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Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:31:28 PM »

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:58:11 PM »
Had to see what that final say was gonna be. Hypocritical, defending stupidity, idiocy, also I'm very serious apparently. Huh, I expected a slighly more derogatory post.

Also, it seems camnator was hard to offend on the previous page, saying there's no use getting worked up over the internet but now he seems to have taken serious offense to cannabis insults. Well that's amusing.

All in all, I hope some of y'all understand the staff just a bit better now. Sorry if some insults had to be thrown in there, I can't help what camnator says. Maybe it was amusing to you as well.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:38:40 PM »
However, I can't tell you exactly why that thread is offensive, as I don't necessarily take offense to it. It simply has the potential to offend

That's exactly why what you're saying makes NO sense. ANY thread at all has that potential. What you're saying is forums shouldn't exist, and every topic should be locked because it might upset some whiner.

Go ahead and continue making insults, but they aren't helping to convey your perspective even the tiniest bit better. All you're really doing with them is displaying a pettiness that makes it increasingly harder to take you seriously.

What insults? Hey, say you're offended by them and then you can just ban me. I don't need help conveying my points. The forum did that for you by abandoning this freaking dump. Stop taking it personally. I'm not at all saying it's your fault, it's been this way since I got here. I don't care if some pathetic squirts take me seriously. They've given me NO reason to take them seriously.
The only reason trans insults/jokes are taken seriously now is because of reasons I've explained to you again and again and again. This is getting laughable now. Why would I take any of this personally? Haha nigga I'm done. This is the internet. I don't even know you, much less get offended by your opinions. Like I said you aren't influential enough to dissuade me. Hell this could all just be a fat ruse and I'm just giving you piles of food here. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and replied so that anyone interested could see why things are the way they are, whether or not you specifically care. I feel like the staff needs to be more open about how we work really. But I'm tired now and need to sleep soon.

You're one stubborn mofo, that's for sure. Like you don't take us pathetic squirts seriously but you spent the time to complain. . . If you aren't a ruseman then you're obviously concerned with how we conduct ourselves.

W/e I'm done. This site is a joke. The staff is incompetent. Sep7 is dead.


Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:18:48 PM »

"You're right. People can be perfectly happy in a cess pool circle-jerk without having to think or be challenged, but is that what YOU want this forum to remain? If so, that's perfectly fine, I simply want nothing to do with it if that's the case. Just admit that's what it is if that's what it's going to be. Stop putting on a show."

Also, you're wrong. We KNOW Meta's thread wasn't insulting. Period. You've failed to even convey what COULD have been insulting about it. Noelle definitely didn't even see it, so stop your BS dude. Just admit you have no argument and the site is based on a select few favorites. It's fine if you want a joke of a forum, just be honest about it.
I addressed your question in the first part of my post, albeit slightly subtly.

However, I can't tell you exactly why that thread is offensive, as I don't necessarily take offense to it. It simply has the potential to offend, that much should be obvious due to past instances. The reason it was locked/deleted was most likely due to a matter of consistency. Since all trans jokes are taken more seriously now as a result of those past instances. And ftr those offended by them explained themselves to the staff calmly and rationally. There is also the matter of threads needing some degree of discussion value now since so many people complained about 'shitposts.' (Which is actually a rule that I don't necessarily like, as it's a particularly subjective one with more potential for bias)

Go ahead and continue making insults, but they aren't helping to convey your perspective even the tiniest bit better. All you're really doing with them is displaying a pettiness that makes it increasingly harder to take you seriously.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:57:52 PM »
Buy one.
It appears as though you should.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:46:57 PM »
Eh, been over a month since I cut my hair shorter but w/e.

Before hair cut.
After hair cut.

Maybe bumping this will entice someone else to post a flick.
Pics in a dress pls.
I don't own dresses, bub.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:41:25 PM »
Eh, been over a month since I cut my hair shorter but w/e.

Before hair cut.
After hair cut.

Maybe bumping this will entice someone else to post a flick.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:27:25 PM »
Also, Demonic. Explain how Meta's thread was at ALL insulting. EXPLAIN!
ftr insults are subjective. As I already stated, what you might perceive as a harmless joke, others might take offense to. Personally, I don't. I'm a hard guy to offend. However, our moderation is not based on my personal feelings, but rather, an average of all of those we can measure of the members of this community.

Very significant offenses that have a large potential for drama affect that average much more so than minor ones that have little potential for drama (It's no different from how averaging numbers works really.) And so they have a tendency to affect the rules to a greater extent.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:21:23 PM »
Oh no, I have been subjected to moderator abuse with every ban I've received, so you can't make such false claims with me. Not you specifically, you're one of the best mods here, probably attributed to you not doing much. While it is my opinion, the way things are now is only backing up my points.

And that's precisely the problem. How can you say there's not selective moderation, and then immediately explain how there is selective moderation? Why do they deserve special treatment? How is insulting some shemale worse than insulting my choice to use cannabis? It isn't. Period. Nothing subjective about it. Period. It's hypocritical and it's why people are pissed with this site and why it CONSTANTLY has drama. How do you not see that?

You're right. People can be perfectly happy in a cess pool circle-jerk without having to think or be challenged, but is that what YOU want this forum to remain? If so, that's perfectly fine, I simply want nothing to do with it if that's the case. Just admit that's what it is if that's what it's going to be. Stop putting on a show.
I'm not overly critical of this community, nor am I prone to forming very strong opinions in general, for the most part. I enjoy this board. Enough to have accepted the position of moderator. However, this isn't the most important thing in the world to me and I don't spend the effort to try and pick it apart so that it might conform to my vision of what an optimal forum is.

I've explained to you that we, as staff, have to make compromises with moderation. But we don't act on the basis of favoritism. There are logical reasons for the compromises we make and, generally, issues are discussed with multiple mods before any action is taken, so long as they are not very miniscule. I never once claimed that there isn't absolutely any selective moderation, only that the nature of that selective moderation is founded in logic. The logic in keeping major bouts of drama to a minimum. And it is not based on specific members, but rather, specific infractions that any and every member would have to answer for in the event they had made any one of those infractions.

Enough of this, I have explained to you multiple times now what the reasoning is for the way moderation works on this board. You don't have to keep telling me that you think the staff are bad at what they do, nor that the site is failing due to it. I understood your view from the beginning. I only tried to give you a more in depth look on how and why things work the way they do so that you might form a better informed opinion. You have made it abundantly obvious that you disagree entirely and will continue to do so despite my explanations so I am done with this redundant debate.

Go ahead and tell us the staff are incompetent, I don't care. Regardless of your perspective, this community will continue to move forward. You aren't influential enough to dissuade me from my much more informed point of view, and by the looks of it, nor the other staff as well. I won't hold that against you though.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:09:11 PM »
it wasn't run so incompetently.
You can't object the subjective.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:07:45 PM »
Leaving forum moderation up to a vote is a sign it's already a failure. You're running a forum, not a popularity contest.
That is merely your opinion. As much as people like to say we're Nazi's, we aren't actually tyrants and like to give the community some degree of input on what the nature of this board will ultimately be. 

Then why ban only SOME insults? Let people use the mute option if they're so weak and emotional.
Again, as I explained, some insults were decided to be taken more seriously due to the overwhelming amount of drama that resulted from them.

You have a point, but a rapid drop in activity like this one has had is not normal, and a massive sign it's a failure.
I've seen boards bounce back from much worse actually. Some still alive to this day. It's not exactly a sign of failure as you are simply projecting your own personal perspective. There are no physical laws of the universe that dictate the exact nature of internet forums, and you cannot accurately measure and predict how they turn out.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:52:45 PM »
Sure you can, by just prohibiting all insults or allowing them all. Picking and choosing is the issue.
A vote was taken to decide whether or not moderation would be very strict, very lax, or an area in between where the staff would decide on actions based on the degree of severity of whatever infraction and the context of those infractions. The latter option won with a landslide victory.

Consistency is the main problem, rather than the rules. Basically, no one should let insults offend them. That's just silly. Why should those insults be taken more seriously than any other? That's just bad practice and is why this place has such a bag image. That CREATES the bias, that, and not kicking out bad mods.
We are merely human beings, and not everyone has developed the capacity to shrug everything off. We aren't going to hold that against people or try to force them to change. You cannot change the unwilling.

No argument there. I can't make this forum help itself. I can only suggest how it can. You can't honestly deny the activity here has dwindled to a fraction of what it was. I've been here long enough.
I have never seen any forum that hasn't gone through bouts of less activity. Nor have I have seen one that didn't bounce back so long as members continued to care about the site.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:44:54 PM »
Okay, but that wasn't what I meant. I don't deny that our moral intuitions have an emotional bedrock, but it has nothing to do with recognizing a practice as moral or immoral on strictly rational grounds. You can acknowledge something as immoral without having any emotional attachment to it, and can proceed to oppose it based solely on your desire to be rational.

If we merely let our emotions dictate ethics, then it wouldn't be the subject of intellectual inquiry that it is.
I don't mean to imply that emotions are the entire basis for ethics. What I mean to convey is that empathy is involved in their conditioning along with everything else that is so it shouldn't just be ignored.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:39:21 PM »
Meta's thread wasn't insulting. That's entirely my point. It's just stupid to bar SOME insults and not all of them. That's the unfair special treatment that killed this forum. I've never wanted to just poop on anyone, so that doesn't apply to me. I just want to be able to post without being subjected to unjust moderation. Again, if you actually saw the thread, it was a joke, and people were actually sticking up for the drag person in the video. I'm not sure why you're having trouble reading that.
What you need to realize is that the justice you speak of that's apparently lacking is entirely subjective in nature. The staff can try to make the most objectively possible rules that they can, but we cannot control the multitude of different perspectives here in this community. We have to make compromises, and when issues arise that are blown to magnificent proportions compared to your average every day minor instance, compromises are made.

There is also the matter of consistency, and the blurry line that separates what is and isn't an insult. Offense is another subjective variable we have to deal with. What you see as a joke might offend someone else. The fact that trans insults were decided to be treated more seriously is why trans 'jokes' are also treated more seriously, as a matter of consistency. This is to reduce bias in moderation. Not the speculative 'bias' that people tend to complain about for whatever reasons, but legitimate real bias that would actually exist if consistency wasn't taken into consideration.

You can continue to announce the death of this board and all the reasons you've concluded in your head for it, and yet this community will continue to do as it does, and people will continue to disagree with you regardless.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:25:51 PM »
Why does it matter whether the animal is endangered or not? It seems to illustrate that people are only concerned about animal welfare if it stands to benefit them in some way, rather than genuinely caring about the animal's interests.
Not everyone cares about an animal's interests or well-being in a specific sense. Maybe they don't want an entire species to disappear but they might not necessarily care about a single animal.

Human's only have to capacity to care for so many beings, and have varying degrees of empathy.

I remember seeing a vid recently about animals being frozen solid in ice in flash freezes. It showed a few foxes as well as a moose. I felt more for the foxes because they're one of my favorite animals, however even though I realize the moose suffered through the same experience, I didn't feel nearly as much for it. I have a fairly good degree of empathy but it doesn't always apply towards everything and everyone, I'm not a flowing well of it, and I'm not afraid to admit that.
I get that. But I'm talking about the issues that we can actively choose to support or oppose. Losing sleep over things I have no power to change is fruitless, but when I'm presented  with the option to either support or oppose something (such as killing animals for their skin) I will oppose it, to little detriment of my own. This has nothing to do with some theoretical "empathy limit" that we have. It's about making rational, ethical choices in my life, regardless of how it makes me feel emotionally.
You say you oppose it, but if you aren't actively taking measures to prevent it, are you really opposing it, or do you merely just disagree with it?

Empathy has a lot to do with it, actually, as making a conscious decision to oppose killing of any kind is often the result of ideals and ethics rooted in the emotions felt as a result of empathy for those being killed. It's an integral part of the interdependent system that is your personality/identity.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:13:46 PM »
I believe the staff consider what actions to take against any specific thread or post accused of harassment based on their potential to offend and initiate drama (although some regard for consistency is also taken into consideration). General insults are more lightly handled but very specific derogatory remarks, especially those regarding things that users have stated to be personally offensive are taken more seriously.

The fact that more than one person has taken personal offense to trans jokes/insults, whether they were intended to be real insults or not, which has started very long, drawn out bouts of drama influenced the staff into making a decision to prohibit them more so than other insults.

I get that you want to shit on someone for laughs, but this is Cheat's site and, in certain instances, he doesn't want that.

Everyone can take offence to everything. The special treatment you JUST admitted to is why this site is dead. People don't tolerate BS like that.

"I get that you want to shit on someone for laughs, but this is Cheat's site and, in certain instances, he doesn't want that."

You're not getting it, then, because that NEVER happened. In fact, everyone was applauding the drag person.
I explained why certain insults are treated more seriously than others. The 'special treatment', as you like to call it, isn't for specific people, it's for the insults themselves. Trans jokes towards any user would be taken seriously so long as the user explains their offense. Obviously it has to be reviewed carefully since someone could just shitpost a few insults to another they talk to that obviously isn't trans, and that user could in turn put on a front and act like they're offended when they really aren't.

I know some of you want to be able to just shit on everyone for anything, but I don't think that's the type of community Cheat had in mind when he envisioned this site and spent all that time creating it.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:04:59 PM »
Why does it matter whether the animal is endangered or not? It seems to illustrate that people are only concerned about animal welfare if it stands to benefit them in some way, rather than genuinely caring about the animal's interests.
Not everyone cares about an animal's interests or well-being in a specific sense. Maybe they don't want an entire species to disappear but they might not necessarily care about a single animal.

Human's only have to capacity to care for so many beings, and have varying degrees of empathy.

I remember seeing a vid recently about animals being frozen solid in ice in flash freezes. It showed a few foxes as well as a moose. I felt more for the foxes because they're one of my favorite animals, however even though I realize the moose suffered through the same experience, I didn't feel nearly as much for it. I have a fairly good degree of empathy but it doesn't always apply towards everything and everyone, I'm not a flowing well of it, and I'm not afraid to admit that.

Septagon / Re: Maybe I Need to Make A Thread Here...
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:49:49 PM »
noelle gets special treatment
Ye that's why she was banned for a month.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:46:39 PM »
Interesting. Have you tried different ways of using? Maybe I'm just alone here, but cannabis never made me hungry. In fact, I'd often stop being hungry after I began using, and it helped me lose 95 pounds.
It's not just about being hungry, it's mainly the fact that cannabinoids can inhibit digestive motility ergo food takes longer to move through your system. Since the condition I have is essentially a bacterial infection, the longer any food sits in my intestines, the longer the bacteria have to ferment it and produce excess gasses which cause me to bloat like a blimp. It also allows them to multiply even more since they are basically being fed, and their very presence causes inflammation in my intestines, as well as nutrient malabsorption.

Obviously, smoking anything in general can make heartburn worse, but that's not the biggest issue.

What is your current treatment? Is this going to be a permanent problem?
No if it was permanent then that would be very bad. The treatment, aside from taking antibiotics, is a change in diet, taking digestive enzymes and probiotics, and altering eating habits. Exercise helps as well. Eventually the 'bad' bacteria will be starved through diet changes and phased out by the probiotics.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:43:12 PM »
I believe the staff consider what actions to take against any specific thread or post accused of harassment based on their potential to offend and initiate drama (although some regard for consistency is also taken into consideration). General insults are more lightly handled but very specific derogatory remarks, especially those regarding things that users have stated to be personally offensive are taken more seriously.

The fact that more than one person has taken personal offense to trans jokes/insults, whether they were intended to be real insults or not, which has started very long, drawn out bouts of drama influenced the staff into making a decision to prohibit them more so than other insults.

I get that you want to shit on someone for laughs, but this is Cheat's site and, in certain instances, he doesn't want that.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:10:06 PM »
Interesting. Have you tried different ways of using? Maybe I'm just alone here, but cannabis never made me hungry. In fact, I'd often stop being hungry after I began using, and it helped me lose 95 pounds.
It's not just about being hungry, it's mainly the fact that cannabinoids can inhibit digestive motility ergo food takes longer to move through your system. Since the condition I have is essentially a bacterial infection, the longer any food sits in my intestines, the longer the bacteria have to ferment it and produce excess gasses which cause me to bloat like a blimp. It also allows them to multiply even more since they are basically being fed, and their very presence causes inflammation in my intestines, as well as nutrient malabsorption.

Obviously, smoking anything in general can make heartburn worse, but that's not the biggest issue.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:57:18 PM »

I have a condition called SIBO which basically means I have chronic digestive problems right now. The effect smoking marijuana has on one's appetite and digestion don't cooperate that well with me and makes the condition worse. (increased appetite and lower digestive motility) It can give me bad cases of acid reflux which can, in turn, induce esophagitis for over a week afterwords which is pretty painful and makes it hard to eat.

It's not fun.

Although lower digestive motility can help with things like IBD, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc. It is very bad for SIBO.

The Flood / Re: favorite Spongebob moment
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:15:51 AM »

Basically, anytime they have a close up painted image of a character.

The Flood / Re: Favorite music collaborations
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:59:20 AM »

Ed Wynne had Steve Hillage, one of his inspirations, come in and record this with the band. I'm sure they were all stoned to hell during the session.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:28:40 AM »

Stop this, this is awkward. We aren't used to this sort of thing,

I've never seen you abuse your power. I've never seen anyone complain about you before, either. We love you!
probably because he doesn't do anything

Cannabis is now proven to cause botched lobotomies in people with orange text.
Well good thing I'm sober.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:50:01 AM »

Stop this, this is awkward. We aren't used to this sort of thing,

I mean if there were enough studies proving the benefits then I suppose, but otherwise I know from experience how much strain they can put on perception and conception, while they can change the way you look at the world and your life, some people just aren't suited for it and take away nothing but bad emotions and thoughts from the experience.

Although, a lot of the time that seems to be the result of taking a bunk dose or too much of a legit one so I guess if it was regulated then the chances of that would be reduced.

Do you feel that way about shrooms? Especially considering they are nearly impossible to become addicted to.
I'm not concerned with addiction. And psilocin has given many I know extremely 'crushing' experiences before, myself included. And I know that not everyone has to right mindset to handle that.

Like I said though, regulation would reduce the chances of that happening, however the possibility remains. People need to understand that psychedelics, while they can be fun, are much more than just 'have a good time' party drugs, and the psychedelic experience can be very overwhelming. I just think people should understand them before they jump right into taking them.

For example, you have kids smoking salvia thinking it's gonna be some kind of fun trippy high, and they end up having experiences as intense as what DMT would give you. And when they come down, they just aren't the same. The average person will get over an experience like that, but some people hold onto it for a long time.

I guess the point I'm trying to get at, is that they shouldn't really be treated as recreational substances, and if they're ever going to be used medicinally then it should be handled in a way that is different from marijuana. A way to help prevent the 'let celebrate and get high' mentality that surrounds other drugs.

The Flood / Re: A Pubic service announcement
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:33:14 AM »
Okay Batch, go take a break.

I mean if there were enough studies proving the benefits then I suppose, but otherwise I know from experience how much strain they can put on perception and conception, while they can change the way you look at the world and your life, some people just aren't suited for it and take away nothing but bad emotions and thoughts from the experience.

Although, a lot of the time that seems to be the result of taking a bunk dose or too much of a legit one so I guess if it was regulated then the chances of that would be reduced.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:12:28 AM »
Well it can feel really nice, but I don't have any desire to hunt for it or have it on my clothes, although I did have a foxtail key chain. I mean it's not like it's needed anymore.

It sucks for the animals that have to die for it, but hell, us humans can't even stop killing ourselves, I'm not gonna try to object some sort of 'save the animals ethics' onto people.

Some places are inhumane af about it though, like fur farms in china skinning tanuki's live or w/e.

Also, I think it's ironic I say it's inhumane just after saying humans can't stop killing themselves. . .

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