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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: The EU just banned memes
« on: September 14, 2018, 04:18:25 PM »
Recital 33: " This protection (being that of publishers and authors' content) does not extend to acts of hyperlinking".

Recital 38: "...the responsibility of online content sharing providers pursuant to Article 13 does not extend to acts of

Article 11 paragraph 2a: "The rights referred to in paragraph 1 (which is the rights holder being able to claim compensation for use) shall not extend to mere hyperlinks which are accompanied by individual words" (meaning that hyperlinks are exempt from tax, fee, licensing or any claims of renumeration).

And I don't think it's a good idea to make platforms liable for their users having posted copyrighted material. My concern is that sites will create vast overreaching AI driven filters to remove or block copyrighted material that will not be able to distinguish between content that has been transformed through fair-use, all just to avoid getting fined.
The Directive makes no mention of any fines. There is no European or national authority that will look for copyrighted material being posted and then fine the platform it's on. The Directive calls for licensing agreements to be concluded between the platforms and the rights holder which will settle the details of any liability issues that might arise. It also instates thorough redress mechanisms in the event that material was unduly removed, states that automatic blocking of content shouldn't happen and requires non-infringing material (such as fair use material) to remain freely available.

Article 13.2a:  "...shall not lead to preventing the availability of non-infringing works or other protected subject matter, including those covered by an exception or limitation to copyright."

Article 13.2b: "Any complaint filed under such mechanisms shall be processed without undue delay and be subject to human review."

Article 13.": "Special account shall be taken of fundamental rights, the use of exceptions and limitations as well as
ensuring that the burden on SMEs remains appropriate and that automated blocking of content is avoided."

I agree that there are genuine concerns but much of this is exaggerated and few who raise your arguments have taken the time to actually read the law or understand what's actually in it. Hopefully this helps you understand it better.
My understanding of article 11 was that it would be regulating links that display the title of an article and a bit of info underneath. Like those you see on Facebook when linking to any external news site. Which is not something I agree with.

As for article 13? If there are no fines then how are they going to hold platforms accountable for the copyrighted material on them? Why will they spend the money creating the automated systems or employing people to impose the regulations? If the laws are simply that the rights holder has the right to file a claim against something posted on a platform, then how is it really any different than what sites like YouTube already do? Where is the improvement here and how exactly are they going to actually impose the regulations on platforms?

The Flood / Re: The EU just banned memes
« on: September 14, 2018, 01:11:57 PM »
The new regulations seem pretty awful for fair-use content creation and the sharing of information, regardless of how you want to spin it.
I don't particularly support the Directive myself but be aware that there's two sides to this story. You're concerned with content creation, which is a legitimate concern, but you should realize that plenty of organizations representing artists, authors, musicians, photographers, videographers and so on have voiced their support for the Directive, arguing it will help content creators receive more and fairer renumeration and address people misusing and plagiarizing their work. I know several small time visual artists who are quite happy with the outcome for just that reason.

We'll have to wait and see what the outcome will be but I don't see it being anywhere near as bad as some would have you believe. The latest version of the law has been thoroughly amended and contains additional safeguards for individual users / SME's as well as serious redress mechanisms, requirements to respect copyright exceptions like fair use and requests not to blanket block or ban content.
I, personally, just don't see having to pay a fee for hyperlinking to be a good thing in any shape or form. The concept seems absolutely ridiculous. Hyperlinking is one of the most basic features of the internet and is essential for the sharing of information.

And I don't think it's a good idea to make platforms liable for their users having posted copyrighted material. My concern is that sites will create vast overreaching AI driven filters to remove or block copyrighted material that will not be able to distinguish between content that has been transformed through fair-use, all just to avoid getting fined.

The Flood / Re: The EU just banned memes
« on: September 14, 2018, 10:53:14 AM »
The new regulations seem pretty awful for fair-use content creation and the sharing of information, regardless of how you want to spin it.

The Flood / Re: No clear winner in the Swedish general election
« on: September 14, 2018, 09:51:31 AM »
Regarding your point about communism. I don't think the totalitarian nightmare that played out in many countries was what communism was supposed to truly be no, I just think it's impossible to create a utopia like that because humans will inevitably push back against what it's supposed to be and it will devolve into the horrors that took place and still do today.

With populism, I don't see why there couldn't be a genuine politician that would truly want to represent the ordinary citizen. For "real" communism it requires an entire society to go along with it to have it function properly. It only takes a single genuine person to have a true populist politician which is vastly more feasible. I don't expect there to actually be any genuine populist politicians, mainly because I think politics has been totally corrupted by money and special interests, but I don't think it's nearly as impossible for one to exist as you make it sound.

So no I disagree that the issues you speak about are inherent to populism, I just think they continue to happen because of the state of the current system and our societies. Scrutinizing corrupt politicians is, in no way something I am against, but I think they should be scrutinized for their actual specific corrupt practices,  and not simply applying a blanket term to them that is supposed to encompass all of those practices. I'm not a fan of blanket terms in general because I feel like a lot of the nuance of any idea or movement is lost with them.

In regards to nationalism, I've always understood it to be mainly about pride in one's nationality and wanting to maintain their nation's culture and its ability to govern itself. There are many people I know, a lot of them in my family, that would identify as nationalist in that sense, but they wouldn't consider themselves superior to the people of other nations. So when you imply that supremacy is inherent to nationalism and someone accepts that, they would look at my family and see them as supremacists when they identify with nationalism, even though they are not.

I don't think attributing these negative characteristics to both populism and nationalism as though they are inherent to them is conducive to understanding many of those that identify with them with clarity. It's not that I think anyone who identifies with them is automatically good for doing so, I just think these ideas, with how you define them, cast a wide net of negative connotations over a great deal of people who identify with them that don't actually believe or practice those negative aspects. I think it would be better if people focused far less on these blanket terms when trying to address issues and focused on the specific issues instead.

On social justice, I have no problem with it. It's fine. What I oppose is authoritarianism and the trampling of liberty. With political correctness, I believe that there is technically no reason anyone actually has to feel offended by anything. We're only human so we will inevitably be offended by something, and that's perfectly understandable, but words ultimately only have as much power over our emotions as we let them have. People would be better off it they just learned to let go of their outrage at offensive speech. I see that kind of outrage as a weakness of character. Political correctness gives into that weakness and perpetuates it, which is why I don't like it. The fact that it has a tendency to infringe upon a person's right to freedom of expression is just an added negative.

Ultimately I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Just be careful when you oppose these ideas rather than individuals who identify with them because not everyone you oppose will be the way you might view them.

The Flood / Re: No clear winner in the Swedish general election
« on: September 12, 2018, 06:24:20 PM »
-Being populist and nationalist.
What exactly is so terrible about representing ordinary citizens? Or being proud of your country/nationality?

I'm not a very patriotic person but I don't have anything against anyone who is.
I think it's very disingenuous to pretend that's what populism and nationalism are actually about. Populism is as much about caring about the ordinary citizen as soviet communism was about true equality and abolishment of social classes while those in power were just "more equal" than others and lived in wealth and decadence. On paper and oversimplified it sounds wonderful. Hell yeah, the normal, fair and honest citizens take on the sick and corrupt elite. Who could possibly be opposed to that? But in reality, it's a lot different. And I'll quote something I said in some other thread.

The problem lies more with the tactics being used that are almost inherent to populism. Deliberately targeting the uneducated with waves of propaganda. Riling up latent feelings of discomfort and fear to focus on a convenient and simple scapegoat. Manipulating the complaints of the disenfranchised to serve particular interests. Relying primarily on misinformation and misleading claims to gain support. Oversimplifying complex and multifaceted issues into biased and one-sided snippets of inadequate information. Waging a figurative war on all those who disagree by painting them as elitist bureaucrats looking to keep the pure people down. Deliberately ignoring evidence to the contrary and making bold claims and problems on things known to be nearly impossible. Supporting what at first sight appears to be true according to the gut feeling of the least qualified to judge an issue while dismissing the well researched and substantiated findings of highly qualified experts with years of experience. It's emotion over reason and logic.

Additionally, it is typically opposed to institutions of power, checks and balances, human and civil rights and so forth. Way too often, it is a movement aimed at using misleading claims and misinformation to convince the gullible and uneducated that their complaints will disappear if only the distant and unreachable elite keeping the common man down is taken care off and both expertise and knowledge make way for the impressions of poorly qualified men, only to then replace them with equally distant and elitist leaders of their own that will continue to manipulate them for their own gain and escalate the war on "the other".

I've thought this for years and have only grown more convinced over the years. Populism is one of the, if not the single greatest, threat(s) to western democracy and its core values. It's what brought us Trump and Brexit and hundreds of other smaller pains. This is a perfect example. Anti-vaxx crowds have been gaining popularity in Italy. This has led to thousands of infected children with preventable diseases and several fatalities. A law was proposed to stop this and require more common vaccinations before allowing children to enroll in public schools. Everything looked set until the populist party gained more power in the recent elections. As always, it's anti-science. Anti-intellectualism. Anti-experts. Who cares about facts and actual medicine? Thousands of uninformed people are susceptible to anti-vaxx BS, so why not run with it? Paint the "medical elite" as the bad guys, attack people who get their children vaccinated, describe vaccine policies as "useless and sometimes dangerous", give a platform to anti-vaxx personalities, fan the flames by campaigning against the corrupt elite coaxing you into injecting your children and distributing blatant BS information linking it to autism, depression, cancer... They painted something as commonsense as a vaccine policy for public schools as corrupt elitists trying to line their own pockets and keep the common man down by exposing the children to illness and interfering with the lives of ordinary people. And they succeeded. No extensive vaccine policy anymore. It's a u-turn on vaccine requirements and the first step down a path that medical organizations in Italy fear will lead to the complete removal of a vaccination policy. The country accounts for only around 10% of the EU population yet has almost 30% of its measles infections in the past few years - a number that's been on the rise. That's real populism for you. "Representing the ordinary citizens" my ass. It's a kick in the teeth for anyone who values truth, reason and sensible policy. And the most ironic part is that it happens on the backs of those who ultimately pay the greatest price.

And nationalism is more straightforward. It's got nothing to do with being proud of who you are or where you're from. It's a pretty extreme ideology that generally revolves around the idea that your people are inherently better than the rest and that your national identity should be protected at the cost of others. It goes far beyond reasonable restrictions on immigration and cultural protections and casually flirts with racism and xenophobia every step of the way.
Are they not defined as such?

If some politician wants to put on a charade of populism but isn't actually really for the people he purports to represent then he's not really populist, is he? I'm sorry, there may be a lot of shady "populist" politicians but they aren't shady for wanting to represent the ordinary citizen. They are shady for whatever corrupt practices they have. If they don't actually care about the people of their country then they're not truly populist.

By all means call out politicians for all of their corruption but don't act like populism is a package deal with that corruption. It's not an inherently negative thing. Crooked politicians just use it as a method of getting what they want.

As for nationalism. I think we're just in total disagreement with what it actually is. I know a lot of nationalistic people, who are very proud of their country, heritage etc. but very few of them view themselves as superior to people from other nations. I don't see in any why why being proud of your country would inherently mean you have to think its people are superior to those of other nations. I, personally, don't see any reason for me to feel proud of some immutable characteristic I have no control over like what country I was born in, but I certainly don't think it's as terrible as you are saying.

I'm not being disingenuous here, this is how I view both populism and nationalism based on how they are defined and how I have experienced them. I can only think that we must have significantly different life experience to see these things so differently. I'm perfectly capable of recognizing when a political or ideological movement has issues like the ones you've stated, so long as the evidence for it is apparent, but I don't think it's wise to assume that something will always have characteristics that aren't inherent to it. I'm also not very fond of the meaning of ideas being warped by things that aren't becoming of those ideas. This has happened to the idea of liberalism here in the US and it's frustrating to see so many people criticize liberals for things that don't actually represent what liberalism is actually supposed to be about. I feel like this same thing is happening to both populism and nationalism among other ideas.

The Flood / Re: Anybody Else In Flourence’s Way
« on: September 12, 2018, 11:47:05 AM »
I'm an hour and a half from where it's supposed to directly hit. My town will undoubtedly be flooded very badly since a river runs through it, but luckily I live in an area away from the basin so water isn't as likely to build up here, although my neighborhood is still likely to flood to some degree as the rain keeps pouring. We're expecting over a foot.

My mom works at the hospital in Jacksonville NC which is much closer and it's mandatory for her to be there during the storm so she'll be in the thick of it. It's likely she won't even be able to get home for over a week after Florence has gone due to flooded roads.

The Flood / Re: No clear winner in the Swedish general election
« on: September 12, 2018, 11:34:44 AM »
-Being populist and nationalist.
What exactly is so terrible about representing ordinary citizens? Or being proud of your country/nationality?

I'm not a very patriotic person but I don't have anything against anyone who is.

Sick, unhealthy people is big business.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: September 09, 2018, 12:43:18 AM »
Abstract doodle with a bic pen and mechanical pencil.

The Flood / Re: why is this place so active
« on: September 06, 2018, 06:03:06 PM »
only lasted four years

The Flood / Re: Nike Political Views
« on: September 06, 2018, 02:50:18 PM »
I'm getting kind of tired of how politicized everything is seeming to get nowadays, but it more so bothers me when it's something I like that's specifically non-political or ideological, mainly forms of entertainment media. There are times when I just want a break from the circus so I'm not exactly a fan when the things I use as an escape start to join in.

As far as Nike goes, I just don't care really. I have no interest in them.

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2: Forsaken Thread
« on: September 05, 2018, 10:11:08 AM »
My broke ass can't afford any games as a live service.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: September 03, 2018, 12:35:06 AM »
Mo letters.

The Flood / Re: That’s a beautiful, incredible,
« on: September 02, 2018, 03:36:33 PM »
who tf is blowing loads on the ceiling

The Flood / Re: The Chinese are geniuses
« on: August 28, 2018, 05:00:08 PM »
Are they harvesting their organs to?
to where?
Their massive cryo-storage warehouses, of course.

The Flood / Re: The Chinese are geniuses
« on: August 28, 2018, 03:08:03 PM »
Are they harvesting their organs to?

The Flood / Re: Weather/Astronomy Thread
« on: August 28, 2018, 01:32:45 AM »
The only thing I have is this picture of the moon I took with a basic digital cam and a telescope.

I think the oldest thing I have book/paper wise is my first blackbook that survived a house fire. It's all charred and burnt up now, but I think it adds to the charm.

Damn, those bring back memories.

The Flood / Re: Of all the places I thought I'd see my art displayed...
« on: August 26, 2018, 01:22:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: Obligatory birthday thread
« on: August 18, 2018, 03:32:24 PM »
Congo rats the size of chihuahuas etc.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: August 16, 2018, 12:05:58 AM »
Trying to get back into digital art. Gotta a lot of work ahead of me.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 10, 2018, 08:39:13 PM »
H3 is saying their podcast got shut down on YouTube and their channel's livestream privilege revoked for talking about Jones.

Hopefully it was just the AI being absolute shit again, and Alex Jones isn't like Voldemort now.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:42:26 PM »
These websites aren’t as untocheable as you guys are making them out to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if the large majority of content creators aren’t at least very irritated with YT these days.
I know a bunch of fairly large creators that are particularly annoyed with YT. It's just that there is no viable alternative platform for most of them besides maybe twitch, and that's only for the gamers or artists I watch. Most creators really don't have any other place to go. No where else has the sheer amount of viewers YT can provide.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:01:22 PM »
leave YouTube to their devices and then maybe everybody will move to twitch and YT can die.
Normies aren't going to stop using YouTube, and it's normies that ultimately dictate what platforms are the most prominent and where the majority of content creators are going to be.

Alex Jones is free to make his own website and upload videos there. I'm sure his cult will go watch him.
Okay? I'm not taking about Jones anymore.

I'm talking about alternative platforms becoming viable for large creators. Until your average person starts using them, most creators will continue to use mainstream sites like YouTube. I wouldn't expect people to uproot their followers by moving to another platform and risk losing a huge number of them for the sake of using a more free and open platform.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 07, 2018, 04:18:59 PM »
leave YouTube to their devices and then maybe everybody will move to twitch and YT can die.
Normies aren't going to stop using YouTube, and it's normies that ultimately dictate what platforms are the most prominent and where the majority of content creators are going to be.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 07, 2018, 09:04:36 AM »
As long as he did nothing illegal then I have more respect for any platform that doesn't ban him or Infowars. I may not care for Alex Jones but I do like when any site upholds the values of freedom of expression even though they aren't legally required to.

The seemingly coordinated banning seems like a bad idea, regardless, as it just gives the guy more reason to claim the establishment is oppressing him and his supporters.

I like to see people on the fringes pulled closer to the center, not forced further into the fringe. If it means having to deal with a partisan conspiratorial cook like Jones then so be it.
He openly bullshits though and calls his network a genuine news outlet, if he labelled himself as a comedy actor it would be fine.
I may not agree with his practices but, regardless, I still value freedom of expression over protecting people from his ideas. People should be treated with the kind of basic respect that allows them to decide for themselves what ideas they choose to listen to and believe. I would never presume to say that, because I disagree with Alex Jones, other people should't be allowed to listen to what he says.
People should absolutely be protected from propaganda designed to harm the fabric of society.
I'm not willing to give up my right or anyone else's right to listen to controversial or offensive ideas for the sake of ideological stability in society. Sounds like a dystopian nanny state just waiting to happen.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 06, 2018, 06:56:15 PM »
As long as he did nothing illegal then I have more respect for any platform that doesn't ban him or Infowars. I may not care for Alex Jones but I do like when any site upholds the values of freedom of expression even though they aren't legally required to.

The seemingly coordinated banning seems like a bad idea, regardless, as it just gives the guy more reason to claim the establishment is oppressing him and his supporters.

I like to see people on the fringes pulled closer to the center, not forced further into the fringe. If it means having to deal with a partisan conspiratorial cook like Jones then so be it.
He openly bullshits though and calls his network a genuine news outlet, if he labelled himself as a comedy actor it would be fine.
I may not agree with his practices but, regardless, I still value freedom of expression over protecting people from his ideas. People should be treated with the kind of basic respect that allows them to decide for themselves what ideas they choose to listen to and believe. I would never presume to say that, because I disagree with Alex Jones, other people should't be allowed to listen to what he says.

The Flood / Re: I hate Massachusetts.
« on: August 06, 2018, 06:40:05 PM »
Hey they have legal weed soon.

The Flood / Re: Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube etc...
« on: August 06, 2018, 06:37:09 PM »
As long as he did nothing illegal then I have more respect for any platform that doesn't ban him or Infowars. I may not care for Alex Jones but I do like when any site upholds the values of freedom of expression even though they aren't legally required to.

The seemingly coordinated banning seems like a bad idea, regardless, as it just gives the guy more reason to claim the establishment is oppressing him and his supporters.

I like to see people on the fringes pulled closer to the center, not forced further into the fringe. If it means having to deal with a partisan conspiratorial cook like Jones then so be it.

The Flood / Re: I have 1,000 pages of liked posts
« on: August 04, 2018, 07:58:10 PM »
tbh I'm surprised I have over 100.

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