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Messages - Aether

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So long as I'm well enough, whenever I'm interacting with someone much better than me at something I want to be skilled at.

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 13, 2018, 05:53:27 PM »
Always grounded. My dad didn't like to spank me or my sister because he was physically abused by his dad when he was a kid and it upset him to have to even spank his kids. My mom would try to spank us at times but that shit never hurt enough to be a genuine punishment, really. Getting grounded was a lot worse.

Some people find it weird when I buy almond butter instead of peanut butter but they just don't realize how delicious that shit is.

Serious / Re: Should pedophiles be chemically castrated by law?
« on: April 22, 2018, 11:55:37 AM »
Wouldn't they still be able to experience sexual pleasure? Does chemical castration kill your libido on top of your ability to reproduce?

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Remastered
« on: April 20, 2018, 10:30:00 PM »
I'm torn on whether or not to get the remaster or just play through the Prepare To Die edition again with mods.

The quality of life improvements are great but the game doesn't look that much better graphically imo. Would be nice if they offered it to PC players for free like like Skyrim Special Edition was, but I seriously doubt that would happen.

The Flood / Re: howre you doing
« on: April 20, 2018, 04:34:39 PM »
I feel like dying.

The Flood / Re: cutting off my penis
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:40:11 PM »
did it touch the inside of the toilet bowl

The Flood / Re: dxm is great
« on: April 17, 2018, 02:32:15 PM »
lol and he thinks drugs like this are just fucking okay to take
Well yeah if you have a cold.

The Flood / Re: Oh man
« on: April 16, 2018, 10:47:58 PM »
It's common knowledge that cheats are jews and jews are cheats.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 05:20:16 PM »
I never said that taking job is like choosing a slavery, I said that you take job for survival, because if not for survival, then why?
As I was explaining to Verb, some people take a job because it's engaging and the responsibility gives meaning to their life. Not just to earn enough to survive.
Responsibility or anything giving meaning to peoples life is for one`s survival. Hobbies might be as engaging as job is, expecially when you find people with simillar hobby.

A hobby can be engaging but there are some people that feel engaged with their work more so than any hobby they might have. Working isn't always just about earning a living is what I'm trying to say. For many it's about the meaning it gives them, and for those types of people, if they had all of their needs taken care of, if they had all the money in the world, they would still need find some kind of work to do or else they would just deteriorate.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 04:18:52 PM »
I never said that taking job is like choosing a slavery, I said that you take job for survival, because if not for survival, then why?
As I was explaining to Verb, some people take a job because it's engaging and the responsibility gives meaning to their life. Not just to earn enough to survive.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 02:52:10 PM »
You can thank eastern philosophy for instilling me with a respect for the importance and benefits of hard work.
What does this even mean?
I was a careless teen who didn't give a shit until I started looking into some of the principles of Zen Buddhism and Advaita? Mainly because Christianity didn't resonate much with me in the way it had always been presented.

Actually, JBP did give me a greater appreciation for it when I watched his biblical lectures, but I still wish he wouldn't focus so much on Christianity itself, but rather, the values he presents from his interpretation of it.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 02:41:51 PM »
can you empirically PROVE that all of those things were built by people who enjoyed building them and never experienced an ounce of misery or tedium while doing so

because i can guarantee that you're dead wrong—NONE of those people were or are industrious
I'm not speaking in absolutes, sorry if that isn't clear. I don't mean to say that every single person was happy the entire time they were working, or that every single person that helps keeps society running is industrious. I'm saying that some people work because it gives their life meaning and that without industrious people society would practically fall apart.

Nothing about this view is anything I hadn't already felt deep down long before I ever knew about JBP. You can thank eastern philosophy for instilling me with a respect for the importance and benefits of hard work.

This conversation is probably pointless anyways. You are more adamant than anyone I know of and there's virtually no chance I would ever get you to reconsider the way you feel about work. There doesn't seem to be anyone "on the fence" about this topic that would read any of this either, so we can just disagree and move on.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 01:31:14 PM »
I don't buy it. Not every person is the same, and I think an industrious person that stays true to who they are will relish in working hard. As a creative and open person, what gives meaning to my life and makes it engaging for me is creating art in some form. When I observe someone industrious, they seem have the same relationship with work. If they weren't able to work as they wished I believe it would be similar to if I was unable to create, which would be certain misery and hopeless nihilism.
you never contradicted me here

i already covered stupid people in my post, and that's where i file "industrious people"

i consider being "industrious" a sign of lower intelligence—you HAVE to be an idiot to enjoy work
It's very obvious that you aren't an industrious person so I'm not sure why you would assume that someone who is would have the same relationship with work as you do.
i don't

hence why they're idiots and i'm not
Well those supposed "idiots" are what makes our society function. They're the reason you have running water and electricity. They're the people who would save your life were you trapped in a burning building or had been critically injured in some accident. They're the one's who make sure the streets aren't littered with garbage and that our cities aren't decadent. In fact, they're the one's who actually build our cities in the first place.

Your characterization of industrious people looks particularly foolish and ungrateful.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 12:37:23 PM »
The pay-off is discipline and self-worth.
the payoff is also exhaustion, misery, and age—oftentimes in greater amounts
Hard work doesn't make a person inherently miserable. There are many people that are miserable when they aren't working hard.
i'm really not sure where you're getting that from my post

all i did was express the very real possibility that working hard has its adverse effects—you may be some fucking weirdo who actually likes doing work or some shit, but not everybody is you

that's all i'm saying
I'm not talking about me, I'm not a particularly industrious person, but the way you talk makes it sound like misery is an inevitability with hard work.
i mean in some ways i think it is

i think those who work and aren't miserable are either stupid or fooling themselves
I don't buy it. Not every person is the same, and I think an industrious person that stays true to who they are will relish in working hard. As a creative and open person, what gives meaning to my life and makes it engaging for me is creating art in some form. When I observe someone industrious, they seem have the same relationship with work. If they weren't able to work as they wished I believe it would be similar to if I was unable to create, which would be certain misery and hopeless nihilism.

It's very obvious that you aren't an industrious person so I'm not sure why you would assume that someone who is would have the same relationship with work as you do.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 12:13:59 PM »
The pay-off is discipline and self-worth.
the payoff is also exhaustion, misery, and age—oftentimes in greater amounts
Hard work doesn't make a person inherently miserable. There are many people that are miserable when they aren't working hard.
i'm really not sure where you're getting that from my post

all i did was express the very real possibility that working hard has its adverse effects—you may be some fucking weirdo who actually likes doing work or some shit, but not everybody is you

that's all i'm saying
I'm not talking about me, I'm not a particularly industrious person, but the way you talk makes it sound like misery is an inevitability with hard work.

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 12:03:40 PM »
The pay-off is discipline and self-worth.
the payoff is also exhaustion, misery, and age—oftentimes in greater amounts
Hard work doesn't make a person inherently miserable. There are many people that are miserable when they aren't working hard.

Gaming / Re: Video game music that no one appreciates but you
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:34:05 PM »
Always loved this OST, and super happy that PDO is coming to xbox one on tuesday.


Gaming / Re: What are some popular franchises that you've never played
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:31:25 PM »
The Witcher
Far Cry
Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
FIFA and all other team sports games.
Fall Out
God Of War
Tomb Raider

There's plenty more tbh.

The Flood / Re: Moat oppressed species on Earth?
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:22:47 PM »
Anything cute that lives in China.

About 3 hours ago the United States, France, and the UK joined together to bomb Syria.

Not that such trivial, real-life bullshit matters to anyone here.

Then make a serious post you stupid fucker.
There's already a thread.

Serious / Re: Trump Vows ‘Big Price’ for Syria Attack
« on: April 14, 2018, 05:22:11 AM »
So uh... What is the US / UK doing in a sovereign country and bombing the shit out of it too?
Presumably regime change, but do they even have an actual replacement for the Syrian government besides letting the jihadist groups take over? Doesn't look like it.

Serious / Re: Trump Vows ‘Big Price’ for Syria Attack
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:38:46 PM »
Well they just bombed Damascus. Before a team could even get over to Douma and investigate the alleged chemical attack.

Republicans, democrats, and the media all around are totally on board with US intervention in Syria, without even having proof.

They'll fight and bicker over everything under the sun except whether or not we should drop more bombs on the middle east.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: April 13, 2018, 08:29:41 PM »
Still drawing in my comfort zone but at least I'm drawing at all.

We should probably address problems on Earth while we wait for Musk and his ilk to get at least one person to Mars in the first place.

The Flood / Re: Whats Verbs ideal job?
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:05:31 PM »
the guy that hands out the bread to breadline

The Flood / Re: tips for ending all drugs
« on: April 12, 2018, 10:52:55 AM »
Exercise, meditation, passionate hobbies.

The Flood / Re: How many $ and Miles is too much for a booty call?
« on: April 11, 2018, 09:10:46 PM »
256,907 nautical feet

Serious / Re: Trump Vows ‘Big Price’ for Syria Attack
« on: April 11, 2018, 05:37:29 PM »
I guess perpetual war in the middle east is just a thing for the US now. I'm sure defense contractors are elated.

Gaming / Re: NFSU2 (general/playthrough sort of)
« on: April 10, 2018, 05:44:52 PM »
Let me guess. You have to complete the outruns in Stage 5 itself and if you complete the game first, you can’t unlock the body kits because it registers it as stage 6.

Fuck this game and its dream crushing bullshit. I’ve legit won 20+ outruns in the same car and nothing.
Yeah mang, the unique unlocks are stage specific.

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