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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: I did it everyone
« on: April 10, 2018, 05:00:05 PM »
Damn I need to check my privilege with my 200mb down boonies connection.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:36:51 AM »
Just found and been watching some of Dr. Layman and he seems to, so far, fit the bill the OP is looking for better than most other "skeptic" channels. Actually listening to a vid he did on the problem with skeptic channels right now.

The Flood / Re: Replacing booze with bud
« on: April 09, 2018, 09:40:14 PM »
Pot is less harmful and the addiction is only mental nor will it kill you so I would say go for it if you have to have some kind of vice. If you're in a state where you're not going be risking trouble with the law that is. .

The Flood / Re: Adventure backpacks.
« on: April 09, 2018, 05:17:02 PM »
pizza lunchables

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 09, 2018, 03:08:53 PM »
And you can think I'm naive all you want to, but I still believe people in general can be taught to discern right from wrong
h i s t o r y

d i s a g r e e s
I think you missed the key point where I said, "so long as we as a society maintain respect for the logos."

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 09, 2018, 01:38:55 PM »
Oh I know. I'm not looking for someone who's completely non-partisan. We all have are our biases and preconceptions. I'm just browsing for someone who at least seems honest and generally interested in fairness, balance and some nuance. Most of these political commentators who present themselves as rational, factual and interested in the actual truth are pretty much the opposite and are extremely selective in how they cover things and what conclusions they (want to) draw. The Kraut guy you suggested doesn't seem to be active anymore though.
Kraut quit making content after a controversy where he and a group of others created a discord server when they coordinated efforts to mass flag/discredit numerous alt-right content creators or others that had associated with them. Apparently there was some doxxing done and after receiving so much flak for digging up people's information and sharing it on the discord, or having people do it for him, he went dark.

Gaming / Re: Spyro HD boys
« on: April 09, 2018, 01:33:18 PM »
i can't quite articulate it yet but the simplistic visuals and upbeat drum-based soundtrack really come together to form a nice mood for every stage. i've only come across one not-so-good track.
The soundtracks for the first three games were always some of my favorite from any game. I know the drummer from The Police composed them.

Gaming / Re: Would Ingame ads in AAA games be acceptable?
« on: April 09, 2018, 01:30:16 PM »
Games have had "product placement" type ads for years. I know NFSU2 had Burger Kings and Best Buys around the city and some Tony Hawk games have Mcdonalds on some levels.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 11:08:52 PM »
So long as all you're doing is shitting on a specific group or just making claims that they don't have certain rights, then the right to speak remains. It's sad that people will spout that kind of rhetoric but they need to see how society in general will respond to it, they need to have their little bubble of ideas popped by the ideas of others. I think it's much worse if they stay inside that bubble where an echo chamber forms and no one is challenging them.

I'm not so afraid of radicals recruiting your average person to their cause when their rhetoric is so flawed, unreasonable, and/or oppressive. I have faith that people can be taught to think critically and discern what is really right and wrong.
This all strikes me as naive.

This assumption that somehow bad ideas will fail and good ideas will win in the marketplace of ideas makes false assumptions about the conditions of the market. The only way in which this happens is when people are fully rational and value ideas based on merit, but people aren't always rational.

Do you realize how often people on opposing sides of a discussion will think the speaker in a debate that they agree with won? How exactly do you think these "bubbles" will pop? Not all of these people present their shit rhetoric through the form of debate, or even answer questions. Some just throw it out there with no opportunity for rebuttal. Many treat debates merely as whacky personality shows in which they can just try and troll their way through it so that their followers can think they're so hip and cool for not being serious.

It is *strategic* to use these ideas of free speech in order to try and give your message as broad a scope as possible to garner as many potential followers as possible. They don't care about intellectual honesty, and you seem to not realize what it takes to defend against that.
I don't believe bad ideas will always fail simply from being challenged by good ideas, the freedom to expression is simply what allows for bad ideas to be challenged at all. It's not always going to convince everyone, and sometimes these ideas will go unchallenged entirely. I think it's much more nuanced and difficult to overcome the influence of bad ideas than that, but for good ideas to overcome the bad I believe society must respect certain principles and freedom of expression is one of those principles.

It's something that is meant to protect the outrageous, and what is outrageous is not always bad. 100 years ago same sex and interracial marriage were outrageous ideas. Would society have progressed to the point where these things have been legalized if they had been banned as ideas? It's very likely that it wouldn't have. It's a double edged sword which can be used to propagate hate, but it's a principle I don't believe we can compromise. We just have to find ways to defend against and combat hateful rhetoric that will not compromise it. And you can think I'm naive all you want to, but I still believe people in general can be taught to discern right from wrong, so long as we as a society maintain respect for the logos in whatever way we feel the need to conceptualize it.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 10:25:45 PM »
Define incitement concisely.
Telling people that they should go and physically attack others or their property?
Okay, does this mean specific people? Can I say that a demographic is subhuman, less deserving of rights, that our country would be better off if they could somehow be removed? Can I doxx someone and describe all the horrible acts they have committed, but not explicitly instruct anyone to harm them?
I'm pretty sure the law doesn't allow for doxing of private information but I'm a layman when it comes to that sort of thing so I don't know for sure whether public information can have a case made against it. I certainly wouldn't support the release of a person's private information.

As for the first point, I think the right ends when you're trying to get people to go out and actually physically harm others or infringe upon their rights. So long as all you're doing is shitting on a specific group or just making claims that they don't have certain rights, then the right to speak remains. It's sad that people will spout that kind of rhetoric but they need to see how society in general will respond to it, they need to have their little bubble of ideas popped by the ideas of others. I think it's much worse if they stay inside that bubble where an echo chamber forms and no one is challenging them.

I'm not so afraid of radicals recruiting your average person to their cause when their rhetoric is so flawed, unreasonable, and/or oppressive. I have faith that people can be taught to think critically and discern what is really right and wrong.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:58:08 PM »
Define incitement concisely.
Telling people that they should go and physically attack others or their property?

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:46:52 PM »
My example with Owen Benjamin goes against what you're saying, though. The context of him saying the word nigga was ignored by the people who protested him. They didn't care that he was making a joke pointing out the absurdity of racism from rich white yuppies, they didn't care that he was just referencing an old meme, they didn't care that he isn't racist at all, they simply hated the fact that he said nigga being a white man.
oh okay, i see now

yeah, i guess it was wrong for him to be imprisoned and beaten to death, then

oh wait, he's still alive? he's still doing okay? and still perfectly free to do whatever he wants?

well then, looks like we got ourselves a non-fucking-issue
As for the point about censorship, I was not making that point about individuals, I was speaking generally. It's good to know you wouldn't try to censor anyone although it's sad to me that you would be willing to de-platform people.
you've yet to explain how de-platforming is even bad to begin with

it's good
If people want to listen to and exchange ideas with someone, then they should be able to do so. They should be able to allow someone a platform to speak, regardless of what that person's own ideas are. So long as there is no incitement to violence. It's that simple. It's a matter of principle. It also allows radicals to be confronted by the general public by which their ideas have a greater chance to be challenged, and creates less of a chance for them to withdraw into whatever dark corner they would have where they can claim to be oppressed and be radicalized even further.

In regards to the Owen Benjamin situation, I was simply making the point that these people, who claim to be a part of the left, are offended by his use of the word nigga and not the context behind that use. Which goes against what you're saying about the entirety of the left being opposed to getting upset over words alone.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:28:47 PM »
I will always be against the condemnation of words alone. Condemning the intent behind the words is another matter I believe is perfectly reasonable within a certain context, but words alone are not inherently harmful and being offending by a word seems to me to be either over-reaching outrage for the sake of using it against someone, or a sign of emotional fragility and weakness. Neither of which, I believe, is good for a person or society in general.
and everyone—EVERYONE on the left agrees with this

which contexts are reasonable is where you disagree

people who condemn vacuumized words are extremists who don't represent the whole of "the left," and they don't even represent a small fraction—even most of the ones who CLAIM to condemn that don't even really believe it
When it comes to censorship, I thought I already made it clear that what I had pointed out was de-platforming. The point I was making is that those who attempt to hecklers veto someone they disagree with are not the types of people that would stand against censorship, especially if it was happening to those they disagree with.
i would attempt to heckler's veto someone, regardless of whether i agree or disagree with them, and i stand against all censorship

oops looks like i proved you wrong
My example with Owen Benjamin goes against what you're saying, though. The context of him saying the word nigga was ignored by the people who protested him. They didn't care that he was making a joke pointing out the absurdity of racism from rich white yuppies, they didn't care that he was just referencing an old meme, they didn't care that he isn't racist at all, they simply hated the fact that he said nigga being a white man.

As for the point about censorship, I was not making that point about individuals, I was speaking generally. It's good to know you wouldn't try to censor anyone although it's sad to me that you would be willing to de-platform people.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:59:26 PM »
I will always be against the condemnation of words alone. Condemning the intent behind the words is another matter I believe is perfectly reasonable within a certain context, but words alone are not inherently harmful and being offending by a word seems to me to be either over-reaching outrage for the sake of using it against someone, or a sign of emotional fragility and weakness. Neither of which, I believe, is good for a person or society in general.

When it comes to censorship, I thought I already made it clear that what I had pointed out was de-platforming. The point I was making is that those who attempt to hecklers veto someone they disagree with are not the types of people that would stand against censorship, especially if it was happening to those they disagree with.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:32:57 PM »
free speech is not freedom to have whatever fucking soapbox you think you deserve to have
Nah it's freedom to express yourself, but if people want to listen to someone and give them a platform, then they shouldn't be prevented from doing so. So long as no one is inciting violence or creating a clear and imminent threat.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:30:13 PM »
Seriously, though, if anyone knows any left-wing peeps that aren't down with censorship/PC mess, let me know.
I cannot think of any who are, but you would probably like this guy.

Being politically correct is a good thing, first of all. What you're against is being "unreasonably polite."
I'll check dude out for sure, but goddamn I would absolutely hate to live in the society you seem to want. Thankfully the average person doesn't seem to want ours to be so. . . constricted.

The first point isn't censorship it's de-platforming, but people who do that sort of thing aren't the type to stand against censorship.

The second point is also de-platforming, but for a comedian being political incorrect with his comedy. Obviously those types of people wouldn't stand against political correctness.

You said that all of the left stands against political correctness, yet now you're saying political correctness is a good thing, so presumably, they wouldn't stand against it? That seems a bit contradictory.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:13:10 PM »
Seriously, though, if anyone knows any left-wing peeps that aren't down with censorship/PC mess, let me know.

I need to diversify the list of political/social commentators I watch.

Kyle Kulinski and Lee Camp are probably the only hard left peeps I check out. Most others with left leanings are more centrist.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:03:29 PM »
It's sad that there doesn't seem to be as many left leaning individuals standing against those sorts of things.
they all do

every single one of them

you just don't really understand what censorship and political correctness actually are, what they mean, or what they really entail
They all do? What kind of black and white world are you living in?

Countless times over the past few years there have been mobs of protestors and even rioters attempting to deplatform speakers they disagree with. And nearly always they are left-leaning. I don't think I've ever seen a single right-wing group attempt a hecklers veto (I'd sure be happy for someone to show me). Exactly how are people like that standing against censorship?

How is a mob of left-wing comedians getting Owen Benjamin's booked venues to back out of hosting his shows because he said nigga in one of his jokes a stand against political correctness?

As someone who is more left leaning than right, who has always been a bit at odds with my mostly religious and conservative family, I've been seriously disappointed in what I've seen coming from the left these past few years.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 07:32:53 PM »
As for a recommendation, I like Tim Pool's channel. He covers news events and does commentary. He tries to stay pretty neutral, sometimes to a slight fault imo, but still covers issues he feels are important so there's still some bias there. He does a pretty good job of disclaiming that though.
Thanks, I'll check him out though I definitely see what you mean about the bias. His narrative is very one-sided and seems to mainly consist of resisting the mainstream and social media, giving credence to controversial right-wing personalities, opposing anti-hate speech laws and "SJWs", and things like that. It's pretty obvious right away what his angle and intended audience is. The bias you mention becomes more clear in what aspects or angles of current events he chooses to cover (gun control, manipulation of people online). Definitely not a fan of the exaggerated clickbait titles either, but I'll look into his stuff some more. First impression is mixed.
I figured you would think that way because of the content he covers. Dude is far more left than right, but has a tendency to appeal to the right atm because of his opposition to censorship and political correctness. It's sad that there doesn't seem to be as many left leaning individuals standing against those sorts of things. Ftr, his content is not very provocative.

The Flood / Re: Are drug tests an invasion of privacy?
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:49:19 AM »
I think they're mostly a huge waste of money. Most of the time the only thing that really shows is pot, and that's only because it stays in one's system for up to 30 days. Practically all hard drugs are out within a couple of days, and if someone can't quit using for that long then they probably aren't gonna be looking for a job anyways.

The Flood / Re: What is your daily routine
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:08:16 AM »

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:06:30 AM »
Don't forego watching certain channels simply because they show bias so long as they aren't purposefully presenting false information. Watch them and those that present the other side of any particular argument as well.

Truly unbiased channels are few and far between. Sometimes. . . or a lot of the time, you have to just look at all the narratives and sort out the truth from it all yourself.

As for a recommendation, I like Tim Pool's channel. He covers news events and does commentary. He tries to stay pretty neutral, sometimes to a slight fault imo, but still covers issues he feels are important so there's still some bias there. He does a pretty good job of disclaiming that though.

The Flood / Re: "Skeptics"
« on: April 07, 2018, 10:35:31 PM »
what the fuck is a skeptic channel

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on ASMR?
« on: April 07, 2018, 10:56:02 AM »
Music is the only thing that has ever given me genuine ASMR. The whispering shit just seems to annoy me.

The Flood / Re: cant do dxm anymore
« on: April 04, 2018, 11:33:17 AM »
why not
my dom forbade it

He wants to keep His property in good shape and there's no way I'm letting Him down
Class no
But this is good for Class
No drugs is good. Being the "property" of some random dude online who tells him to do? Probably not so much.
Not great but if dude can give him some much needed direction in life then maybe he won't continue to drive himself into the ground figuratively and literally with his hedonism. He seems pretty adamant about wanting to be subjugated to the will of someone else anyways.
That's a huge if though. Someone giving Class some good direction would be great for him. I'm just skeptical about him finding it in some random "dom" online who seemingly just wants him to be in good shape for own reasons. If it helps then great. I've just got some doubts that it won't go south and end up even worse.
Yeah it's a huge if but he's obviously determined to be this way, regardless of how many times people point out the folly of his actions, so there isn't much more anyone can do. Finding a dom may be the only thing that can keep him from driving his life off of a cliff, if that itself doesn't end up becoming the cause it.

The Flood / Re: cant do dxm anymore
« on: April 04, 2018, 11:22:11 AM »
why not
my dom forbade it

He wants to keep His property in good shape and there's no way I'm letting Him down
Class no
But this is good for Class
No drugs is good. Being the "property" of some random dude online who tells him to do? Probably not so much.
Not great but if dude can give him some much needed direction in life then maybe he won't continue to drive himself into the ground figuratively and literally with his hedonism. He seems pretty adamant about wanting to be subjugated to the will of someone else anyways.

The Flood / Re: i finally have a light in my life
« on: April 03, 2018, 04:10:29 PM »
He only makes me
No one makes you do shit, take responsibility for your own actions, even submissive ones.
i dont have volition im only a tool and thats how it should be

why isnt this place happy for me this is all ive ever wanted
You can't use your fetishes to excuse yourself from autonomy.
this isnt a fucking fetish its a personality trait, its  WHO I am

im using my automony to make this lifestyle choice for me, and its amazing
So you're making a lifestyle choice to be submissive, which means you have volition.

The Flood / Re: i finally have a light in my life
« on: April 03, 2018, 03:03:35 PM »
He only makes me
No one makes you do shit, take responsibility for your own actions, even submissive ones.
i dont have volition im only a tool and thats how it should be

why isnt this place happy for me this is all ive ever wanted
You can't use your fetishes to excuse yourself from autonomy.

The Flood / Re: i finally have a light in my life
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:04:42 PM »
He only makes me
No one makes you do shit, take responsibility for your own actions, even submissive ones.

Gaming / Re: NFSU2 (general/playthrough sort of)
« on: April 02, 2018, 01:53:16 PM »
Okay this is legit bullshit. At least I’ve found a way to cheese that shit to avoid getting rubber banded or have a van swerve in front of me but still. I’ll sit down tomorrow and do 15 outruns in a row before I give up on this grind altogether.
You should've already received it. It only takes like 10 once you're in the last stage iirc.

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