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Messages - Aether

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The Flood / Re: Practical computer applications?
« on: August 23, 2017, 12:18:29 PM »
I just use CCleancer and Defrag to keep my shit up to speed.

What do those do?
CCleaner clears your drives of unnecessary shit. Kind of like clearing your history/cache/cookies on your browser, but for your drives instead.

Defrag rearranges the files on your HDD because they become 'fragmented' over time and it slows your HDD down.

The Flood / Re: Practical computer applications?
« on: August 23, 2017, 12:12:24 PM »
I just use CCleancer and Defrag to keep my shit up to speed.

If you formatted your shit and it's still slow then you might have a hardware issue. Is your HDD old? They do get slower over time.

EDIT: nvm your shit is fine.

yeah, she'll love you unconditionally because she's your mom. That sucks. It's nothing special, it's your free space.
The love for your child is one of the most profound things that exists to give a person's life meaning. Perhaps it's nothing to you, but understand that there is something exceptional about a connection to a person that would cause another to even die for them. That kind of love is anything but trivial.

Well everything looked as if I was wearing shades for a few minutes and it definitely felt much cooler, but I wasn't able to see it directly as every store was sold out of glasses. Made an indirect viewer with a cereal box and watched it like that.

Too bad I'm not just a little bit further south.

The Flood / Re: Can you sleep well in a strange place?
« on: August 20, 2017, 11:13:24 PM »
I don't even sleep well in my own bed.

The Flood / Re: this is the future liberals want
« on: August 20, 2017, 09:23:20 PM »
is that the tail or a butt plug

The Flood / Re: I had a fucking adventure today
« on: August 19, 2017, 09:46:52 PM »
Looks like a chill spot for bombing.

The Flood / Re: the truth about focnr
« on: August 19, 2017, 02:22:38 PM »
i too play minecraft

The Flood / Re: So I'm back I guess...
« on: August 18, 2017, 03:06:09 PM »
it's hard to believe people take this place seriously. A part of me just doesn't believe it.

The Flood / Re: post and I'll rate you on a scale of 1 to 3
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:15:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: Cute anime things thread
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:27:31 AM »
it's kawaii you fucking wannabee weeb

The Flood / Re: battlestations
« on: August 15, 2017, 06:24:27 PM »
that vaporwave rbg

I think you're kind of missing the main points of my post.

1. Treating something like a joke doesn't necessarily make it any less serious. You laugh at climate change deniers / anti-vaxxers and shower them with facts and reason, and yet the US now has a president voted for by almost half the country who is both a CC denier and anti-vaxxer, all while certain preventable diseases are making a comeback and environmental protection regulations are being repealed. It's clear that showing these people that they are wrong and not giving them any credibility whatsoever doesn't necessarily work at all.

2. This isn't an all or nothing scenario where the only way these people succeed is when they turn the West into the Fourth Reich. Just like with the examples above, it's possible for them to do a lot of damage well before they get there. Populism has been on the rise in many parts of the world. Anti-intellectualism, denial of science and alternative facts are commonplace and often encouraged. We see Trump, Brexit and far right nationalist leaders becoming more popular go hand in hand with increases in crime against minorities and the radicalization of fringe groups now feeling empowered. These people helped elect Trump who, when asked to condemn neo nazis executing terror attacks in the US, literally just turned around and walked out of the room without answering. Sure, the literal nazis donning swastikas might be a fringe minority, but the gist of their ideals is taking hold with many more. I'll try finding an article I read about it earlier, but it basically said that many of the influential people in these movements realize that their way forward is not by banking on a new generation of all people saluting Hitler or burning crosses in white gowns. Their future is to turn these beliefs into something mainstream that slowly slides down a slope, and they're succeeding at it.

As I said earlier, I think you're underestimating this. It's easy to say that we can just treat it as a joke and a fringe minority doomed to fail, but every single day more and more people are taking on these extremist views, only now with a nice bow on it. "I'm not a climate change denier, but you're not gonna tell me global warming is real as long as it still snows on Christmas! I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but you're not gonna convince me that a baby needs all these chemicals injected! I'm not a racist nazi, but I just think that whites should fight back against jews and foreigners!" Violence is not the answer, but I think you're wrong in saying that dismissing them as a joke and fools with a vision that can never succeed is going to accomplish anything. Because they don't need a Fourth Reich to win. They just need their extreme ideals to find a more mainstream audience. And while we just laugh at them, the process I described in my earlier post turns many moderates into hardliners who eagerly embrace the "nazi/extremist/racist/counter-factual" views, only now as a lite and slightly fluffier version.
What I'm getting from you is that you think they need to be taken more seriously than you believe I think they should be taken. Which isn't exactly false, I do think they should be taken less seriously than you seem to think. However, than doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be taken seriously at all, just as a threat to western values. I believe it's entirely possible that these people can shake the political landscape and already have done so, but perhaps the extent to which I believe they can do that is less that what you believe. I think we're going to have to just agree to disagree on that issue.

Having observed the political landscape for the past year or so, I can see that society is becoming increasingly more polarized. It's has become apparent to me that the more the left hypes the 'scourge of the alt-right and the fascists,' the more hysteria they create, and in turn, the more people they radicalize on the left end of the political spectrum as a response to the supposed rise of the radical right. This also happens in reverse. The more the right hypes the 'scourge of the radical left, and the communists' the more hysteria they create as well and in turn, the more people they radicalize on the right end of the political spectrum. The two sides seem to feed off of the hysteria of the other and continually they amass support. As of now they are still fringe minorities but if something does not change then they will not be so fringe in the coming future.

I'm sorry but I believe that at least one side, but preferably both, are going to have to stop acting like the other is such a serious and imminent threat. I think making both extremes out to be a joke and a collective of nutcases would be far more effective at combating the increased polarization than continuing to portray them as an imminent threat to our society's values.

Both sides seemed to act like they had to go and fight in a culture war, and now they are fighting in a culture war. One that they themselves created as a result of thinking they had to go out and fight in one in the first place.

Does anyone really believe these people would be allowed to affect the political landscape to that extent?
Yes, because not opposing the opposition is how you lose political power.
I didn't say to not oppose them, just to stop taking them seriously. If a white-nationalist candidate runs for some office then of course, by all means, elect their opposition. These people are a fringe minority. Despite what some people would like to believe, the majority of the right are not actually nazis.
You're gonna have to a bit more specific than just say we should "stop taking them seriously". Their movements appear to be gaining more traction and growing in boldness and numbers. You throw enormous mountains of evidence of climate change at people, and the US now has an open climate change denier as its leader who's withdrawing from CC conventions, repealing environment protection rules, removing government funded evidence from the white house resources and instating a cabinet that opposes climate change measures. You ignore anti-vaxx idiots and shower them with reasons as to why they're wrong on all media and in public demonstrations, and still preventable diseases are making a comeback because the anti-vaxx movement is continuing to grow.

It's easy to say that they just shouldn't be taken seriously and that we should treat them as a joke. But at any given time, there's thousands upon thousands of (often young and impressionable) people who end up watching propaganda youtube videos, seeing misleading political memes, reading downright false posts on Facebook, Twitter and social media groups, or being fed bullshit by others on forums or chats. And every single day, a good number of people seeing this drivel will go "you know what, they have a point". And they turn away from reputable sources in favor of slanted youtube videos and shitty alternative "news" outlets. "My side is 100% right and the only one that knows the truth, while the other is 100% wrong and the enemy that needs to be defeated so things can become better again". They enter an echo chamber and surround themselves with people who will confirm their views and biases, and they will continue to detest and exclude any other viewpoints to the point that the only time they see or hear anything of these other people is when they see clips of masked antifa activists macing "their people" and chanting violent slogans.

It's easy to say that just ignoring the problem is going to make it go away or amount to nothing. That they should just be treated as a joke. But they're a rabbit hole. These people don't start as literal neo-nazis, thinking they're genetically superior and that white is right. It starts small. A misleading facebook post here, some fake news there, the occasional political meme oversimplying an issue and showing how the "others" are morons incapable of grasping common sense... It's a seed that's planted. And then it's watered with a lot of confirmation bias. "Have you heard that this news site made a mistake in an article? Yeah man, fake news, the lot of it. All biased and MSM left wing propaganda. Best stay away from them and stick to reputable sites bringing you the real news, like or". And then they're made to feel like they're under attack and threatened. "Yeah man, we were just protesting peacefully in our combat gear carrying torches, bats, rocks and shields while chanting DEATH TO ANTIFA so we were really not doing anything (this guy who thinks just like us and has been on our team for ages and just drove his car into a crowd wasn't really part of us, just so you know) but then we were maced because we're being censored and everyone hates free speech but us".

And at that point, the propaganda really takes hold. Blatant misrepresentations and poor understanding of statistics lead to them just eating up anything and everything. Jews are controlling the world and are planning to get rid of the white race. Foreigners only want to rape and pillage ("have you even SEEN what happens in SWEDEN AND GERMANY??") and impose sharia law everywhere. Nazism isn't that bad and the holocaust really is just exaggerated (just look at these debunked reports from widely discredited "researchers"). Their marches are innocent because they have titles such as "unity" and "freedom" in them, so there's no harm here. We are the good guys here. They're regressive and want to keep the truth hidden so that they can force anyone to fall in line with their emotions and lies.

There's a lot less moderation and center remaining. It's a lot easier now to get radicalized and learn to hate the other. The most extreme drag the rest down with them on both sides. Fascism doesn't happen overnight. Extremist ideas become increasingly normalized. So people pick sides. And they're not all rabid racists and nazis. But they do slowly side with them. Because they're still "their people" fighting the good fight against "the other". And it's very easy for these impressionable people who are already into the shithole to be told that "nooo, we're not REAL nazis, that's fake news! We just want to protect the white heritage and our conservative rights against the enemy who will subjugate us all if we don't do something soon. That's not unreasonable is it?" It's easy to forget, but I think you underestimate how easy it is for these hateful ideals to slowly take hold under the guise of something else entirely.
Again, I didn't say to ignore the problem. I didn't say to not oppose them. I said to stop taking them seriously as a threat to western values. There's a major difference between treating someone as a joke and ignoring them. You can't laugh at something you don't pay attention to.

These people believe they're at war with the left. The left needs to stop giving them that war. More and more of these young impressionable right leaning kids are falling prey to white-nationalist ideology because they are beginning to feel ostracized by left leaning ideologues who, despite not being an actual majority in society, have a very loud and far reaching voice. And yes, confirmation bias is a problem and we should be looking to sort out this issue with 'fake news.' We desperately need more honest journalism.

The vast majority of people just want what is reasonable. Both left and right extremes need to be portrayed as unreasonable as they are. But we don't need to put it into young left leaning kids heads that there's a war going on against the right, That white nationalism is somehow on the verge of taking over the west, and that they need to be out there fighting Nazis.

So yes, turn them into a laughing stock. Make them out to be the fools that they are. That doesn't mean to not take any threats of violence seriously, or to not have oversight over what they're doing. But stop acting like they're going to sway the vast majority of reasonable people in the west. Stop acting like a white ethno-state is a possibility. The left needs to do this to the extreme right as much as the right needs to do this to the extreme left. Both sides are radicalizing more people because both sides are acting like the majority of the other is composed of its extreme, and as if that extreme is on the verge of taking over the state instead of treating each extreme like the fringe minority that it is.

By taking the extreme right so seriously, you don't prevent young kids from joining it, but what you do is exacerbate the number of kids joining the extreme left. And that goes the other way as well. If this continues, eventually the extremes won't be so much of a fringe minority anymore.

As I said before, one side is going to have to take the initiative to deescalate. Otherwise the polarization is going to continue to grow, and the violence is only going to get worse.

Does anyone really believe these people would be allowed to affect the political landscape to that extent?
Yes, because not opposing the opposition is how you lose political power.
I didn't say to not oppose them, just to stop taking them seriously. If a white-nationalist candidate runs for some office then of course, by all means, elect their opposition. These people are a fringe minority. Despite what some people would like to believe, the majority of the right are not actually nazis.

All we had to do was laugh at these goons and not take them seriously. .  They had fucking tiki torches ffs.
Let's laugh that nazi loving fuckwits run people over with cars and assault people and spread hate under the guise of "muh free speech".

There is a difference between laughing at a retired KKK member who's a joke, and millennials actively protesting and inciting violence.
I'm not telling anyone to laugh at the attack ffs, that should be obvious. One individual's actions are not a true representation of the ideology as a whole and that is what I am talking about. Their ideology.

You certainly can't fight violence with more violence, and I think giving them so much attention is exactly what they want. Don't give them the fight they're looking for. People have a right to counter protest but it only escalates the violence. These people are a joke. Their hateful rhetoric only has power if society allows it to have power. Let them have their rally, let them spout their nonsense, but don't take their ideology seriously. That doesn't mean to ignore any possible threat of violence and law enforcement should absolutely have oversight to any events they hold, it just means to stop focusing on white nationalism so much and empowering their movement by showing that society sees their ideology as a serious threat to its values. Does anyone really believe these people would be allowed to affect the political landscape to that extent? Does anyone actually think that a white ethno-state is a real possibility? They've manage to help Trump get elected. That's about it. What they ultimately want is utterly unrealistic and will never happen.

One side is going to have to take the initiate to deescalate. One side is going to have to say, "hey maybe we should just sit this one out." because things are only going to get worse otherwise.

All we had to do was laugh at these goons and not take them seriously. .  They had fucking tiki torches ffs.

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 14, 2017, 11:41:00 AM »
So apparently his memo was a response to a diversity meeting google held where they asked for responses?

I think it's pretty fucked that google wouldn't allow criticism of their policy by their employees. If they disagree with the criticism they receive, then refute the points it makes. Allow everyone to put forth their ideas and let them duke it out intellectually to see which ideas can endure. Firing the guy was truly pathetic to me, regardless of how many people complained about the memo. Especially if it really was written as a response to a meeting in which they asked for responses.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 14, 2017, 08:22:00 AM »
I think what he's getting at, or at least what I took from it before, is that what you define as art is so broad, that the term is essentially meaningless. It's like when everything is art, nothing is
I'm not saying that everything is art, but rather, virtually everything is capable of being perceived as art. What I'm saying constitutes art is everything that is defined as art by at least one person. If no one exists who defines any specific thing as art, then it is not art.

The Flood / Re: List of non-autists
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:42:14 AM »
There's a major issue with your list. All of those people are members of sep7.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:37:40 AM »
It's very disappointing that, again, someone is trying to stigmatize my views in that way.

Sorry, but that's just what it comes off as.

That ultimately art is defined individually, and what I may not perceive as art, someone else might. Ergo it seems true to me that virtually anything can be perceived as art so long as a single person exists to perceive it as such. That thing may only be art in the mind of a single person in existence, but one is all it takes. ... It may be a simple perspective but I don't see how it's unreasonable at all.

But see, it's not even worth defining "art" at all if it can be applied to anything.

I'm not even saying that my perspective is the "right" one (though I'm going to argue as though I think it is). But I know that your position is wrong. If you can apply a definition to anything, it's not worth having a definition. Objectivity exists.

If anything is even remotely embarrassing here, it's that you seem to be incapable of entertaining the idea I've presented and respectfully disagreeing, instead of acting stricken by it to the point that you have to say it's embarrassing.

I say it's embarassing because it's an incredible primitive perspective, not one that you'd think would come from extensive rumination. It's the artistic equivalent of nihilism.

Honestly, your perspective is perfectly reasonable to me, I just define art differently than you do.

You actually don't define art at all. That's my contention.
You keep labeling my perspective all manner of pejoratives like it will somehow invalidate it in any way. At this point I'm wondering why you're even continuing this discussion as it would seem you have no intention of trying to understand my point of view and would rather just insult it. Which, fine, you can shit on my view all you want to. As I said, you aren't going to sway me with condescension and insults when my perspective appears to me as clear and true as it can be, and your opinion of my perspective isn't that important to me.

What is the issue here, honestly? Does my view of art offend your sensibilities? Does it really bother you that much that a person could spend time reflecting on the nature of art and come to an understanding that is much more simple than yours? Don't assume that the way I define art is the result of intellectual laziness or some form of incompetence. You have no knowledge of the thought process I used to come to the understanding I have, and yet regardless of that you seem to imply that it is unintelligent in some way or lesser than your own. I think some humility would do you good.

I have absolutely defined art by my view of it. Art is everything defined as art by all those who are capable of defining it. I entertained the idea of applying my specific standards for what strikes me as art and defining it in that way, as you have done, but I realized that doing so was not appealing to me nor was it necessary. I am still perfectly capable of having those standards and defining art in a way that would encompass all perspectives. This way of viewing art has opened me up to art forms I wouldn't have recognized in the past and allowed me to appreciate them when I likely wouldn't have otherwise. It has made my experience with art more enjoyable.

Also, please try to drop the preconceived notions you have about my views and psychedelic drug use. I would never come off to you in that way if you did not have them.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 13, 2017, 08:50:19 PM »
I think it's pretty embarassing that you've allegedly spent so much time thinking about how to define art and you come up with something like that. Something that lacks both an artist to create said art [the two cannot be separated] and any inherent meaning. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this perspective stems from psychedelic drug use of some kind. Am I wrong?
I have a very significant passion for creating art. I think anyone who gets to know me well enough can see that very clearly. My view on this is not a result of drug use and it's very disappointing that, again, someone is trying to stigmatize my views in that way.

My views of what constitutes art are entirely rooted in my contemplation of the idea of art. My perspective does not negate the individual standards and interests I have when it comes to art. There are plenty of things that do not strike me, personally, as art but I recognize that I do not define what is art for other people. That ultimately art is defined individually, and what I may not perceive as art, someone else might. Ergo it seems true to me that virtually anything can be perceived as art so long as a single person exists to perceive it as such. That thing may only be art in the mind of a single person in existence, but one is all it takes. I'm very much of the mindset that nature itself can be and is an artist. My view of art is such that it does not require a sentient creation, but merely a sentient interpretation.

You can shit all over my perspective all you want to but it isn't going to sway my understanding of an idea that appears to me so clearly. It may be a simple perspective but I don't see how it's unreasonable at all. If anything is even remotely embarrassing here, it's that you seem to be incapable of entertaining the idea I've presented and respectfully disagreeing, instead of acting stricken by it to the point that you have to say it's embarrassing.

Honestly, your perspective is perfectly reasonable to me, I just define art differently than you do.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 13, 2017, 04:48:01 PM »
I think of art in a much broader sense than that. Basically if someone has artistic intentions, I'd consider it art. Making a statement with your clothing, for example.
What about aesthetic forms in nature? Fractal geometry for instance, something that can absolutely instill some emotion or idea in someone, is essentially nothing more than looped mathematical functions.

I wouldn't consider that art. Art necessitates artistic intention.
Well I disagree entirely I guess. Reality is art to me. Virtually anything can be perceived as art, and in my eyes, so long as a single person exists to perceive something as art then it's art.

When you can apply a definition to "virtually anything", the definition is flawed. It doesn't actually encapsulate anything. Reality can be beautiful, but there's nothing artistic about it.

I think your definition could use some work.
You can't objectively define something that is subjective. My definition is perfectly reasonable.

I wouldn't say that's reasonable at all. You're entitled to having a poorly thought-out definition if you want, but like I said, if you can apply a definition to anything, you need to update the definition. If everything is art, nothing is.

To be art, you need both a creator, and a creator with artistic intentions. That's my position.
I'm sorry but that is the nature of subjectivity. You can try to impose your perspective as much as you want, but it will never be absolute.

My perspective isn't poorly thought out in the slightest, despite your assumption. I've spent a great deal of time thinking about what constitutes art, and the more I reflect on the idea the more I come to understand that art is defined by the individual and it has innumerable individual interpretations.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 13, 2017, 02:55:10 PM »
I think of art in a much broader sense than that. Basically if someone has artistic intentions, I'd consider it art. Making a statement with your clothing, for example.
What about aesthetic forms in nature? Fractal geometry for instance, something that can absolutely instill some emotion or idea in someone, is essentially nothing more than looped mathematical functions.

I wouldn't consider that art. Art necessitates artistic intention.
Well I disagree entirely I guess. Reality is art to me. Virtually anything can be perceived as art, and in my eyes, so long as a single person exists to perceive something as art then it's art.

When you can apply a definition to "virtually anything", the definition is flawed. It doesn't actually encapsulate anything. Reality can be beautiful, but there's nothing artistic about it.

I think your definition could use some work.
You can't objectively define something that is subjective. My definition is perfectly reasonable.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 13, 2017, 12:56:48 AM »
I think of art in a much broader sense than that. Basically if someone has artistic intentions, I'd consider it art. Making a statement with your clothing, for example.
What about aesthetic forms in nature? Fractal geometry for instance, something that can absolutely instill some emotion or idea in someone, is essentially nothing more than looped mathematical functions.

I wouldn't consider that art. Art necessitates artistic intention.
Well I disagree entirely I guess. Reality is art to me. Virtually anything can be perceived as art, and in my eyes, so long as a single person exists to perceive something as art then it's art.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 12, 2017, 10:50:47 PM »
I think of art in a much broader sense than that. Basically if someone has artistic intentions, I'd consider it art. Making a statement with your clothing, for example.
What about aesthetic forms in nature? Fractal geometry for instance, something that can absolutely instill some emotion or idea in someone, is essentially nothing more than looped mathematical functions.

The Flood / Re: Do you celebrate your birthday?
« on: August 06, 2017, 05:12:42 PM »
Nope. No party, no special dinner, nothing at all really. It's just another day for me.

The Flood / Re: So apparently alpha wolves do not exist
« on: August 02, 2017, 11:24:54 PM »
Days don't actually get longer in the summer and shorter in the winter. They get longer in the winter and shorter in the summer.

The Flood / Re: Music Thread 2.0?
« on: August 02, 2017, 11:18:44 PM »


The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:32:53 PM »

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