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Messages - Mega Sceptile

Pages: 1 23 ... 69
The Flood / Re: What do you do in your spare time for fun?
« on: September 05, 2018, 01:49:43 PM »
play guitar, still a beginner in my eyes, like to practice to kill time.

The Flood / Re: Been a while since we had one of these.
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:40:46 AM »

apparently I'm further right than I thought. answered yes to monarchy button for the meme.

Serious / Re: Andrew Yang 2020
« on: July 16, 2018, 06:08:27 PM »
1 question, what is stopping these companies that he would be taxing for UBI from just packing up and fucking off to another country before the taxes get implemented? taxing these massive companies further would just convince them to jump ship to another part of the world so they can keep raking in billions every year.

The Flood / Re: Who's lost family/loved ones?
« on: July 12, 2018, 07:34:10 PM »
Lost a lot of family and friends, mostly to age, or stupidity of them or others. it started out hard at first, and to grieve I had to take time off of my work. I've never felt the same after each death, but it did get easier to let go and move on the more funerals I went to. it's kinda fucked up, but I grieve less now than I did before and the "normality" if you can call it that just flips back in and the only real time I feel that grief is when I'm reminded of the people I lose. like when their favorite songs play on the radio.

The Flood / Re: Daily drive.
« on: July 12, 2018, 10:30:31 AM »
IF I had absolute unlimited budget/ used my retirement funds for a car

Realistically Speaking in about 5-7 years I'll be driving this if I need a new daily

Indeed, but comfort and smoothness of the ride is what I'm looking for in a car nowadays.

The Flood / Re: Daily drive.
« on: July 12, 2018, 10:04:03 AM »
IF I had absolute unlimited budget/ used my retirement funds for a car

Realistically Speaking in about 5-7 years I'll be driving this if I need a new daily

Gaming / Re: Halo: What Category do you fall under?
« on: June 10, 2018, 09:19:34 PM »
cam into halo with the original, but I loved ODST's different take on the gameplay and the more open and somber feel to the game as a whole, although it seemed incomplete, and I wish there was more to it.

Gaming / Re: How many of you horny fucks bought pink mercy?
« on: May 23, 2018, 01:12:56 PM »
honestly, that skin doesn't look very good, the model of the hair looks like plastic, that along with the colour of the hair with colour choices on the armour doesn't work well IMO

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 13, 2018, 05:05:40 PM »
I was given a slap on the ass, a rolled up piece of newspaper if my dad had it, or a wooden spoon across the knuckles for especially bad stuff.

EDIT: Also washed my mouth out with soap when I swore when I was younger. forgot about that one.

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:26:04 PM »
I was happy that my theater was actually quiet and civilized for once, maybe it was because it was a midnight screening, or maybe it was because all the people going in were massive fucking nerds, I don't know, but it was an enjoyable ride and the ending was a nice, abrupt and fitting ending for a universe ending power like the completed infinity gauntlet. I also liked that thanos for the entire film didnt use the full force of the stones. he used the gauntlet like he was only swatting away flies because he's only interested in his engame. painted an interesting picture for thanos' character and morals

Gaming / Re: Has anyone played the new God of War?
« on: April 25, 2018, 06:44:34 PM »
the combat is quite satisfying, and, although I havent beaten it yet I've gotten my fill for the cash I paid

Serious / Re: Should pedophiles be chemically castrated by law?
« on: April 22, 2018, 09:27:17 PM »
why waste chemicals? just use some rusty shears and leave the human scum to rot.

So their punishment for someone pretending to be a Nazi is locking them up just like Nazis would do? What a fine example, Scotland!
Fun fact, the nazis wouldn't even do the same thing in that situation, as Jackie and their owner didn't even get jailed for the same thing Scotland is LITERALLY acting more facist than the nazis

The Flood / Re: For once, I need actual advice
« on: March 27, 2018, 11:59:45 PM »
1st off, you will NEVER be able to recapture that same feeling as when you were together with your ex, it's impossible, don't try to compare any future relationship to it.

2nd, go on a bro trip with all your best friends and have some fun, DON'T sit around moping and have some fun to clear your head.

3rd, try dating again and  refer to point 1, have some fun with some people you have never met and maybe have a relationship just as unforgettable as the last, just in a different way, and stick with it, try to improve on this one by learning from the mistakes you/they made last time.

Serious / Re: So what is the actual deal with GMOs?
« on: February 28, 2018, 06:37:22 PM »
GMOs are a scary word for the normal produce that grows right next to the smaller "organic" produce in the same patch. Both words are a load of shit and the only reason people are fear mongering over it is to make sure that the "organic" produce sells for an extra 3+ bucks on the crop.

I believe that yes, if you play stupid games by dicking around and reaching into your pockets, and you should win an equally stupid prize. It seriously isn't that hard people, just do what the guy with a gun says and don't reach into a pocket like you have a fucking gun in a country where 90% of the population is armed.

 keep in mind that these NORMAL people deal with the absolute trash of the population every single day and have to see the worst of every person they meet.
My grandfather, who worked in our local force for 40 years, had to carry out a 2 month old baby who's skull was caved in by it's druggie parents when they were partying, not giving two shits and high out of their minds on coke. they heard the baby's crying for food and thought it was some monster so the mother caved her own child's skill in by throwing it against a wall.

that shit will change you, and that's just one of the situations he had to deal with in his 40 years, there were countless he didn't have the heart to talk about when I asked about it. So, don't be surprised when the cop who has been dealign with that kind of shit for 7 hours pulls the trigger for you reaching for your waistband, after they said to put your hands up, because the other 25 times out of 30 people who they did the same thing to over their service had a gun in their hands, and if they hesitated someone else would've also been in a body bag.

Gaming / Re: Rare accomplishments you've achieved
« on: February 07, 2018, 11:09:02 PM »
halo 1-3 Solo LASO
Ghosts and Goblins beaten without save states
Beat everyone in my school back in College who played Melee
100% in Kirby Super Star
all 386 in Pokemon Emerald via trading and shit
Completed the dex in Pokemon Pinball R&S
High score in one of the pinball machines back when arcades were still a thing in my area
Beat all songs in GH3 on Expert once, probably never able to do it again
got the Excalibur II in FFIX

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 02, 2018, 05:24:06 PM »
My most radical belief is that Communism is a blight on this earth and anyone who practices it and strives for it should be executed.

Gaming / Re: Pet Peeves in video games
« on: November 28, 2017, 10:07:29 PM »
the god damn level 1 quest where all you're doing is killing rodents in a sewer/basement/field, hate the troupe, and all rpgs just need to stop with that shit, make the level 1 enemies original for christ's sake.

1 shotting Bullet sponges as "difficulty" instead of upping the enemy's AI to be smarter.

Hitboxes larger than the animations (Looking at you LoL, fuck blitzcrank)

Stealth sections where there's no actual stealth mechanics in the game.

Serious / Re: Net Neutrality Dead?
« on: November 22, 2017, 07:54:16 PM »
the fact that the FCC chair was the CEO of verizon just proves exactly how it's gonna go. your country is fucked.

The Flood / Re: Finals shall be upon us soon, my boys
« on: November 20, 2017, 02:50:18 PM »
apparently here in Ontario the teachers have been throwing a bitch fit and were striking for the past couple months, and the students have been screwed out of their educations because of it. class action lawsuits have been taken against all the colleges because of it.

Gaming / Re: Making some custom covers
« on: November 19, 2017, 01:02:09 AM »

i didn't make this one but it i couldn't find mine and it was similar

The Flood / Re: What kind of car should I save up for
« on: November 18, 2017, 05:52:16 PM »
depends, what are your needs? because if you just need a daily that gets the job done, then I'd personally go for a Volkswagen, Toyota, or a Volvo, or any of the american trio, all reliable options. if you're looking for something more on the flashy end and looking for conversation piece, I'd get more into the Subarus, Mitsubishis, or if you can splurge out on price, grab a used saloon car from audi or BMW, or if you REALLY want to burn money, get an old Merc or Royce.
Yeah I don't think Jono can fit into any of those cars.
you'd be surprised at how roomy ALL of the brands I mentioned really are, especially the saloon cars. hell, my friend drives a Jetta and he's pushing 6'5 easy. he used to drive a Smart car too.

The Flood / Re: What do you do on long flights?
« on: November 18, 2017, 12:27:03 PM »
I mostly just stay up the night before and then nap throughout the flight. otherwise I download a couple movies to watch and some music.

The Flood / Re: What kind of car should I save up for
« on: November 18, 2017, 12:24:28 PM »
depends, what are your needs? because if you just need a daily that gets the job done, then I'd personally go for a Volkswagen, Toyota, or a Volvo, or any of the american trio, all reliable options. if you're looking for something more on the flashy end and looking for conversation piece, I'd get more into the Subarus, Mitsubishis, or if you can splurge out on price, grab a used saloon car from audi or BMW, or if you REALLY want to burn money, get an old Merc or Royce.

The Flood / Re: Nicknames?
« on: November 06, 2017, 01:37:16 PM »
I was called ace till the end of HS, I was a really good card shark during recesses in middle school and the name just stuck.

Gaming / Re: What are your problems with Breath of the Wild?
« on: November 05, 2017, 11:35:46 PM »
the dungeons were far too short for me, they just felt like the designers only got halfway through the design for the dungeon and then realized that they've run out of space ON the divine beasts they designed. the Ganon blight bosses felt more like they were the mid boss to a larger and better dungeon.

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:14:44 PM »
man, I was really surprised with the sheer amount of content in Odyssey, I beat the game at around 260 moons and then I learned about the total, 800 fucking moons to get for 100%. I'm gonna be playing this game for a WHILE.

The Flood / Re: I took every single toy my kids have.
« on: October 26, 2017, 01:29:26 PM »
just beat the shit outta them, problem solved. beat the fear into them and the bad feelings out of you!

Gaming / Re: Who is your SSB main?
« on: October 08, 2017, 10:39:02 PM »
Samus, and Doc Mario since melee.

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