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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:31:48 AM »
I don't see how someone can be physically unhealthy and it not affect their mental health in a negative way. Physical and mental health are very interdependent. My personal experience with this fact is very visceral.
this is a graver insult to the intelligence of humanity than i could ever personally muster up
What, are you trying to say that the two things aren't interdependent?

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:10:50 AM »
I don't see how someone can be physically unhealthy and it not affect their mental health in a negative way. Physical and mental health are very interdependent. My personal experience with this fact is very visceral.

Serious / Re: Discussion: The Ego and Group Identity vs Criticism
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:55:50 PM »
Well I definitely believe that you should always pay attention to what your opposition or anyone you happen to disagree with is saying to effectively gain an understanding of what they believe. As you entertain different ideas and perspectives, you get to grips with whatever logic may be behind them and weigh it against your own logic and values. Most of the time your beliefs are probably not going to change, but you should always be open to the idea that they can change because you along with everyone else is still vastly more ignorant than you are wise. You should always scrutinize your own beliefs, especially those you strongly identify with. Make them your own, and not purely just an emulation of the beliefs of other people.

Unfortunately the tribal nature of humans would not have the majority of people practice this. That is why I believe that the greatest thing people can be taught is to think for themselves. To not blindly follow established ideas and believe in something simply because some authority told you that you should, and to actually understand why any idea is truly worth believing in.

The Flood / Re: Attack on Titan is good
« on: May 19, 2020, 03:16:16 PM »
First post from Flee in a long while and it's about Flee liking anime...

Something is very wrong.
Quarantine making people go crazy.

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 17, 2020, 08:23:03 PM »
tbh it's almost unbelievable how much my life hasn't changed during all this.

The Flood / Re: Loaf stopped posting
« on: May 15, 2020, 08:17:20 PM »

What I'm wondering is what random person/customer is gonna be walking around with a marker, paper, and tape to put a sign up.

so let's be more concerned about what people actually do to each other rather than how we describe each other
Well, like I said before. Even if I might not understand it, people have the right to call themselves whatever they want. I don't really care.

But what is the utility of putting all other races into a single category separate from whites instead of just viewing each one as their individual race? That seems very weird to me.
for those contexts in which referring to non-white races collectively would be convenient, especially when whites are a majority

"black people need more representation in government" is one statement
"asian people need more representation in government" is another
"indigenous people need more representation in government" is yet another

you could say these one at a time if you wanted, or you could save time with a catch-all term such as "people of color"
I suppose, but it definitely seems like it can be a double edged sword to me used by people who want to completely separate whites from all other races in any and all contexts.

I guess there will always just be people who will take virtually anything and try to use it in a negative or counterproductive way.

But what is the utility of putting all other races into a single category separate from whites instead of just viewing each one as their individual race? That seems very weird to me.

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 04:37:34 PM »
Vegeta is better.

idk man, I think using the word color/ed is silly regardless.
Colored has a long/negative history of racist context, but it's also (PoC included) primarily used to describe black people. Other races/ethnicity are sort of an afterthought. "Non-white" sounds bad, but I also think our naming conventions for all this stuff is just bad/inadequate and ultimately kinda pointless to begin with. Like the way we define white, for example.
I figured it was another case of people trying to reclaim more language that was used to denigrate their race in the past. What I don't understand about the term "people of color" is that it still divides whites and all other races, which to me seems exactly like what white racists want to do. People have a right to call themselves whatever they want, though, so I don't really care in the end.

how the fuck did this become about racism the boy just wanna say the n word
Another day another bait thread
Bring them on. The more activity, the better.

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 08, 2020, 03:23:40 PM »
Is he talking about the miracle, though, or the actual lightning spear that the mimic in Sen's Fortress drops?
you know, somehow, i never actually realized how that could be a source of confusion

regardless, he can't use spears either; he's short just 1 Dex point
Can't even use spears at lvl 1? Wow. Is there no ring that boosts dexterity like DKS3 has? I can't even remember. Or would that somehow invalidate the sl1 challenge, I wonder.

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:30:03 PM »
Don't forget to pick up that lightening spear tho
You'll need it
it's a SL1 run, so he can't use those anyway

the requirement parameters for even the least-demanding talismans in the game require 10 Faith; at SL1, you only have 8

there's still some pretty powerful pyromancies to work with, though
Is he talking about the miracle, though, or the actual lightning spear that the mimic in Sen's Fortress drops?

Serious / Re: Why don't people care about the Biden allegations?
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:09:22 PM »
>Trump brags about sexual assault
>It was just a joke
>Biden is accused of sexual assault
>It definitely happened

This is the exact type of shit I was talking about in the OP. Not really responding to genghis but the fact that this meme even exists....
This is the extent of tribalism in modern day western society. At least we can be thankful that the opposing sides aren't just killing each other like in most of human history. .  I guess. .


That's what I would call ignorant racism.
I think that clears things up, thanks.

I'm assuming you mean that the person doesn't actually hate whatever specific minority but just isn't understanding how they are being insensitive.

How is a word inherently racist?
Slurs are derogatory by definition, and the use of them (outside of the field of reclaimed speech) cannot be justified outside of specific situations. The oppressing group using pejoratives reinforces the social stigmatization of the oppressed group and the status quo. "Words are just words" ignores the hundreds of years of abuse, dehumanization, and racism associated with that word. A black man was killed for jogging through a neighborhood fifteen minutes from his house, and nobody knew for two months because the system did its damnedest to cover it up. You can't make steps toward limiting societal imbalance while actively participating in a culture of stigmatization.
I'm not asking what justification there is for using a word, though. What I'm getting at is how words literally have no meaning at all until we as humans give meaning to them, thus that meaning is not absolute. You have, for example, the word "negro," which can be seen as derogatory in English, but in Spanish it simply means the color black. Because of this, not every use of the word has a derogatory meaning or even a negative one.

That isn't to say that because of this, people should just be able to go around saying slurs willy nilly and everyone else should just get over it.  I'm only saying that there are plenty of instances where saying a racial slur isn't actually being racist. It's not the act of saying the word itself that is racist so much as it is the context behind it.
Language is a field created to impart information. Words are nothing but meaning. If you choose to use a slur rather than a non-stigmatized descriptor for a group, you're either declaring your intent really well or you're an idiot.

I also don't believe the example you gave concerning another language is relevant. Language imparts meaning, with the context being first and foremost what language you're speaking. Affecting AAVE would immediately throw up red flags for casual racism, why wouldn't using a word that is specifically a slur?
I'm saying that the meaning itself isn't absolute. The take away from my post is that it's possible for someone to say a slur without any ill intentions or prejudice. So I was curious as to whether or not you (or originally Mordo) would say that a person doing that is a racist.

Yeah but that would be a total assumption. I really cant stand collectivism in general.

I'm not really trying to defend the use of the word so much as I'm trying to figure out why people believe the act of using it is what is racist instead of the person's intentions behind it.
i don't think anyone believes that, though—nobody in this thread, at least

mordo gave you the acting example, which means that he clearly realizes intention matters

i don't see anyone trying to argue that it's the act itself that's racist


Well I don't think anyone actually really believes I am. I would hope not.

Perhaps I got the wrong impression from Mordo? I just didn't know whether he would consider the scenario I explained to be racist, as I would not. As you said, I would see it as impolite. He seems to believe it is racist though as his response would tell me, regardless of if the white person had any racist intentions.

I think that's something we're probably just not going to see eye to eye.

what if, instead of racist, he just said "extremely impolite"

would that be a problem, or do you still want to say the word without being seen as impolite
That would make a lot more sense to me. There are a lot of words that I wouldn't expect to be seen as being polite when saying them.

I just don't understand how, for instance, I would be racist for using the word while having this discussion. There are plenty of contexts in which a person might say it without any intention of being derogatory or having any prejudice against black people.
there's an argument to be made that your weird defensiveness towards the word's usage could be seen as a canary in the coalmine for some unspoken racism you might be holding deep down, while other white people such as myself are perfectly content in saying, "well, it's not a word i would ever use anyway, so it's not a big deal to me" which is the more correct position

though, full disclosure, while i've never used the word in a serious context, i have used it in jokes before on this website, but i'd probably think twice about ever doing it again, because i don't find those jokes funny anymore
Yeah but that would be a total assumption. I really cant stand collectivism in general, and I'm a staunch individualist.

I'm not really trying to defend the use of the word so much as I'm trying to figure out why people believe the act of using it is what is racist instead of the person's intentions behind it.

How is a word inherently racist?
Slurs are derogatory by definition, and the use of them (outside of the field of reclaimed speech) cannot be justified outside of specific situations. The oppressing group using pejoratives reinforces the social stigmatization of the oppressed group and the status quo. "Words are just words" ignores the hundreds of years of abuse, dehumanization, and racism associated with that word. A black man was killed for jogging through a neighborhood fifteen minutes from his house, and nobody knew for two months because the system did its damnedest to cover it up. You can't make steps toward limiting societal imbalance while actively participating in a culture of stigmatization.
I'm not asking what justification there is for using a word, though. What I'm getting at is how words literally have no meaning at all until we as humans give meaning to them, thus that meaning is not absolute. You have, for example, the word "negro," which can be seen as derogatory in English, but in Spanish it simply means the color black. Because of this, not every use of the word has a derogatory meaning or even a negative one.

That isn't to say that because of this, people should just be able to go around saying slurs willy nilly and everyone else should just get over it.  I'm only saying that there are plenty of instances where saying a racial slur isn't actually being racist. It's not the act of saying the word itself that is racist so much as it is the context behind it.

what if, instead of racist, he just said "extremely impolite"

would that be a problem, or do you still want to say the word without being seen as impolite
That would make a lot more sense to me. There are a lot of words that I wouldn't expect to be seen as being polite when saying them.

I just don't understand how, for instance, I would be racist for using the word while having this discussion. There are plenty of contexts in which a person might say it without any intention of being derogatory or having any prejudice against black people.

Unless you're an actor in a performance piece that is designed to portray that kind of role, (which 99% of the population isn't) then no, there's not much context which justifies a white person to use the word.
How is a word inherently racist? It literally only has meaning because we ascribe meaning to it. If a person has absolutely no racist intentions when saying the word "nigger/nigga" then how does that mean that person hates black people or believes their race is superior?

If you have a group of friends of various races who all use the word "nigga" as a synonym for "dude" or "bro," how does a white person in that group doing the same thing a racist act?

I genuinely want to know your logic behind that belief.

"The blackies get to say it so why can't I say it hmmmmst've" could not be any more of a white entitlement temper tantrum.

Are you even here to discuss anything or just splurge
What exactly is there to discuss, pray tell? Either you're a racist who thinks it's acceptable for white people to say the word, however much you want to sugar coat it with bullshit rationale, or you aren't.
You mean to say that a white person is racist if they say it, no matter what the context is?

Imagine you live with your parents who use curse words all the time without batting an eye.

Then during a Skype call, you drop an f bomb or something and your parents give you 'the eye' or even start shouting at you for cursing in their home.
In a similar vein to this, my mom or sister will yell at someone for accidentally cursing in front of my kid nephew, but as soon as either of them are angry about something you might as well slap one of these labels on the house itself.

i don't think it's unreasonable to point out that not everybody has the time or patience to do whatever zen mumbo jumbo that chronic just loves to babble about

people should obviously be less sensitive, but to call it a "choice" is just extremely reductive and unfair

like, that's all i'm saying
I've only ever talked about Zen a few times before on this site. I only mentioned it now because it's the most extreme example of what being un-phased can actually accomplish. You don't have to follow Zen just to decide that you're not going to stress over things in your life that you feel aren't worth it.

297 a mirror. Have you been teaching yourself Zen? That's probably would be difficult by yourself, since you can't easily surprise yourself.
I used to practice meditation years ago, but I haven't tried in a long time. I probably should again since consistently doing it is actually really good for your physical well-being as well. The farthest I've gotten with Zen is achieving temporary flow-state when gaming or working on art. I sure as hell could use a lot more practice.

I've heard that a good way to practice alone is to practice meditating while playing some really loud and distracting music until you learn to no longer be distracted by it.

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face
I'm not saying it's easy
then it shouldn't be said at all

just comes across like a worthless potshot at people who are only trying their best to be respectful people
It's not meant to be derogatory. I'm always going to consider it a choice as long as the possibility for it to be one exists. That's because I try to live my life according to that idea, even if I'm not the greatest at abiding by it all the time. I'm not trying to diss anyone that just doesn't want to offend anybody. I wouldn't just go around saying nigger/nigga in front of random black people just because I know it's possible for them be un-phased by it. I always try to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face
You can literally teach yourself not to be upset. I'm not saying it's easy, but most people have just accepted the idea that they aren't in control of how they are offended when you absolutely can be.

It's actually one of the core teachings of Zen. Learning to keep your mind still, including your emotions, and being un-phased so you can basically maintain a continuous flow state. The vast majority of people aren't ever going to achieve that kind of mindset, however, so I'm not going to ever actually expect it from anyone.

Some people have even been able to block physical pain and not just emotion, through meditation. Like the guy who was able to have dental surgery without any anesthetic/analgesic or the famous incident of the monk in the 60's who immolated himself in protest and sat there unflinching until his body crumbled away after he was dead.

Also, I don't imagine that in a thousand years, if our society is still around, the word nigga would still have maybe even the same meaning as it does now much less the same impact. If I could somehow see the future and find out I was wrong then I would eat my words.

There's nothing preventing any white person from saying it. The freedom to speak is an inalienable right. A lot of people still choose to be offended by it, so you'll still have to face possible negative consequences, but I imagine that eventually "nigga" will make its way off the list of taboo words over time just like the countless other words that have. How long that will take, I have no idea.

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