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Topics - BrenMan 94

Pages: 123
Gaming / Preferred weapon sight?
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:07:30 PM »
Mine has to be holographic.  I just tend to do better when the reticle is slightly transparent, but not so simplified that it's hard to see in certain environments (red dot is hard for me to see in the snow).

Gaming / Halo MCC game night thread
« on: November 23, 2014, 04:54:52 PM »
I've started a lobby.  Figured I'd host since I seem to have a good connection with everyone.

Just message me on XBL for an invite.  GT: BrenMan 94

We'll figure out the playlist as the night goes on.

Gaming / Reach Game Night is Live
« on: November 22, 2014, 05:34:36 PM »
Seriously, get in here fgts.

Simseo (Simseo11) is hosting, ask him or me for an invite.

The Flood / I want something
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:05:46 PM »
To get me through this
Semi-charmed kind of life

Serious / AMA anything about MY opinions/beliefs
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:29:31 PM »
I have insecurities about not being more popular on this site and I demand your attention.  Plus I guess you could say I'm passionate (?) about political and scientific discussion.


Serious / Piracy
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:24:19 PM »
What are your views on piracy?  Lately it's become a hot-button issue what with Ubisoft's comments in the past year about pirates being the cause of low PC sales and the conundrum just yesterday where people who had pirated Far Cry 4 before the release date got BTFO.  The subject of pirating movies and music is also mixed with controversy.  It's projected that piracy costs the music industry $12.5 billion per year.

I'm not going to pretend that I don't pirate media.  I pirated Euro Truck Simulator 2 some time ago just to see if I liked the experience.  I bought it today when I saw it was on sale.  This is what I tend to do with games that I pirate and end up either (a) enjoying or (b) playing until the end.  I also consider pirating games to be an alternative to getting a demo.  While console gamers are able to spend a few bucks and have full access to a game for a few days, PC gamers don't have that luxury, and with all of the different hardware configurations out there, no one can be 100% certain a game will run well on their machine unless they test it out themselves.  I don't pirate music or movies.  I have a Google Play Music subscription for all-access music and I can usually find movies on one of the on-demand services my parents are subscribed to.

The Flood / Someone posted Cheat's info on Bnet...
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:38:23 PM »

Serious / Get your long-ass political titles here! [Quiz]
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:43:08 AM »
Just something quick and fun I found.

My results:

You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Total-Isolationist Humanist Progressive
Collectivism score: -100%
Authoritarianism score: -100%
Internationalism score: -100%
Tribalism score: -67%
Liberalism score: 50%

Gaming / 10% installed after two hours...
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:11:41 PM »
Holy shit this is taking forever.  Luckily I have Civ. V to play in the meantime.

Serious / Racism and White Privilege (a rambling)
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:37:31 AM »
Lately, with all the talk about "white privilege" and the history of slavery, my mind has been churning.

I hear excuses for blacks' disdain for white people all the time.  A black person calls a white guy a cracker, and it's excused because the white man's great-grandfather was a slave owner or whatever.  But if a white person who was raised in Dixieland during or right after the big civil rights movement of the 1960s says is discovered to have said something remotely racist in their lifetime, they're crucified for it.

Now, while blacks were on the receiving end of racism (they were labeled the inferior race), this shouldn't excuse them from being criticized for being racially prejudiced.  Take Jews for example.  Since the middle ages Jews have been persecuted by societies and religious groups, and before that they were used as slaves by Arab societies.  Until the Papal States were dissolved in 1870, Jews were required to live in ghettos away from Christians.  This attitude of "good anti-semitism" (as it was called by the church) lasted well into the 20th century, until the end of World War II when the horrific acts perpetrated in the Holocaust were discovered.

Jews fled from Europe in two waves:  One during the lynchings and mobs in Leninist Russia, and the other during the rise of national socialism in Europe.  When they fled to the States they had nothing but the clothes on their backs.  Yet, despite all of this, Jews are now one of the richest demographics in the world, reaching or exceeding the average wealth of whites within five years of the end of WWII.

According to the theory of white privilege, because of the setbacks of slavery until 150 years ago and institutionalized racism until 1964, blacks are STILL at a disadvantage both socially and economically due to these [inherently immoral] practices.  Now let's compare this to what the Jews had to face:  Jews came to America in the early to mid-20th century not knowing a single word of English, and not having any money to their name.  Yet, on average, it took a mere 4.5 years for a Jewish family to reach the same average income of white families after WWII.

I believe you can argue that the Holocaust was worse than slavery, only because in one scenario the workers were fed and supported by their masters both to maintain their economic value and to keep their productivity up, and in the other the workers were just killed if they weren't putting out enough labor.  So the idea that blacks are doing poorly because of historical injustices, when compared to the Jews' strife, seems to me to be incredibly racist.  You're basically saying, "Well, Jews could overcome their historical injustices and surpass the wealth of whites in a decade, but for you poor, child-like, benighted blacks--it's taken you 50 or 150 years, and look where you are. *pats on head*  It's white privilege, you're just oppressed."  That's not what society told the Jews.  That's not what society is telling Latinos.  So why is society saying this to blacks?  My opinion?  It's incredibly racist.  It's saying, "Well the Jews did it in less than five years, but you surely can't do it in 150 years."

Until we put this theory of white privilege behind us, race relations in our society are never going to improve.  Historically, when you try to force artificial change on a culture (in this case, Dixieland), that culture only grows to be resentful of the people that are trying to change it, completely disregarding the real issues with what they think.  Should we discourage racism?  Of course.  But you can't expect to be taken seriously when you excuse the racist attitudes of one group and act openly hostile to the racist attitudes of another.


The Flood / I just applied to college...again...
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:17:56 PM »
And it only cost me $53!  :­­D

Welp, there go my plans for this weekend.  I'm playing a show next Friday so maybe I'll get some money from that.  Still looking for a job in the meantime.

Discuss how tertiary education in America is flawed ITT.

Gaming / So DriveClub...
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:41:22 PM »
Not doing so hot.

This sucks, because the PS4 was in desperate need of a good exclusive racing title.  I started having my doubts about this game when it was announced that it would be an arcade title (not simcade like Forza or GT).  Really wish that it would've been better so that the devs over at Turn 10 and Polyphony would have to step up their game.  Oh well.

Greatness awaits...and waits...

The Flood / >Feminists complaining about male violence
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:55:45 AM »
>Have kids
>Mothers beat them when they don't behave
>Expect them to not be violent/defiant when they're 10


The Flood / So this happened...
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:27:05 PM »
The black box covers a dick and the spooge on the brunette's face.

The Flood / Hey Carl
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:04:37 AM »

Pages: 123