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Messages - Aether

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I try to play MCC matchmaking but laggy netcode br spread 3 is all anyone ever wants to play.

The Flood / Re: Took LSD for the first time the other day
« on: April 01, 2018, 12:08:12 AM »
Did you trip for just a "fun time" or to try and take something away from the experience that is more permanent and profound?
there is nothing
Psychedelic experiences are extremely intimate and subjective. As an 'outsider' to a person's trip, you don't really have the ground to say whether or not the experience was profound for them. It isn't for you to decide, only them.

The Flood / Re: Took LSD for the first time the other day
« on: March 31, 2018, 11:28:00 PM »
Did you trip for just a "fun time" or to try and take something away from the experience that is more permanent and profound?

Gaming / Re: NFSU2 (general/playthrough sort of)
« on: March 31, 2018, 10:49:07 PM »
Also Aether you’re definitely thinking of Underground 1. U2 the RX-7, Pontiac GTO and Skyline R34 have the best all round stats when fully upgraded.

The Mustang GT has the highest top speed btw.
Nah man, I played through NFSU2 last year and a maxed out Miata just felt superior to every other car. The handling is just too good for how high its top speed and acceleration are. Because of how the map is in the game, with very few real straight-ways, and because your opponents speed is based on your own car's, using a maxed out Miata makes the game significantly easier. At least it certainly feels that way to me.

If I remember correctly, it was the only car I was able to get all three, handling, acceleration, and top-speed bars completely filled.

for the record, it has to be maxed out, though. Only then did it actually feel superior gameplay-wise.

The Flood / Re: Does your dad wish he pulled out?
« on: March 31, 2018, 04:03:09 PM »
My sister, nephew, and I are the main thing keeping my dad going in life, despite his pretty awful depression, so I don't think so.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on terrorism?
« on: March 29, 2018, 09:03:46 PM »
shits bad yo

The Flood / Who's gonna run this bitch?
« on: March 27, 2018, 05:55:31 PM »
 EDIT: My friend is posting on my account. . . smh. I told him to make his own fuckin account but he likes to mess with my shit.

EDIT: Yes, I do :D

The Flood / Re: Tried Drinking For The First Time Last Night
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:49:21 AM »
Molybdenum and MSM supplements can help with a hangover.

Shit I live in bumfuckville and get 200mb down.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 25, 2018, 01:07:05 PM »
Can I just ask you what you believe the alt-right really is as a movement?
It's hard to define because it lacks a central platform and doesn't really have an established program or leadership. But if I had to make an attempt, I'd say it's a reactionary anti-movement consisting primarily of younger people (15-40) who are resisting the left / liberal / progressive mindset but also feel they're out of touch with the established and traditional conservative platform. I think it's "alt(ernative)" in two ways. One, it's different in the way it operates. The alt right embraces internet culture, social media subgroups and online anonymity to reach a large audience without relying on traditional methods like membership registration and centralized platforms. While there's no real leaders, the movement relies heavily on the voices of community figureheads who steer and influence followers on platforms like youtube and twitter.

Two, the alt right espouses a different ideology than other conservative / right wing movements. As an explicitly reactionary counter-movement, it's more radical and regressive than traditional conservatism. Due to it being such a vague group without a concrete goal or defined stance on many issues, it consists of a wide variety of people. Still, I think there's some views that are either integral to or extremely common in the movement. It's highly populist, anti-immigration, anti-globalism, anti-multiculturalism and against anything perceived as political correctness or the mainstream media. It's usually transphobic, islamophobic and often anti-semitic, and frequently associates with white supremacist and identitarianist views. It's anti-feminist, regularly homophobic, often misogynist and very nationalist. It's an enormous propagator of fake news and misinformation, thrives on filter bubbles and echo chambers, and pushes a very divisive narrative against "the other" that lacks nuance, honesty and intellectual rigor. While I sometimes do happen to agree with them on certain things, I can't stand the movement. It's hypocritical to its core as it's as much of a giant snowflake as the SJWs it opposes, and it too usually values emotions over facts and reason. It's shameful and, again, embodies so much of what I think is wrong with our (digital) society these days.
Alright this gives me a better idea of what you believe. Just know that the alt-right is becoming completely synonymous with white-nationalism so take care when you choose to label someone as a part of it. There are many people out there who are populist, anti-political correctness, anti-establishment, etc. that are not white identitarians by any means.

I abhor political correctness, for instance, but I am an individualist and also abhor collectivist ideology, white identitarianism included. There are some that would label me alt-right simply for taking a stance against political correctness, ergo associating me with white nationalists even though I would stand against them as well.

I believe the concept of alt-right has muddied the perception of what the right actually is, and this has contributed a great deal to the increasing polarization of western society.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 24, 2018, 10:02:10 PM »
Can I just ask you what you believe the alt-right really is as a movement?

When comedians are being persecuted, your society is in some trouble.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 23, 2018, 04:56:39 PM »
Look if you drive these people underground it will inevitably radicalize them even further. I'm sure you can understand why the most whacked out ideas have been driven to alt-tech platforms, but regardless of that, we need people that can challenge those ideas to come over as well. I think it's very dangerous for society to let just a handful of corporations have virtual hegemonic control over the realm of social media, but even besides that point, radicals need to be confronted with reason, not censored and driven away from everyone else. Their ideas need to be exposed and picked apart. As the saying goes, "sunlight is the best disinfectant."

I'm not sure about you, but I trust that most people are capable of entertaining extreme ideas without having to agree with them, especially when they are made to understand the importance of having such an ability, and I think the persecution of radicals when they haven't actually broken any laws is only empowering their movements, as they begin to see themselves as oppressed and rally others who feel the same to their cause.

Nobody should feel guilty about things they like
wouldn't go that far
I would. Feeling remorse for the things you like means that you don't truly enjoy them.
What if you like murdering people?

The Flood / Re: im fucking SEVENTEEN now
« on: March 23, 2018, 04:40:24 PM »
Oh, I thought you were older.

That explains some things.
what does THAT mean mister hmmm
It means I'm busting your balls.

The Flood / Re: im fucking SEVENTEEN now
« on: March 23, 2018, 07:45:42 AM »
Oh, I thought you were older.

That explains some things.

Congo rats the size of chihuahuas.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:10:53 PM »
I'm not saying that an open platform is populist. I'm saying that this particular one has been designed with this kind of stuff in mind. I'm skimming through the bitchute popular/trending section and it's shameful how slanted, misleading and hatemongering this stuff is. Antisemitism, pro-Nazism, chemtrail conspiracy, clinton planning a coup conspiracy, buy gemstones to ward off bad spirits, "Trump Recruits Zionist Neocon John Bolton for War with Iran", holocaust revisionism, illuminati, false flag attacks, fake / highly misleading news about Zuckerberg and Facebook / Clinton committing treason, rise up against Islam... And that's all on just the first page of the trending and popular sections of the site. These are the high standards of top content on your typical alt-tech platform. You'll probably just meme about the antisemitism here, but this is a pretty serious concern. We're already dealing with enough filter bubbles and echo chambers as it is, but now imagine a large  chunk of people moving to these platforms where critical thought, intellectualism and factual, balanced and informative content is completely absent and has been replaced entirely by these fake news, misleading and hatemongering videos by people pushing for less understanding, more division and a greater fanbase that'll follow them without question. And that alone is enough of a reason for me to steer clear of the "alt-tech".
Bitchute wasn't made specifically for those types of people, they are just the first types to be driven to alternative platforms. That is why that kind of content is prevalent there. It would actually be very beneficial for content creators with opposing/alternative ideas to start posting there as well to help to balance things out, but unfortunately people seem to fall prey to the sentiment you're expressing here and slap a blanket label on the entire site.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:04:09 PM »
I try to spread the word about alt-tech sites but normies don't really give a shit, and until something forces them to, Google, Facebook, and all the rest will maintain their monopoly on social media.
I'd be a lot more sympathetic to these alt-tech channels if they weren't almost all detestable shitholes pushing lies, hate, fake news and inflammatory content in an attempt to drown out reasonable and intellectual discussions and promote division, filter bubbles and populist shite.
Wow you sound bitter af.

I enjoy Bitchute and Minds because they respect free speech values and allow creators to monetize without having to compromise what they think and say. Sure there can be some whacked out ideas presented on these sites but there are whacked out ideas on Youtube and Facebook as well, and I believe I am perfectly capable of entertaining crazy without having to agree with it.

Your idea of alt-tech seems particularly distorted by a disdain for certain types of people. A site like minds for instance has a very diverse user base and has plenty of reasonable intellectual discussion happening. Just because they don't boot out aggressive or provocative users does not mean the site is a detestable shithole. If that's what you believe then we certainly aren't on the same page. I just can't agree with that sentiment.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 22, 2018, 08:13:16 PM »
and has a monopoly on video sharing
I honestly wouldn't be annoyed as much if this wasn't the case. I like youtube because of the wide variety of bullshit I can find on it and if they follow these guidelines to the letter than a good half of my regularly viewed channels are gone and I'll have to follow them elsewhere.
I know InRange already distributes content via bitchute, and many of the other guntube channels are on Full 30, but traffic for the former is abysmal and the later is a fucking cludge and a half.
I try to spread the word about alt-tech sites but normies don't really give a shit, and until something forces them to, Google, Facebook, and all the rest will maintain their monopoly on social media.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 22, 2018, 07:56:32 PM »
I get that youtube can do what it wants with its policy but the issue for me is that youtube is immensely influential and has a monopoly on video sharing. I don't see it as a good thing to drive law abiding content creators off of their platform which the vast majority of people use exclusively. Especially when a lot of these creators very well may be helping people to better understand firearms as a whole. Sites like Youtube and Google shape the very fabric of our societies with the sheer quantity of information that they deliver to people, so it is concerning to me that Google seems to be somewhat lacking in regard for the concept of liberty.

I really hope alternative sites like Bitchute can gain greater popularity and become true competitors.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: March 17, 2018, 10:46:06 PM »
remember when 343 made fun of PTSD
Can't forget this gem.

The Flood / Re: President Trump Stress Disorder is apparently a thing
« on: March 17, 2018, 10:35:09 PM »
You can even use it to excuse yourself from takings exams in certain universities.

The Flood / Re: Do we need an Internet Bill of Rights?
« on: March 16, 2018, 08:43:41 PM »
I'm really uncertain as to what you believe I'm arguing.
Well, the link in the OP basically states that conservatives are being persecuted and censored just for having right leaning views. I asked for supporting evidence and you responded by saying it's not necessarily conservatives but instead those who speak out against the establishment. Apologies if I interpreted that incorrectly or maybe you didn't read the text of the petition itself, but I think it stands to reason that your response across as you agreeing with the notion in the OP (institutionalized and organized measures taken against a group of people) only now for the anti-establishment folks instead of just conservatives. My bad for missing your point but the way you responded did give the impression that you largely agreed with the part of the text I referred to.
Ah, I think anti-establishment types face persecution, definitely, but not from a coordinated effort. Just in individual instances that happen to be skewed more against the right currently to due the left holding more power within tech.

I definitely think there's an issue with privacy and censorship happening as well as demonetization, but I'm not convinced an internet "bill of rights" would be able to solve the problem. I'm more inclined to believe it can be solved through innovations within tech like block chain based platforms and monetization that isn't centered around an ad-based system.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War - Official Trailer
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:06:35 PM »
I'm still wondering who has the soul stone.

That one hasn't appeared yet, as far as I know.
It hasn't, which is why I'm wondering who is going to have it.

The Flood / Re: Mechagodzilla is in Ready Player One
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:12:10 PM »
What the fuck even is this movie? Does it have a plot?
I'm wondering the same. I never read the book and hadn't even heard about it until the movie was a thing.

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War - Official Trailer
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:10:33 PM »
I'm still wondering who has the soul stone.

Serious / Re: So what is the actual deal with GMOs?
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:02:35 PM »
tbh just about every fruit or vegetable we eat in the west nowadays is technically a GMO due to artificial selection/breeding.

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale among others are really just the same plant that has been modified by humans over the centuries.

I'm with Nuka on this one, the use of antibiotics and harmful pesticides is much more concerning to me, especially with how bad it can be for the condition I have.

The Flood / Re: Do we need an Internet Bill of Rights?
« on: March 16, 2018, 10:24:28 AM »
Is there any actually major evidence for the whole "conservatives are facing institutional persecution online" narrative?
I don't necessarily believe it's conservatives, but rather people who speak out against or pose some threat to "the establishment" or the values it espouses. I have seen people on both the right and the left, as well as centrist types face censorship/demonetization online. What links them together is they they seem to be critical of mainstream media, government, or those with institutional power. The left just holds more of that power right now when it comes to tech, so it would make sense that those on the right would be more inclined to criticize.

Although, youtube did admit to banning right-wingers recently, though they claim it was a mistake made by the new staff they hired to police content on their platform. What I would like to know is who exactly did they hire that felt it was acceptable to censor/suspend channels for being right-leaning?
That's not really evidence though. What links these channels together perhaps more than their anti-establishment attitude (something I already think is way too broad of a statement) is their propensity for fake news, aggressive rhetoric, inflammatory approach to controversial topics and "dangerous or extreme" content violating YouTube's ToS. Youtube is a business and advertising is hugely important to it. Demonenitization isn't so much a punishment of censorship of the right as it is a message of "hey, our advertisers and investors don't want their name attached to a video entitled 'liberal morons cucked & Hillary for prison for faking school shootings' so we'll be disabling monetization on it". Of course, mistakes will be made, but I have yet to see any decent proof of what you argue. I'm also skeptical of the notion that these companies employing tens of thousands of people are actively persecuting "the anti's" without there being any more proof of that.
I'm really uncertain as to what you believe I'm arguing. I really only think that inevitably some of those with institutional power will seek to use that power against those that challenge it. I don't believe there's a coordinated effort by "the establishment" to take out anyone who is criticizing them or their efforts, but simply that there are individuals that have influence over platforms, whether they be a simple moderator, a journalist, or the CEO of a social media site, and some of these individuals will inevitably misuse the power and influence they have. Sometimes this can have far reaching effects (IE in the case of the WSJ journalist writing that article against Pewdiepie last year which ended up triggering the whole "adpocalypse" mess) Whether or not these people intend for such things to happen, I can't say, but I'm willing to bet a majority of them just feel some sense of indignation and seek to persecute certain people they dislike without really thinking about the consequences.

The Flood / Re: Do we need an Internet Bill of Rights?
« on: March 16, 2018, 09:20:32 AM »
Is there any actually major evidence for the whole "conservatives are facing institutional persecution online" narrative?
I don't necessarily believe it's conservatives, but rather people who speak out against or pose some threat to "the establishment" or the values it espouses. I have seen people on both the right and the left, as well as centrist types face censorship/demonetization online. What links them together is they they seem to be critical of mainstream media, government, or those with institutional power. The left just holds more of that power right now when it comes to tech, so it would make sense that those on the right would be more inclined to criticize.

Although, youtube did admit to banning right-wingers recently, though they claim it was a mistake made by the new staff they hired to police content on their platform. What I would like to know is who exactly did they hire that felt it was acceptable to censor/suspend channels for being right-leaning?

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 15, 2018, 04:55:21 PM »
Welcome is the best gesture.

I need to start learning new things so badly but I can't focus at all dealing with this shit I have so I just end up drawing in my comfort zone. I guess it's better than not drawing at all which I did for nearly two months. That was depressing.

Can you have a caption where she's laughing at the size of Das's penis?
I can't think of a good one but you can do it if you want.

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