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Messages - Aether

Pages: 1 ... 195196197 198199 ... 229
The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:55:36 AM »
That's your job :3
Naaahhh that's clearly not the reason why I'm trying to get to the bottom of things. . .

The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:53:23 AM »
That shit occurs often here.
Tf are you talking about? Did someone legitimately start drama with peep's family or friends or not?

No there was no drama like that
Alright, then where is this supposed irl drama that apparently occurs often? Honestly, that's taking the harassment to a level it shouldn't reach and mods are supposed to take care of that mess.

The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:50:23 AM »
Can I pm you in a bit? I'm starting class soon.
Ye w/e. Still if this was so serious then why was it not brought up to staff eariler? smh.

The Flood / Re: Best songs to get stoned to?
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:48:04 AM »
ffs kneegrow there are honestly some really great instrumentals for toking.


If you just have to have lyrics this try this:


The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:43:26 AM »
That shit occurs often here.
Tf are you talking about? Did someone legitimately start drama with peep's family or friends or not?

The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:33:13 AM »
Heysoose, I didn't know the internet was actually this serious.
It becomes a bit serious when people attack others at a more personal level.
Shit nigga, did someone go into irl waters or something?

The Flood / Re: Going back to the
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:27:25 AM »
Heysoose, I didn't know the internet was actually this serious.

The Flood / Re: Invincible users hangout
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:52:54 PM »
Does it look like I have time to post all day?

The Flood / Re: What is something that interests you greatly?
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:36:57 PM »
Something niche?

Definitely graffiti.

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:45:21 AM »
TripHop is the shit.


The Flood / Re: *snuffles your pocket*
« on: October 06, 2014, 10:41:01 AM »
Jesus fuck don't do that I have an eight ball of blow in there. Christo. .

The Slayer.

The Flood / Re: Stop replying to threads
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:24:46 AM »
I don't always post in threads, but when I do. . .

Ain't no body tell me how to live my life.

The Flood / Re: I haff great idea, you guys
« on: October 06, 2014, 08:59:12 AM »
I would have to roll on ex.

The Flood / Re: 50 Ways
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:22:51 PM »
Superman Prime could blink and Batman would pop out of existence.

The Flood / Re: An apology
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:06:56 AM »
This thread reminds me how remaining neutral is the hardest position to maintain.
Its quite easy.
Oh no for some it just comes naturally.

The Flood / Re: An apology
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:34:32 AM »
This thread reminds me how remaining neutral is the hardest position to maintain.

The Flood / Re: Give me drawing ideas you crazy bastards
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:02:50 AM »
No one ever takes this suggestion on. . . still, here goes. .

A raptor riding a raptor riding a raptor with a laser beam attached to it's head leading a swarm of bees in a battle charge.

Septagon / Re: So is loli allowed on anarchy?
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:34:40 AM »
Do you peeps see this? Isara is essentially calling you all block heads.


Septagon / Re: So is loli allowed on anarchy?
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:21:33 AM »
I figured Cheat had hoped common sense would steer the board out of illegal waters, and action taken against anything too controversial would be understood and not taken as some sort of double standard in moderation.

The Flood / Re: NIGGA!
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:16:37 AM »
plz return based elegiac I forever long to see your bright eyes and bushy tail

my nigga. . .

Septagon / Re: So is loli allowed on anarchy?
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:13:16 AM »
On a personal level it's hilarious how people pointed at the exhibitionist "show your dicks guys!" thread as illegal of sorts, but nobody raised their tone for the "babe" and the hentai thread. I don't want to imply something silly, since it's just our little community here, but if we become to accept nude drawn characters, ladies and such media then why is the line drawn at exhibitionism?
Did that thread actually mean for members to post their own nudes?

Members posting nudes of themselves cannot be selectively regulated. There's no way to actually know 100% that any given member is at least 18. Personal nudes just shouldn't be allowed, period.

Cartoon porn isn't an actual person, and just about any 'real' porn found anywhere outside of the deep web is going to have adults.

The Flood / Re: Coffee time.
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:50:21 AM »
Wait a minute, I just read the op. . .

Mr Chronic thinks my butt is hurt

I never said that shit. . .

The Flood / Re: Coffee time.
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:21:20 AM »
Ummmmmm yay for me I guess???

Am I the only one left scratching their heads here?
You doused his luster in the mud of your nonrecognition and instead of wallowing in your slop he hopped out of the pen.

The Flood / Re: Good-byes are always hard..
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:15:36 AM »
Bungie was great back in the day. Now? I feel like 343 has the open ears and gives more back. Hell they hosted a 500 thousand dollar tournament last year. When's the last time Bungie gave that much back to the community?

Would never use Waypoint as a place to post, however.

The Flood / Re: Anyone who doesn't love Starbucks is living in denial
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:26:10 PM »
I'm not a fan of coffee.

The Flood / Re: Favorite type of ice cream?
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:44:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: Close your eyes
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:33:52 PM »
what le fuck

what le fuck

The Flood / Re: >be me
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:59:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: >be me
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:51:44 PM »

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