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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: What food do you really really hate
« on: May 09, 2017, 09:32:52 PM »
So many of the foods people are listing are so good.

It's amazing how cutting sugar ends up making foods generally considered bland taste so much better.

You always sound so disingenuous.

It's fascinating to think about what kind of pathetic and miserable existence it must take to genuinely develop a mindset like the one you display.

So it would seem that you are much more concerned with his attitude towards your perspective on Macron's comment than his perspective on Macron's comment.

Well that's certainly something I have no desire to mediate.

Natural peanut butter has to be stored in the fridge. Same with almond butter.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 08, 2017, 11:54:32 PM »
Guess I got bored at work.

First thing I've drawn in a while, not sure why it ended up being this. I know the proportions are weird. I wasn't really trying.
I wish you would draw more.

Almost at the end of my current practice sketchbook. The progress from the beginning sketch to the last one is pretty astounding to me. I hope I can continue the trend with the next book.

I wish I had a bigger scanner =/

He said that the threat of terrorism is part of our daily lives in the near future, which is completely and undeniably true for all of us.
lmao what
How is this so hard to understand? The number of terrorist attacks and deaths in the West has increased rapidly over the last few years. The US, UK, France, Belgium, Germany and so on have all been the victim of high profile attacks. For the first time in ages, we are facing an actually organized terrorist enemy that does not hole itself up in a cave but actually has something resembling an army that managed to take over large amounts of land and city. An enemy that is media conscious, appeals to many, sucessfully recruits across the globe and takes advantage of war torn countries and the current immigration crisis. There's regular stabbings, shootings, bombings and vehicles driving into people and it's gotten to the point that the question is "when/where" rather than "if" they will happen again sometime soon. National threat levels across the West are elevated and military rather than police presence is a growing thing in airports and public spaces. The war on terror is no longer a buzzword describing troops in Afghanistan, but extensive security measures at home too. Counter-terrorism hasn't been this "popular" since 9/11 and everything from immigration bans to extended mass surveillance is being explored as an answer to the issue. Intelligence services everywhere are being reformed and counter-terrorist / security units are expanding everywhere.

We live in a time where terrorist attacks and deaths in the West have recently skyrocketed. Where the government is pushing for growing mass surveillance and access to our private lives just to combat terrorism. Where elevated threat levels have become normal and military presence in public places is the new standard. To suggest this threat is not part of our lives now is absurd and I commend Macron for mentioning it despite of the terrible right wing blogs that are all too eager to frame this as "OMG he says terrorism is just something normal we will now have to live with wow he's saying we should give up!?"
Maybe Belgium and France take this sort of defeatist approach to terrorism, but the rest of us don't. UK and US intelligence services have prevented innumerable plots and I can assure you terrorism isn't "a daily part of our lives" for us, nor will it ever be, and I find it disrespectful that you would even suggest that.

I'm sorry, I just don't accept that this is just something that's going to be a thing we have to put up with, because it isn't, and it shouldn't be. Our intelligence services have proven that time and time again, although I guess from your country's perspective you aren't really accustomed to competent counter terrorism.

I'm not suggesting for a minute that terrorism will be hounded out completely. There will always be fanatics that manage to slip through the cracks and threaten the possibility of an attack. But it should be a slim possibility, not something that the public just have to buck up and accept as a """daily part of our lives""" lmao.
Then you're just a moron, because it is. Counter terrorism units have stopped plots like this everywhere. Some people just aren't as blind to these threats as you are, and it's not at all "defeatist" to realize this.
I'm not sure why you would label that perspective as moronic. The basis for it is quite obvious and is not irrational.

It seems like you two have different ideas on what "daily lives" actually means. I don't think Mordo denies that the threat of terrorism exists for him, but I don't think he considers it to be a part of his 'daily life' either. I think Mordo understands "daily life" as that which is encountered or has to be dealt with on a daily basis, as in work, school, family etc.

I live in a town with a good amount of gang violence. The threat of me being attacked or harmed by gang members is certainly higher than the threat of being harmed in a terrorist attack. However, gang violence is not a part of my daily life. It isn't something I'm ever involved with, a witness to, or a victim of. The same is true of terrorism.

Terrorism is not something that is encountered on a daily basis. It is something that is known to the vast majority of people in the west from a sort of disconnected and vicarious perspective.

To someone that understands their daily life to be that which they encounter and deal with on a daily basis, saying that terrorism is a part of their daily life absolutely seems to imply that it is something they encounter on a daily basis, or at the least, very often. And that is not true for the vast majority of people in the west.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 06, 2017, 04:26:08 PM »

A tall stool without a foot rest is just a poor design.

The Flood / Re: fidget spinners
« on: May 06, 2017, 10:26:50 AM »
Why is this associated with autism now?

Is everything associated with autism now?

The smell is abhorrent.
I don't know, blue berry muffins smell pretty damn good to me.

But by doing drugs, you are literally altering your own brain chemistry.
Your entire experience as a human is the result of the alteration of brain chemistry.

Man everyone took this thread the wrong way. I never said I look down on people who smoke, or think of them as lesser people. I know people of all wealth brackets who smoke, it's not something only poor people do. That's not even what I said.

all I literally said is that I don't see it as a "clean" thing to do. I don't see it as something better then drinking and shit. Like even if the product, like the one in the vlog, is "high end" it's still not to me. It's weed.

Everyone got mad butt hurt and took it like I was saying only shitty poor people smoke. I never once even remotely came close to that. Class doesn't equal wealth. It's just how I view it.

You smoke? Cool. I don't think your shitty because of it.

Id say a majority of people here smoke so of course everyone got upset when I said anything negative about it

Nothing pretentious about an opinion
You seem surprised by the responses you received. Which is odd because it should be rather obvious how you come off to others when you say that a you view a certain habit (one that a good amount of members here have) as low class and dirty. Offense may be taken, not given, but regardless it's a rather insulting viewpoint and it absolutely seems condescending whether or not you intend it to be.

Serious / Re: FCC to Investigate Colbert over "Cock Holster" Joke
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:57:27 PM »
smfh an investigation because of a joke. There are very serious and terrible events happening in the world today, things that will decide the fate of humanity in the future, and this is what people are concerned with.

You perceive it as dirty and foul because you're a judgmental uptight prick of course
I can't think of a better thing to be.
Sounds like a rather terrible existence.
It's pretty fucking great, actually.
From my experience, highly judgemental people tend to be more miserable.

You perceive it as dirty and foul because you're a judgmental uptight prick of course
I can't think of a better thing to be.
Sounds like a rather terrible existence.

« on: May 05, 2017, 01:14:33 PM »
someone with a boss healthbar
I think the boss health bar is that player's health pool. Idk if there's a slight buff.
You sure don't feel like a boss when doing Spear of the Church. Still super squishy and to top it off you're usually fighting three guys. I suppose it's alright practice for dealing with gankers.

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:20:31 AM »
One can not deny the tremendous amount negativity General Jackson has caused. However "Evil" is not as black and white as you make it out to be. Jackson is controversial, but he also did a lot of net good for the country and that is also undeniable. He is merely a product of the era he was from, and one should remember that when judging former leaders.

jackson is one of the most evil motherfuckers to ever preside as president of the USA, and that's a position with a lot of evil motherfuckers.
a genocidal maniac="merely a product of the era he was from"

lol k
The environment and society you are born into and grow up in has a very significant bearing on the kind of person you turn out to be. If you had been born in Nazi Germany then the chance that you would've been a Nazi is very high. (Assuming you weren't Jewish)

It's wise to understand that all of us, as humans, are capable of terrible malice. Even the best of us. It isn't just psychopaths devoid of empathy and morality that have such a capacity.

The Flood / Re: What's wrong with Hedonism?
« on: May 05, 2017, 10:59:25 AM »
Well generally, when the highs are really high, the lows are really low.

And it isn't easy to maintain 'highs' like that, so you often just get stuck in the lows, suffering even more.

Of course, you can live your life however you want to, just be mindful of consequence.

Would you see a kid who's using CBD oil to treat their seizure disorder as a "lower class/dirty" thing? What about someone juicing cannabis leaves? Or it is just smoking that you see that way? If someone was using a vaporizer would you feel the same? Is it simply because of the fact that it will alter perception?

What about something with more intrusive effects on perception like alcohol? Is drinking low class and dirty?

Know that the culture surrounding pot isn't exactly a majority thing. Because cannabis has a stigma behind it, many people that use it are not often very open about it, lest they be subjected to the exact judgement you are displaying on cannabis use in this thread. The most vocal of a certain demographic are usually the minority. Generally, most people just do what they do and then live their lives relatively quietly. I have met a lot of people that you would never guess were cannabis users if you go by your perspective.

I imagine that when the right to use cannabis is finally restored fully throughout the western world, this 'weed culture' mess will begin to represent cannabis users less and less after people begin to see that there are many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, that use it.

The Flood / Re: since dxm is a lifestyle for me now
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:42:23 PM »
No meditation would not give you a fantasy experience.
Yeah, exactly. Why would you ever think that would help me, then? A fantasy experience is what I need, it's the only way for me to be who I am. This isn't about changing my mindset, it's about changing myself completely.
I explained exactly why in my post above. You seek a fantasy experience because you desire something that you can't really have, but ultimately the separation of ego would change you. That desire would begin to weaken and thus would your suffering begin to diminish.
The desire is who I am - it's not going away.
One day you might see that you are not just your ego. The self is something much more fundamental.

The Flood / Re: since dxm is a lifestyle for me now
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:07:45 PM »
No meditation would not give you a fantasy experience.
Yeah, exactly. Why would you ever think that would help me, then? A fantasy experience is what I need, it's the only way for me to be who I am. This isn't about changing my mindset, it's about changing myself completely.
I explained exactly why in my post above. You seek a fantasy experience because you desire something that you can't really have, but ultimately the separation of ego would change you. That desire would begin to weaken and thus would your suffering begin to diminish.

The Flood / Re: since dxm is a lifestyle for me now
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:53:37 PM »
Meditation would help a mentality like yours so much if you managed to stick with it, but I wouldn't expect you to have the will to do it.
It wouldn't work for my purposes.

tbh I use this to treat my gender dysphoria

I can dissociate from myself and become whoever I want on high doses of dxm, like if I'm watching a movie or a show I can literally "become" the character

meditation isnt that extreme
No meditation would not give you a fantasy experience. However it would undoubtedly help a mentality like yours. Ultimately practiced meditation leads to the separation of ego and even ego death in those who have mastered it. The separation of ego lessens the power your emotions and desires have over you and allows for a more peaceful state to exist within you.

I don't believe that you necessarily want that, you seem to be very 'desire driven' and act on the things that you crave, but regardless it would help resolve the turmoil in your heart. Perhaps one day you may be willing to try it, though I won't hold my breath.

The Flood / Re: since dxm is a lifestyle for me now
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:19:16 PM »
Meditation would help a mentality like yours so much if you managed to stick with it, but I wouldn't expect you to have the will to do it.

Props. Must've taken a while.

I've been trying to play some mod packs but I need more ram (which I should have Friday) Was building this subterranean city suspended over the void. I need to go back and try to finish it.


The Flood / Re: Biting your fingers
« on: May 03, 2017, 10:44:25 PM »
I chew the shit out of my nails tbh.

Meanwhile medical cannabis lowers the rates of opioid use/abuse/overdose in states that have it over 20% and the federal government continues treat it as more dangerous and having less medicinal value than methamphetamine and cocaine. On top of that, the natural herb kratom, which is objectively safer than synthetic opiods like methadone or suboxone and does not induce respiratory depression, also helps addicts to kick their opiod use, and the DEA wants to make it a schedule 1 substance like cannabis.

Seems hardly as mysterious as the books are smh. Comes off as just some action movie with a Dark Tower theme. Why is the movie industry like this now? Why can't they just understand that the general public can enjoy a more meaningful and in depth story?

Also, the tower used as a weapon to unleash hell? I haven't read through the full series yet, but from my understanding the tower is supposed to be a nexus of realities/universes, right? What's all this about it keeping hell at bay?

The Red King was trying to destroy the towers to undo reality.k
Ah, I get that the tower sort of holds the realities in existence together. Not sure why this movie has to simplify that premise as 'the tower protects us from hell."

The Flood / Re: I summon....
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:43:04 PM »
Jokes on you, my entire deck is full of these.

Seems hardly as mysterious as the books are smh. Comes off as just some action movie with a Dark Tower theme. Why is the movie industry like this now? Why can't they just understand that the general public can enjoy a more meaningful and in depth story?

Also, the tower used as a weapon to unleash hell? I haven't read through the full series yet, but from my understanding the tower is supposed to be a nexus of realities/universes, right? What's all this about it keeping hell at bay?

Serious / Re: I'm about to try to kill myself again.
« on: May 02, 2017, 10:57:36 PM »
Open your eyes and see how your actions affect the people and the world around you.

You say you would end it all, presumably to escape suffering? Would you subject others to the suffering of grief? Do you have any idea how painful that is? How should they cope?

Please seek help. As Nietzsche said, "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in suffering." Find the meaning in your suffering. Find your resolve.

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