk to you again.

People care about you.

The Flood / New Star Trek series to premier January 2017
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:39:39 PM »

CBS Television Studios announced today it will launch a totally new Star Trek television series in January 2017. The new series will blast off with a special preview broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The premiere episode and all subsequent first-run episodes will then be available exclusively in the United States on CBS All Access, the Network’s digital subscription video on demand and live streaming service.

The next chapter of the Star Trek franchise will also be distributed concurrently for television and multiple platforms around the world by CBS Studios International.

The new program will be the first original series developed specifically for U.S. audiences for CBS All Access, a cross-platform streaming service that brings viewers thousands of episodes from CBS’s current and past seasons on demand, plus the ability to stream their local CBS Television station live for $5.99 per month. CBS All Access already offers every episode of all previous Star Trek television series.

The brand-new Star Trek will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966.

Alex Kurtzman will serve as executive producer for the new Star Trek TV series. Kurtzman co-wrote and produced the blockbuster films Star Trek (2009) with Roberto Orci, and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) with Orci and Damon Lindelof. Both films were produced and directed by J.J. Abrams.

The new series will be produced by CBS Television Studios in association with Kurtzman’s Secret Hideout. Kurtzman and Heather Kadin will serve as executive producers. Kurtzman is also an executive producer for the hit CBS television series Scorpion and Limitless, along with Kadin and Orci, and for Hawaii Five-0 with Orci.

Kurtzman helped write the Star Trek reboots, which while being great films, were terrible Star Trek stories. Not a very auspicious announcement, in my opinion. If it's set in the reboot universe, I'll probably be skipping it entirely.

The Flood / Anyone ever seeded a lawn before?
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:11:23 PM »
I'm from AZ where we put rocks in our yard instead of grass because watering is so expensive and it has to be reseeded often because it dies in the summer. I moved to Florida and the house I'm renting has a really shitty yard, and I'm interested in growing a lawn for my dog to enjoy. I've looked up some basic guides and it doesn't seem too complicated, but if you've done it before or know anything about landscaping, drop some tips my way.

Gaming / List things Halo 5 stole from Destiny
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:47:55 PM »
-Ground pound
-Shoulder charge
-Revival via portable AI
-Humanoid robot enemies:
  • reveal glowing weak points when shot; take much longer to kill without shooting there
  • enemies teleport into battle with a glowing purple orb
  • boss versions throw homing black orb that causes extreme damage
  • boss versions blind player
  • boss version uses sword despite having lots of big guns
  • when killed, boss yells then implodes into a black portal
-Boss enemy is fought and seen over and over again with no new mechanics
-Almost every checkpoint encounter involves fighting off waves of enemies as an AI opens a door or calls an elevator
-Nathan Fillion's character is given the most personality

The Flood / Part 4: Rename my dog you fucks
« on: October 26, 2015, 12:24:39 PM »
The name he came with is Charlie. My wife's main nickname for me is Charlie, for reasons. In just one night it's already gotten really confusing having her calling for him all the time.

Anyways, Hitler's off the list apparently (lame wife), so come up with some alternatives.


The determination, published by a panel of researchers for the International Agency for Research on Cancer in a medical journal Monday, classifies processed meat products like salami and bacon carcinogenic to humans, the strongest level of risk for cancer, and a category shared with tobacco smoke and diesel engine exhaust.

Fresh meats like steaks and roasts are considered probably cancer-causing, a level of risk shared with the widely used herbicide glyphosate.

The IARC, considered an authority in evaluating evidence on cancer causation cited studies that conclude there is strong evidence to support a link between eating too much meat and the onset of colorectal cancer, the third-most common type world-wide.

It's purportedly linked to a sugar in red meat that causes inflammation which leads to cancer. The report claims that 50g of processed meat or 100g of red meat increase risk of colon cancer by 17-18%, respectively. A lean steak is 25g per ounce.
Prof Tim Key, from the Cancer Research UK and the University of Oxford, said: "This decision doesn't mean you need to stop eating any red and processed meat, but if you eat lots of it you may want to think about cutting down.
"Eating a bacon bap every once in a while isn't going to do much harm - having a healthy diet is all about moderation."
The industry body the Meat Advisory Panel said "avoiding red meat in the diet is not a protective strategy against cancer" and said the focus should be alcohol, smoking and body weight.

The Flood / So I adopted the dog (Charlie)
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:57:22 PM »

He's awesome. Pretty shy right now but he's adjusting alright.

Septagon / I think edits erase likes
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:46:25 PM »
Anyone else seeing this? If someone will like this I'll edit it after I see it.

Edit 2

Serious / The Myth of Basic Science
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:01:09 PM »

If you have any sort of decent attention span, I urge you to stop right now and read the entire article. I've pulled out specific sections that I thought were particularly interesting, but I've copied less than a third of the article. It's very thorough and insightful.

Innovation is a mysteriously difficult thing to dictate. Technology seems to change by a sort of inexorable, evolutionary progress, which we probably cannot stop—or speed up much either. And it’s not much the product of science. Most technological breakthroughs come from technologists tinkering, not from researchers chasing hypotheses. Heretical as it may sound, “basic science” isn’t nearly as productive of new inventions as we tend to think.


As Kevin Kelly documents in his book “What Technology Wants,” we know of six different inventors of the thermometer, three of the hypodermic needle, four of vaccination, five of the electric telegraph, four of photography, five of the steamboat, six of the electric railroad. The history of inventions, writes the historian Alfred Kroeber, is “one endless chain of parallel instances.”

It is just as true in science as in technology. Boyle’s law in English-speaking countries is the same thing as Mariotte’s Law in French-speaking countries. Isaac Newton vented paroxysms of fury at Gottfried Leibniz for claiming, correctly, to have invented the calculus independently. Charles Darwin was prodded into publishing his theory at last by Alfred Russel Wallace, who had precisely the same idea after reading precisely the same book, Malthus’s “Essay on Population.”

Increasingly, technology is developing the kind of autonomy that hitherto characterized biological entities. The Stanford economist Brian Arthur argues that technology is self-organizing and can, in effect, reproduce and adapt to its environment. It thus qualifies as a living organism, at least in the sense that a coral reef is a living thing. Sure, it could not exist without animals (that is, people) to build and maintain it, but then that is true of a coral reef, too.


Indeed, the history of technological prohibitions is revealing. The Ming Chinese prohibited large ships; the Shogun Japanese, firearms; the medieval Italians, silk-spinning; Americans in the 1920s, alcohol. Such prohibitions can last a long time—three centuries in the case of the Chinese and Japanese examples—but eventually they come to an end, so long as there is competition. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, these technologies continued to grow.


Patents and copyright laws grant too much credit and reward to individuals and imply that technology evolves by jerks. Recall that the original rationale for granting patents was not to reward inventors with monopoly profits but to encourage them to share their inventions. A certain amount of intellectual property law is plainly necessary to achieve this. But it has gone too far. Most patents are now as much about defending monopoly and deterring rivals as about sharing ideas. And that discourages innovation.

Even the most explicit paper or patent application fails to reveal nearly enough to help another to retrace the steps through the maze of possible experiments. One study of lasers found that blueprints and written reports were quite inadequate to help others copy a laser design: You had to go and talk to the people who had done it. So a patent often does not achieve the openness that it is supposed to but instead hinders progress.


Like most innovation, Portugal’s navigational advances came about by trial and error among sailors, not by speculation among astronomers and cartographers. If anything, the scientists were driven by the needs of the explorers rather than the other way around.


In 2003, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development published a paper on the “sources of economic growth in OECD countries” between 1971 and 1998 and found, to its surprise, that whereas privately funded research and development stimulated economic growth, publicly funded research had no economic impact whatsoever. None. This earthshaking result has never been challenged or debunked. It is so inconvenient to the argument that science needs public funding that it is ignored.

In 2007, the economist Leo Sveikauskas of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics concluded that returns from many forms of publicly financed R&D are near zero and that “many elements of university and government research have very low returns, overwhelmingly contribute to economic growth only indirectly, if at all.”

I'm not going to tl;dr this, because I think this is a really fantastic essay that anybody with an interest in science, economics, or politics ought to read. What it asserts, however, is that the development of technology is an organic, evolutionary process that drives scientific understanding, not the other way around. We understand more about astrophysics because we went to the moon; we didn't go to the moon because we already knew what it could teach us. The article is chock-full of other historical examples.

It'd be interesting to see further discussion about the implications of this theory for early hominids; did they develop tools and society as a result of higher intelligence and larger brains, or did they evolve larger brains and higher intelligence in response to the development of tools and societies? Maybe I'm mischaracterizing it, but I'd be interested to see the discussion. I think the author's reasoning is flawed, and his credible citations of economic impact of private versus state funding for science don't accurately parallel his theses about the reversed relationship between scientific understanding and tangible innovation.

Anyway, post your thoughts after reading the article.

The Flood / Check out this dog we're thinking of adopting -- 2.0
« on: October 23, 2015, 05:47:54 PM »

We're going on Sunday to see him, and we'll probably take him home that day if we like him (the shelter's pretty far away and we don't want to have to do another trip if we're sure about him).

Any tips for preparing a house for a new dog? We're gonna buy a kennel and a couple beds and a bunch of toys, but this will be my first dog on my own.

Also post pics of your dog if you want.

Serious / How has white privilege helped you in your life?
« on: October 23, 2015, 01:29:54 PM »

A bit of a thought experiment, I guess. The comments are a lot more interesting than the article itself, I'd say.

The Flood / Which sport produces the best athletes?
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:30:07 AM »
I'd say decathlons, since those athletes need to be masters of ten events with very different techniques. Swimming probably produces some of the most fit people, though.

Serious / Self harm as a therapeutic tool
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:02:02 AM »
I'm going to preface this by saying I have never experienced clinical depression or the need for self harm. However, my sister has bipolar disorder and I grew up with her attempting suicide multiple times and using cutting as a tool to cope.

So, many depressed individuals use self harm as a way of taking control of pain they feel is uncontrollable and insurmountable; it's not a means of failed suicide, it's a form of coping. Do you think someday controlled methods of self harm will be utilized for victims of depression? I'm talking about using doctor-recommended (not necessarily prescribed), safe methods of self-harm to control symptoms. Cutting itself is a non-lethal methods that could potentially be used.

It sounds ridiculous, but I've recently been looking at it from a new light. In my adolescence I suffered from chronic migraines: almost every day during middle school I'd come home and lay in a dark, quiet place waiting for my daily migraine to pass. A technique my neurologist taught me was to pinch a nerve between my thumb and pointer finger, in the webbing of your hand, to dull the pain since your body only registers one significant pain at a time. I still use that technique today, and I don't really see how it's at all different from some other forms of self harm, except that a doctor told me it was okay. (Not to conflate migraines with depression; I'm merely talking about the function of each action.)

Share your thoughts on this. I apologize for typos; I did this all on mobile without proofreading.

The Flood / Drinks and stuff. Post 'em.
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:06:47 PM »
Finished off my bottles of scotch and bourbon tonight. Thinking about aging some white whiskey with barrel chips from a local brewery for the coming holiday season.

Post your poison. It's a holiday weekend so we're doing this a day late.

Serious / Which statement seems more true?
« on: October 11, 2015, 09:07:07 PM »
I have a brain.


I am a brain.

The Flood / Had a bloody mary today
« on: October 11, 2015, 07:31:46 PM »
As far as cocktails go, it's fucking disgusting. Thinking of it as spicey V8 juice, it was pretty good. It's super weird that it's a typical drink for brunch; it'd be better before a burger or something meaty rather than eggs.

That's all.

Gaming / Destiny group for King's Fall?
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:35:11 PM »
I joined a month after TTK came out and now everyone on the LFG site requires experience and gear I can't get without doing the raid. I'm free any time today, and could do tomorrow. If you're down to do the raid (on normal), let me know. Titan, any subclass, LL291 so it should be fine. On Xbox One.

Plus, I don't think I've ever played Live with any of you so it'd be cool to get that chance.

The Flood / Books that were just ridiculously good
« on: October 10, 2015, 11:05:22 AM »
I'm not talking about big authors or series; obviously things like Harry Potter or a Stephen King book are going to be almost universally liked. I'm talking about books that you picked up on a whim or suggestion and turned out to be great.

Some examples for me:
-The Martian
-Ender's Game (though I'd argue that by now it's a very popular book and shouldn't be included)
-The Name of the Wind

Looking for some new books to pick up now that I finished my slog through ASoIAF.

The Flood / Got stuck with the evening watch tonight
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:27:46 AM »
Watching old sitcoms and ensuring ISIS doesn't commandeer the airfield.

What's your excuse for being up?

The Flood / Top Gun pilots were flying out of my base today
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:24:54 PM »
Got to take off behind some Top Gun F-18s that were in town today. They're loud as fuck and made approaches bumpy because they kept doing landings and so we were flying in their jet wash for the last few miles. Didn't get to meet any because they parked at a different hangar.

As far as I know, none of them flew inverted over any MiGs though. Kinda disappointing.

Serious / America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:40:52 PM »

Vox is pretty biased to the left, but this is a decent article with quite a bit of easily-processed information. Quoting the article would be difficult because of its format, so just read it via the link.

Serious / It's not about mental health, it's about armed whities
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:47:52 AM »

I'm not going to quote specific paragraphs because it's a short article and I feel a lot of times quoted passages are the only thing discussed in these threads. Anyways, back on topic.

This feels like the opposite side of the coin to the veiled racism of right-wingers trotting out statistics about black crime and incarceration. The response is always about how socio-economic factors contribute strongly to crime statistics, so why isn't it the same for whites? Is it really about misogyny and patriarchy, or is it about a failed system of education, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of the mentally ill? Or is it actually solely to blame on the prevalence of guns in America?  Maybe it's a mix of all of those: unvilified subcultures of masculinity being particularly prominent in the mentally ill and worsened by the availability of guns, both legally and illegally. Who knows.

Post your thoughts after reading the article.

The Flood / The Name of the Wind adaptation rights sold to Lionsgate
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:59:20 PM »

Nothing concrete about plans, but the deal they negotiated with the author comprises TV, movies, and games. So it doesn't seem like they're just buying up the rights to sell at a later time.

The first book, The Name of the Wind, was first published in 2007 and since then, the second novel as well as three novellas have sold more that 10 million copies. The books are said to be only behind Game of Thrones in terms of best-sellers in modern epic fantasy.

“Honestly, I've never been very interested in a straight-up movie deal,” said Rothfuss. “But Lionsgate was willing to work out something different, a multi-platform deal where they develop the films, TV series, and games simultaneously. That will give us the screen time to develop the characters and show off the world. What's more, through this whole process, they've treated me with amazing respect. I never thought a studio would approach me as a creative partner who understands how stories work."

Pretty great news. They're some of my favorite books.


Hey there Sep7agon, are you feeling tired or groggy? Not completely excited to wake up every day? Maybe a bit flabby or overworked? Tired of trusting what Big Pharma says is healthy, or what Big Agriculture says is safe to eat? Mistrustful of the FDA and WTO?
We here at Snake Oil Promotions® have just the solution for you!

Are you eating regular ol' beef, chicken and pork, and still feeling down? Well that's because of all the chemicals and hormones and water pumped into them by Big Agra to make you unhealthy!*
(We at SOP are legally required to inform you that hormones are banned from use in poultry and pork in the U.S., and in beef the residual hormones left in edible tissue is negligible, and consumed in quantities 1000s of times larger in regular, home-grown veggies and nuts. But don't let fact inform your lifestyle!)

So what's the solution, you ask? Let me make your decision for you! Eat organic meats and veggies! They're not full of all the chemicals and pesticides Big Agra uses!*
(Again we have to clarify that this isn't actually true; organic food also uses lots of pesticides and growth additives, but because it's slightly more natural we get to pretend there's a difference! Lying is fun!)

Still not comfortable with eating meat? No problem! We completely understand your aversion to cancer-causing toxins found throughout cattle and livestock! May we suggest a nice block of tofu? (Please disregard that tofu contains 10,000x as much estrogen hormone as a serving of beef.) Of course, if you're going to be eating a meat-free diet, you're going to need a way to supplement your nutrients somehow, and we have exactly what you need!* (Depending on what new product has avoided being banned yet by the FDA due to unforeseen and unscreened side effects like seizures, infertility, death, and more!) Nevermind all the Capitalist Propaganda that says a healthy, balanced diet contains all the nutrients you need! And all those minerals and weird chemicals definitely do not build up in your arteries and organs, or stress your liver to the point of early failure! In fact, you can even just use our quick and handy detox diet which consists of drinking lemon water for a week and taking a random pill we say is healthy. Normally your liver would clean up any scary toxins in your body, but now that you've ruined it with synthetic trash Miracle Pills, you'll need it!

But on the off chance these Magic Products come with some side effects, we have another solution: homeopathy! Homeopathy is basically using natural plants with big confusing names and pretending they're good for you. Also, all of it is untested by the Evil FDA, so you can be sure Wall Street doesn't have its grimy fat cat fingers in it! (Please disregard that the FDA requires decades of testing and refinement just to release a product, and in the unlikely case of severe side effects, the FDA will ban the product and sue the team into oblivion.)

Sep7agon, I hope you've seen the light and realized that a healthy, happy lifestyle is just a random pill away! And remember: if you can't pronounce it or don't understand the science behind something, it's not good for you!

Snake Oil Promotions®
Science is scary. We'll choose for you.™

Gaming / Has anyone played SOMA yet?
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:44:21 PM »

Seems kind of excessive to me.

The Flood / Rate this dog I'm thinking of adopting
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:04:50 PM »

6 year old Aussie Shepherd. A bit old but still young enough to have 4-5 years of activity. Seems pretty chill and I really like her colors. We've got a home inspection coming up and she'll be coming with the foster owner, so I'll see her in a few days.

Serious / "Entry level jobs aren't meant to support a family"
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:33:23 AM »
This seems like a very vilified opinion. The notion that most minimum wage jobs are not meant to raise a family or support a moderately affluent lifestyle is a controversial one.

Liberals tend to respond by saying there should be more welfare options (including minimum wage increases and other regulation). Conservatives respond by suggesting a negative income tax or some other minimum living wage program.

What do you think?

Gaming / Destiny players, get me up to speed on this new stuff
« on: September 26, 2015, 11:17:24 AM »
Decided to check out Destiny again because my Xbox Live membership is about to expire and figured I'd see if it's worth renewing. All my legendaries and exotics are shittier than greens I picked up, and I need a bunch of materials to make them better. Several of my exotic upgrades were reset too, which blows ass.

What are the new exploits? Which guns are good and which suck now?

The Flood / SPECTRE themesong: "Writing's On the Wall" released
« on: September 25, 2015, 11:19:30 AM »

Couldn't find a legit YouTube link. Check it out at Spotify.

Seems pretty solid, and the orchestral work fits the Bond motif very well; not so sure about the lyrics and the sung melody.  We'll have to wait to see how well it fits until the opening cinematic.

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