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Messages - Aether

Pages: 1 ... 424344 4546 ... 229
The Flood / Re: Why there is no such thing as a bad person
« on: June 05, 2017, 09:47:55 PM »
The real reason the is no sych thing as an objectively bad person is because good/bad is non-imperical and therefore unguagable.
Morality is objective as long as suffering exists.
To me this implies that morality is not objective but merely axiomatic. For me to understand it as objective, it would have to be more than just a concept conditioned by the subjective experience of sentient beings.

Ultimately nature does not define morality in any way, and without sentience to conceptualize morality, it doesn't exist.
Concepitalizing something =/= making it exist

Sentient beings can interpret something, sure. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist if it can't be interpreted.

If nothing but a predator and its prey existed, say a lion and a gazelle, it would still be highly immoral for the lion to eat the gazelle. Neither the lion nor gazelle would know it was an immoral act, but it still is.
When something is entirely a concept then yes, conceptualizing it is what brings it into existence.

It would seem that you define morality as the absence of harming or perhaps the absence of the conditioning of suffering. However that is not how I define it at all. Morality is not defined within nature. Reality does not present us with meaning to any phenomena that we encounter and experience, meaning arises as the result of our interpretation of these phenomena.

Morality for me is the path that leads to the minimization of suffering, not necessarily the actual absence of suffering or its roots. This definition is the result of my interpretation of suffering and what conditions it, and it would not exist without my conceptualizing it.

The Flood / Re: Why there is no such thing as a bad person
« on: June 05, 2017, 09:18:40 PM »
The real reason the is no sych thing as an objectively bad person is because good/bad is non-imperical and therefore unguagable.
Morality is objective as long as suffering exists.
To me this implies that morality is not objective but merely axiomatic. For me to understand it as objective, it would have to be more than just a concept conditioned by the subjective experience of sentient beings.

Ultimately nature does not define morality in any way, and without sentience to conceptualize morality, it doesn't exist.

The Flood / Re: Why there is no such thing as a bad person
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:50:12 PM »
No judgement should be passed if you have no desire for the creation of order out of chaos.

However, most people desire to create order out of chaos ergo they must pass judgement.

The Flood / Re: I work around cigarettes a lot
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:31:23 PM »
I may have smoked copious amounts of pot, but I've never once had any desire at all to hit a cigarette.

The Flood / Re: 14 year old boy's intestines get sucked out in a pool
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:12:32 PM »
This has happened multiple times to people. Specifically kids. I still don't understand why they haven't developed something to prevent it from happening.

The Flood / Re: How Do You Like Your Honey Mustard?
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:06:49 PM »
Edit: smfh this dude keeps editing my posts. Some friend. . .

And I gave up my position because I didn't think I was active enough. . .

The Flood / Re: So someone buying Bnet accounts
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:25:00 PM »
Why else do you think they want to buy the account? No one gives a shit about someone having 20k posts and a ten year badge on their profile. It's all because having such an old account gives you a fucking emblem in Destiny.

People want to buy accounts for destiny shit? I didn't think it had reached Blizzard levels of fanboyism.
I understand why, I just didn't expect a hollow game like Destiny to have such fanboys.

The Flood / Re: So someone buying Bnet accounts
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:12:32 PM »
Yes, people have been offering for a while. I've had three myself. I would sooner destroy the account permanently then sell it so some Nu-Bungie fanboy can stroke his dick to a fucking avatar in Destiny.
People want to buy accounts for destiny shit? I didn't think it had reached Blizzard levels of fanboyism.

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:11:02 PM »
fuckin necromancy

The Flood / Re: So someone buying Bnet accounts
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:07:55 PM »
no deci I don't want your $80 account

<—- Not deci
You two seem a lot alike to me.

Heard about this a couple of weeks ago. It's honestly pretty worrying to see. The internet is becoming less and less free. Censorship is starting to overpower freedom of expression.

Governments are even beginning to persecute more and more people for expressing themselves on the web under the guise of fighting hate speech and extremism.

Just heard a story about a man in Switzerland who was fined for liking posts on Facebook that were deemed offensive to a certain individual.

Just another step closer to the nanny state.

The Flood / Re: so i graduated
« on: June 03, 2017, 01:29:28 PM »
Props. I dropped out like a loser but I got my GED and scored very high on the exams (top 5% of the state) and got an award.

The Flood / Re: battlestations
« on: June 03, 2017, 10:08:08 AM »
Fuckin J3 camera is garbage.

The Flood / Re: Steaming veggies
« on: June 02, 2017, 04:38:30 PM »
I used to steam a lot of vegetables and tbh it really does depend. Spinach or kale I would steam for 3 mins. broccoli and brussel sprouts 5 mins. Green bean 7 mins.

The Flood / Re: Who here buys bitcoins
« on: June 02, 2017, 04:34:22 PM »
The feel when I had at least 1000 bit coin but I have no idea how to access them.

how and why?

Buddy and I started mining them when I was in high school (may have been eighth grade, memory is a bit foggy). There was a website that you could use bit coin as currency to pay for a game subscription (think it was Ultima Online that we were trying to pay for). We ended up playing on free servers right after some update in the game so we never used the coins.
Is 1000 an exaggeration? It takes a long time to mine a decent amount of bitcoin with just two pc's. People set up entire warehouses with racks full of processors to mine enough for a living.
Absolutely not.

We're talking about mining somewhere around a decade ago, when bitcoin was worth a fraction of a penny and the blockchain hadn't gotten complicated yet.

You could mine thousands of them in no time, of course they were unspendable and worth practically nothing.

The first purchase of real goods with bitcoin was less than seven years ago, two pizzas for 10,000 BTC.

Today, each pizza would have cost around $12,125,000.
Word, makes sense. If it was true for me, I'd be doing everything I could to access those coins.

The Flood / Re: Who here buys bitcoins
« on: June 01, 2017, 11:16:31 PM »
The feel when I had at least 1000 bit coin but I have no idea how to access them.

how and why?

Buddy and I started mining them when I was in high school (may have been eighth grade, memory is a bit foggy). There was a website that you could use bit coin as currency to pay for a game subscription (think it was Ultima Online that we were trying to pay for). We ended up playing on free servers right after some update in the game so we never used the coins.
Is 1000 an exaggeration? It takes a long time to mine a decent amount of bitcoin with just two pc's. People set up entire warehouses with racks full of processors to mine enough for a living.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 30, 2017, 07:08:22 PM »

im glad you took it well but some of this stuff you should work towards being able to do without even thinking about it when proper anatomy (stylized or not, you will be able to tell) becomes habit

not saying you only have one artist to go from, just giving an example, many of those artists will have had the same groundwork
Word. Essentially I've been procrastinating studying anatomy to the full and proper extent. I have an amazing book on it (this one here) but I haven't gone through it like I should, and I've yet to find a good source of references. Going to classes certainly isn't an option for me. I avoid using myself because I don't really like looking at my sickly frail body all that long.

I'm going to have to just bite the bullet soon and get started.

The Flood / Re: Who here buys bitcoins
« on: May 30, 2017, 05:15:52 PM »
BTC eh? Are you planning to purchase roids on the dark net? A guy I used to talk to a lot used LocalBitcoin to purchase from local exchangers. iirc he would purchase over a grand at times.

Slightly related: A friend of mine managed to turn 100 dollars of ethereum into two grand but now he can't get into his coinbase account due to shitty ID verification/facial recognition software. so steer clear of that place.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving to Japan
« on: May 30, 2017, 12:24:16 PM »
Take pictures. The cities in Japan are so aesthetically pleasing.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 30, 2017, 10:36:26 AM »
EDIT: fucking double post smh

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 30, 2017, 10:32:59 AM »
Which program do you use again?

Same old shit from me again. At least I'm improving.

i think youre developing habits that actually makes the anatomy worse

the way you draw noses may look fine from the side but were you to draw a face that was facing the screen, how would you go about it

highlights from the eyes are supposed to come from one light source, it makes your eyes look cross-eyed if you give them separate directions unless the light source is close (then it would converge, but never diverge)

you also dont seem to understand the reason for the indent between the collar bones is the collar bones themselves, and tbh looking in the mirror would tell you this

necks also have an angled potrusion that goes down towards this indent, unlike the rectangular necks you draw

if youre drawing collar bones i at least suspect you want them to represent a human's so i would not say this is a stylistic choice; neck size and shape would be

your lines are good but i feel l ike youre getting worse with the faces, im not sure how many tutorials or things like that you look at but if there arent many other artists criticizing your work it could be self destructive to the learning process

theres a saying that goes learn the rules before you break them; if youre trying a similar style to kushinovs art, he did a lot of life drawing and still life before he started doing his own work, and maybe you wont notice it now, but it pays off, and youll see it in your art; then when you go to look back at your old stuff, namely these, youll know exactly what you did wrong
Props for the crits.

The highlight issue is a matter of sketching fast. The reason I say I see improvement is that the last sketch was done in maybe a quarter of the time I would usually take. I've been trying to achieve a comparable level in a much shorter amount of time. I guess so I can get down what I know quickly and move on to correcting what mistakes I'm making. I actually did notice that the left highlight on the eye was over slightly more left than the right was, but the difference wasn't so huge that it bothered me all that much in regards to what I was trying to accomplish anyways.

With shoulders and collar bones, it's a matter of me not practicing them because I run out of room, (I sketch too big, another thing I need to work on) so they just become a place holder to make the head look less floaty. I virtually always have an issue with them and sometimes just leave the head looking floaty anyways. I figure though I should at least try them, wrong as they are, to work towards figuring them out even if it's at a very slow pace for now. I didn't draw collar bones in that sketch literally because I didn't want to do it because I didn't think they would look any good. I just thought the area looked too empty without anything so I sketched the indent without them.

I realize I've got a long way to go with proportions and proper anatomy, so I will go over and try to remember everything you've said. You're literally the only person at all that looks at my shit critically, so thanks for real. It's actually something I long for pretty desperately.

Also, I'm not necessarily purposefully going for a style like kuvshinov's, he's just one inspiration among many for me, like Runshin, Filipe Aguiar, Ross Tran, Anthulu, the list goes on. I have more of an affinity for drawing rounder female faces, specifically the jaw line and the nose, ( I just love drawing flowing curves, even when I sketch graffiti) and I think that's why kushinov's work may influence me more than others.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 30, 2017, 01:10:09 AM »
Which program do you use again?

Same old shit from me again. At least I'm improving.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with stress?
« on: May 29, 2017, 01:11:09 PM »

No but seriously I usually just internalize it until I break and scream.

It's not very healthy, but it gets the job done.

seriously though I play video games, take my dog on a walk, smoke cigs (bad bad bad), and bitch about my issues to my best friend
Internalizing stress directs it straight towards your physical health, eventually making you chronically ill or in pain.

As much as I appreciate your concern... I was really joking. I'm terrible at keeping stress in. I'm definitely a complainer and nothing is better than sitting down with the husband and best friends and bitching about our days.
That's good. Complaining isn't great for you, but not complaining can be worse if you don't quite have the capacity for apathy.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with stress?
« on: May 29, 2017, 12:08:10 PM »

No but seriously I usually just internalize it until I break and scream.

It's not very healthy, but it gets the job done.

seriously though I play video games, take my dog on a walk, smoke cigs (bad bad bad), and bitch about my issues to my best friend
Internalizing stress directs it straight towards your physical health, eventually making you chronically ill or in pain.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with stress?
« on: May 29, 2017, 10:46:48 AM »
I suppose I try to be more apathetic towards things that don't really matter in the end, albeit not always very effectively.

When I am stressed I mostly just find an escape like my art, playing a game, listening to music, watching youtube/shows/movies etc.

I know sketching or playing certain games can be very meditative for me.

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Ice Cream?
« on: May 29, 2017, 10:26:34 AM »
Well I can't eat it anymore but this shit right here:

The Flood / Re: What happened?
« on: May 29, 2017, 10:08:16 AM »
I've been spending most of my time sketching and binge watching movies.

I'll have to go to the art thread to see if you posted anything recently. What type of movie genera do you prefer? I love horror.

I don't necessarily have a preferred genre. I just watch whatever I think is entertaining enough.

:D what's your favorite movie?

Yeah I can't really think of a favorite either.

The Flood / Re: What happened?
« on: May 29, 2017, 10:00:48 AM »
I've been spending most of my time sketching and binge watching movies.

I'll have to go to the art thread to see if you posted anything recently. What type of movie genera do you prefer? I love horror.

I don't necessarily have a preferred genre. I just watch whatever I think is entertaining enough.

It's also amazing just how ineffective you become at doing things without sleep.

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