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Messages - Aether

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Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:54:03 AM »
Anything else is your own goddamn fault because you were being an idiot.
So, essentially, an idiot/moron to you is someone with who is weak willed?
If you weren't prescribed by a doctor and decided to diagnose yourself and how much you should take without the proper knowledge? Yeah kinda.
That doesn't make much sense in regards to my question. I'm not concerned with whether or not someone decided to dose themselves.

I'm simply asking you if you believe that having a weak power of will is a distinguished attribute for an idiot/moron because that appears to be what you're implying.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:52:01 AM »
Never done them, never will.
I don't want to numb my mind, I need to be aware.
As if aceylpsilocin numbs the mind.

Christo that was probably the most intense perception I've ever experienced.

Well, not literally "numbing the mind". My mistake (though some do that).
But rather, taking my eyes off what's important. Losing focus.
Well that all depends on the substance, your mentality, and how it affects you tbh. You could be be a dullard, snort four xanax bars and forget everything you did for a night. Or could drop acid when you're down, have an epiphany, and find new inspiration in life.

Any given experience is a very subjective thing. It can also be powerful, enlightening, and/or harrowing, or maybe even insignificant. There's no guarantee one will lose focus. Their focus may even sharpen.

In the end, what distinguishes these experiences as something that not everyone is cut out for is the fact that they are all altered perception.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:50:28 AM »
Anything else is your own goddamn fault because you were being an idiot.
So, essentially, an idiot/moron to you is someone with who is weak willed?

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:39:32 AM »
I said defensive, not offensive.
That. . . was a typo.

I know you used to smoke weed, and the way you jumped on me when Slash has pretty obviously been playing around with dangerous substances the past few days kind of shows some defensiveness there.
Regardless of what you might perceive. I'm not angry. I've had this discussion many many times before with people simply because It interests me.[/quote]

I'm not sure why you felt like I jumped on you, perhaps I was too offensive in saying that you were acting naive? It's w/e.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:29:57 AM »
There's a surprise.
Anyways, no. Like Verby says, I'm not a moron.
You don't have to be a moron to fall prey to addiction. Thinking that such is simply a matter of stupidity is naive.
It's called not doing drugs, m8.
Was that supposed to convince me that you're right?
Well...yeah, having some form of restraint and not doing drugs is generally the smarter path to go. If you want to smoke weed that's great and all, (I feel the same about that as I do alcohol and tobacco) but not doing them at all or in very small amounts usually means you're trying to play it smart.

You really don't need to get so defensive.
Do  you really take me for the type of person to get defensive over something like that? smh

Addiction isn't just a matter of illegal substances. There are countless people these days addicted to pharmaceuticals that their own doctors and psychiatrists have prescribed for them.

It isn't a matter of just 'not doing drugs' and it isn't even just a matter of drugs. Addiction can manifest itself in many areas and anyone with a weak will can fall prey to it. It isn't a matter of intelligence.

Again, looking at it as something so black and white is naive.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:24:59 AM »
Never done them, never will.
I don't want to numb my mind, I need to be aware.
As if aceylpsilocin numbs the mind.

Christo that was probably the most intense perception I've ever experienced.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:21:58 AM »
There's a surprise.
Anyways, no. Like Verby says, I'm not a moron.
You don't have to be a moron to fall prey to addiction. Thinking that such is simply a matter of stupidity is naive.
It's called not doing drugs, m8.
Was that supposed to convince me that you're right?

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:16:40 AM »
There's a surprise.
Anyways, no. Like Verby says, I'm not a moron.
You don't have to be a moron to fall prey to addiction. Thinking that such is simply a matter of stupidity is naive.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:45:27 AM »
Work in progress.

I like the red amigo. That's going to stand out big time in the finished piece isn't it?
That's the thought, if I don't change my mind and add more color.
The color reminds me of wuxia style films.

The Flood / Re: If you had total immunity from the law for a day...
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:27:02 AM »
I'd probably just smoke pot in front of the police.

I can attest to Elegiac's dominance
It that why you walk bowlegged now?

The Flood / Re: wormhole in milky way. wat
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:51:49 PM »
Even if it was true, you'd have to travel by wormhole just to traverse the vase distance between us and the center of the galaxy to get there in any decent amount of time.

Too many irrelevant pinned threads.
Pinned threads are dumb as shit tbh.
Nigga you on ass.

Yeah okay. Keep serving me verbally, everyone else keep liking the posts. It's so great to know that I am someone who everyone wants to see the demise of. Demonic I don't think you do in particular. I just think that the way people work is once they dislike you they just want to see your demise. There's not really any room for improvement when everyone has already carved a stone tablet that says that I am complete worthless diarrhea.
It doesn't matter what they think. I'm not god. You're not god. They're not god. You think that their tiny insignificant specs of judgement matter in the end? You have no objective reason to care. There is no physical law of the universe that makes a single person's view absolute.

If you can't focus your attention and do what you will without distraction then there is weakness there. A weakness that isn't corrected by continuing to focus on distractions. You need to learn not to be a slave to your emotion which is very obviously one of your most major distractions.

Emotion isn't absolute. It's just another insignificant spec, ultimately. There is nothing wrong with feeling it, it's purely natural. But there is no reason it has to dominate your being.

The Flood / Re: you die after about 80 of these
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:41:17 PM »
And what if they discover the secret to eternal youth by the time you're 80?

The Flood / Re: Cheers, boys
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:40:01 PM »
I could drink but I'm not a fan of drinking alone.

Drinking alone is the best kind of drinking.
The only thing it does is make me want to smoke pot.

It makes me want to write.
Legit writing and not drunken texts or facebook posts?

The Flood / Re: Now everyone sit here and close your eyes.
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:38:25 PM »
fts you know how many lunchables and cans of spagettios I'd have to prepare for y'all nigs?

The Flood / Re: Cheers, boys
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:36:44 PM »
I could drink but I'm not a fan of drinking alone.

Drinking alone is the best kind of drinking.
The only thing it does is make me want to smoke pot.

people are allowed to be assholes.
Well if they weren't I would have probably had to ban you for detailing how you would like to see another member's brutal death. So be grateful. =]
It's give and take, my friend. If I didn't receive so much asshole comments I wouldn't do it back. If it wasn't allowed in the first place that comment wouldn't have been made probably. So don't give me this bullshit. I am sick of seeing all the people on this board be complete assholes. I miss the good old days of where I didn't have to deal with so much shit posting.
It's not really bullshit. It's just that it makes sense not to become the very thing you despise.

Of course, having so much disdain is rather nonsensical in and of itself, as it really serves no purpose to better your life or mentality. But I wouldn't expect something so deep rooted to be shed so easily from a few words of advice.

The Flood / Re: Cheers, boys
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:29:44 PM »
Is that a glass shaped like a can?

I could drink but I'm not a fan of drinking alone.

people are allowed to be assholes.
Well if they weren't I would have probably had to ban you for detailing how you would like to see another member's brutal death. So be grateful. =]

The Flood / Re: Another VR Goggle?
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:00:24 PM »
Those goggles don't look like the most comfortable things to wear.

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:39:52 PM »
Need more posts.

Can't be arsed. . .

I don't think the complainers will stop,
Well of course they won't. It isn't in their nature to stop. That's is what makes them what they are.

Hmm you make a good point I would have thought mods would use their own discretion when deciding whether a thread was bullshit or not. But I guess that's not the best route keeping the community happy. However the community could do with a kick up the arse.
I try to be reasonably discrete when moderating, but that will never stop people from complaining. Not having a specific target to direct their hate towards just means they'll direct it towards the staff as a whole. The drama still has a foothold and will find a way to manifest itself no matter the target.

You have to eliminate the foothold, you see. We as staff can't give drama a foundation to run rampant by the way we conduct ourselves and our policy. At least, that is what we need to strive for. It's not the easiest thing to accomplish, of course.

The Flood / Re: Lobbyists Get Rich off War on Drugs
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:23:49 PM »
Honestly, it's no secret that the illegality of pot generates a significant amount of bread for certain individuals and corporations.

The obvious dumb shit like "cheat is a faggot" or a just a "lol" and then another lol in the post body. I know it's a burden on the moderators which I've refrained from shitposting or being a nuisance (more so than normal >.>) It's shame others don't fucking care that people waste their time cleaning up their bs. Looking at the front page now it's not bad.
And say someone makes a thread about some inside joke. Maybe a few members join in because they get it. And then comes along Johnny Whineass to smite the heathens with his criticism and reports, claiming, "Shitpost! Shitpost!"

Now here I am stuck with the dilemma of either removing a thread that doesn't harm anyone, or ignoring someone's reports. Both outcomes having just as much potential as the other to initiate more babbling about 'modbias' and the like.

There are countless scenarios where this can arise because there is no real definition for a 'shitpost.' Moderating needs to be objective and consistent as possible and relying on subjective tactics is a major contributor to a large portion of the type of 'staff drama' that seems to circulate around here all too often.

The shitposting. Threads with no discussion value should just be deleted. You mods don't need to be so lenient.
I don't patricularly care for shitposts one way or the other. But making it a priority to remove all of them makes my job harder and makes it harder for me to hold a good standing among the community.

'Shitposting' is such an arbitrary term. Who gets to decide on what constitutes a shitpost?

The Flood / Re: Whats wrong with being a "dudebro"?
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:02:29 PM »
I don't really give a shit tbh but that's probably expected of me.

The Flood / Re: How successful do you think you will be?
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:12:53 PM »
Hard to say. Probably not very.

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