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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:25:01 AM »
I'm not allowed to worry about day to day problems because there are bigger issues looming over us?
I don't understand why you still think I ever implied you weren't able to debate this topic because I never once said anything of the sort. I've already explained that once, did you not see? Why even try to make that point again?

My original statement was directed at no specific person. It was a general statement, ergo the reason I specifically said, "people," not, "Dissonance."

You're taking this too personally, It's pretty irrational. If you manage to spin this around as, "I'm not allowed to?" again then I'd possibly be inclined to say that it's purposefully irrational.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 12:39:35 AM »
Why don't people focus on issues that will actually make a difference in the world?

We may never know. . .

Why do you guys shy away from issues by comparing them to the whole world
I guess unless it's about world peace or nuclear war, it's not really an issue
I never implied that people shouldn't be able to debate this topic.

I'm simply making a statement about priorities. Something like this doesn't have as vast of an impact on the world as certain other issues for it to be overshadowing them so much, especially in mainstream media.

Where is this issue when climate change, over-population, and energy crises bring about the exhaustion of the world's resources, and starvation, disease, and disaster run amuck.

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:03:55 PM »
You mean disagreeing with a law that basically says you can do whatever you want is illogical?
What's illogical is equating this law to "You can do whatever you want."

The Flood / Re: Feeling very driven very focused
« on: May 13, 2016, 11:00:56 PM »
Would you consider seeing a Naturopath or an MD that specializes in natural or integerative medicine? I know you've said you think you have Leaky Gut, and a lot of mainstream conventional doctors sort of don't recognize it as an actual condition. Maybe it might be worth it to see a doc that knows a lot about it.
I would if I was able to but insurance won't cover it, and there are non that close by, unfortunately.

I'm already taking the naturopathic approach to getting rid of the problem, however. On three separate antimicrobial supplements, diet is extremely limited, and starting to detox (well attempting to. It's hard when your blood is flooded with endotoxins/exotoxins.)

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:51:57 PM »
Why don't people focus on issues that will actually make a difference in the world?

We may never know. . .

The Flood / Re: Feeling very driven very focused
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:49:14 PM »
I feel like weights are attached to my limbs.
I really wish I knew of a way to help your condition man.
All effort must be done on my part.
Is anything your doctor recommended working for you? If not I would see another doctor.
The average medical doctor doesn't know how to deal with the condition I have. It's very difficult to overcome. It became abundantly clear to me that my GI doc wasn't going to help me when he prescribed me with a PPI medication (something that inhibits your stomachs ability to produce acid) when I have an overgrowth of bacteria/archaea in my gut (which is promoted and perpetuated by taking PPI medications and ant-acids as stomach acid is a natural killer of microbes/pathogens.)

Now going to see an infectious disease doctor in two weeks. Hopefully he can at least give me the right tests to confirm the condition.

The Flood / Re: Feeling very driven very focused
« on: May 13, 2016, 09:58:25 PM »
I feel like weights are attached to my limbs.
I really wish I knew of a way to help your condition man.
All effort must be done on my part.

The Flood / Re: Feeling very driven very focused
« on: May 13, 2016, 09:40:34 PM »
I feel like weights are attached to my limbs.

The Flood / Re: Alice Murphy
« on: May 13, 2016, 08:51:34 PM »
Could never have a bitch for a partner. Irrationality just isn't something I can just tolerate on a daily basis.
being a bitch is the most rational thing in the world though
What's that? I can't understand you, sorry.

The Flood / Re: Alice Murphy
« on: May 13, 2016, 07:21:48 PM »
Could never have a bitch for a partner. Irrationality just isn't something I can just tolerate on a daily basis.

The Flood / Re: Power Naps
« on: May 13, 2016, 07:13:54 PM »
I sort of unintentionally take one almost every day due to being so exhausted from this healing crisis. I just crash on the bed and then lights out all of a sudden.

Of course if it's even the slightest bit dark outside I'll toss and turn forever.

But. .  my printer is out of ink. . .

The Flood / Re: Post here and I'll describe why I hate you
« on: May 13, 2016, 03:11:02 PM »
Ayy give the man time get it right, at least. Don't want to be judged based on inaccurate preconceived notions, do you?

The Flood / Re: post here for my opinion of you
« on: May 13, 2016, 02:19:14 PM »
the trend continues. . .

The Flood / Re: Today is Friday the 13th
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:25:02 PM »
Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not a Templar, afterall.

The Flood / Re: What mouse are you currently using?
« on: May 13, 2016, 12:43:58 AM »
Basic cheap Logitech. I also have a wireless one but I don't feel like setting it up.

The Flood / Re: Do you like hot food?
« on: May 12, 2016, 05:03:41 PM »
Some spice, but not too much.

The heat doesn't bother me all that much, I just don't fancy having heart burn.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 12, 2016, 03:46:22 PM »

Been meaning to ask, about how many hours do you spend on a piece?

Few hours usually. This last one took about 3 or so days because I took long breaks
But actual work-time is a few hours then. .

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:31:49 PM »

Been meaning to ask, about how many hours do you spend on a piece?

The Flood / Re: Is everyone pooping?
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:21:56 PM »
It's not like I have anything interesting to post.
Post your art or something.
I've already posted everything I've done recently.

The Flood / Re: Is everyone pooping?
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:17:49 PM »
It's not like I have anything interesting to post.

The Flood / Re: Besides Dr Pepper
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:12:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: how much do you weigh
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:15:19 AM »
Only 130. I can't get really put on any weight, muscle or fat, due to my health condition.

The Flood / Re: Wait solonoid is in jail?
« on: May 11, 2016, 07:23:30 PM »
lets be honest, if he didnt spend a chunk of his money on drugs and the like, hed have some money so he wouldnt need to do such a thing
he spent a miniscule amount of money on drugs

remember when he bought a $10 bag of shrooms and everyone freaked out and said he should've found a $10 hotel room or some shit?
i mean, if you're in a bad financial situation, spending $10 on drugs IS kinda a chunk of your money
not really....

$10 for a night free of stress and responsibles is going to do better for your emotional situation than a $10 meal from McDonalds
i dont know about you, but id rather not starve to death than feeling good knowing ill die if i dont buy that meal.
if he was literally starving to death, he would've bought food
if he was smart, saving money and buying necessities would be a priority over any type of drug
what are you not fucking understanding here

$10 cannot buy you shelter
$10 cannot buy you a job
$10 cannot buy you a long term source of food

if Sol was on the brink of starvation or dehydration, he would've used the $10 to buy food or water. His issue was a place to live

you're the kind of person who thinks homeless people shouldn't be allowed to buy alcohol. Fuck off.
They shouldn't buy alcohol.
Scumbag detected. If a homeless man has a spare five dollar bill, what the fuck is that going to buy him? If he was hungry, he'd buy food with it. If he's not, he'd buy booze with it. You think your life is so hard? Try being a homeless person. They deserve any escape they can get.

"Just let them make shitty choices that will keep them homeless and in a cycle of poverty you fucking scumbag sheesh"
Yeah, exactly. See what I just said to Verbatim. It's his choice, you have no grounds to say it was a "bad" one if the person the choice is affecting doesn't think it's bad.
Who cares what he thinks?
He does, and that's literally all that matters. The choice only affects him, he's happy he made the choice, that means it was a good choice.
No, actually, it doesn't. It's a drain on society and tax money to deal with poverty, crime, and homelessness.

I don't give a fuck if it makes him happy (which it doesn't, and it doesn't last), he's ruining his life even more. That OBJECTIVELY makes it a bad choice.
What it does is objectively contribute to the conditioning of suffering to some degree. Whether or not it is good or bad is a matter of perspective.

Which is where I think the issue with this argument lies.

Maybe he truly views such choices as good. If so then they are, from his perspective at least. However, regardless, those choices will have consequences that he is not exempt from. There is always the possibility that those consequences might lead him to change his perspective and regret the choices he made, ergo he would then consider them bad.

Personally, I do think it's a bad decision. But that is from my perspective.

The Flood / Re: NewFag from here.
« on: May 11, 2016, 03:40:53 PM »
Wait. .  did someone bring up sep7 on again?

The Flood / Re: Opinions
« on: May 11, 2016, 03:38:39 PM »
But. . .I just want to be right all the time though. Even when I'm wrong.

The Flood / Re: Does chakas still post here?
« on: May 11, 2016, 03:37:06 PM »
Only us no-lifers have the time to be on here all the time, and this redundant statement is redundant.

The Flood / Re: I dropped out of the teaching program
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:33:04 PM »
yeah I know who this is.

Y'all are either jelly, or just looking to bully someone. One of the 2. Either way its a fucking embarrassment.
I think they're just entertaining themselves tbh. He's yet to present much to be envious of, in my book at least. I would imagine others feeling the same.

The Flood / Re: Where's Sandtrap at?
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:27:17 PM »
nobody is allowed
If rights don't exist then allowance doesn't exist either. There's no supreme law of the universe stating that you can or can't, only consequences if you do or don't.
Exactly, but what right do you have if rights don't exist? Literally none.

It's an interesting way to think, because it turns you into an optimist. You will continue to live, and thus you choose to take action, and knowing that nobody has any rights, openings appear everywhere. Suddenly constitutions don't have much power, atom bombs seem deflectable, bullets are only gonna go in one distance with a certain amount of force. Everything you see will be objective truth seen through glasses that help you see the edges clearer. There is no god able to rightfully control you, "nature" loses its power and is lowered to our levels. You can no longer point and say that something happens in nature and thus is the right way, 'cause nature is another law breaker like us.
Understanding the ultimate emptiness of rights, ethics, morality etc. has revealed to me that the only objective truth I can truly acknowledge without any doubt what-so-ever is that "I am."

Or perhaps maybe it was the realization that the only objective truth I can acknowledge without any doubt is "I am" is what helped me to see the emptiness of rights, ethics, morality etc.

There are other truths which have their objectivity alluded to by the observable mechanics of reality, such as the interdependence of reality, the impermanence of all phenomena, etc. but I cannot reveal these things as absolutely objective, as they must be deduced from a subjective perspective. That isn't to say, however, that I deny their objectivity, I merely realize that these phenomena just are how they are, and that it is my subjective interpretation of them that prevents me from establishing them as absolute.
I really dislike the whole cogito ergo sum philosophy, because it doesn't lead anywhere. Either you distance yourself from all things and become miserable because nothing has any value, or you choose to engage fully without caring about it. It's borderline nihilistic.

The philosophy (rationalism?) shouldn't be used as a guideline to live your life. It should exist to let you know that what you're experiencing can be false, and you shouldn't be shocked by it. What it shouldn't be is a philosophy that makes you question your existence while living a content life which you feel no uncomfort towards. It should be in the back of your head so that once you realize that you've been under the illusion of being right when wrong, you'll come to understand that there exists truth outside of what you perceive. You won't be dumbfounded because of the notion that your senses may betray you.
_________________________________________________ __________________________________

Morality doesn't exist, only morals do. Morals are for people who don't do philosophy. Pragmatic thinking leads me to think that moral shouldn't stand in the way of my ethics; ethics being my set rules for what I see is right, and what I see is wrong. Morals would make me feel bad for the guy that got shoved away for blocking the exit, but my ethics would tell me that justice was served. Ethics would tell me not to be a nuisance to other people, not to stand with a group of friends in the middle of a narrow path, or stop while walking down the stairs to do something. I don't want to see other people do these things to me, so I don't do them to other people.
Boiling it down to simply 'cogito ergo sum' seems like more the result of predisposed notions about the concept of "I am." Try to look at the concept from an unbiased perspective, without the notion of any philosophy or ideal.

Personally I feel that there is a single absolute truth that supersedes all other truths. Interdependence dictates that everything that exists is rooted in something else. All things are the result of their conditioning, ergo one can logically deduce that for anything at all to be conditioned there much be one single absolute to which all is rooted in, otherwise nothing at all would be conditioned. No phenomena would arise.

I recognize that the only objective truth that I can say without any doubt is, "I am." However, I do not believe one can simply convey the one absolute truth, that which all other truths are rooted in, simply by "I am." No, in fact I would say that such a truth is beyond any measure or definition, as in subjecting it to such is to bring it into the realm of our subjective interpretation and thus inadvertently defiling its absolute nature in our explanation of it.

None of this dominates my morality or ethics, however. What dominates that is my desire to be free of suffering, and my understanding of cause and effect. action and reaction, consequence.

The Flood / Re: Where's Sandtrap at?
« on: May 11, 2016, 01:23:34 PM »
nobody is allowed
If rights don't exist then allowance doesn't exist either. There's no supreme law of the universe stating that you can or can't, only consequences if you do or don't.
Exactly, but what right do you have if rights don't exist? Literally none.

It's an interesting way to think, because it turns you into an optimist. You will continue to live, and thus you choose to take action, and knowing that nobody has any rights, openings appear everywhere. Suddenly constitutions don't have much power, atom bombs seem deflectable, bullets are only gonna go in one distance with a certain amount of force. Everything you see will be objective truth seen through glasses that help you see the edges clearer. There is no god able to rightfully control you, "nature" loses its power and is lowered to our levels. You can no longer point and say that something happens in nature and thus is the right way, 'cause nature is another law breaker like us.
Understanding the ultimate emptiness of rights, ethics, morality etc. has revealed to me that the only objective truth I can truly acknowledge without any doubt what-so-ever is that "I am."

Or perhaps maybe it was the realization that the only objective truth I can acknowledge without any doubt is "I am" is what helped me to see the emptiness of rights, ethics, morality etc.

There are other truths which have their objectivity alluded to by the observable mechanics of reality, such as the interdependence of reality, the impermanence of all phenomena, etc. but I cannot reveal these things as absolutely objective, as they must be deduced from a subjective perspective. That isn't to say, however, that I deny their objectivity, I merely realize that these phenomena just are how they are, and that it is my subjective interpretation of them that prevents me from establishing them as absolute.

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