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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: God save our gracious memes
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:41:48 PM »
It's good that you're all so passionate.

The Flood / Re: God save our gracious memes
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:00:00 PM »
Not a fan of the national anthem, or really any for that matter. They just remind me of our society's supposed obligation to be proud of your nationality when it's absolutely nothing you have any control over and nothing you've ever had to work to achieve. Which seems just a bit foolish in my eyes.

The Flood / Re: think about your most deeply held beliefs
« on: September 13, 2016, 06:52:21 PM »
Truth is truth regardless of whether or not it is recognized, and I do my best to align my beliefs with truth.

Humans hate on each other for the darnedest things.

The Flood / Re: Whats your opinion on Straight Edge?
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:16:02 PM »
Hehehe fuk labels dude I'm above them he hahaha ;)
Yeah, this is a good thing.

Labelling yourself is just a way to make you feel special.
Labels are for practicality and convenience, they aren't inherently egotistical. Some people just use them that way.

I don't need to label myself for being sober simply because saying "I'm sober" should be enough.

The Flood / Re: Whats your opinion on Straight Edge?
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:09:48 PM »
I'm sober these days but I will never be 'straight edge' as I don't need a label for being sober, plus I still want to have an ayahuasca trip.

The Flood / Re: I'm back
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:02:24 AM »
I don't think it's ever been longer than 2 weeks, although I've gone through long periods of lurking.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 12, 2016, 01:01:00 AM »
idk tbh. Wacom cintiq possibly, but that's a long ways off. Maybe basic keyboard piano so I can't start messing around with music again.

The Flood / Re: SecondAss triggering thread
« on: September 11, 2016, 01:38:09 PM »
this thread has gone 2far

I might sometimes say I'm a deadbeat but that doesn't mean I'm disgusted with myself. Shit is what it is. I have different standards that those that are (no pun intended) standard in society. I'm pretty satisfied with the current state of my mentality, especially considering what I've been subjected to (legitimate issues I will not speak about) and the state of my health.
You can claim you don't, but you do.
This is why I said I didn't feel like convincing you that I don't actually hate myself. You would make claims about me regardless. I get that you're going to judge me based on how I act, even though I do a piss poor job of representing the way I really am on this board. You say I'm an open book but I'm ironically one that is clamped shut most of the time.

Brother you can be as condescending and disrespectful as you want, I'm not the one calling myself a piece of shit every time a thread is made.
Nah I'm really touched, you might be an abrasive fucker but you really are concerned sometimes. It's nice actually.

Okay so why post it here then?
Gotta get to that mythic.

Look, I think you're a cool dude. You're a great artist and down to earth guy.
But this is bullshit.
Nah being humble is me not holding any importance over myself. Saying no one cares is just me poking fun as a result of that perspective. No, it isn't an accurate representation of that perspective but I don't really care.

Also since when does nonstop self deprecation have anything to do with humility?

It's one thing to be modest when talking about yourself during a conversation that calls for it, but what you do is beyond overkill.

I'm not trying to start an argument with you, I'm just letting you know what you do is unhealthy.
Nigga where are you getting nonstop self deprecation from.

I might sometimes say I'm a deadbeat but that doesn't mean I'm disgusted with myself. Shit is what it is. I have different standards that those that are (no pun intended) standard in society. I'm pretty satisfied with the current state of my mentality, especially considering what I've been subjected to (legitimate issues I will not speak about) and the state of my health.

I'm just letting you know what you do is unhealthy.
This though. . . are you concerned about me in some tough love kind of way? I'm touched.

The Flood / Re: Humanity is a disease
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:28:36 PM »
Prog was created by humanity and prog ain't no disease byproduct.

Whoops double post smh

I didn't call it whining. But most of your posts do seem to be you self depreciating. It generally doesn't come off as funny, (personally I don't think I've ever seen one of your posts as funny, and I don't mean any offense by that) and whether or not you yourself consider it to be "humor" is besides the point. Humor goes stale fast if you keep using the same joke.
It isn't for you or anyone else to laugh at. It's simply a result of my tendency to be very humble and practice humility. If I was very talented and successful through society's standards I would still have the tendency to make fun of myself.

I definitely don't do it as often as Chally seems to think , and when I do, a lot of the time it isn't necessarily the main focus of what I have to say. Could be something as simple as my stating I can't afford something a topic is based on because, "I'm a broke ass nigga."

90% of his posts are him whining.
This isn't even true lol smh.
He does have somewhat of a point. Every time I see you post it usually goes along the lines of how not important you are and how supposedly no one cares about you or your presence.
1. My making fun of myself isn't whining. That isn't what I am doing in the slightest. I have no control over how you perceive that action, however.

2. I also have no control over which posts of mine you actually do see or pay attention to, so if my making fun of myself is the only thing you've seen from me then there isn't anything I can really do about that. You will see what you see.

If I want to make fun of myself then shit, I'm gonna do it. Looking at my situation from a position of humor is something I'm keen on, which is exactly what I am doing when I take shots at myself.

90% of his posts are him whining.
This isn't even true lol smh.

The Flood / Re: FURTHER PROOF that Hillary is a reptilian
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:33:01 PM »
Why doesn't she shape shift into a more attractive form?
Her human exoskeleton is losing its power. She's going to consume more souls to get younger and stay president forever if she is elected.

Back in the day, Bill was able to harvest young female interns for Hillary to feed on.
Having second thoughts about what that stain on the blue dress actually was. . .

The Flood / Re: FURTHER PROOF that Hillary is a reptilian
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:26:23 PM »
Why doesn't she shape shift into a more attractive form?

The Flood / Re: anyone actively saving up for their dream car?
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:07:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ever brush your teeth so thoroughly
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:54:34 PM »
Just squeeze your thumb in your fist when you brush your tongue.

Being a geeky 11 year old i was actually pretty scared
That's p fuckin' hilarious if true.

I never said that, you did. You just said "I don't know what I can say to get you to stop believing I hate myself", implying you want me to not think you hate yourself when all I told you was to shut the fuck up and stop whining on the forum.

I don't care about why you're depressed or whatever whiny bullshit you want to talk about. Shut the fuck up. Literally all your posts are "oh man life sucks everything is depressing" when the thread or even general conversation in the thread isn't about that. You're like a more whiny stupid version of Verbatim. Get a grip.

Shit I haven't seen someone's perception of me so askew in a long time. I miss that nig kitler, least he had a better idea of who I was so his shit talk was actually entertaining.

tbh though I don't really care about your sensitivity to my ragging on myself. It's just a joke. If it bothers you then. . . well tough luck I suppose.  . get over it?

All I was really saying is that, as you seem to think I hate myself (which is emphatically false), I just can't be arsed to actually prove to you that I don't. In fact, why am I even bothering with this, what are the chances I'm even going to convince you to give up. . . for all I know you could just want to shit on me regardless.

How's about stopping so this thread isn't clogged with a whack conversation like this that shouldn't have even started in the first place.
What? Who the hell is Kitler? "I don't hate myself but I rag on myself"

Bro, you're an open fucking book. I don't have to guess anything or say anything, you just immediately get defensive about shit nobody mentioned.

Stop whining about everything. That's all I have to say to you.
Whoa man, Kitler is just some dude that used to shit on me a lot in other forums. It was p funny cause he understood me fairly well back then. Really it's just more entertaining for me when someone's insults are based on an accurate perception of me. Nothing to take seriously.

I don't get why my ability to make fun of myself would get you so riled up. It's nothing serious ergo it's hard to take you seriously in return. If I wanted to whine for real then I'd have a hell of a lot more to talk about.

I know shit is boring around here but you don't need to make attempts at picking me apart, I can take care of that myself, and trust me, the shots I take at myself on here are hardly picking myself apart.

The Flood / Re: Escaped chimpanzee attacks Hispanic couple
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:11:14 PM »
Poor kids.

I never said that, you did. You just said "I don't know what I can say to get you to stop believing I hate myself", implying you want me to not think you hate yourself when all I told you was to shut the fuck up and stop whining on the forum.

I don't care about why you're depressed or whatever whiny bullshit you want to talk about. Shut the fuck up. Literally all your posts are "oh man life sucks everything is depressing" when the thread or even general conversation in the thread isn't about that. You're like a more whiny stupid version of Verbatim. Get a grip.

Shit I haven't seen someone's perception of me so askew in a long time. I miss that nig kitler, least he had a better idea of who I was so his shit talk was actually entertaining.

tbh though I don't really care about your sensitivity to my ragging on myself. It's just a joke. If it bothers you then. . . well tough luck I suppose.  . get over it?

All I was really saying is that, as you seem to think I hate myself (which is emphatically false), I just can't be arsed to actually prove to you that I don't. In fact, why am I even bothering with this, what are the chances I'm even going to convince you to give up. . . for all I know you could just want to shit on me regardless.

How's about stopping so this thread isn't clogged with a whack conversation like this that shouldn't have even started in the first place.

Not quite worthy of one.
Could you fucking get a grip dude?

Fucking christ. I've met terminal cancer patients more cheery than you.
I don't know what to say. I guess I just don't have the energy to try and convince you that I don't actually hate myself.
Listen I don't know what your deal is but whatever you think you're going to accomplish by hating yourself and wallowing in misery won't happen.
You should probs just stop believe that I hate myself.

Gaming / Re: lmao
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:53:27 AM »
I think I'll wait until Bungie are out of contract before I look at that shitstain of a company/website again tbh
Activision's taint lingers on. Bungie will never be the same.

The Flood / Re: If you were to die tommorow, what would your last wish be?
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:50:50 AM »
Give me ayhuasca.

Not quite worthy of one.
Could you fucking get a grip dude?

Fucking christ. I've met terminal cancer patients more cheery than you.
I don't know what to say. I guess I just don't have the energy to try and convince you that I don't actually hate myself.

Not quite worthy of one.

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